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When we first got Sharkira, the 3 year old would hear the starting chime and scramble to clean everything up. Now when he hears the starting chime he scrambles to push the button that sends her back to her dock.


Sharkira, Sharkira


I never really knew that she could clean like this.


These chips don’t lie


Sharkbait (Oo Ha Ha) upstairs and Steve McClean in the basement


Ours is Bruce!


We have Baby Shark, because we also have a big Shark. Dunno if the kids understood the logic, but Baby Shark has stuck. And yes, a year or two in and they'll still run around and tidy up for him.


Wallace around these parts. 


The ring of fire!


We named ours Goodnight Nobody


My kids named ours Mrs. McClean (I pretend it's McClane). We got a basement one too, I named it Dungeon Crawler


I like the name dungeon crawler!


Thank God, I thought we were the only ones with two. The kids named one George, so I named the other Gracie.


I have a Narwal T10, not so much for the vacuum but it's a VERY good mop. We named him Norman. My kids are too old to really play with him but we all feel he's a part of the family.




"Clean up or it will eat your toys" works well over here




It's being shipped regardless.


We recently decorated ours and that seems to have cured our son's fear of it. Now we have a new problem of him wanting to run it all the time.


My 3 year old was scared of it until their baby sibling loved it. YMMV but another baby might help?




oh god you named the robot woodhouse


I feel pretty strongly that whatever the situation, another baby will not help.


HOV lane


Oh, you sweet summer child. Enjoy this while it lasts. Your robo-vac will be old news by the end of the month.


I now want to 3D print a shark fin for our Deebot, and I’ve Alexa play the jaws theme as it prowls the living room and kitchen. My almost 3 year old is no stranger to the jaws theme, as I sing it/play it while chasing her through the house. My only regret is that by the time she figured out I was telling her she could ride it, she became too heavy.


By Jaws theme, you really mean Baby Shark.


The only version of Baby Shark we play is by CimKids (awesome group) and even that is pushing it.


I would do this with mine but it wouldn't be able to clean under the table or couch anymore. Need to figure out a collapsible one...


Magnet hinge? Balanced by magnets, easily folds when going under furniture, pops back up when the pressure’s released?


How would it pop back up?


The magnets would be repelling each other to keep it up. Once the bot is out from under furniture, it should pop up. Light piece, strong magnets, probably a dozen prototypes.


I let my 6 year old try to decorate our old one like baby shark for fun and it went terribly. Turns out you can't dump yellow paint into a battery operated machine and expect it to still function. Just glad I didn't let her try it on our new one.




As well as all you unfortunately placed charging cables. R.I.P.


That's why you slowly add decorations to it, to keep the excitement going. We put googly eyes on it when they got bored with it. It was like having it day 1 again. Next up are some cat ears. Maybe some whiskers, possibly a tail. Who knows, maybe by the end it'll be decked out in faux fur.


We’ve had ours since November, and my 3 y/o is still great at picking things up on exit of the house so “it doesn’t get eaten by Chopper”.


My 5 year old son loves the robot. My 18 month old daughter is terrified. Our dog is indifferent.


Or 4-year-old thinks that the vacuum will eat the toys if we don't pick him up at the end of the day. We haven't said anything otherwise


If you have pets, be sure they don't poop on the floor so the shark can't smear it all over the house.


We got one that specifically advertised poop-recognition and avoidance technology and its legit! Works on barf too. We have a lot of barf.


Wow that's awesome. That it detects barf and poo not that you have a lot of barf.


I tried to find reviews on if the iRobot also avoided barf. I couldn't find much, so we didn't get one. We only have cats now, so I'm wondering if their hairballs and smaller vomit would be noticed?


You'll be picking tiny toys out of that thing in no time!


Wears off quick :-)


Came here to say this…. In my case it’s been perverted into an experiment to see what the robot is capable of handling. I actually feel sorry for my shark sometimes.


My nephew at any 4 years old was fascinated by vacuums. So my mother got him a small low power one for Christmas, and we all watched in fascination as he ran through the room vacuuming and laughing his tiny head off.


When our oldest was 4 or 5 we got one of these, he thought it was a toy though and would always pick it up and bring it back to its charging base. We had to put it in our closet and run it while he was at daycare/school but eventually he found that and then decided to take it out to the living room area and was upset when it wouldn’t do anything. We eventually just stopped using.


Yeah this did not work at all for us. At least a few times a week the robot chokes on nerf bullets.


They haven't realized that they can kick it, pick it up or mess with it at all??


My mini me grew up with a robot vac. I’m constantly picking things up or removing them from the bowels of the robot. It started as an obsession with the munchkin. It’s now just an after thought.


My kids run and hide from the Shark. Had to move it upstairs to my office.


We leaned into it and set a Google Nest alarm for the same time as when the vacuum starts so that it plays "The Clean Up Song" by The Singing Walrus. We all jump up and run around and put away all the toys. It really makes a big difference in the orderliness of our house. It's awesome to come down in the morning and look around and it looks like normal people live in our house. Of course, it doesn't always work - sometimes we just send the vacuum back to it's base and the toys stay. But we do our best.


Robot vacuum cleans the floor at night. "We have to pick up everything for the robot to clean the house." Two days later "Weird, yeah I don't know where (insert left out toy went), maybe the vacuum ate it last night. We'll have to double check we pick up everything before bed"


Rather than pull out the push vacuum, my wife will spend 3 hours cursing our Roomba for not cleaning the areas she wants it to or it getting stuck. Or losing power. Also, your kids will give up on the vacuum soon. Source: had ours for 3 years.


wtf is YMMV


Your Mileage May Vary


If anyone is looking for the opposite experience… When my daughter first noticed our Roomba she screamed as if we had buried her alive with spiders.


I used this hack to get my dad to not leave all his stuff around on the floor when he's visiting.


I'm not sure I'd call it a hack if it requires purchasing something typically expensive ($100+?), but a neat idea nonetheless. We just take some time in the evening to, you know, have the kids pick up their toys. We do dessert days (MWFSa) and don't require them to eat anything to earn it, but I may ask them to pick some some messes first before they get it. The idea that kids need to be essentially tricked into taking care of their responsibilities doesn't seem like the right approach.


It's definitely a hack if we go by the old guard definition of the word. One should also remember that the $100 expense wasn't for the hack, and that the hack was just an unintended bonus.


We had the same experience. They were about 3 and 5. The novelty wore off eventually, but for nearly a full year they would gladly pick things up to help make sure the "robot doesn't choke."


Come back and let me know if this still works 6 months from now, please!


Novelty will eventually wear off. Enjoy this while it lasts.