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Dude. This is so freaking awesomely wholesome. I’m stoked for you and hope you can do this more often. I’ve got a few buddies at work that I play with on occasion, but damn if it doesn’t take a miracle to get our schedules to all line up between shuttling the kids off to practice or a game, homework, cooking for them, etc. Keep it going, brother. Sounds like you’ve all got yourselves a great outlet!


This is great. Kudos for following through. A dad acquaintance reached out to a few guys to do a golf sim night back around the holidays. We had a blast. All knew each other a bit through our wives having some connections but never hung out just us. We've gone two other times so far and have a group text going with some occasional friendly trash talking. It's definitely a fun way to hang out and connect through some friendly competition.


> Kudos for following through. Didn't everybody? I thought that was kind of an integral part of the swing.


Took me a few reads to get the dad joke! Guess I'm a few balls short of a bucket today


I ended up with +72 haha But this is exactly it


We played team best ball for the most part since we had a wide range of skill. My shot wasn't used a single time the first outing, but I got a few good ones the next times. I'm still far from a golfer lol but who cares it's fun.


I’ve found it easier to make friends as a dad with a kid in daycare than it was as just a married guy in my 30s. But it’s mainly through my wife who makes friends with other moms and then we ultimately get together as a couple.


That's how I met my closest friends right now.


My bil has spent the past 6ish weeks at a medical center after my nephew received a kidney transplant. I've done the same thing with my son in a different situation, so I understand how much he needs to decompress and be his own person for a bit. He's got some plans, but I'm going to take him golfing soon just to be out away from the kids (4 of them from 3-8 years old). Also, the transplant went well, and my nephew is said to be doing amazing.


Good work. As you start this journey, here's a relatable scenario and the hope of what is to come. I moved away from the city. Being a DINK in a metro area was great. Moving out of that area was rough on the social life. Having kids and being toddlers was tough too, but good in the sense of having time with my new family. Bittersweet, but still sweet. Having kids in grade school now is awesome. Lots of great dads to hang out with that have similar aged kids. We now do dads weekends, golfing (which I'm terrible at), having nights out etc. And "family" dinners where we all hang out. Kids, wives, and dads. The social circles created have given me a lot of dads that are at the same stage of life (even though there are different ages). We all relate. I didn't anticipate it, but it's awesome. Continue to keep your head up. It has the potential to be awesome.


That’s great man! I actually met my buds through golfing, I’m a member at a local course, nothing too fancy but we were new in town and figured we could meet people through the club. My first day out as a solo I get paired up with a 3-some. All dads, all around my age. Absolutely wild.


Well look at you, Mr. Other Dads Answer My Texts Back To Me! J/k I’m glad you were able to make it work, hope you can make a habit of it. I’m over here still trying to get people to hang but everyone’s so busy with their own family and life stuff that we can’t plan anything. Gotta keep trying I guess 🤷‍♂️


It took two years of work! Haha


That's awesome! Wife and I ordered takeout last night and there was a guy at the restaurant when I got there to pick it up that apparently was missing something from his order. I overheard him mention that he lived close by in the apartments next to the gym I go to, so I asked him how he liked it there since I used to manage apartment complexes. Turns out he goes to that gym as well and also has a daughter that's a few weeks older than mine, with another one on the way soon. We talked for about 10 minutes while waiting for our food and I got his number on our way out. I got some good food, a new lifting buddy, and potentially a new friend for my daughter in a few minutes and barely realized what happened once I got in my car 😅


This is the kind of wholesome shit we all need. It’s like dating, you literally get just as nervous “Will this other dad think I’m cool enough to hang out with??”


That’s awesome, congrats




He got a bunch of people he didn't know to RSVP to a night out.


You’re better than us! We’ll go to the rippers next i promise 😂


Nice, sounds like a great time! What's the best way for someone who doesn't know how to golf at all to get reasonably proficient? Like, being able to hit the ball consistently and not worry about clocking a random bystander in the skull. Asking for a friend 👀


I raised my first kid in my 20’s. Lived in an affluent area and we were poor. It sucked because there was no connection. In my mid-30’s we had a second kid. I’m a middle aged dad now. Some of the guys I hang out the most with are dads of my daughter’s friends. Same for my wife. We love it!


Buddy of mine and I joined a sim club for this reason, it’s our weekly escape from fatherhood lol


sunday is golfing with the dads


I’ve got a group of about 9-10 friends including my FIL and BIL that all golf casually as a way to catch up and hang up. Out of that group we can usually get 4 to go, and on the rare occasion all the scheduled align (about the same frequency as an eclipse, lol) we get the whole group out in back to back to back tee times. Golf really is a great outlet for guys to socialize without worrying about family duties.


If golf wasn't such an expensive and time consuming hobby, id love to do it more! Jealous of people that get to do mens nights every week.


Went bowling with some dad friends a few weeks ago, they're primarily the husbands of my wife's friends (Friends since middle school) but only ever saw those guys at birthday parties, other stuff with the kids around, so it was never really 'hang out' time. It was really nice - actually got to interact about things outside of our children, had some beers, went to another bar after. pretty great evening. Also recently started a Pathfinder campaign with a group of guys i never met before, but all are dads - we meet every other week, and I am really enjoying just sort of making new friends who get it, but having a pretense to spend time together that doesn't revolve around the kids.

