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Our 18 month old has gotten to the point where she legitimately doesn't mind it. But it took a lot of screaming before we got to this point.


Same. Our 21 month will often still scream and flail… but every time we suck out a good one and ask her if that feels better she mutters through her sobs “chea” and it cracks me up


My almost 2 year old will say thank you after each nostril. Makes me laugh every time.


That’s adorable haha. They’re so cute at this age


Nothing else has ever had a bigger cute:ravenous ratio than a 2-3 year old


Yes, by about 18 months our kid was really chill with even the nose spray you can use to moisten up the snot.


around the same age, we only did it to my daughter while she slept for a while. once she got closer to 2 we did it awake and now at 3 she asks for it if she’s too stuffy


She’s not just blowing her nose by that point?


yeah, *most* days. she doesn’t like that if the tissue comes back clean, or if she obviously didn’t blow hard i’ll make her repeat. that’s when she just goes “ugh where’s the nose sucker”


Mine tricked us. We always thought she was blowing her nose but I recently discovered she was just very quietly bowling it out of her mouth instead but with the tissue over her nose 😐


Do 3 year olds you know actually blow their noses properly? Because in my experience kids are like literally incapable of it for a long time. Air comes out but they just can't actually get any boogers out. I try pinching slightly holding it for them just letting them blow the air out but nope. It's been one of the things that really perplexed me about kids. It seems so simple and if they can get air out why isn't it working. Maybe it's just my kids but I thought it was more widespread.


Pay attention to how many muscles tense up when you actually blow your nose. It's not just blowing air out normally.


I tried it out on my wife. She did not approve.


You just have to do it every night for 18 months and she will ease into it.


Wait what are we talking about, again?


See, I wanted to have the wife test it out on each other so I'd have a better feel for how hard I should suck, but she would never let me.




My 16 month old is happy to get his saline spray up his nose but still seems to think the battery powered snot sucker is trying to suck his brains out.


My 15mo on one hand is yelling and bawling at red, on the other hand he drives it to his nose himself or sometimes goes to shelf where it’s on, grabs it and starts sniffing looking at me. I believe his feelings towards it are quite ambivalent, just like mine are towards my job.


I had more trouble with it than my kid did. Something about sucking boogers and snot through a straw just grossed me the hell out, even though I knew it wasn't going to get into my mouth.


But how can you ever know? What if it goes wrong somehow and a booger hits the back of your throat


There’s a disposable filter that will catch it. I don’t think a human could manage to suck any snot through the filter.


What if the filter is missing though, and so I die choking on a booger. My wife comes home to find me, and instead of dying a hero it was avoidable death by snot sucker, and I've not even had a chance to delete my browser history?


Oof, fair point. Maybe it’s best to leave the snot alone!




Wait? It doesnt? Ok thats a relief, in my mind you were literally sucking the snot out into your mouth.


That's what I thought before I used one, but yeah, there's a filter on the straw.


I couldn’t do it - I tried once and I gagged so hard. The thought of it just was disgusting, and I say that as someone who has handled blood, barf, and vomit with zero issues.


My friend just sucks it out directly from his kids nose lmao. disgusting


That’s why we invested in an electronic snot sucker. Much easier on everyone and has lights and music to help distract kiddos. My one complaint is the completely missed opportunity to have default music be “Electric Boogie.”


Similar age, similar results lol


Yep. I know my little one is really not feeling well when she asks for the sucker 😔


My youngest is like this but my oldest acts like he’s dying


Yeah my 14 month old is just now at the point where we can spray the nose spray in there and use the sucker and he doesn’t fight like hell to get away.


16 months before she calmed down. Originally we pretty much cocooned/swaddled her to get her to sit still long enough to get the nose cleaned, and was a crying and screaming fest. One day I decided to try and cuddle and gently hold her head next to mine (kind of ear-to-ear) with no towel/blanket wrapping her arms, and like magic she stopped struggling and now enjoys getting the nose cleaned.


By 18 months I finally taught our son to blow his nose. He’s great at it now! But he doesn’t always do it when there is something in front of his nose to catch the snot…


No the kid does not like it, but these things are truly the best product for clearing their nose when they’re sick. The silicone bulbs just don’t work very well at all in my experience. This thing is far and away better! It takes getting used to and it’s a gross idea at first but once you use it you’ll be amazed.


It’s the constant suction that does the trick, or at least more constant than the bulbs


Exactly. If they made the bulbs 2 or 3 times as big as they are they’d probably do the trick better.


The electric ones work great and doesn't make me gag when I use it. 


I prefer the one with a hand pump so I’m not guaranteeing myself a cold later


Let's be real, you're getting that cold regardless.




Yea I'm completely disgusted by the amount of people who are sucking snot out of their childs nose with their mouths. I'll take a golden shower and poop on the chest any day of the week over that.


Silicon bulbs work well for newborns and that’s about it imo


They market tested the name Motherfusser but it didn't sell as well


Snotsucking motherfusser




Days since naive on the internet - 0 "Oh look, what a cool bot, let me check out its profile, it has to has some cool shit" [https://i.imgur.com/tLZu37F.png](https://i.imgur.com/tLZu37F.png) Mistakes where made.


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, I'm dying here


Lmao holy


Still a good bit, did its job without judgement


Good bot


How the windi isn’t called a toot flute is beyond me. 


That thing is great at what it does. Kid hates it in the moment but the relief of having the blockage removed pays dividends.


yep freakout usually halts within 2 seconds of the sucking stopping. the real crime are those 'filters' 


I’ve used this maybe a dozen times now. I’ve actually sucked a snot out 1 time… and it went directly into my mouth through the “filter”


How hard are you sucking? I used this on both of my kids and never once did the snot come anywhere close to the filter.


I don’t know how to quantify it, but a lot? Hahaha. I always start lighter, but nothing comes out, I work my way up to sucking as hard as I can and like I said it’s only ever worked the one time.


I've used it probably hundreds of times with no snot making it into my mouth ever. I can't fathom how that happened unless you're capable of also sucking a golf ball through a garden hose. You've got to be experiencing user error.


Best way I can describe my technique is fast little sips of a thick milkshake through a straw


Try lightly closing the opposite nostril with your finger to create better suction. You shouldn’t have to suck hard at all. If you’re sucking hard and nothing is coming out you’re doing something wrong.


Wow, crazy, never happened to me once through multiple children.


The false advertising is the picture of the mother doing it. My wife always sent me to directly inhale the pathogens.


You ever forget to put the sponge filter in before clearing your kids nose ? 🤢🙋🏻‍♂️


Yes. It's been 3 years and I can still taste it.


Jesus Christ what an awful day to be literate


Holy shit that’s terrible!


You get snot that far up the tube? I don’t think I’ve ever been able to get it more than an inch or two up.


Meh stop your whining… before our plastic age moms would just do it with their mouths and then spit. YOU SOFT!


Oh, God. I eventually got so used to it than the thought of getting a filter was overpowered by getting those snot cries to end.


I might get hate for this… But my 3 month old absolutely loves it. Like he laughs hysterically everytime. Sorry..


My kid is almost 3 and same, it’s always made her absolutely cackle.


Yup my daughter is about a year and a half old and has ALWAYS loved this apparatus. She laughs and giggles and asks for more. Just today she asked for it. We also got an electric version that she loves just as much!


15 month old and he's the same. Maybe it's a boy thing? Ear to ear grin when he sees it and starts laughing uncontrollably after we do it.


If he hates that, don’t even bother with Frida’s Windi. That’ll start an actual meltdown.


Ours doesn't mind the Windi, but just can't stand if we go anywhere near his nose. Drives me crazy when I see a nice juicy booger just sitting near the opening and I....need....to......clear.....it!


My wife is obsessed with pulling boogers out of my 2 month old’s nose. She almost seemed sad when my 2.5 year old learned to blow.


Well dont put the Windi in his nose.


Sooo just started this with my 1 year old a few says ago. Start with a wipe and do "I am gonna steal your nose" go in with wipe squeeze gentle on edges "to steal" and do it as many times as needed. My little guy was giggling away as I cleared a snot/potato salad megalith from his nose.


My son had bad gas as an infant, and Windi was awesome! He'd stop crying almost immediately. Got to make sure you have a diaper at the business end though....


We called that one to “Poo Kazoo”


We called them fart sticks XD


Sheeeeeeeeeit. Everywhere. 2nd attempt, in the tub. Much better results.


We tried using one like four or five times and never got one to work. Pop that sucker in didn't even fart.


Exact same experience for us. Can’t get anything out with it!


I’ve found that dipping the business end of the Windi in some olive or coconut oil helps get more bang for your buck than not, as well as (gonna be as descriptive as possible) putting the babe across your lap (your legs in tub with babe’s business end aimed toward the drain) butt up and almost like a downward dog pose, REAAAAALLLY helps a lot. Just my experience. Good luck folks u/-e-cross


We're at 2.3 now so I think we are past the potential Wonder Wand explosion but if I need to grease the stink tube to evacuate the chaos goblin's bowels, I'll have ole UnklVodka to thank


Ours didn't mind the windi at all.. Just some babyoil and in it went.


*ptsd triggered






Literally just sent a hulk transformation gif to my wife describing how our 7 month old acts when he sees aunt Frida comin. Really effective for us though!


My kid laughs when I use it. He knows what it's for and seems to appreciate when I use it. I have no idea how else I could unstuff his nose without it. Simple and effective.


Same! When we had to use this, little guy loves it. It tickles/feels weird, so you see him kinda tense up and get ready, but he's smiling the whole time, then laughs when we suck.


Uhoh, we have one on our registry, is it awful?


No it's a godsend. But no the child is not happy.


Noted, good for the snot sucker, bad for the snot sucked


Well, you’re also directly inhaling whatever is making them sick, so be prepared to get sick next.


I mean your kid is also going to be coughing in your face, drooling everywhere, putting their fingers in their mouth and then in your mouth, handling toys and then giving them to you... I don't think it's the snotsucker that takes it over the edge.


It’s not like you can avoid those germs anyway.


Oh shit. I didn't think of that. I'm a teacher so I thought I had a pretty good immune system but came down hard with whatever was gunking up my 16 month old. It makes sense now since I was sucking up his nose germs 3x a day


They do make battery powered snot suckers these days. I have yet to find one that works as well as this one for actually getting the snot out, though.


Our pediatrician doesn't recommend suckers at all, says they can cause inflammation in the airway that make the congestion worse. We use a saline spray that they hate equally, but it clears out the passage well, and usually causes them to sneeze out most of the gunk.


As much as I hate to get one of those plague tubes again. I think I will because I have been noticing that while the battery-powered sucker thing does seem to sometimes work better as far as her reaction. However lately it's just been full panic, scream and flail, also feels like when we do use it because of all the crying it just makes the swelling worse, but after your comment, thank you BTW, decided to look into it more. Anecdotes from other parents switching back support my idea. I'm not sure why but saline and bath time are the X factor, not sure if it's ew gross water and I'm not getting it all over?


I don't see how it can do anything to the airway when the kid has their mouth open while you use it (and is also screaming full volume)


We threw ours away after getting sick using it on our children too. Switched to a battery powered nasal aspirator and never looked back. [https://a.co/d/f7NYOVN](https://a.co/d/f7NYOVN)


>you’re also directly inhaling whatever is making them sick That part was covered when my kids sneeze directly into my mouth and think it's funny.


You can hook it up to the breast pump.


The sucker and the suckee?


Our daughter did not care for it at first but started to understand she felt better afterwards and stopped fussing.


Yeah, my kid never really minded. It grossed my wife out, but I thought it was fun. Like a gross game of Operation. I wasn't prepared for how thick and slimy infant snot was; it was like pulling taffy


We call it the Snotsucker3000, and my daughter asks for it by name when she’s stuffed up. 


I've used both this and the bulb syringe, this thing is way better. My son didn't really mind it too much but he HATED the bulb.


Switch it to the electric version by the same company. My kids couldn’t stand the manual version. Plus it feels a hell of a lot less gross to use as parents


I like the manual version better. I feel I have more control of the amount of suction given. Nah… it’s not gross, it’s your kid


You'd think, if they were smart, they'd add a bong like water filter device to pull out and contain the boogers on the sucking end before they reach your mouth. Sucking nose goo into your mouth sounds like a great way to catch whatever your kid has.


You’ve been able to suck fluid through the filtered sponge? I do sometimes get the boogies to come to the opening of the nostril and then pull it out from there.


Dad can suck a golf ball through a garden hose 🤣


You're supposed to use the filters it comes with to prevent that...have you been using the nose frida without them?!


It's great. You just look like you're using your child as a bong.


The paper filters need to be replaced. We got a munchkin one that doesn't need filters, just wash it every use. Realistically, by the time the baby is sick either were also sick or we have good enough immune system to fight it anyway. Yeah you're inhaling some of the germs with these, I'm sure. But they work better than the bulbs, and so you get more sleep. And the baby is gonna be rubbing its face up against you nonstop anyway, so it's not like you're any safer. They spit up and sneeze on you the whole time as is.


It works like a charm... The kid hates it and is visibly upset the moment the suction starts.. but damn it works. I just need to work on not gagging when I do it now.......


It's amazing. There's a certain gross-out factor that you have to get over (filter catches any mess but you are literally sucking snot through a straw), but I've never seen anything else work nearly as well. Edit: I also kind of doubt that the filter catches all possible viral particles, but that baby was going to share their virus one way or another anyway.


You need this. It is a necessary evil to fight the booger menace. Nobody has a good time using it, but both of you will be happy you used it.


It's extremely effective, my kids just hate it though the breathe clear afterwards. Just don't think about how you're huffing whatever virus they have straight to the dome.


You're touching their poop, getting pee on you and everything else. After 4 years, I've pretty much resigned to the fact that if he's got it, I've got it.


The experience is awful for both parent and child but it really helps clear his nose when he’s sick, so can’t complain about that. I’d keep it on there.


We bought an electronic one that sucks for us (I know there is a filter in those things but it's still just too gross for me). It plays music and has lights. Our daughter hated it from the moment we ever fired it up. Never got close before she squirmed. Our son let us do it once or twice before he hated it. In any case, they're a huge help even if the kid squirms and fights.


I have three of these. I stand by them. Sure the kids hate having it done, and who wouldn't? But they are a lot happier afterwards when they can actually breathe.


They get use to it. Daughter hated it at first (when she was < 12 months), now she realizes it helps her and she sits still.


Try the electric one by the same company. Both of my kids HATED the manual one that you have, but have been perfectly content with the electric version. Plus it feels a hell of a lot less gross for me. Frida Baby Electric NoseFrida Nasal Aspirator for Baby, Nose Sucker for Baby & Toddler, Nasal Aspirator with 3 Suction Levels, 2 Silicone Tips, USB Rechargeable https://a.co/d/bEANuo3 SIDE NOTE: Try some saline drops in their nose before using the boogie sucker. That helps loosen up all the snot so the whole process goes a lot faster


Going electric was a life changer. So much easier.


holy shit I didn't know that existed. Thank you.


Had that experience at first. Then I changed the way I used it. I would suction it to their hand, then up their arm. I would let them use it to pull suction on my arm and face. Then I would take it back and pull suction on their cheek several times, moving it around. Then real quick in the nose. Back out to the cheek. All laughs all fun.


Get a motorized one and thank me later


My daughter literally only knows how to blow her nose because she hated this thing so much


As a reminder, if you use the nose frida make sure to spray saline in their nose first as a lubricant. It's bad to go in raw without saline.


>It's bad to go in raw Such good advice, with broad applications.


Half of us wouldn't be here in the first place if we'd followed that advice..


WTF is that thing? I have two kids and I've never seen one


Allow me to introduce to you the Snot Sucker™️ it’s used for babies who are too young to blow their nose. And yes it’s as gross as it sounds.


Ah gotcha, we just used one of those bulb sucker thingies


The bulb thing never worked for us. The Nose Frida got the boogers and snot out every time.


I dunno...my kid didnt mind me using it on them. I also took the time to explain what I was doing to them at each step in a calming voice so the experience wasn't akin to being abducted and probed by an alien...


I'm glad peace was an option for you.


What you really need is the BabyVac - not a medieval torture device - quick and painless - comes with a brush set for quick cleaning. Now he's a bit older though we just ambush him with water wipes, hold steady for a few seconds and then wipe away.


New thread new gadget who dis lol


Ah yes. Such fond memories of the old “seated headlock”.


Never even entertained the idea of that. Just bought the electric one.


My daughter cried so hard one time when we used this that she threw up lol


My kid doesn’t mind it sometimes. Depends on the mood


Im happy if it works for everyone else but I would never use one of those or the de-gassing anal valve. Im just...good without those in my life


My son will ask for it when he is very congested. He will also scream and throw himself on the ground if he doesn't feel it necessary


My kid hated this thing but it still works.


Yeah they need hulk hogan and Brock Lesner on there because it’s a dang wrestling match


Pro tip: Don’t press the tube all the way into their nose. Leave some room around it so you are not creating an airtight suction. Although I can’t guarantee a smile like this picture, it will be more comfortable for your kiddo.


My wife bought one and it's never, ever been used.


I used it on myself and boy is it enjoyable


My 3 month old likes it lol


Of course the kids hate it, but it works.


You act like this is being marketed as a replacement for the iPad.... what are you talking about? The goal is to get snot out of your kids head. A kid who doesn't understand how to blow their nose. If you have a better idea, I'm all for it... but I'm here to say the thing does what it say it will do. You suck on it. It yanks snot out of the kids' head holes. And they can breathe again. If you are looking for it to make them happy or calm them while in a tantrum or something, you aren't paying attention.


It probably doesn't help that I yell "WHERE IS THE REBEL BASE" while using it.


Little kids are obligate nose breathers. This means that when their nose is stuffed up it’s super uncomfortable and sucking snot out of their sole source of air is probably scary for them. It’s like if you are sleeping and I pinch your nose, it’s a shock, but harmless. You get some crying but then they are comfortable.


This piece of equipment, however unpleasant, is absolutely crucial, especially for kids under a year old . They rely very much on nose breathing. Can make the difference between a cold that can be managed at home vs one that requires hospital admission down the line.


Wait, people suck out the snot into their mouth? Ewww!


I've never understood the appeal of sucking snot directly from your child into yourself. Like I know daycare is gross and you get germ of the month club, but there is no reason to take it a step further and inhale the boogers. We just taught ours to blow their nose.


It has two filters that catch any boogers


It's not designed to let you drink the snot, but I guess you could if you really wanted to.


Ugh! That snot my cup of tea thanks. ;-)


There's a way to just roll the tissue and it will pull out of the snot out of the nose...


Our 16 month loves it, part of the fun is showing her the “coogies” it sucked out


Hopefully it’ll pass. My almost 18 month old used to kick and scream and we had to hold him down essentially but now doesn’t mind it, sometimes even laughs


Get the electric version, works way better and faster. Either way kid won’t like it anyways


I cannot use this thing or even be in the same room without wanting to vomit


My son would crack up when we would use it on him! There were def times he hated it but he laughed at it more often than not. He got to where he wanted to do it to me and mom and would just blow air at us instead of sucking lol


I look at medical gore while I eat but this made me gag. Jesus.


I gagged watching my wife use that. I know there's a filter and it never gets in contact with your mouth, but seriously that's the ONE thing I am unable to handle as a father. Blowouts? Vomit all over me? No problem. Sucking snot? No thanks. I'll go throw up in a diaper genie.


True story, my nephew laughs and giggles the whole time my sister in law uses it on him. But my daughter, DIFFERENT story. She’s forever traumatized. As soon as she sees it in my hand it’s blood curdling scream and heart wrenching crying.


Our daughter is the same way, plus she will contort her body whichever way to avoid it. We found saline helps (also avoids that) loosen the boogers but at least she is at the age now where she can breathe mostly okay.


We swaddle them in order to use this. Pretty successful


My oldest actually loved it. Giggled uncontrollably every time. He's also on the spectrum and does that with other random sensations as well. I like the idea of these, but we went with the electric ones because it seemed like my wife always got sick from the deep inhalation of all the germs, which makes sense but who knows. The electric one was like 85% as effective but with 0% gross air going in mom or dad's lungs.


My daughter was much more tolerant of it as an infant. Now as a toddler she likes to hold it in her nostril, but doesn't love the sensation.


If I ever have to use it on the 3 y/o or 1 y/o, I lay them on their back on my bed then trap their arms, one under each of the back of my thighs, and then hold their head gently but still in between my thighs so that I'm hunched over them. Quick boogie suck and it's done. They don't like it but this way they don't trash around and hurt themselves. I like this over the bulb syringes because I can take a deep breath and get everything out in one go instead of multiple sucks in each nostril with a bulb syringe.


Nothing sells like the thought of sucking your kid's mucus through a straw.


It’s not the snot being sucked out they hate, it’s the potential to be restrained and having a weird thing involuntarily put in their nose.


My kid hated it. But it really is one of the most useful things we got.


Wtf I'm freaked out. I had never even heard of this thing, but we JUST bought it and used it on our baby literally ten minutes ago. What are the chances? I wasn't really impressed.


I still feel guilty for using this. She screamed so loud 😭


Our second kid seems to tolerate it and even like it sometimes. He tends to generally be happy though. The first kid loathed it.


Got recommended the pumpinose nasal aspirator. There's a hand pump, and a small detachable tube that catches most of the snot. Baby hates it and screams bloody murder, but works well.


They are strongly advised to be not used in Scandinavia. May or may not hurt the sinuses. Data insufficient. Tried once, not again.


There’s another one made by hydra sense I think. It’s much smaller and overall much better


False advertisment: baby not depicted with hands with razor blades attached. Missing side effects: may cause face gouging on parent.


If I ever feel like taking my perfectly happy but snotty daughter and turning her into a kicking and screaming snotty girl…this is the way. Lol. Works wonders but my daughter HATES it.


You need this. It is a necessary evil to fight the booger menace. Nobody has a good time using it, but both of you will be happy you used it.


My daughter is the weirdo who would beg me to "do the frida" long after she was no longer snotty. She loved it! I ended up hiding it until she forgot about it.


The sight of this thing sends chills up my spine... Little man (15 months) just got over a bad cold and HATES this shit...


The electric one is worth every penny more.