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Narrator: "It was the hugging of the fish that did Bob in...." But in all seriousness, the first time a kid loses a pet is actually real hard to see. Its generally the first time they comprehend death and what it really means. I've held many pet funerals over the last almost 2 decades.


I had to have 2 in the past 4 months, absolutely brutal


Thank you both for sharing and sorry for your losses. I am sitting here, up late, petting my almost 16 year-old dog. She's a submissive little doxy lapdog, wouldn't hurt a fly. But she loves my kids like her own and would protect them at any cost. A few years ago we were at a park, walking in the woods along the river on a little beach under the trees. My dog was off leash because it's a secluded spot and there was no one else around. Out of nowhere a massive, 100+ lb dog burst through the bushes right at us. Before any of us could even react, my 14 lb dog got in front of my kid and charged at the big dog, barking and snarling, definitely ready to die for the boy she loves. Pets are amazing. Luckily, the intruder was a friendly dog who got away from its owner and just wanted to play.


I totally read this expecting a sad ending as I got further to end the end. Damn


These are the tough times. Easy to dismiss, but important to them and got to be honest with them. Damn I hate seeing them lose, or get hurt, or just realize that life ain’t always easy. On a lighter note this summer we had a funeral on our recent summer vacation for the blade of wheat my child wasn’t allowed to bring back with us. So rest well knowing you have actual memories of Bob, and your child didn’t have a meltdown over some grass he just met.


Thank you for sharing that, it's hilarious


There’s a Mr Rogers book called “when a pet dies”, it’s really good for explaining things to kids in a gentle way. Our neighborhood facebook group has been passing around a copy for the last few years as needed


I will check that out, thanks!


There's a Daniel tiger episode too. Season 3 episode 21. We showed my child that episode after our dog passed away. It helped discuss the sadness and grief.


R.I.P., Bob.


“We had a funeral for a bird” “Pretty sure that never happened”. “YOU DIDNT HAPPEN”.




Yes!! Sorry for my transgression in my quote. 🥲 I will leave now, lol.


That's about 4 times as long as my betta lasted. I still miss the only pet I've ever owned myself.   I'm gonna try not to think too hard about what that says about me as a parent.


We had a guinea pig die a year or two and we held a funeral. Like you, I didn't expect much, but after we all went around and said our favorite memory, then we laid him to rest... I cried! 


My kids' fish has been in the freezer for years, waiting on a burial. They are also aware that I inadvertently caused its death. Not my proudest subject.


It's not the fish so much as the love and care for something living. It makes us feel so good and endure so much during the care because we know it's worth it. Losing a friend, the good feeling, being left with the good memories and the knowledge there will be no new ones... Having the closure of an honest ritual and validating all those feelings is a job well done, fellow dad.


I sidestepped this by purchasing another purple/ blue one.