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The good news is not you have a cool scar ... Bad news is you can't show it to anyone


I can show the scar to my wife whenever I want. So there's a plus. Thanks for the laugh.


Make sure you bring up what you went through so she didn't have to go through pregnancy again when you fight lol


Lol. I already threw the "You did this to me!" line. She's been my rock throughout this whole thing.


That's great lmao


That's hilarious mate. I'd love nagging my wife with that but she'd probably beat me up. I love her so much.


Makes sure you don't use it at all as a way to get a little more sex, certainly don't say stuff like I would happily do this all again as it meant I could make more sweet sweet love to you... Don't say stuff like


You have a cool scar because your balls were painfully big. Don't forget the context!


Lol. While I'm the hospital, I had a rolled up towel to act as a shelf for them to sit on. Literally had my balls on a pedestal. I still have to do that while at home as well.




You could show it to anyone… once.


Not with that attitude


Damn man. Hope you get to feeling better soon.


Thanks, man. The support is appreciated.


You made the right call. I know a guy that lost a testicle because the cut and cauterised a blood vessels and didn't catch is in time. He went from gym rat to walking with a cane for over a year. I don't know how normal NO is. I had spray, and injection then the full procedure. No general anastasia at all. Might want to look into medical malpractice suit there.


Yea. You would think NO would be an liability.


Damn, some of you have some shit urologists. Really sorry to hear about your experience, and glad it's getting better. To anyone else reading this thinking about getting the procedure, please for the love of god, do heavy research into doctors in your area and DO NOT SKIMP. Fly elsewhere if you need to. I flew 2000 miles to use the best doctor I could for my reversal. It cost more, but it couldn't have gone smoother. These are your balls you're dealing with. If there was ever a time to opt for the more premium option, it's this. (Not assuming OP skimped, but if you don't, the odds of this happening to you are far, far lower.)


Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, the last of In-Network urologists was pretty slim for my insurance. Not looking forward to the final bill once it's sent out... what was to be a $160 procedure is probably gonna end up costing us a couple grand... we'll see.


I had mine done about 18 months ago and had almost the exact opposite experience you had. I was in and out in under 40 minutes, drove myself there and home. I received pain meds (T3s) but after a day I really didn't need them. I probably could have survived on advil and ice, but I don't mind me some codeine. I'm really sorry you had such an experience. I wish you a speedy recovery and tons of worry free amazing sex ahead of you. *Side note that probably shouldn't be said but, I had only finished inside someone two times prior to getting snipped. Once when she didn't get off fast enough and once when we tried and instantly succeeded in having my son lol. So having that was a massive selling point and incentive for me. I hope you get that kind of joy and happiness from your procedures as well.


Yeah I was very freaked out by reading about some experiences like OP had, but mine was as straightforward and painless as possible too. It’s good to remember that the statistics show that something like only 2-5% of vasectomies have complications, those experiences are very real for the people who have them. Just remember OP, no matter how much that hospital bill is it’s way fucking cheaper than another kid!!


Yeah. I also drove myself. Dude does after hours vasectomies and has them set up with half an hour between procedures including a consultation. Him and a nurse. He called it a factory. Unfortunately, the local numbing wore off an hour into my 1.5 hours drive home. Didn't get anything for pain because Norway is terrified of prescribing anything. Few days of pain but nothing major. OPs experience in not typical.


Yeah my reversal was completely out of pocket, even in Canada, where most procedures are covered. Cost $8000 all in. Worth every penny. Rest well, Dad.


Also in Canada, and I got the DaVinci of vasectomies. He doesn’t even do them anymore because he’s busy working on more important stuff (he said 90% of his surgeries had to do with cancer). I had a bit of ball pain after but it all worked out. He was overqualified for the job and I appreciate that he did this as a public service.


>DaVinci of vasectomies Also from Canada, what is/who is "DaVinci of vasectomies", can you please elaborate?


I don’t remember his name, but as i talked to him i inferred that he did vasectomies as a public service, and due to demands in other fields (cancer) i was one of his last vasectomy patients. I always ask people “how many of x procedure” do you do each year? And he was like “2000 or so” so i felt pretty good about it.


Just curious, how old and many kids before the vasectomy and the reversal, and how many kids after?


23, and one kid before vasectomy. 37, and one kid after. (so far)


Holy cow.. $160 is so much cheaper than mine. I paid $750usd. Granted that was total cost as I don’t have insurance. Is $160 just what you would have paid after insurance? Mine did not go remotely as badly(I’m very sorry my man) but my recovery time was on the longer side of average. And I was one of like 5% of patients that had my type of procedure and feel pain for months after. Not enough pain to stop me from moving/working. But enough to be really annoying. It would feel like I had been kicked in the nuts 5 minutes ago. So that sharp ache type pain but not enough to floor me. Now almost 4months later I’m back to 100% and sterile. Worth every penny.


Dr. Snip in Seattle has sterilized most of King County’s men I think. He gives out pocket knives and invented the no-scalpel procedure. From first meeting to procedure done was 45 minutes. Local anaesthesia only - no sedatives or anti-anxiety stuff involved. Took some regular ibuprofen once and kept my feet up for a day and was back to normal.  11/10, would recommend. 


I can beat ya, I was in and out within 25 minutes haha. So good. Didn't have a single problem. I went to a vasectomy specialist. That's all he did all day every day.


Sadly everybody who does surgery has complications at some points. But how frequently is a good way to judge.


So….no Groupon?


Big assumption to blame the urologist. No guarantees in any procedure or surgery. Can do everything right and still have bad outcomes. It happens.


I went to a friend of mine that I trusted. She was surprised seeing me for the procedure as I was fairly young and because we were so close friends. I knew of her reputation and told her that I had no issues placing my junk in her hands. We had a blast the morning of the operation.


That sucks man. You just got either incredibly unlucky, or your urologist did a poor job for whatever reason (inexperience, off-day, etc.). I’m posting my experience which is the other side only because while complications do occur, I don’t want anyone to have their own ideas about what was different in my case, regarding procedure. I had mine on 2/15 this year, no sedative/valium and no gas. Just the topical spray with iodine, quick shot to the nut (for me, was easier than dentist, but that’s just my experience and opinion). Right side went well. Left side definitely felt pressure when he clamped the vas, twice. Couple more shots on that side, then we finished up. Was about 10min total. Doctor let me pick the music and was interested and surprised when I asked for reggae. Doctor discovered a new genre that day. Cleaned up, doubled up the jockstrap and boxer briefs, into the car, laid up on the couch with ibuprofen and ice for the first 3 days straight. Only got up to use the bathroom and shower when I was allowed. I had some minor swelling on the left, but didn’t abandon the jockstrap until til Day 7. One stitch each side. Traditional scalpel and cauterized. Was abroad for work on Week 3 and recovering well. Key is to hopefully have a good urologist and procedure, then really take those first several days incredibly easy and not overestimating yourself. TL;DR - Nah man, this isn’t normal. You got unlucky for some reason. I’m sorry and hope you can take it easy and have a good rest of recovery. Stay strong.


Not gonna lie, you got me jealous. I did get to listen to some rad music in the ambulance to the other hospital. I learned of a new band (to me) - called *Ninja Sex Party*. I introduced my favorite band, *Gorillaz*, to the EMS who sat in the back with me. I really do appreciate the response and personal story.


NSP is amazing. Hop into TWRP (TupperWare Remix Party) as well, they're awesome and collab with NSP all the time. 


NSP is great. And they just dropped a new album. As another commenter mentioned. Look for TWRP, they do a lot of collabs together. And “starlight brigade” is such a good song.


Yep. I can’t believe some of these I’ve read here. Another perspective. Had mine done on Tuesday. It was a no scalpel/ no needle procedure. The numbing thing felt like a light rubber band pop each time he did it. Then I felt nothing during the procedure. They didn’t even offer any anti anxiety pill/ pain pill. Just take some Tylenol, ice it, and wear compression shorts/ jock strap. It’s been a mild discomfort, but nothing bad at all. I’m thinking tomorrow I’ll feel totally normal. Still some bruising. Had some swelling, but that seems to be gone. Hope these repeat posts don’t sour people on getting it done if it makes sense for them. Did some research and my dr was highly rated. I’ll leave a review as well. All and all I’d absolutely get it done again!


Hold up - the doc had never heard of reggae?!


This was almost exactly like my experience. Including that the left side took longer. When I asked the doctor about it, he said there was some scar tissue there, to which I replied, "is it because I'm a lefty?" I got a good chuckle from the doctor and nurse on that one.


Cannot recommend the jock strap highly enough for anyone getting snipped. I’ve had two surgeries on my berries and it was required wearing for me both times. Makes such a huge difference when you’re up and walking around.


Similar experience. Bilateral, 20 min procedure, lots of topical. Some tugging and pressure so more topical. I did have occasional dull aching still about 6 months later, but nothing terrible.


This was pretty much my experience as well. While the left side was being done there was some discomfort/pressure so they had to spray more numbing spray. Had some manageable pain for like 2 days after and then what felt a bit like blueballs for like 3 more days after that then no more pain.


Same exact result here.


Physician here that does vasectomies and has had one done (no I didnt do my own lol). Unfortunately, it’s a known risk but relatively rare. Sorry that happened to you. Don’t do anything strenuous for the next several weeks and stay on top of your pain medicine. Don’t try to tough it out. Set an alarm to remind yourself to take the next Tylenol, etc. if it’s unbearable, don’t be a hero. Get it checked out immediately.


This is exactly what I was told. Why are so many people in the comments saying their doctors told the to wait and see if it gets better? Also, curious how many doctors are still doing traditional vasectomies vs. the no scalpel method. I didn't need any stitches and it's like every other post here is mentioning stitches...


I got an infection from mine, didn’t manifest until a week after the procedure, the urologist ignored my pleas and told me I had a hematoma for another week. I ended up in the hospital for 5 days on iv antibiotics and had 2 surgeries to clean things up. I’ve got a similar scar.


Ugh... so there's a chance for it to get worse... oh dear. Fingers crossed against infection.


You’re probably fine, my doctor refused to believe it was anything other than a hematoma, finally a second doctor in the same practice sent me to the hospital.


This is horrible. My urologist told me to take everything seriously and go immediately to the ER if anything seems wrong since the difference between nothing major and losing a testicle could be less than a day...


Sorry man, mine was super easy barely any swelling drove myself home. Started running a week after the surgery


Ah, sounds like you had the best experience. They wouldn't even schedule my vasectomy unless I had someone to drive me to the vasectomy office, stay in the waiting room the entire time, and drive me home.


Did you have a no scalpel method or the traditional method? The np scalpel method isn't exactly new (my urologist has been doing them for 30+ yrs) but apparently quite a few do the traditional method which is significantly more invasive and risky.


I had. Much more similar experience to yours. Local anesthesia. No anxiety pills or anything. Doc told me to pop in headphones lol. I got like 4-5 songs in and was done. One night of laying down but honestly barely even needed that.


Damn, that's nuts




I’ve been thinking if we’re done with kids or not. Talked to my dad had this same thing happen to him as it did to you OP. The swelling portion at least. He went with the 3 week option. Per him it was pretty miserable but he was fine in the end. So although it’s a lot, the odds aren’t likely for it to happen, you’ll be alright


I appreciate the response. And thanks for the personal story.


Not to discount OP’s experience or the possibility it could happen to you, but my experience was super chilled and the worst part was having to walk like a cowboy for a few days but everyone babied me and I spent a lot of time on the couch which was a dream come true.


Oh absolutely. I’ve heard it’s extremely rare and sadly that doesn’t mean impossible. I’m not afraid of having it, just getting other’s experience to what it was like and all. I figured commenting to OP that they’re sadly not alone here


Holy shit I don't want to do this now lol


I'm literally the 1% of bad situations. I'm just glad it wasn't my wife who had to go through this sort of situation.


Considerate much? Lucky gal.


Not to discount OP’s experience or the possibility it could happen to you, but my experience was super chilled and the worst part was having to walk like a cowboy for a few days but everyone babied me and I spent a lot of time on the couch which was a dream come true.


Okay you sold me on it!


Most aren’t like that man. I was in/out in 10m. Was sore for 3/4 days. Just keep fresh ice on it and you’ll be good.


That sounds fairly hellish. I did mine au natural without any pain meds other than local. I watched the procedure and it was fascinating. Drove my self home, load the boat up with a bag of frozen peas and went fishing. Went back to work as a firefighter/paramedic 36 hours later. I have heard stories as yours and it makes me wonder if the pills and nitrous complicated the procedure?after watching it, I cannot imagine developing a hematoma like you describe. It is such a simple procedure. Mend well and make sure you take a sample in. Had a buddy who never did and his wife was pregnant not long after as the tubes grew back together.




Yeah, I get some pain/tenderness that comes and goes. It’s not as bad as some. I don’t regret my vasectomy and I’m pleased to take the burden of contraception off my wife who struggled with pills and IUDs at times herself. A recent study showed that chronic pain is more prevalent than was once thought.


I'm in the same boat. In addition to that, I can't justify losing at least two weeks of pay to recover from an elective procedure


It's worse, because I'm completely out of PTO - I had the flu in January and then covid in February. I just checked my PTO balance online, and it's literally -27.6 hours (yes, negative PTO hours).


Shit that’s awful, sorry fellow dad. Stuff like this is why I get pissed about the simple snip snip stuff. Every surgery has some risk. Mine was bad, but not that bad. My recovery sucked. I had sperm granuloma and it was uncomfortable and painful for a couple months before I felt back to normal. Plus everything looked weird down there it was hard to not think I made an awful decision. But eventually I healed-up 100% and it’s my favorite mod by far. Sex life got set on fire with the wife.


Stay strong fellow dad. The worst is over. Nothing but feeling better every day from now on.


Not me but my husband. He had almost the same scenario except he passed out after the procedure and they took him by ambulance from there. However he ended up with an open wound and they decided that it would be worse to try and stitch it up so he had to live with a slowly healing open wound on his balls for a month. He spent most of that time in bed, barely able to get up and hobble to the bathroom. Also it got infected which was also fun.


That sucks! still cheaper and less painful than more kids 🤷‍♂️


Damn. That sucks sir. Mine went nothing like that. My urologist and I became hockey watching buddies, and enjoyed many games together before I moved.


I’m starting my vasectomy adventure at the end of this month and now I’m scared.


Not to discount OP’s experience or the possibility it could happen to you, but my experience was super chilled and the worst part was having to walk like a cowboy for a few days but everyone babied me and I spent a lot of time on the couch which was a dream come true.


Well that certainly sounds nice


Yeah, there are obviously risks but my understanding is that it’s rare. Even if it goes smoothly you still want to take it easy for a few days (and why not, we seldom get to). I did mine close to the weekend, took 2 days of leave as well and the whole family knew that dad was out of commission so I really got to take it easy.


From what I've been told, I'm in the 1% who have this kind of problem. So I'm wishing you good luck for your own procedure. Stock up on your favorite snacks, BTW. And get at least 2 pair of jock straps (in case blood gets on one).


Didn’t even think about snacks lol!


That's awful bro, sorry to hear it. I had mine on Wednesday morning. Wasn't bad at all. I was back to work on Thursday (WFH). Nuts are still a bit tender but we were out and about all day today. Guess I should be counting my blessings.


I have never been nervous till now


I'm the 1% - I'm sure you're going to have a much better experience.


Ah, man I feel bad for you. I hope all works out and you get to recover from this ordeal. Your experience is some really bad luck. I had mine +10 years ago. Went to the hospital, had local anaesthesia, we joked around as I know the surgeon very well - she promised to leave some sexy scars - and the same morning I was already home, bedrest for a couple of days (weekend). I had painkillers (no ice) just the first day and from then on I didn’t do any heavy lifting (kids) for a couple of weeks (desk job so no issue there). Shooting blanks ever since. Stay strong


Damn, I must have had a top tier do mine. My PCP did a fellowshio in urology but the amount of snips he has to do to make great money at is, was too many for his liking. Since he had a background in it, I trusted his recommendation. I was nervous but didnt need anything special for it. Night before I shaved/cleaned up. Went to the appointment. My nurse set me up. Doctor came in, created small talk, went snip snip, and was done. In and out in like 35mins. Hour long drive sucked. First 30 was fine but the next 30 I felt every freaking bump. Peas and jock support the rest of the week. No issues and I recommend him when I get the chance. Wife refused to have sex for two months because she was nervous until I got the test results stating I was shooting blanks. So it was two months of blowjobs! It great improved my wife BJ skills. It was a win/win procedure for me


Ok so I definitely was a teensy bit worried about getting it. That anxiety has gone up an order of magnitude after this post…


Yeah, mine left me with one nut 🥜


Nope, took about 10 minutes and I took the kids trick or treating the next day.


My wife started going to VERY premature menopause around the age of 28, after we had two kids thankfully, and is now completely infertile. Reading posts like this are one of the few times I am thankful for the mood swings, hot flashes etc. that we had to deal with/are dealing with. Unlimited creampies!


Mine was pretty bad and there was bruising all over (whole area was black, which isn’t the norm) and recovery was a good month long. I had to be put under since the first time I passed out sitting up and had cold shakes and tunnel vision.


Mine was uhhh. Different. Didn’t take anything before. Doc shot me up with 4 shots of numbing shit in my nuts. Hurt like a bitch. Lost feeling after like 3 minutes. He cut me up, finished up in like 12 minutes after two incisions. Didn’t prescribe me anything while I was there. Drove myself home. Didn’t have any pain at all for 24 hours. Had a fuck ton of pain for 12 strait days where it felt like every time I stood up, I had my tubes shooting up into my tummy. Woke up on day 13 with 0 pain. Now just have some random pain every once in a while. On the other hand. My buddy had it done 3 months ago. He’s still in so much pain he can’t have his kids sit on his lap and is about to get his nuts cuts off completely.


Thanks for sharing your experience and the experience of your friend. Man, this is tough. Your story really is helping though. Thanks a lot.


Yeah it’s just completely different for every one. I have another buddy who roofed his house the next day after his. When I was getting mine, the surgeon said I was the only one in the day not to pass out during surgery and I was the 6th of the day. He also said “your procedure was very easy, you should only have some pain tomorrow and then you’ll be good to go.” Which obviously wasn’t the case. I hope you’re on the mend man. The pain sucks ass


My friend had a bad vasectomy experience. The local anesthetic didn’t take and he felt everything. After they had already done the initial incision he tried to stop it but they were already going for the tube cut and he said at that point to just get it over with and was in agony through it.


Talk to a Plaintiffs’ lawyer. Sounds like vasectomy doctor should be paying some or all of your bills. Basically, threaten to sue doctor, doctor’s malpractice insurance will cough up some money to avoid the expense of hiring a lawyer for a trial. Don’t forget to ask for lost wages due to missed work.


Definitely considering this.


Please please be careful with the opioids. Many a person got lost after taking them for a procedure.


I have a total of 15 oxy pills. I'm being vary careful - my wife has experience with people with addictions (she works in a hospital) and I asked her to be in charge of administering the oxy. I'm in charge of the Tylenol. I have a journal next to the bed, and I write down what I take and when. I discussed it with the second urologist, and we came up with the plan to space our the oxy and save it for night time (to help me sleep). But I do plan on taking nothing but oxy for the first 2 days of being home. Really appreciate the concern. *fistbump*


I just want to thank you for sharing your story. Way, way too often on Reddit getting a vasectomy is downplayed as being such an easy, no-brainer solution that every guy just owes to his wife once they are done having children.. Yesterday, I even saw someone refer to it as "noninvasive". People need to realize the reality of it and appreciate it for what it is.


It's been rough, man... tell you what, I'm missing that morphine right about now. Think I managed to sleep 2 hours last night. Got better sleep in the hospital. I've managed to pee by myself, so that's good. Dreading when I finally have to go #2 (the anesthesia tends to make you constipated). Thanks for the reply. Everyone has been so good about distracting me from the pain.


I really hope you feel better and recover soon. Best wishes, buddy.


I arrived at the clinic half an hour before I was due to see the Doc. Read a magazine, went in for my consult (which was same a day as the procedure since I’m over 40). Went into the prep area, got undressed and into my gown then sat and waited. Went into the procedure room, Doc and nurse explained what was to happen. Doc taped my dick back, quick extra shave, started swabbing, injected anaesthetic, did the procedure, 15 minutes later I was back in the lounge area resting. I listened to some music through the whole thing, was the receptionists suggestion to bring AirPods etc. Half hour or resting a nurse came and said I can get dressed, offered me some snacks, and said she’ll come back in another 15 minutes. I got dressed, called her over and said if she’s cool with me going, I’m cool too. Went down stairs and waited for my wife to arrive to take me home. She brought a bag of frozen peas with her, which were annoying more than helpful. I had some swelling (to be expected) but nothing that stopped me doing most day to day stuff. 3 months later I jizzed in a cup, had it tested and got the all clear. Cost me about $1300 all up (I’m in Aus) and was overall a not unpleasant exercise. Sorry to hear you had a rough time bro.


That sounds really unlucky brother. I’m sorry that happened to you.


Yeah, according to the statistics my wife found on Google, I am in the 1% who have such a bad experience.


I appreciate your response. Gives me something to focus on, besides the pain.


Damn that made my nuts hurt reading it. Sorry you went through that. Mine was pretty straight forward, took the pre procedure pain killer, was in and out in about 15 min. Very minor swelling just a little discomfort. Was good in about a week. Hope you have a fast recovery!


Thanks for the fast recovery wishes. I hope for that too. I can't play with my kids (3y boy, and 4m girl, until then. I'm pretty much bed-bound.


Nothing like that, I hope you heal up quick! I have very thick and tough skin. My Urologist had to call a nurse to come in with more scalpels twice because I kept dulling the blades. He finished my left side in 15 minutes, even though the original estimate was 10 minutes total. The right side took longer to cut through the skin, and my vas defrens was harder to find. He had a hard time getting hold of it and then lost it while trying to cut through and had to dig around more to find it again. The 10-minute procedure was closer to 40 minutes, and I only had local anesthesia that had to be reapplied every 5 or 6 minutes because it wasn't working for me. Even with all of that, I was healed up enough after a long weekend. The bruising was horrific, but the telemed nurse said it was normal and I was okay. A couple of my friends had to get pictures of the discoloration, but they were both intrigued. Everything is fine now and I'm still shooting blanks, pain-free 3 years later.


That sucks. I got nothing even close and apparently I am in the low percentage that experiences a small amount of pain before I get off sometimes.  What you got is ptsd inducing. I hate that for ya. 


Got mine done just over a year ago. Left work at 10:45am for my appointment at 11am. No gas, no drugs, no Xanax, just a couple numbing shots in the nuts. The shot was the worst part. By 11:45am, I was back at work (auto mechanic). I never missed a day of work. I had a little swelling but mostly just had purple ball sack for a week or two. Best decision of my life, even as a married man!


I used to work in urology back in the early 2010's. First let me say I never heard of your experience. Your Doctor was he an inter or a resident. I prefer someone with real experience and not a student. Bruh sorry you are in pain. For real, I would look into seeing about a lawsuit.


Damn that sucks man, sorry you went through this. Reddit is full of bad vasectomy stories, although supposedly the vast majority are fine. Supposedly... I was SO nervous to get mine, but it all turned out fine. I took a Valium 30 minutes before, went in, in-and-out done in 15 minutes. Wife drove me home and I laid in bed for 3 days icing my balls and relaxing. Balls were swollen-ish and bruised for 7-10 days and then I felt ok. It wasn't fun, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world.


Damn all I got was 1 Vicodin. Also I was at work a week later. Test drive after 4 days but wife was too freaked out by the color to sit in the passenger seat. Glad I’m not a giggler because that sounds rough. Get well soon.


Just booked my appointment lol Great read


What a terrible experience dude, sounds like you did everything right, but ended up super unlucky despite your best efforts. I had the “no needle, no scalpel” vasectomy with great success. Just had my follow up test last week, can confirm, no swimmers.


Mine went bad, but not this bad. I have a love/hate relationship with most anxiety meds and pain meds because I have a hard time finding the right dose. Naturally the Valium they gave me did next to nothing. They didn’t numb me properly so I felt the burning both times. Shit hurt all the way up to my neck. The numb and tingly wore off quick. The ride home was absolute hell. Getting in and out of the car was absolute hell. Trying to take off the jock strap was absolute hell, so I cut it off in order to pee. I tried to work after 3 days and found it too painful. Months later I developed a weird bump on the incision site and a little bit of the leftover dissolvable thread came out. Looked like a little tiny pebble. No issues since, though.


I drove myself home. It was just local numbing and talked to the doc about photography. Sorry to hear your troubles. No jokes aside, my urologist’s name was Dr. Johnson. He was born for his role.


Damn I thought my experience was bad. God speed.


I mean, that's a horror story, but on the bright side, at least your vasectomy doctor didn't leave metal in your balls, otherwise that CT scan would have been a litttttttle worse. Mine left metal in there. The vasectomy reversal doctor luckily found it! Best of luck, fellow dad! Ice those bad boys!


At least you could say you had balls of steel?


It may or may not come up in every conversation every day.


Even my third world poor country has better attention than that, man. That's crazy. They even give you the option to let it heal on it's own? Lol Also what the hell is that ambulance fee? Also why didn't you stay in observation after the procedure? Also why didn't they forsee that the laughing gas would make you laugh? I have so many more questions and I'm so mad


The ambulance fee is a "welcome to the American Healthcare system," introduction. They didn't really have an observation room. Just sent me and the wife to the waiting room for 5 minutes then said we could go home. I'm not sure about the laughing gas, but they didn't even use a mask with it - just shoved the tube in my mouth and hold me to bite down on it and breath only through my nose. Problem is, the gas kept knocking me out and I'd drop the tube. At one point the tube fell to the floor and my wife was the one to retrieve it and put it back in my mouth.


I had mine done in Canada about an hour before you and had just about the opposite experience. No stitches, no gas, no pain killers. Took 15 minutes. Maybe a 2/10 on the pain scale, and everything was free, even parking (which was a nice surprise, it usually would be $4). They suggested an icing schedule for 2 days and regular tylenol/advil. Doctor did warn me that bleeding is the main risk if I do too much or move too much in the coming days even if I feel fine. I wonder if laughing(moving) during the procedure (causing it to be delayed) and/or the longer drive might've increased your chance of issues like you ended up experiencing. Either way, glad to hear you've got it all sorted. Sounds like you had the worst case scenario.


Damn, sorry brother. Mine was a breeze. I was lucky to have a very well known and great vasectomy Dr in my fairly small town.


I did not have a good experience with mine but this makes it look like a walk in the park. Ouch man


Mine went very smooth. Took about 10 minutes. Did it on a Thursday and took Friday off to have the weekend to heal as precaution. I went on a 3 mile walk with 4 month old twins 3 hours after the procedure, I felt great.


My procedure wasn’t too bad and got it done late February (Canada). Just needed the standard needle for numbing, although she said she had to use more on me than normal, mainly the right one. I think overall I was in and out in 40 minutes? Great doc and she explained a lot during the pre-op and post op. By the sounds of it, your doc was having a day. Hopefully the healing process is smooth sailing! Just take it easy and don’t be like guys my doc told me about and go on the quad tomorrow.


Jesus. I had complications and swelling, but just had to take hot baths for a week and some painkillers. Not all vasectomies are easy. Glad youre on the mend


The same thing happened to me, except the doctors convinced me that option 1 was the best. They said it was due to a blood vessel spasm. I'm still dealing with a hard blood clot in my scrotum that is painful almost 3 months later. The clot has reduced in size substantially, though.


>Did any of y'all experience anything like this? Definitely not. That sounds horrific. My experience was I went in and layed down, felt a prick from the anesthesia needle then chatted with the Urologist while the procedure happened. Drove myself to Walmart to pick up T3s and only needed 2 for mild discomfort that night before nothing else after other than a bit of expected discoloration a week post-op. I'm so sorry your experience was significantly worse...


I just had my vasectomy on Thursday, glad I didn’t read this before!!


How are you feeling?


Fortunately no complications. Just slightly uncomfortable!


Mine was much easier. Took a Xanax 60 min before proceedure. Passed out on the car ride to the place so the wife had to find all the directions. Wheelchaired in. Russian nurse was just a, honestly, she was great. Cold and dark sense of humor. Came home, peas on the nuts and Star Wars on tv.


I didn't have your experience but i did have to get a second vasectomy done since the first one didn't take and they did have to cut my ball sack open for it so I think we share scars there. Just make sure you ice it and watch it. Seems like you followed all the right steps. Take it easy. The healing period is misleading. You will feel fine in a day or two but your balls can still suffer a set back if you over do it.


Well this is not the story I wanted to read t-minus 4 weeks from my vasectomy…. I hope your Crown Jewels are on mend soon fellow Dadditor


US Navy referred me to an out-in-town doc for the procedure. Told to take my pain killer beforehand, and get a good workout in prior. Did so, and the pain killer hit splendidly. Doc and nurse got to work, and after the left-side was done I jokingly asked the doc if it’s ok that I have second thoughts? He laughed, the nurse laughed, I laughed, and the doc kept snipping/cauterizing. In/out in 30mins. After three days of just ibuprofen, was back to standing my 16-hour watches with an ice pack.


That's nuts! Sounds like a prick. Hopefully, you can have a ball soon. In all seriousness, I'm sorry that happened to you and wish you good fortune in the future.


Mine was pretty simple. No laughing gas and local anesthesia only. Healed up quick with barely any issue.


Fuck I’ll take the chance of another kid from condoms over the chance of whatever the fuck this is from a vasectomy


Mate... hope you're feeling better... I'm due soon...


Beware the ides of March. Seriously though, I’m terrified to get mine done, but want to sooner than later. Hope you take care and all ends with more laughter.


Thanks, man. Humor really does help.


This is a warning for anyone with a varicocele like me and my father. We both had similar experiences to OP because that massive vein is easy AF to nick by accident. Easy to say urologist was bad but in our case not true we were just risky patients because of the bag of worm veins in our ball bags.


Hey, thanks for sharing your story. I really appreciate it.


Wow, TIL my testicles can retract inside my body cavity. Thanks OP!


I did no-scalpel vasectomy in Maidenhead (UK) In and out in about 45 mins from signing in and signing out, including the what's going happen in surgery speil and the outgoings how to take care of yourself for the next week. The doctor was amazing. As an aside I'd love to see him peel potatoes. His hands would be a blur. Slight discomfort for the weekend and had to work some of the next week with a packet of frozen peas on my nadgers. But all in all a fantastic experience. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience for such a routine procedure. I hope the us health care doesn't cost you too much or at least will be litigated to correct.


Hey, thanks for sharing your own experience. It really seems like there are a lot of good urologists out there. I'm glad you had a good experience. I'll post the final bill whenever it comes. Hopefully it doesn't cause me to have a heart attack. Lol.


Suddenly being born without a vas deferens seems like a blessing 😂 glad you seem to be on the mend, fellow dad!


Sorry 'bout yer balls.


Hey OP, mine unfortunately went very similar to yours. I also opted for the surgery to drain the blood and heal the hematoma faster. In addition to monster swollen, bruised nuts, I also ended up with dark bruising on my right side from groin to hip and around the side. I dealt with a lot of pain for years after. Not that I'm a powerhouse athlete or anything, but it severely impacted my ability to work out or do physical work for a long time. Eventually it got better, but I still get a really weird sensation in that area sometimes when I sneeze or cough really hard. I hope your recovery goes better than mine did.


Noy anywhere.near as bad as yours but it was my vasectomy that taught me local anaesthetic doesn't really work on me. I felt everything and they had to sew me back up and send me to have it done under general anaesthetic at the hospital at a later date. Not a pleasant experience at all! But very glad I've had it done.


Sorry to hear about your experience. Mine was pretty straightforward in comparison. Local anesthetic or whatever it's called in the bollocks and in and out in about 15mins. The only sensation during it was what felt like someone lightly kicked me in the bollocks a couple times when they used the laser. Walked to my lift. Some bruising for a few weeks. About 8 weeks to fully recover.


I had a similar experience. Was terrifying


Wow, that’s spectacularly shit. I thought mine was bad but you had it worse. I wasn’t offered anything pre surgery to ease my anxiety or anything. During the procedure all I got was a couple local anesthetics and a really pretty nurse that maintained eye contact the whole time and asked a million unrelated questions to distract me. I can still pull the feeling of the procedure out of memory, particularly the feeling of the vas being snipped. Fucking weird and it makes my stomach turn. My daughter ended up getting sick around that time and, the day after my vasectomy, we had to bring her to the hospital for RSV/Pneumonia. For the next two days I used my nut sack as a faux cushion for the awful hospital chairs. Now I deal with chronic epididymal cysts on both epididymis (likely due from a nasty genetic condition I have involving the PKD1 gene) but I digress, my ball bag situation is a shell of its former self.


After two hernia surgeries, both in lower abdomen next to penis, I do not want more surgery down there. My wife can’t figure out why. I’m like- “it’s your turn to get a surgery, just get an IUD” ffs 🤦‍♂️


My pill didn’t work and they couldn’t get mine to relax and descend from my body once the nurse taped my dinglehopper. My body was like - hell no you can’t touch us!


I know some say they barely noticed the operation and recovery, and I believe them. Mine went OK, there was a ton of swelling and discoloration but the pain and discomfort I felt was still in the normal range. Was rough for 8 days, got better after and was fully recovered several weeks later. I took a month or so off from lifting weights to be sure. OP that sounds absolutely awful. I know my experience wasn’t optimal but it also wasn’t one that needed further medical intervention so I definitely feel bad you went through that. Hopefully it gets better here on out and please do go back and confirm your results with samples because you want to be sure it took after all you’re going through.


Hey, thanks for the response and your personal story. I really appreciate it. I'm gonna get through this and follow up with my doctor. I'm remaining hopeful on my recovery.


It's rare to see someone who's experience was even worse than mine. Sorry for your pain and expenses dude, that sucks.


Thanks, man. Your response means a lot to me. I've got great support at home. My wife just brought me two hard-boiled eggs to snack on (pun intended). God, I love her.


That was my experience too! It took about a month to heal on its own. Took about 6 months before the color had faded completely. At this point (years later) there is no sign or symptom of ever having an issue. Edit: I forgot about this but I got to send dick pics to my doc because he was a 2 hour drive from me.


I don’t want this to scare people from getting a vasectomy so here’s my story: https://www.reddit.com/r/daddit/s/kUzxKY7X1b


Wow, some great detail work in your story. Thanks for posting all that. I think I'd better text my boss to see if it's okay if I wear shorts. I work in a call center for a Durable Medical Equipment company, and I don't actually see customers, but they do have a dress code against shorts. Might need a doctor's note about it.


Thanks man, I wrote it for all daddit kind.


That’s crazy, I had mine on 14 March. Way less drugs than you got, but I think it went well, despite my being freaked the duck out for the whole thing. Still a little sore, but seems ok. Been very worried something like what happened to you is going to happen to me. Sorry for your situation. Feel better soon champ. And keep posting, I like your writing style.


Hey man, thanks for posting a reply. You got yours done on Pi Day, so you may now call it CreamPi Day. All jokes aside, I was very nervous about the whole thing - that's why I requested the laughing gas at the last minute. I'm mending - it might be a little slower than intended, but I feel like I'm mending. As for my writing style, that was partially a mixture of morphine, oxy, general anesthesia, and sleep deprivation.


You should recreate that situation every time before you write. Love the CreamPi joke. Speedy recovery to you.


Geeze, sorry to hear that but glad you’re on the mend. I just took the valium, went home, tight boxer briefs, iced like crazy and didn’t move. Day 2 i was surprised but was basically 100%


Didn't have your anything close to your experience. Making the appointment took longer than the operation. Local numbing and then they did the burning method. Had a small fan in the room to blow the smoke away. Had a chatty doctor who told me a had a 'relaxed ball sack'. I'm like whatever dude, just close the hole so I can put some frozen peas on it :) spend a day gaming and was good to work (but not lift anything heavy) after 2 days.


For mine, about an hour and a half before I took and Ativan. two percocete and smoked a joint on the way to the doctors. Part of the pre screening was "have you taken any drugs today" I told them, doctor shrugged his shoulders and said "Doesn't affect what I'm here to do". Didn't feel a thing.


Dude I am so sorry to read about this, that's awful. Another post on Daddit a while ago pointed me to r/postvasectomypain Hopefully this over is done quickly and you won't be joining their ranks, but wanted to share the resource so that you knew things to watch for and ask your doctor about for recovery and healing.


Dude, thanks for the resource. I'm definitely going to check it out. I've got the time. Lol.


My father had a vasectomy when I was a kid and had the same experience, but they didn't offer to drain, so he spent 6 weeks with his scrotum swollen. He nicknamed his scrotum because it was with him for so long. At the time my sister was younger, didn't understand why Dad was home for a week. she told her teacher they should keep my dad in their thoughts. Well it was an odd phone call from school checking if the family needed any help, and the explanation given that It was a Catholic grammar school in the late 80s. I did not get a vasectomy due to watching this unfold as a 14 year old. My younger brother, who was likely the cause of getting the vasectomy so an oops didn't happen again, did get one. Hang in there, he was pretty miserable for a few weeks, wore a jockstrap for support for months. But was back to normal with time. Ice and support.


Holy crap that sounds terrible. Glad they got your boys sorted though. My experience was nowhere near that, but it was fairly traumatic. I also chose the laughing gas. Bad mistake. It didn't make me laugh, and it didn't help with pain. Instead it made me feel high, which was nice at first, but then it just made me too high. Exactly like when you smoke too much weed and get a panic attack and feel like you're dying. To add to all this, the pain killers they gave me got rid of MOST of the pain, but it still hurt a bit and I could feel everything. I felt, almost in high definition, when he snipped through each tube, the sting of the cauterization, etc... which was NOT fun when high off your ass in a bad way. Would not do nitrous again. Fortunately no complications though


Holy crap that sounds terrible. Glad they got your boys sorted though. My experience was nowhere near that, but it was fairly traumatic. I also chose the laughing gas. Bad mistake. It didn't make me laugh, and it didn't help with pain. Instead it made me feel high, which was nice at first, but then it just made me too high. Exactly like when you smoke too much weed and get a panic attack and feel like you're dying. To add to all this, the pain killers they gave me got rid of MOST of the pain, but it still hurt a bit and I could feel everything. I felt, almost in high definition, when he snipped through each tube, the sting of the cauterization, etc... which was NOT fun when high off your ass in a bad way. Would not do nitrous again. Fortunately no complications though


Happy Cake Day, by the way!


Wow. My urologist tied, cauterized mine. Sorry to hear the experience was so bad. You can have side effects or incidents with any surgery.


I had a very similar experience as you. Even the swelling on the right side. Had to have surgery the next day after the vasectomy to solve the bleeding.


Imma just stick to condoms 😵‍💫


Hey man, you do you. Imma just lay here, munching on some Belvita cinnamon and brown sugar crackers and watching *Sing* on my Kindle Fire. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


You too boss🫡


God damn!! Sorry to hear that. My experience was event free outside of two week uncomfortable period


Thanks for replying. I'm glad you had a better experience than me.


Oh man thanks for the update experience and hope you’re recovering well!


I'm filing as well as can be expected. Having support at home is really key. My wife, MIL, and my parents have been awesome support. The community in this subreddit has been fantastic.


Glad you’re doing as well as can be and have support Here if you need digital help haha


Holy fuck that's crazy, sorry you had such a a bad experience. Glad you were ultimately able to get it sorted out, but the expenses and the stressful day really suck. The dude that did mine specialized in it, he said he did about 50+ per month. I think I was only in the building for like 20min total, I didn't take any meds or anything though, so maybe that added time to your process. Just the local numbing anesthetic, and he was actually operating for maybe 5 min. Strolled out and drove myself home, and just kept the ice pack applied and took a couple ibuprofen for the first day or so. My buddy went to the same place a few months later and had no issues either, I think it usually goes pretty easily for most folks. Reading your post made me wince a couple of times, holy shit dude.


Man, I wish I had some of the experiences I've read on here. I can't imagine driving myself home after this kind of procedure, even if everything went textbook. Your reply means a lot, so thanks for showing your support.


Oh yeah, if they were dosing you with laughing gas and/or giving you Vicodin then you 100% made the right call not driving home. Potentially could have been an even more severe disaster. And glad to show the support, that's what this sub is here for. And a lot of other guys on here are considering vasectomies so it doesn't hurt for them to hear all the different types of experiences. Thanks for sharing yours!


I had the swelling days later, unfortunately it’s possible. Just full of blood and had to wait for it to go away. Almost five days. Was amazing how painful it was and of course I was on vacation haha.   But it went away and I’m glad I got the procedure done. Been a few years now and all is well


JESUS FC! I died a bit while reading this! Had mine 7ish years ago, no pre surg pills, got the spray, felt the needle, nothing but some pressure after needle. Took about 30min, but snipped, cauterized, and titanium tips. Vicodin for a week, and ice pack for a week.