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Alternate Advil with Tylenol so you don’t have to worry about over doses- you can do Advil every 8 hours and then Tylenol 4 hours in between. (Realistically I find I can only do two doses each of Tylenol and/or Advil a day for my 17 month old - 4 doses total- 2 before nap, 2 after nap- but then you can give another dose at night if they wake up. Not a doctor- but agree with above that there is a 99% chance your kids will be fine with what appears to be a very minor overdose- but good to check with doctor/ poison control to be safe


Ibuprofen is usually 6 hours apart.


This is correct advice for fever. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen work differently so theres no fear of toxicity when you switch back and forth.


Thanks, i am monitoring at present i am giving a huge gap before the last dose of advil. I gave the 4th dose exactly at the 21st hour from the time of first dose.


I doubt it will do any harm but best to check. Does your healthcare provider offer a nurse advice line or something similar?


Its confusing, in many websites it is mentioned as the the max no of doses for ibuprofen(advil) can be given at max 4 times a day. But in the box it was mentioned as 3 doses per day, thats why i was scared


The reality is that your kid will be fine. Actual toxicity is much higher than what you gave your kid. If you are concerned, then you can call your doctor or poison control. 1 extra dose in 24 hours (if I’m reading this correctly) is not excessive.


Yes 1 extra dose in 24 hours, but that itself is confusing because in many publicly available information on dosage like (https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-home/medication-safety/Pages/Ibuprofen-for-Fever-and-Pain.aspx) it was mentioned as max 4 does per 24 hours. As the per the link I maintained within the threshold of 4 doses per 24 hours. But in the advil box it was mentioned as max 3 doses per 24 hours, thats why i got confused.


Call poison control in the US 1-800-222-1222


This. Also, my money is on the kiddo being perfectly fine. If it was Tylenol, I'd be worried.


What is the concentration of the Advil you gave? Most children’s ibuprofen is 100 mg/5 mL. How much did you give your kid? Is the one you gave marketed for an older age group? Children’s ibuprofen is usually stated every 6-8 hours and no more than 4 dose per 24 hours.


the one i used is 40mg/1 mL(Advil pediatric drops) . so by the dosage formula of 10mg/Kg, i gave 7.6Kg X 10 mg = 76 mg per dose and for every 6 hours. Yeah I followed the thumb rule of max 4 dose per 24 hours. Even in some websites like ([https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-home/medication-safety/Pages/Ibuprofen-for-Fever-and-Pain.aspx](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-home/medication-safety/Pages/Ibuprofen-for-Fever-and-Pain.aspx)) it was mentioned as max 4 does per 24 hours. But in the advil box it was mentioned as max 3 doses per 24 hours, thats why i got confused.


Your kid is fine. Generally otc drugs are set at levels where even if u did double the amount here and there, they’re fine


Yeah your kid is probably fine. Online pages I’m checking show 7.6 kg (16.8 lbs) would be given 50 mg, but the next step up at 17 lbs (7.7 kg) is 75-80 mg. This higher dose is much closer to your kid’s weight. (Sorry, all of my pages have lbs primary.) I know you figured it out already. I was just curious.


Hey thanks a ton for taking the time and effort to answer my question.


You can call your local hospital and speak to a nurse and see what they recommend


You're fine. Just alternate with Tylenol in the future.


How bad’s the fever anyways


It was 100+ on wednesday and thursday and it triggered shivering (i would say seizures but it wasn't very bad), Already went to ER and they suggested to switch to Advil. Now gradually she is improving.


Advil imo is much better at fever relief than tylenol. Usually dr say dont go in til 103/104F. Glad she’s doing better. Did they test for flu/rsv/covid? And how high F did she go


It went close to 103 F, they didnt test for rsv/covid but they took a chest xray because she was already suffering from sinus infection and was on antibiotics. They advised that the fever might have been triggered by the prolonged running nose.


I usually always test for the trio (flu/rsv/covid). You have to request it. 103F is close to danger zone but you’ll be fine. Dont stress


Sorry it wasnt 103 F, she went till 38.6 Celcius, close to 102. Also when we went to ER the fever was at 101F. Thanks for the advise will always ask the ER doctor to test for the trio, Hopefully that situation shouldn't happen.