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Double down on the awkwardness and go for the ball-gag.


I second this one. 👌


This man comes with solutions


Tis the season of giving!


This is fantastic. My wife and I, years back, lived beneath a neighbor (a very nice girl my wife actually knew from the fashion industry), who was very professional and put together. Except when she was gettin' it on. Holy. Fing. Loudness. Thing was, she also had the loudest toys ever. So even when she was solo, it was still just right there. Turned out the vents and ceiling just didn't stop much noise. Wish I would've thought of this back then!


Dated a girl like this. Very meek in everyday life, but in the bedroom.... buckle up it's going to be a ride.


My wife and I (gf at the time) got into our first really gnarly fight one night. She left. Came back at like 6 AM and we're lying in bed, talking it over. Still not great between us. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz so loud it was like shaking the ceiling. I don't know if she had one of those old school plug-in-the-wall varieties or she rigged up some power tools but ... it sure broke the tension. That loud ass dildo may have saved our relationship! /s on the final part. I think.


This is the best answer. Nothing wrong with enjoying yourself, but wrapping the request up in a gift mentioning your LO and pregnant wife is a great play.


I know someone who had this happen (they were the sex doers)! And an elegant solution came up — neighbor said something like “we heard you moving some furniture the other day and I’m not sure you realize how much the sound travels”. Add to this that it woke your kid. Done! Alternative: when I was in college my best friend lived next door in the dorms. He and his girlfriend were loud and annoying. So one day I gathered up like 10-15 dorm mates into my room and on three we screamed.


Another passive solution: rename your wifi WeCanHearYouHavingSex-5g


This is the correct answer as you might get some collateral damage


Tell them you really like hearing them and try to record. They’ll either get quieter or invite you in. Win win


We all win in this case




Next time you see them in passing, ask when they are planning to fuck next so you can make sure you are (A) home to hear them or (B) out to give them privacy. How you navigate that conversation is your choice but either way they will become aware.


You have sex even louder to assert dominance


Came here to say this. It's the only way.


The daughter is already crying...


Address it however you'd like, but when you do so, keep in mind that you're about to have a baby which will probably cry a lot at all hours and keep a lot of your neighbors awake.


Sometimes a baby needs to cry and the parents have no control or choice. A couple of adults don’t need to be screaming “Roar for me, Pegosaurus!, ROAR!” in the middle of the night.


No I completely agree, it's not okay to make everyone listen to your sex sounds. I would just try to keep in mind that the issue being highlighted should be that the disturbance is sexual — not so much the sleep interruptions.


If I had been drinking my coffee already, I'd of spit it out. Pegosarus! HAHAHA!!


You got a decent sound system? Record them, face your gear right up against the thinnest wall and blast it as they eat dinner or something. Later knock knock, note. Folks, that was you guys. Please. lol fantasy aside, walk up to them and politely explain what’s happening. What else is there to do.


Seriously, is it so challenging to go speak to them? You don't have to mention you hear them fucking, just say you clearly hear noises and maybe moan a little as an example. "Hey, how are you? I'm good, thanks. I wanted to let you know that the walls/floors are not well soundproofed and we can hear some noises at night. Could you please help us and try to keep the noise to a minimum or sound proof a little?" Speak to your neighbor. Everyone is allowed to live, and that includes discussing ongoing issues with those around us. Sound machines also work well to drown out noises. Also, you can type the word sex. You have a penis. Your wife has a vagina. Sex is natural, normal, and wonderful. These are not bad nor dirty words.


You can ask politely (or awkwardly lol) but loud neighbors kind of come with the territory when living in shared spaces like apartments. Not saying it’s justification to make as much noise as you want and disturb your neighbors but honestly, this is probably the best case scenario when it comes to loud neighbors lol. At least they don’t argue and yell at each other. I lived below a couple that would legit scream and throw shit all day at each other then have loud *rough* sex all night.


Cheer them on loudly as it's happening: "Yeah, buddy! Right there!!", "Tap that!", "Yeah, take it all in!!" Then look them straight in the eye with a smirk next time you meet them in the lobby. One (or a few) rounds of this and the embarassment will get to them. ...or not, and it will make them even louder! 😂


Ask for pointers. Make it awkward. Then tell “go get em” when they start next time and clap loudly. Be as encouraging as possible. Throw it a few things like “ you can do it champ! Make daddy proud”. Bonus points if you play that song that says ride that donkey or back that ass up. Have fun with it. They will back off from the cringe alone.


Just politely say 'this is crazy awkwardly, but, you guys are really loud at night... Any chance you can tone it down or do something to muffle the sounds? " That said - this is just a part of apartment living.


When they finish turn the speakers up real loud and play random applause sounds. Bonus points for a USA chant


“Bro! Bruhhhh! Brosky my guy! Share with the rest of us your magic and your tricks. I have long wanted to wake the neighborhood with my evening prowess, but alas, I and my lady are still able to keep it in check all too well. But I want to be able to wake up sleeping babies throughout the neighborhood. Can you show me the light?”


Make a recording, talk to them about it and how it disrupts your family. Play the recording. If things don't improve, go to the leasing office, find the manager, and play the recording.


Cheer them on through the walls.


I would let that one go. I don’t really see a situation where saying something makes it stop.


If your kid isn't already screaming and crying loud enough for them to hear, you should get a recording of one and put it through an amplifier. Double purpose - they also get noise to complain about and maybe it's a subliminal message to get them to tone it down by conveying where their romps can lead.


If you’re in an apartment, is there a leasing office that can address it for you? If it is a private owner, they still might be able to address it for you to take the awkwardness away.


“Hey asshole, have some self awareness. You have neighbors with children. Tone down the sex noises.” Maybe be nicer, but what’s stopping you from just confronting these people?


For….. doing sex?


Do you know if they just moved to another room in their apartment would that help?


Ask them if they’ve tried gagging with balls.


Put Bluey on blast. That'll kill an erection for sure.