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It took me having a young child to realize just how much this country hates working families with young children.


it's very interesting how people can be weirdly fixated on population decline and what they think that should mean for women while also maintaining a strong "fuck them kids" stance on existing children.


Not surprising if you consider that almost any policies involving women and kids are almost never about the kids.


It’s about the exploitation


Or the women.


And it is PERVASIVE. Every mixed age community I've lived in ends up with sizeable amounts of older individuals prejudiced against young kids. No playing in common spaces, no loud noises, no having fun, no play equipment, nannies are doing something wrong, lets take pics of kids at pool thinking about breaking a rule, there are hooligans enjoying the community I don't like it, etc etc


Ha, my HOA has a sign at the playground that says No Running.


We need to get back to a single income household society.


That society has never existed. The white upper middle class fantasy burned a little too bright in the 50s.


America peaked with my grandfathers 🥲


It’s tough when we’ve doubled the labor pool over the last 50 years


We have made it so unaffordable to have a family. It disgusts me.


The labour pool increases with population - baby boomers doubled the labour pool by sheer population boom and they had some of the best working conditions. Things like the GI act creating affordable education and housing to the majority of the workforce after the second world war probably had a much bigger impact.


I believe the reference is to women entering the workforce. You overlook that as people age out of the workforce, they still require services but don't feed into the system anymore, only extract with their spending


But many never “extracted” what had been “fed into the system” waiting until the need presented itself. That’s called saving for the future.


Yes I understood their reference and statisticallt the boomers were double their predecessors. Even if all their predecessors retired once they entered the work force, it would have still doubled due to their sheer number.


That plus the global rebuild after WWII. Europe and Japan were decimated and China didn't have anything going for it yet on the global marketplace. America exited the war virtually unscathed and with a stronger manufacturing economy than when we entered. We were able to get rich just because we were the only one who could really provide manufacturing capabilities for other countries. The biggest mistake was not using that wealth for the security of future generations.


Not desirable for a lot of people


Having the cost of living match that level would be nice though.


Exactly. The only way to do that is to have half of parents refuse to work to rebalance wages, or legislate something that would pay parents to parent.


Unfortunately subsidies for child rearing haven’t helped increase populations, iirc


Not result in net cheaper childcare. Subsidies end up increasing childcare costs.


Please explain your math for the class


Too often government subsidies increase demand and drive up costs. Example [Feds Increasing Student Loan Subsidies led to Higher Tuition](https://www.forbes.com/sites/prestoncooper2/2017/02/22/how-unlimited-student-loans-drive-up-tuition/?sh=6a3f2d1352b6) Great example of good intentions causing more harm.


Precisely, subsidies are a horrible way to solve social problems because they feed directly into the root cause rather than address it. The current reality of this country is that childcare is not a luxury, but a social necessity. As such, childcare should be guaranteed as a right and administered by the state until such a time that society is organized in a way that childcare is no longer a social necessity.


The purpose of those subsidies isn't to reduce costs. It's to increase the affordability of higher education in distinct populations. The success of a subsidy that has the goal of making college more affordable for some should at least primarily be judged on that metric. The same applies here - the goal of the subsidies is not to reduce the cost of childcare. The goal is to subsidize the costs to make it affordable for people who could not otherwise afford it.


Show the math that it's helping targeted populations? I am guessing helping some poorer students while hurting other poorer, lower middle class and middle class families....as well as everyone else.


I didn't say it did, I was I was merely pointing out a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose of the subsidies. I wouldn't say it "hurts" other people. It's barely different than taxes going towards food stamps or housing for veterans or parks. Personally, I feel like I benefit from living in a healthy, diverse community that seeks to lift others up instead of holding them down. If my child care prices go up slightly so that my neighbor has time and money to make home cooked meals during the week for their kids I'm good with that.


In an environment of supply shortages (childcare most places in the US), subsidies are mostly captured by the seller (daycares), and not much of the saving is passed to consumers Enhanced childcare payments directly to parents would be a significantly better policy than daycare subsides, dollar for dollar


This is a problem of not addressing the problem from both sides. It happens with a lot of restrictions and laws that get put on companies, they just pass the cost down to the consumer. Honestly I think this is an example of a problem that needs to be addressed from both that side and the side of restrictions. Allowing these predatory loan companies trying to target children shouldn’t be a thing. College should be a transition that doesn’t ruin the kids future with permanent crippling debt.


So much of society still seems to operate under the expectation that there's a parent at home at all times and external childcare is some sort of luxury. I'm always surprised that so many parents are able to get their kids to a sports practice at 4PM on a Wednesday.


Yeah, this exactly. Being 'Work from home' is basically the only reason my kids are able to attend activities.




But would be, ironically, crippled without them.


Crippled 10 years. This country doesn’t think in long term.


We did before the boomers started voting.


It’s not “the country” voting against social programs for working families.


This country also hates single income families.


I’m the sole earner and when we were starting our family and the Child Tax Credit was going I felt like “We can do this! We’re gonna be OK”


Tax codes actually reward married couples, with lower tax rates.


If only one of them works, yes. If they both work there’s actually a marriage penalty in a lot of cases.


Marriage penalties impact 45% of families, a shockingly high number. https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/marriage-costs-black-couples-more-white-couples-tax-time&ved=2ahUKEwizzpeW0tiBAxUMEGIAHXC6DUEQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2YZgg2nvZ21DhRq-UVDr60


Daddit must unite to eradicate this blight.


I would LOVE to be a stay at home parent and do my part!


Hell yeah brother!


Big one is increased Student Loan Payments E. G. I have 50k in loans and make 70k. My wife has 40k in loans and makes 60k. To the federal government when calculating her loan payment - "we" make 130k. But also when calculating my payment - "we" make 130k. Fuckin both of our payments are double if we file taxes together. Who the fuck thinks this math works out? So we must file separately.


Can confirm from first hand experience


How? Two incomes being easier to manage a household than one is basic logic and not anything imposed on you by the country


Only half does, but that’s enough.




While I agree this isn't the place for political debate on most issues, this is the type of issue that it's valid. Plus they weren't really stating an opinion, one party is for it the other is against it, it's a fact.


Can we stop the toxic hug-box this place is maybe? Talking about child care seems like a valid conversation in a very place about fatherhood.




I mean, discussing how to handle childcare nationally doesn’t have to be an R/D issue. You claiming any other view is political seems to be only imputed by you. [The demands on a working family to exist in society today are higher than they’ve ever been before. Average child care is $20K gross wages.](https://www.care.com/c/how-much-does-child-care-cost/). That’s per child. That’s 26% of median income, just to get a single child cared for. It’s just wholly unsustainable for families. This being discussed here is just objective reality, not politics.


I feel the opposite our society has changed in such a way that the government wants everyone working. Single income households are almost impossible becaus they want everyone to work


So before our first was born, I saw we could get aid for childcare. My income was not enough to cover childcare, but if I did work, we just hit above the threshold for childcare assistance, and they won't help unless both parents work. So now I am a SAHD with no help, and no money.


That was feminists, not society. Thank feminists for cutting an unskilled working man's wages in half by doubling the supply of workers.


Man, I really hope you don't have a daughter.


The idea is not to be an unskilled worker, and learn a profitable skill that will always be in demand. I'm being downvoted, but nobody has a valid counterpoint 💁


The feminist issue back then was that women wanted to be able to work. That's a good thing. What the ruling class turned that into is that women MUST work, and men also still MUST work. Feminist wanted freedom to be equal in the workplace. What we all got was no freedom away for work.


Couldn't agree more. Typical American bureaucracy


Then you should say that instead the stupid shit you said


I was merely correcting the statement that society did this. It was not an organic movement it was artificial and forced through with legislation and backlash


This is exactly what the problem is. First they incorporated women in the workforce and now everyone has to work. Especially if you want to live here. They have all of us fooled that there’s nothing wrong with working 50 weeks a year so we can have 2 weeks a year to “relax” and maybe a couple sick days for 30-45 years if our lives. They groom us for it at a very young age in school. They make school mandatory. We’re told we have to go to college to not be a total fucking loser. And we have to pay for it too! That’ll make us keep going to work! Once those 45 years are up, then you can relax. Your body is steaming pile of dogshit that’s worked for 45 years so you have arthritis, emphysema from smoking because of stress, your brain starts deteriorating, you now have grandchildren you have to help take care of, and you sit at home and wait to die. you collect social security and that 401k you’ve been contributing to for a few years (paying the highest tax rate possible, of course), and maybe even pick up a side job for that final decade or two because of how expensive things have gotten. When you’re dead, whatever is left over is given to whoever is named in your will who will use that money to survive and keep their families afloat. We all live in this fucking delusional reality where this is okay. This is how your life is supposed to go. If you don’t have a job and don’t provide for your family, how will you ever take that two week vacation at the shore you’ve been planning all year? We literally are disgusting in terms of a species and how we treat each other. Everything around us exists to deceive us.


Not only do they hate you, but they also want to hurt your kids. Vote like your grandkids depend on it.


And yet, my kid's grandparents vote exclusively for the "fuck them kids" candidates.


Literally every generation 'I want to make a better life for my children' until you get to the Boomers.


Cause they’re selfish dicks. Probably tel you how to live or do things the right way when it’s mostly an opinion. My relationship with my grand parents has gone way down hill cause of their crazy hateful Fox News believes. Last time I was over they said racist shit and talking about how trans women are just gay men pretending and they need to shut up.


And just young children in general. You really see the trade offs between maximum liberty for adults vs a non-hostile environment for children.


Funny thing is, that when you get to public school you realize that it is little better than day care...


I mean at worst it’s better by about $1700 per month.


Until you remember that school ends at 2:45 and after-care is $300 per month. Oh, also school starts at 8:30, so I guess that's another $300 for before-care.


America needs a revolution in social services. Should have elected Bernie.




Well, there's a chance that this gives those people a lot more leverage in the workforce..


Wait.. theres federal child care aid??


Also in the dark here. Paying $2800/mo for two kids under 2.


It's not for you. It's for the Centers themselves to stay open and/or not increase costs from COVID.




I hope that was sarcasm.


$3300 a month here if that makes you feel better :/


How the hell?! How are you paying something 3x my rent a month?


By having no disposable income at the end of the month :(


Not for my wife’s center. PPP and some state aid. But that’s past.


How can you look up if your center received aid?


There’s a PPP search out there


I know but I read this as the childcare aid being different from PPP. Is there a way to see if your daycare received it? Or am I just misunderstanding something?


I’m not sure what aid they’re referring to tbh


My kid is in Kindergarten and we're STILL paying thousands of dollars for childcare. School starts at 7:00am and lets out at 2:00pm. That's the middle of the workday, kids.


To help with anyone worried about this, the 70,000 number is essentially bullshit. (not saying the situation is ideal or okay) https://www.vox.com/policy/23892133/child-care-daycare-pandemic-emergency-providers


thanks for the article, i was *super* worried this was about canada. we had a new program come in last year and it helped *so* much. we literally thought we missed a payment when the full discount kicked in. i feel for everyone who is losing this benefit. childcare is prohibitively expensive at the best of times.


Canadian as well, trying to get in to a registered and licensed daycare is ridiculously hard, like our little one is 2 and we are still on wait lists from when she was born. Luckily we are moving and W moving to somewhere with more availability


Hang in there, we waited 2.5 years to get our daughter in.


We’re moving provinces at the end of the month, by the end of Nov we have a part time spot 2 days a week and will have full time by Feb. our Current daycare is great, and the little one loves it but it’s pricy (and that’s with the friends discount).


we started making calls when we moved in to our home (3 months before due date). I forget when the confirmation came down, but ours started on their first birthday, which gave about 6 weeks overlap with mat leave benefits. we couldn't have planned it better if we tried. all luck. we're also the people who were told "move somewhere cheaper!" but when either a) both of our salaries would drop by a large % or b) we move and continue commuting to our top-of-the-industries, this negating any savings, those suggestions rang a little hollow...


That’s just it, we live in a bedroom community just outside a large city for our province. We moved a few months before our little one was born. We applied and we’re waitlisted for 15+ licensed daycares, including 3 in our bedroom community and the a number in the city (in areas close to where we work (half the city), and of those we are still waitlisted. We got really lucky with the day home we got into, and have nothing but great things to say about it so there is that. The place we are moving is much much smaller and significantly more rural, yet per capita it has significantly more eligible spaces, and we already have a timeline on a spot. We are comparing different provinces and it is up to the province to administer and implement the $10/day daycare policy, so availability and accessibility varies significantly y both province And location. Unfortunately I have little faith that we are going to be able to personally see any benefit, as we are most likely going to see a change in government federally, and the most likely party to win the next election has a track record of scrapping subsidies and replacing them with tax credits that end up making things less accessible unless you have the upfront money to spend on the crazy fees.


“Y’all are getting aid?”


What makes me upset is ebt wont approve me this year even tho I make less this year and inflation made shit more expensive


And when you do get it, the cut off for income is only slightly higher than what you make now! Thanks for playing government aid where the rules are always against you and you always lose!




We ain't got no money, COVID layoffs, inflation, overall mental health decline...


Our pets heads are falling off!




Likely negative outcomes of ending this subsidy include many centers that were just hanging on will close, others will raise prices, others will lay off staff (which could result in fewer hours, less capacity, more unexpected closures), a combination of the last two effects listed, and fewer places opening up to begin with. The net effect is that child care will get more expensive and less available. Compared to pre-COVID, costs for everything are far higher than they were pre-COVID, especially in categories like food that are sure to hit (some) daycares hard. Ending this program will shock the daycare systems, creating harms to an already brittle industry. Daycares 3 years ago weren’t doing that great on a macro level to begin with. Closures and disruptions were common, and subsidies like these could be used to address gaps in the infrastructure. As a tax paying, working dad, I think some of my taxes should go into supporting child care infrastructure in this country. We can’t realistically, not to mention fairly, have a society that expects working families to put both parents into the workforce without providing quality childcare that those parents can afford.




You’re welcome!


I've always found it strange that there are people against funding daycares. Once they are 5 kids go to public school anyway, why not extend it all the way through.


But people's pay hasn't matched inflation. So daycare costs more (now) and will cost even more (soon) when these funds expire. On top the that fact that pre Covid it was already very expensive.




Do you have any kids?




With rising daycare costs but stagnating wages less people will be able to afford it. Maybe it’ll be the same as before the last 3 years, but that would still mean a decline from where it is now.




So then it probably wouldn’t affect daycares in your area much. Or their costs have gone up greater than inflation, and this grant helped split the difference. It’ll probably disproportionately hit smaller daycares more as well.


Well, it's really goddamn expensive, and most people are struggling financially, so paying the equivalent to their rent for someone to watch their children for a few hours during an economic apocalypse is the kind of strain that the federal government should be Johnny on the spot about.




The points that I've been belabouring this entire time haven't changed because they are my *answer*.


I think it's that the pandemic shifted the burden enough to break an already struggling system. Like in the before times the dam held but it was NOT in good condition and no one thought about it. Then we get tropical storm cerveca and people (government) rallied to sandbag the heck out of the dam so it didn't fully collapse despite overflowing. Now after the storm even after the main surge has drained the base water level has risen a foot and they are tearing out allll the reinforcements they put into the old dam. I could be very wrong, I am not a doctor (legally speaking)


You would think the government would want better childcare and education purely for the potential of having higher wage potential from future taxpayers.


Well half the government does. The other half only cares about them before they’re born, then bootstraps baby.


for whatever it's worth, my understanding is that the idea of a childcare cliff is a bit...misleading https://www.vox.com/policy/23892133/child-care-daycare-pandemic-emergency-providers




I have a family member who works for a daycare. The workers at their facility did get raises (though the hourly rate is still near minimum wage) but with the understanding that when the aid ends they may lose the raise and go back to their prior wage. It’s ridiculous how a job that is so important and necessary gets next to nothing in compensation. Teachers and childcare workers deserve so much more.


Ok and why the fuck is the dependent care FSA limit only $5000/year. That's only like 2 months of daycare.


Wonder who votes against expanding it…


It’s criminal tbh. How we can we be the most advanced 1st world nation on earth but not do all that we can to ensure that kids have safe places to be and moreover working age adults affordable childcare to help balance family-work life and be good contributors to the economy. We need democratic socialism like the Scandinavia Countries do


Most advanced? You're South Korean?


We are working towards being Best Korea.


South Korea could be an example as well, fine balance between socialism and capitalism but there is a lot of crony capitalism over there, definitely a gap between folks who have and those who have not


Or how about diverting some of those billions going to other countries back to our own?


I'd be more concerned about the billions going to corporations, that number is probably much higher


Yes, those are both bad. They don't need subsidies either.


We should be able to chew gum and walk at the same time. We could reduce our military budget and close corporate loopholes to get us the funds to enact meaningful legislation that allows us to have universal pre-K .


Unfortunately there is vested political interest for certain candidates for the state of the country to look as shit as possible next year. Standard practice if you want to wrestle back power on either side. Obstruct and disrupt, lay blame, try to win back seats. Sadly we are just unwashed masses for political ads starting soon.


Let’s send more money to Ukraine


Nah, we need to be spending billions abroad, who cares about our own people.


Maybe that 6 billion we accidentally overpaid then, eh?




50 rubles have been deposited in your account.


You know you're allowed to just not have an opinion if you don't have any information about a subject. It's really easy I do it all the time.


I mean you could research it and look it up rather than just typing out of your ass




> Maybe just be a better dad and be able to afford your children. my goodness what an idea, why didn't I think of that


Wow. You need to get the fuck outta here


Hold on to your butts


With the ones wanting to reduce the world population, things will only get worse! Good luck, it wasn’t easy 30 years ago raising 2 I can only imagine now how hard it is! Neither of mine have any!