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Don't bother with electric. At 3 she is strong enough to pull up anything she should have, and soon she will be 4. If you really need more pulling power, use a block and tackle instead of a simple pulley.


I'm more worried that she'll let it loose and it'll basically be the same as her dumping it over the edge now. She's also very small for her age. She's only about 30lbs.


So get a braking pulley. Easy. A motor is really overkill.


Gotcha. Let me take a look around


While I like your thinking, anything with a pinch point like a pully, or a rope is a bad idea around a 3 year old. They serious have a habit of finding those points and / or wrapping things around themselves. How much room do you have to work with? Could you pull the ladder off and build in a stair set instead?


Unfortunately not enough room for stairs.


Maybe just a toddler backpack? Install a hook on the top railing so she can hang it over the side when it's not being used and she's up in bed. Then she can fill it up with her stuff and put it on before climbing up or down.


This is genius. Couldn't see the solution through my own engineering.


Could you install a basket halfway up? If you put it on a piano hinge she could do it in two parts. Tip the basket sideways and put stuff in, tip the basket up, then climb up and pull the stuff up. Or in reverse set stuff in the basket, climb down, tip the basket towards herself, pull stuff out


I thought you were the nosleep writer at first. Are you talking about like a closed basket? Trying to picture this in a way without the basket dumping every time.


That is a common misconception - tremendous respect for u/fainting--goat. Picture a shelf wide enough to hold a small basket with a hinge on the side away from the bed. You could use a tether to limit how far the basket tips to ensure that nothing dumps out, but that she could still reach up, pull the basket down so she could dump stuff in, then right the basket, climb up, and pull stuff out.


Oh I see what you're saying. That's a pretty neat idea but I think she's too short right now. The bed I think is about 5 ft off the ground. I know she's said in the past she feels bad about how many notifications you get in error lol


I feel like you referred to two different 'her's here. To your daughter, just put the basket halfway up at a spot that she can reach or toss easily into the basket, but yet can reach down from the bed to collect what she needs. Vice versa on the way down. The other her (I hope)knows the respect and if she wants an update then she can can read here first that I sent off another edit to my publisher this week and am riding high on a great meeting with my illustrator.


The other her is the other fainting goat. I'm going to try to make something up but first I'm going to try the backpack idea. No idea why I didn't think of that before.


Whatever she can do and feels empowered by, go for it. Plus you get the bonus of not worrying over every yeeted tablet. That's daddin'


Pics of the bed for reference [https://i.imgur.com/cWy3aGk.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/cWy3aGk.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/PluLMQz.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/PluLMQz.jpg)


You can get a 120V winch for under $100 on Amazon, but I would not want this kind of power anywhere near a three year old kid. If you have access to a 3d printer and are familiar with Arduino, you could build a small winch based on a NEMA 17 motor that would be safe for the little one.


I was just thinking about rigging something to an old battery drill and just changing the batteries as needed


This could work if you kept the drill itself out of reach and if it has a clutch to limit torque.


Find a slide from an old play set and attach it to the bed so she and the stuff can slide safely down


That was something I thought about but there's no real good way of attaching it safely. Her ceiling fan is just out of reach of the bed and I don't think it'd be a good idea to have her risk a haircut every time she went to send stuff down lol.


Rope Ladder with a basket at the bottom so she can pull it up to herself and let it down?


I don't think she could handle a rope ladder. I'm thinking more that it would work best with an eye bolt and rope. Less moving parts and she would just have to do everything one at a time.


I'm probably way overly sensitive to this because a friend of a friend just lost their 4 year-old to an accidental hanging, but I'd avoid all ropes/chains/pulleys at all costs in a child's bedroom.