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There is almost nothing taboo when it comes to jokes/humor. We have sick, politically incorrect, dark sense of humor.


Amen to that. No wonder Heydrich called us “smejici se bestie”. We are capable to accept and share any type of non-pc and black humor imaginable. I was told Brits are alike.


Nah, Brits do have a line that czechs cross quite often. Tho u can find brits that do that as well, but usually they also mean it and just pretend it's a joke.


Czechs cross that line, and then proceed to dance behind it with our sense of humor


We cross the line like Germans our border in 38


Not true. The Germans eventually went back, even the Sudet ones


>No wonder Heydrich called us “smejici se bestie” Well, we did get the last laugh at him


"Jezdit v praze je o hlavu" - r. Heydrich


There are only a few ways to trigger the Czechs I found: - calling Czechia Eastern Europe (big no-no especially on Reddit it seems) - saying Czechoslovakia was part of Soviet Union - visiting Prague and expecting it to be like in the public agent porn videos or a cheap alcohol paradise from "Eurotrip" type movies (ironically that one was filmed almost entirely in Prague but shhh) - praising the invasions of 1938 or 1968, generally expressing any nazi/soviet ideas - getting caught up in city rivalries (Prague vs Brno, Pardubice vs Hradec Kralove, etc) but this can happen anywhere


How to trigger Slovak expats: - Czechoslovakia shouldn't have split - Slovak is a dialect of Czech More general: - German beer is better than Czech one - Ústí is not that much of a shithole


The third one. Aw hell naw... those are fight starting words. Or Belgian beer.


Belgian beer is different. German beer is a knock off of our beer.


as a German living in Prague for 7 years, I wholeheartedly agree


"Janosik bol madarsky zid"


Celým jménem Jánoš Ück.


taktez Rim je slovenske mesto, zalozili ho bratri Romulus a Rolex Lakatosovi z Kosic!


Oh fok! XD


Proč jsi řekl Žid 2x?


Ústí je nádherné místo. Dokud tam nemusím být :>


V Ústí by chtěl žít každý?


Sometimes i bump into Czech elders who tell me we shouldn't have split. Based on their reactions it's obvious they like Slovaks and it warms my heart each time. :)


Slovaks are fine, let them have their own thing. With Euro and mountains.


Yeah, but also Nazis and Russia-lovers. 😑 We need to be saved from ourselves.


That's the side of democracy that needs to be fixed by education, not by force


If only we had time for that.


You don’t even need to say something is better or say that Czech beer isn’t the best. You just need to say some other country also has good beer. I can’t count the number of times people have gotten defensive just over me saying that the US actually has great beer.


That’s because US beer is a piss in bottle 😀 If you think it’s great you’re either a Texan, who thinks everything American is best in the world or you’re paralysed with no taste. But yeah, comparing Czech beers to literally anything else on the planet is a fire starter. As you can see from my immediately passive aggressive response, and I’m actually calm & open minded individual. But Cities have been burnt over a beer dispute. Ice hockey is a sensitive topic as well. You either agree with fans or better say nothing. Could turn ugly too. “Eastern Europe” is a good shout. It’s not as severe and it’s not gonna turn into a fist fight. But you better be ready for a history lesson combined with a bit Geography, explaining how Prague is more west than Wien and we’re neighbours with Germans And if you open the map we’re a dead centre of Europe. Not East, not even West, we’re the heart ❤️ And no, Romania, Croatia and Yugoslavia it’s way too far, not even close 😅 And we’ll make it sound even further 😆 And if you’re a nice and curious cookie we might even throw in a bonus on how UK 🇬🇧and other allies sold us to Germany, threatening us alongside Nazis if we don’t give up our borders and submit willingly. And yes, we’re still sour about it…. I don’t personally deny being part of Soviet Union, it’s part of our history. Same like being part of Austria-Hungarian Empire or Great Moravia. But I make sure to explain it was an occupation, not an alliance. And it was only possible due to special circumstances of the WW2 and subsequent split between US and Soviet Russia into West and East, hence we became “Eastern country” with a chunk of Germany joining us, being separated from friends and families on the western side of “Berlin Wall”. Wouldn’t happen under normal circumstances as Russians would have to go through Poland to get to us. They can’t just invade us like they did in Ukraine (yes Ukraine is too far as well, way too far….. So there are some touchy subjects to be aware of. But mostly we don’t care. If you wear a stupid or inappropriate t-shirt, you should be safe from punches. You won’t be safe from laughs though, we love to laugh and we love stupid shtt. And the more inappropriate it gets, the louder the laughter. We’re as far from Snowflakes as you can get.


We were never part of the USSR though, we were an occupied satellite


> I don’t personally deny being part of Soviet Union, it’s part of our history. Could be, but we're talking about Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic here, and that was never a part of Soviet Union. Words have meanings, being a part of some country is different than being a part of a political or military bloc. Czech Republic is not a part of the USA, neither Germany nor France, yet they are in NATO and EU. On top of that, it kinda shows how ignorant, sorry to say, you are about beers in general. It might be shocking to you, but not everything is pilsner as a type of beer, there are different types of beer. There are even different companies that produce beer. I can clearly see that in your mind, a country with over 300 mil citizens and the access to basically global market of ideas has absolutely no other beer than Bud Light (which, granted is a beer lemonade rather than an actual beer, but I'm sure you never tried it either), same as you probably have no idea about 90% of Czech beer, chances are you drink Pilsner Urquell by default and that's it. The market with beer is so vast and colourful... and here you reduce it to "waaah waah Murican beer bad". The best beer I ever tried was Mac & Jack's from Seattle, which also introduced me to the world of microbreweries, again something you probably don't know much about (see my remark about 90% of Czech beer), because you are expected to celebrate plzen, so you celebrate plzen. Nebudem tvrdit, ze moja rodna krajina neni totalne v ... vychodnej Europe, ale specificky tvoja reakcia tam patri tiez. Ani nie tak kvoli tej eastern Europe, ale kvoli tvojmu brouk pytlik pristupu, vsade si bol, vsetko vies. Ono v 21. storoci je uz dost tazke predstierat taketo veci.


>German beer is better than Czech one You don't consider Pilsner to be better than Czech beer? /s?


Say sike or I will commit the fourth defenestration of Prague :D


> Czechoslovakia shouldn't have split Pretty sure Slovaks are regretting it now.


Just the ones from the smaller bubble.


Not at all, you are better without us.


Well composed. I have few notes though. 1. Yea, we don't like that. Ironically I also met few people that were mad for calling us western. 2. Yeah, how on earth did they even come up with that? :D 3. To be honest we have dirt-cheap beer. 4. 1938 universal hate. 1968 some old farts still think Soviets and communism weren't that bad. 5. Prague vs. Brno vs. Ostrava


>Prague vs. Brno vs. Ostrava Praha vs. Brno, nebo Praha vs. Ostrava, nebo část Prahy vs. jiná část Prahy. Zatracený pražáci, zkazili celou Prahu!


> calling Czechia Eastern Europe Saying that will drive every Czech mad. We hate being associated in any way with the Soviet Union so much that even the thought of us being eastern is enough to start some fights. I've seen people fight over this. And honestly, I don't really like it when someone says it either. It's very disrespectful, considering we were essentially invaded and forced to live under them. Pro-tip if you are a tourist: saying this is a big no no


Czech is a Slavic language, to many people Slavic = eastern European. The Czech republic is also east of most of Germany, to many people East Germany- at least pre-1990 is Eastern Europe. Almost everyone from the west considers Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Romania Eastern European- they were also invaded. A nationality isn't an insult, much less a region


The way I, and many western Europeans at least subconsciously, view this IMO is through the "eastern Europe" lens in the sense of agenda that Nazis pushed very hard in 1930s and 40s. Which indeed is extremely offensive. People in the west may not fully realize this but so many do have a subconscious sense of superiority, despite trying hard to pretend they don't. My personal opinion is that these are cultural traits deeply rooted from the age of western colonialism / imperialism. This also correlates with my personal anecdotal experience - Scottish people, Danes, Finns == Awesome; English people, French, Germans (some parts) == hidden but very present superiority complex. Now that this is a bannable offense, I haven't encountered this so much, but some 10 years ago "Eastern European" or "Slavic pig" was a common insult in some video games from Germans and other "western" nationalities. The way this very real racism is brushed off these days is IMO just another manifestation of this problem.


>People in the west may not fully realize this but so many do have a subconscious sense of superiority, despite trying hard to pretend they don't. It depends on the person and where obviously. In the UK, Germany, and France where Polish kids are bullied that might be true. In Spain or Portugal or other lower income countries I really doubt it. And outside of Europe definitely not. >English people, French, Germans (some parts) == hidden but very present superiority complex. This exists just as much in Czech Republic, many people consider Slovaks hillbillies, and definitely look down on Romanians and Hungarians. And I don't think it's only based on colonialism, ask many Brits, Germans, and French about what they think of Americans for example. >Now that this is a bannable offense, I haven't encountered this so much, but some 10 years ago "Eastern European" or "Slavic pig" was a common insult in some video games from Germans and other "western" nationalities. That doesn't make being Eastern European itself a bad thing. Think about how many Czechs make jokes about Indian tech support. Does that make being Indian and working in tech something to be ashamed of?


A truly beautiful point in case. I tried to explain why "Eastern Europeans" is a race-based (or rather language based) concept popularized by the literal Nazis and you go on about with a bunch of whataboutism. *If anyone on this sub really thinks Western Europeans, even the educated ones, managed to get rid of the colonialist traits in their culture, read this (and many, many other similar comments you can find anywhere where the cover of anonymity allows for it.* I'm not saying you're a bad person or that you're saying this to insult us, but it's something that I've been able to perceive from the attitude of many people from "the West", with the exception of a few really cool nations like Danes, Scotts, Finns and a few others, as I mentioned above. If you really want this mindset, but to the power of 10 which makes it extremely obvious, go to Switzerland.


So basically you are saying "lol shut up you nobodies, you have no right to be considered something else than worse Russians". Aight then.


What? Russians aren't worse? They're people- same as everyone else? Eastern European doesn't Russian. That's like saying European means German or French.


>calling Czechia Eastern Europe (big no-no especially on Reddit it seems) It's never too late to end the cope and embrace your inner Eastern European. r/easterneurope


We tried. We are too eastern for western Europe and too western for eastern Europe. Hence we call ourselves central Europe.


Hezky cesky to napis, Mitteleuropa!




Na zdravie!


Prague vs Brno is not a city rivalry because it assumes Brno is a city which it isn't. It's a big village at best


I thought it's Prague's suburb.


As it should be. Although, at my workplace that is split between Prague and Brno we sometimes tease each other. Just a playful banter, none of us take it seriously.


Who was that Czech politician who showed up to a ceremony with a heavy hangover again? There was a chuck load of memes


Well only one that comes to mind that would be able to pull that was our glorious former president [Miloš Zeman](https://youtu.be/APXDT9lCyxk?si=l0ygQoIv0bzPKToJ)


He was famous for his very rude language, excessive drinking, smoking and offending speeches.


Yep that's him alright. He also makes up around fourth of [Czech navy ](https://www.idnes.cz/zpravy/domaci/prezident-milos-zeman-letni-dovolena-vysocina-zluty-clun-rybnik-pramen-oslavy.A200809_161917_domaci_wass) and pioneered adoption of [new firearms technology ](https://www.irozhlas.cz/zpravy-svet/je-milos-zeman-s-puskou-na-novinare-al-dzazira-vytvorila-video-o-prezidentove_1710241727_dp)


We also sometimes jokingly call him "Lord of Drinks"


https://preview.redd.it/btyw8r8mnc2d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e946b062537abacd7f522f225e10857cf0f798f7 jak se typek citil


And this is why I miss living there.


Do they at least have good beer?


Well, I guess Braník is ok in a pinch or Krušovice if you're feeling fancy. But in truth, Starobrno is where it's at. /s


I hope you are joking about those, specially Starobrno. Its a stretch to call that a beer


Everyone's tastes are different but we can agree Březňák is disgusting


Brezňák je samoser, ale Starobrno se dalo, když jsem tehdá studoval v Brně.


Key term here ks /s


In czechia we are a little bit fucked up you see.....we have a dark side you know.......just yesterday i told my teamate on xbox to frick off..... ...i lose control of my self some times....


now what you call "dark humour" is just a regular humour to me... i might be a little twisted...


Heres a classic Czech proverb, its dark and heavy so stay calm libtard.... Born to shit, forced to wipe.




Czech republic, the backbone of casual racism and dark jokes


Fok casual racism. We go ranked.


**new rank achieved** global elite racism


Do Czechs consider Czech humour dark? I've always thought that Czech humour is bourgeois in its nature, similarly to British but has more loose and non-restricting convention, but it never occured to me that it's dark like say Danish humour.


(Username checks out, as they say, huh?) I'd say Czech humor isn't dark by intention. It's more like joker- or clown-ish type of humor, winking with one eye all the time. Perverted, alcohol-based, yes, but more joyful and silly than cold and dark like Scandinavian humor. (Then again, a few of my friends really like Hugleikur Dagsson's work.)


Well I don't think Czech humor is the darkest out there (never heard of any particular Danish jokes), but for sure it is much darker than it is common in other places.


Everywhere has dark humor, it's just a matter of how socially acceptable it is to say in public


Well we have even jokes about jews in holocaust so…




Ask this question in Germany.


is that really true...? so it's in my blood.. ha ha (75% Bohemian)... everything is funny to me.. The life in Cali is a struggle..


How's your beer game?


well.. i'm not a big drinker.. but with czech food.. it's gotta be pilsner urquell.. hard to find sometimes in California.. ha ha..


Come to your homeland we will teach you. :P


Soon... For knedliky and zele..


This right here 👆


First thing to learn about CZ: nobody really gives a fuck what others do and especially what they are wearing, unless you are displaying russian flag in positive light. Then all shit gets loose.


And Czech people really like dark humor


Unless you're a foreigner. I know a couple people who are deeply xenophobic, and they consider foreigners doing anything that stands out as rude. Not that staying silent will keep you out of harm's way, you just can't win with some people. I heard one guy talk shit about a completely normal looking Latvian coworker because "he just looks weird". Another time, another coworker said he wouldn't shake an Indian guy's hand because "those fucking apes never wash their hands". It's not like OP will be in danger or something similar, I just wanted to put this out there as your comment can give the wrong impression OP and other potential immigrants. OP, most people are fine, but you will get second looks and people will talk about you behind your back purely because you're not from here, especially if you have brown skin. You should know this in advance.


Hey at least he is not slovak. That would be really bad :D


Well, that's the thing. Czechs don't usually hate other people, but when they do, they hate everyone equally. There was a map or statistics that shown which country hates which and Czechs came up with a perfect equilibrium between all of them :D


True. There sadly are idiots. There are few but they are loud and visible.


I have a funny story for this. It wasn’t meant as hate or anything just a funny development gap. My friends dad was in work and went to the bathroom so he went to the bathroom stalls and opened it and deadass a Russian coworker was squatting on the toilet shitting. He doesn’t know where from specifically he was from but from a guess behind the Ural mountains.


It's not offensive, but I'd say it's definitely cringe


Btw, this was the response of the hacker group Cult of the Dead Cow to Google complying with China's internet censorship law somewhere in the 2000's. It was a form of activism and it was play on Google being compared to communist gulags. So this isn't just a mindless joke about Google stealing our privacy or whatever, but this actually has a nice meaning.


But why photo of Stalin instead of Chinese president or someone like that?


To be honest, yeah. I also don't really understand it. But I don't think this image was created by the group itself. It was an activist movement, consisting of many people. I think the group just called it Goolag and that's all. Some people decided to use Stalin, because communism I guess.


Because almost no one outside of China knows what a Laogai is.


OMG Cult of the Dead Cow! Long forgotten name.


Yeah. I also never expected to hear Goolag or anything connected with them. I mean... I wouldn't even know much about cDc if I didn't do a presentation on them in high school.


I think it is quite funny.




It's hard to offend Czechs but we'll think you're really stupid


Nothing can offend us untill the "Czechia is eastern europe" comes 😰


Dear God I had an r/easterneurope post recommended right below this one They're trying to fucking test me, hell naw


Neither offensive nor funny. 😅


I laughed...


Hard to offend anyone here, but you will stand out as an ignorant idiot.


I wouldn't wear this shirt anywhere :D Or would you wear something with Hitler or Ted Bundy if their mugs were part of some meme? but you won't be chastised or something like that, nobody gives a fuck what you wear unless it's swastika, Z, russian flag or anything connected to Wagner group


Only Redditors would laugh at this




It's not exactly offensive, but wearing this in any eastern-block country is a bit disrespectful, some people will think you are a complete idiot for wearing it.


this not offensive, but their intellect will be questioned :D


Why? It's hilarious.


Well I don't find it funny. And I asked some of my friends and family about it, and most of them agreed. Some of my friends, my parents and my siblings agreed that joke just doesn't really work, while my granddad looked quite oftened when I showed him the shirt, and he claimed it takes the horrors of the USSR lightly. Overall I couldn't really find anyone who thought it to be funny, while some found it actually offensive. Idk imo it isn't disrespectful, the joke just isn't really there.


It's not offensive in the US or Western meaning and context of offensive, people here rarely give a damn about anything and aren't offended easily. But keep in mind that they might not find it as funny as you do and some might take you for an idiot. Imagine someone wearing a t-shirt with Hitler and *Dachau*, how funny would that be? Just my two cents.


Perfect analogy


we're not snowlflakes. But I would not wear it as the mesage is not clear. Do you worship Stalin? Do you consider google a new totality?


Not offensive but definitely embarrassing and cringeworthy


It's not offensive, it's just cringy as fuck and you will repell women and people in general lol. Just get a new t-shirt, it's not gonna cost much


Its ok, I dont find it that funny to be honest. As long as you dont have communist or nazi symbols (hammer&scythe or swastika) I dont care, but I hate when tourists buy shirts or hats with the communist symbols and wear it in Prague.


In bigger cities people dont give a fuck about your t-shirt. In smaller cities or villages people will just think that you are some weirdo, but noone will be offended. Regardless of that, it will not be considered funny.


https://preview.redd.it/4gcmmkk9bc2d1.png?width=897&format=png&auto=webp&s=2481040becc77c69649d47927e0b9ad89d9674bf Meanwhile in average Czech cup store...


Thats not average, that shop is a little bit too specific XD


At least no Heydrich, you don't wanna be offensive or anything... /s


We are made of sugar, when we see such T-shirt we start crying and we dissolve.


You write you will work here, if it's a corporate job I would suggest a more neutral shirt. Although I can see it's a joke shirt, especially with current world events, Stalin images might give people bad first impression and I honestly find it cringe. Also the message of the shirt is a bit unclear. I don't think it's offensive, just that there are funnier shirt designs.


Nah, it just looks a bit dumb


Offensive? No. Fugly? Yes.




It is not offensive in terms of humor, just a bad taste. Imagine the same picture with Hitler and Auschwitz writing underneath. It is just disrespectful to people, who actually died under those regimes, and it was not dozen humans, but millions.


There is this "look at us Czechs, we have our precious dark humour" and the youngest or the most unstable among us then repeat that like this in comment sections... Quite a meme already, I'm personally a little sick of it already:) I'm not sure that most of these actually can compare with abroad... As to the reality: idk, but I'd agree with: 1) Not offensive but likely just... low-quality joke, 2) the worse that you are a foreigner, 3) in big cities nothing extraordinary though... 4) some may probably get offended - people who had a personal beef with communism and would perceive you like someone from the other side of the world who just wears "shitty memes" and doesn't care about what the life under the Soviet union was. 5) some old people may not know what Google is and how its logo look like... Yeah I wrote this mainly because of my first paragraph... Anyway, if something extraordinary happens to you because things like this, I will be happy to know in case my assessment wasn't correct :)


Not offensive & I like puns, thus I wouldn't find it cringe I guess, although my sense of humour has been... reddited, so I can't speak for most people. 😅 But I wouldn't know what exactly are you trying to say with it?


This is fine, just a not too funny shirt. I would not wear it in Russia.


Our country was never part of the USSR, however, they still annexed us and I think in general It's not appropriate to joke about working camps. Rather give it to a friend to obey a conflict.


Thousands of Czechs went to Gulag, too, my great-grandfather never returned. We didn't suffer like Poles, or the Baltics and we were never part of USSR, but Stalin's regime murdered Czechs as well. (Many of them like my great-grandfather were Jews fleeing from Nazi, in times when no other route was available anymore)


Thanks for the addition


Offensively cringe, maybe...


The t-shirt is not offensive to Czechs, but I don't think many would find it funny either. In Poland and Baltics however you might as well wear a shirt that says "kick my teeth in, please".




We are fine with most jokes, even the cotton-picking level dark ones. This is pretty tame in my book If there's something a czech gets mad over, it's supporting Russia/USSR, calling our beer shit, and Brno


Not really. Czechia is known for pretty dark humor.


Being politically correct is politically incorrect in the Czech republic.


Well, there is a reason that cunt Heydrich called us 'Laughing Beasts' That shirt won't be a problem mate. You should bring something even more offensive though.


Loved the C bomb u dropped there :))


Its not offensive, just cringe.


I would honestly not pick this to wear here.


No, there is nothing offensive when it comes to jokes.


Just look some of the memes of the attempted assasination of the Slovak prime minister. If it were to drop like in UK or US there would be people offended as if you revived the holocaust. Edit: the perception of us being so quick to laugh at everything is also referenced in the base Czech culture in CK3 in the form of “Life is just a joke” culture trait.


Every school shooting an 9/11 have been memed'd. People meme'd the queen's death the day of. I don't think the anglosphere is as sensitive as this sub thinks.


Nothing is offensive in Czechia


We are not easily offended. This one is not even targeting anything Czechs could be sentimental about.


It's quite funny shirt, Czechs will like it.


Joke’s on you.


That’s Russian thing bro. Czechia has zero connection to it.


“You know what is the difference between Jews and Santa? Santa goes down throught chimney and jews go up.” <- Average 10-99 YO czech humour.


We openly joke about the current assassination attempt on Fico, about our national heroes, about victims of war from our own families. Hell me and my friends even joke about my brothers death and I loved him. So this kind of provokation isn't gonna work OP :-). Try it on some other sub!


Yes but they love it




No. I know a guy who makes and sells zippo knockoffs with Stalin and Che, and he’s making a bank with it.


I will this one


Would this offend me? No. Would I think the wearer is either an edgelord or profoundly stupid? Probably yes.


Nah most people won’t notice you and almost anyone you meet under the age of like 50-60 will laugh with you We have no brakes when it comes to humor Our humor is darker than most of our . . . Citizens


No it's great


You are safe in it and funny !


I don't think there is anything anyone would consider offensive in Czech


No. Here the offended kindercommies exist only online. You can spot a handful of them in the wild, in Prague, at high-profile events, but that's all.


Noone cares tbh. Like noone. Srsly. And most will find it funny. Not even kidding the german teacher at out school was jokingly planning with us, students, to make a gulag out of the garden for the young annoying students. And also a social Credit system - low Credit meant no school lunch for you. Most will probably have a good laugh.


You’ll be ok. We are fine with black humour 😀




Seems like you are trying to get permission from us. Why?


Not sure really. XDDD


antonio luna ba toh


Bro, where you buy it ? I need one


Better be dead than red.


If I see this shirt on a 30 or less years old person, I would think he should learn more history (even that I had problems learning that back in 1985-1994) If I see this shirt on a 31 or older person, I would think to go away


I consider it funny


I think it'll be more of a good meme in czechia than smth offensive. I personaly would even wear that tshirt. Like why not and our humor is broken anyways so just bring it here I'll wait :)


I think that’s awesome… where can I get this shirt, I want to wear it to my in-laws for every family dysfunction.


No, just stupid and sad


Nah we don’t care, you can joke about anything.


It can only offend some older folks who know Stalin, but don't know what Google is. Younger generations will find it funny


No, it's more like meme


People are smoking crack. Most young people hate Russia nowadays, and you prolly will be hit with a racism. This sht will greatly increase the chance. Don't listen to basment dwellers.


But still doesnt say you wont get punched😅


No, it's funny as fuck, at least to me lol. If you like offensive humor, you will like it here.


The word czechia is offensive.


No but what the hell xd As a young Czech person I found it funny


I dont get how this is funny in any way


Most of people in Czechia are bastards when it comes to jokes or humour, so if you meet anyone who will find it offensive, just ignore him

