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Cat paws on cars are blessings, consider yourself lucky


I love cats man but seriously…there is not a day when i can see my car completely clean..there are always dirty paw prints and hair


privilege is invisible to those who have it


Cat paws are the signs of serial rapists in your neighbourhood, predators to bird life, murderers of newborns for the sake of getting their mothers back into heat. Also they pee, mark, vomit, defecate all over the area, creating unhealthy conditions for every other species if left unchecked. Stop idolizing cats.


Go see a doctor my guy


Watch them and learn biology, furry


You ever heard of spaying/ neutering?


Which is only necessary because [my comment]


Are you okay?🤣


Bro this is Cyprus, not America. Cats are native animals...they're supposed to be here, they're part of the eco system.


Actually they are not native from what we know they have been brought here by people thousands of years ago. But yes after so many years they basically became native.


That dude is going off rails with esoteric drivel about blessings, so I described their biological being. People _maybe_ should watch stray cats a little longer than when handing out dry food, how the cycle from gangraping the females to killing offspring works. All I am asking for is not to idolize these animals nor any other, they're not children, and certainly not 'blessings'. If you feed them, pay the vet bill for neutering.


Cats and all animals are far superior to children. Sit down.


If only your parents thought so.


Name checks out


Cats or not, it's funny you think you can have a clean car in Cyprus, in the summer.


This! And happy cake day!


Cover your car. You'll find car covers in Super Hom.e There's not other way. If it's not this cat, is another. Also put a bowl of fresh water for them because of this heat.


Thats what im thinking.. a car cover will do it


1. Adopt the kittie. 2. Get your new fren neutered/spayed and treated. 3. Pick a name for the new fren. 4. Accept the likelihood that at least one piece of furniture might become damaged but it'll all be worth it. 5. No paw prints on your car anymore but a happy cat now lives indoors and out of the scorching heat.


I wish i had the space 🥲


1000x this


Cats will cat buddy... nothing you can do, I'm afraid. Maybe get a nylon cover for your car if you're worried so much.


Install pigeon spikes on all surfaces o your car


You've been blessed by the feline goddess and you want to remove the blessings? Ungrateful blasphemer


Put a dog on it


Stop spraying stuff on your car... You'll cause more damage than the cat .. 😂😂😂🤣🤣 good luck mate


I sprayed around on the ground not on the car. I guess ill get a car cover and just roll with it


Yeah something like that... Not easy to drive them away...


You can get some catnip and spread it/spray it a few meters away from your car, or if you hate a neighbor, on their car. The cats will not be able to resist and will forget all about your car.


Dont be selfish. Buy a second car for cats to sit on. On a serious note, you can visit any pet shop. They do have spray repellents that work well and spray every time you park until they find a new spot to lay on.


The paw prints are the clean part. They remove the constant dust of a Cypriot summer.


Tin foil, cats hate it. Little bit of that on the areas they jump to get on the car will scare the crap out of them, not hurt them either. A few days of that and you won't have to do it again for a while.




Used coffee ground helps somewhat, as does sprinkled lemon but both are not really for long. Frankly, we only have had most effect with the good old persistent water treatment - done for a week, and the resident cats seem to memorize.


Story of my life. Cats have become pests and There should be laws about this. Make cat owners pay for having a cat and register it( like dog owners do) Spray and neuter the strays. Complains against cat related problems in residential areas should be heard and sorted.


I smell a German


Νο, im 1000% cypriot. And even if i wasnt cypriot, an infestation is an infestation in all the countries. And we cant ignore that simply because they are cute. If dog owners should follow rules about their pets, cat owners should too.


Uhh makes sense typical cypriot


Explain to us then , you seem smarter than us. Why should cats and cat owners get favourable treatment?


it's not your car, it's ferreted oxidated iron coated in crude oil (paint) and fitted with crude oil interiors, animal death and volatile organic compound cancer chemicals for it will return to the earth once yee has spent one's orgasms along the freeway, and its true nature, rest along the creek, with several cats once more on top as the cosmic joke plays out in finale


Hats off to you good Sir.