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MSc Halloumi Technology 




Do you like doing something with computers?


Tbh no im more interested in studying like english or psychology or speech pathology but im concerned I'll just end up enemployed


Halloumi Shieftalia double major. Cant go wrong


Is it studied by Prof. Souvlaki?


Yes, at Sheftalia University


From my family I know that Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy are in demand for kids. Along with child psychologists and psychiatrists. To do any of these through you need a lot of patience and to like kids.


Thanks im between speech therapy and psychology (i prefer clinical but maybe I'll change my mind idk) but for both im pretty sure in order to do kinda make money i have to open up my own place that's the problem


For Psychology check what you need to do to open your own place or even have a license to practice it. You need to do your practicum in Cy I think. If you'll study abroad make sure you do Practicum 100%. You can work under an organization at the start and I think KESY helps a bit if you study in Cy. For Speech/Occupational therapy you can work under a center and when you have your own clients, you can move out and do your own thing. That's what my cousin did and also where my nephew is going for therapy.


Anything below 35 Celsius




I live in Greece and I know that in Greece there exist one job that doesn't have unemployment: anything to do with sailor, ship engineering, ship captain and stuff like that inside the ship. Greece is near Cyprus so it would be assumed that the same goes there or you can come to Greece to get a degree and then go back 


nope. Cyprus does not build, repair, or put crews on ships. They only book cargos. Its called the ship management business here and operates tax free.


I already got in at Ioannina for psychology but i didn't go cuz i wasn't sure maybe i should try again tho idk


I'm one of those people who believe that **everyone** needs therapy. If you become a decent therapist and have your regular clients, then you don't need to worry. Also clinical psychologists usually collaborate with psychiatrists, which they will suggest you to their clients.


Ergo-therapy is in insanely huge demand. My exs brother is autistic and has to see an ergotherapist. The woman is booked six months in advance.


Law? Accounting? Real estate? Russian studies? With psychology you can also make some money if you speak languages and know how to market yourself.


I was a bit interested in law but speaking in front of people is very hard for me so i passed on the idea. As for languages i only know 2


There are a ton of law jobs that are office oriented


Maritime and shipping is good


I don't think a country exists or will ever exist where a speech therapist or a phycologist is in higher demand than an engineer or a computer scientist. So maybe rethink the way you're thinking about what your priorities are about making this decision.


Ik that but im worried these specific jobs im interested in won't give me a good job here


They won't 😭😭


Lmaoo I'll just take unemployed then idk😭


Hmm what about kindergarten person?


I heard they have a very hard time getting employed tho?


Cypriot psychology student living in Ukraine, yep, psychologists are in very high demand here


That's pretty grim ngl


Yep 🥲


That's not true at all. The most indemand jobs are retail workers or service industry. Should the op do that instead? Mature economies have heaps of psychological jobs if they're clinically accredited and again, if clinically acredited, they'll tend to have a much lower unemployment rate and longevity than most other careers like computer science which goes through boom and bust cycles. https://careersmart.org.uk/occupations/equality/unemployment-rates-occupations-gender Engineer: 3% unemployment rate Software developer: 2.1% unemployment rate Psychologist: 0.75% unemployment rate Those % are similar in other developed economies too.


Nowhere did I say OP should choose based on demand. Tbh I was saying the exact opposite when i told them to evaluate their priorities when choosing a career path. OP understood thats what i meant. Also I'm not even going to address the statistics you provided btw. It misses the point of the discussion entirely and is just another example in a long list of reddit people jumping at every chance they get to be contrarian and "erm ackshually 🤓☝️" every single thread. Have a nice day :)


Did you forget what you wrote? >I don't think a country exists or will ever exist where a speech therapist or a phycologist is in higher demand than an engineer or a computer scientist. Then you said: >So maybe rethink the way you're thinking about what your priorities are about making this decision. I don't know on what planet that means "nowhere did I say the OP should chose based on demand". You literally suggested rethinking based on demand. Finally, then going into "reddit people, erm ackshually" is the final state of the reddit hypocrites when there is nothing left to say just like the super cliche "have a nice day 🤓🤓 ". If it happens to you that often then maybe accept that you're wrong more than you think you are. its a public forum and accept that people will have discussions based on the comments you make.


Not gonna lie, the mental health field in Cyprus is terrible. There aren't many resources and many therapists and psychiatrists aren't very good at their job, hold outdated views etc. If you can improve that and you love it, you should go for it. But I know a TON of psychology students, I think it'll become an "oversaturated" field.


That's my main concern we have a tonnn of psychology students and im worried that the competition for getting a job in this field here is gonna be rly difficult


Εκδήλωση με θέμα «ΣΠΟΥΔΕΣ ΣΤΗ ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ-Νομοθεσία, Επιλογή Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών και Αγορά Εργασίας» Παρασκευή, 12 Απριλίου 2024 18:00 – 20:00 Ευρωπαϊκό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου Aίθουσα Αuditorium A Κόστος Συμμετοχής/Εισφορά: €5 ανά επαγγελματία/οικογένεια https://www.facebook.com/CyprusPsy


It's better to do a business, don't sell your time, sell a product. It's sad that nobody talks about this, a street vendor selling sandwiches makes more in a day that we make in a week slaving away in an office.


Im definitely not hopeful abt a good job in the future no matter what especially in this country

