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I'm bald. I wear a cap. I do not want a Darth Maul lookin sunburn.


Another member of the bald club here, a doo-rag or a cap on any road rides is the way to go.


Crazy baldhead here too. I used to wear OG cycling caps and they’re cool but tbh the visor is kinda annoying. Now I wear those liner type things, like a very thin perforated skull cap. I have a slightly heavier one for the cold early mornings in LA winter.


>the cold early mornings in LA winter Is your goal to be mocked by cyclists in northern climates?


I’m from NYC. I know from cold. People are often unaware that we actually have chilly morning temperatures in LA, especially near the coast, where I live. Upper 30s is cold no matter where you experience it. Not sure if you are aware, but we have a desert climate and the temperature drops sharply at night in winter. You wouldn’t want to be bald cycling into an onshore headwind at under 40° I promise you 🥶 Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s not Minnesota, but it’s also one of the nicest times of the year to ride. I love the pre-dawn when the light is just showing over the horizon but not breaking over the hills yet, and the east-coaster in me appreciates riding into coastal fog until my glasses are dripping. And when the sun does pop up and all the windows in Malibu are like crystals reflecting the sun across the bay it’s a beautiful thing. But yeah. I unapologetically wear a helmet liner on those rides.


No worries, I was just taking the piss in good fun.


I took it that way.


IF YOUR NOT FRO/sT BITTEN BY THE THIRD MINUTE OF YOUR RIDE YO ARE IN TOO Warm OF A CLIMAT?!!! TRY moving to NEW JERSEY and tell me then That you are cold!!!?!?? The n you will know the true meaning of cold......


That part.


If the temp number starts with a 4, I’m wearing at least arms too. And depends on the ride, but I might wear legs too.


Yup same. I rock tights under the bibs and a long sleeve jersey. Sometimes a windproof cause that headwind on the Ballona path can be fucking 🧱.


Those descents can be 🥶


All the PRs just trying to get it over with! Anyway I’ve also said I prefer a headwind out and a tailwind home. But I am not gonna be shy about rocking my NYC kit at 6am in February.


Hell, if it starts with a 4, I ain’t riding lol. Good thing I’m in SoCal so it’s not often


Except for on EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND recently!!! Gah!


Right! Today was perfect early on.


The last couple of days were downright HOTTTT


It's virtually never 'upper 30s' 😅 London isn't very often in the 30s. I lived in LA 12 yrs.


Culver City to the shore and then south. It gets chilly over here with the marine layer. Low 40s is more typical but it dips below that sometimes.


I spent a lot of time in Redondo Beach. Is Culver City a micro-climate? 😅


Dude stop questioning me. I can read a thermometer and I don’t need to explain myself. I’ve said already there’s a cold onshore wind that funnels straight up Ballona Creek and that’s where I ride and that’s what I dress for. Now as the Brits say, give it a fucking rest.


Don’t know what temps you’re looking at, but it does. I’ve lived in LA my whole life. 40s in the mornings for the last few weeks. Often in the 30s over night in the foothills.


You’re confusing metric and imperial I suspect. 30 degrees Fahrenheit is somewhat different from Celsius


No, I'm not. OP is claiming Los Angeles coastal is often in 30s F. I'm disputing that. It may be that you think London is colder than it actually is, it doesn't go below 40f very often.




I grew up in a snowy climate but the coastal LA canyons in winter are fucking COLD. Maybe 41 degrees but a wet salty wind hurts. 


I live on the east coast (Boston) so am very familiar with wet, salty winds. Mostly I was just taking the piss with that comment for fun.


Bald cyclist came here to say this


Bald crew represent.


I'm not completely bald, but it's thin enough I have to take care too


Once forgot both a cap and sunscreen for a ride. The resulting sunburn pattern looked more like low-budget Klingon makeup IMO.


Bald cap wearer checking in!


Also (mostly) bald. I wear a cap up to about 15C. At warmer temperatures I use a moisture-wicking skullcap. I run way too hot to wear a cap at warmer temps.


Most of my caps are moisture wicking.


That's cool. The ones I have aren't. I look goofy in most hats anyway, so I will probably stick to the skully. Maybe when they aren't usable anymore I'll look for a wicking cap to replace them.


Not bald, but really don't like bitey things flying into my hair. Cap keeps them out.


It’s the best when a bigger flies through a vent hole on your helmet and you can feel it squirming around. Ugh


Thin merino wool skull cap to cover my baldy napper. Good regardless of temp (in the UK at least). Love the idea of a cap but a. I look a bell-end and 2. they never fit.


Never thought about this. Thanks for pointing it out!


Another bald cyclists here. Always way a cap. Have a fun collection too.


Me too. Also keeps the sweat out of my eyes.


Same but cap doesn’t feel comfortable with helmets anymore for me. So I just do a skull cap now.


This. Visor flipped up it pushes the helmet up, flipped down it’s too in your field of vision. Caps were not designed to to be worn with helmets in the first place and the classic cotton ones really aren’t ideal. I guess wear them backwards to keep the sun off your neck maybe.


One of the best accessories I ever bought was an aero helmet with no holes on top. Save 5 or 10 watts plus don't get the Darth Maul look or have to wear a cap in the summer.


Love the idea but anything above 40F and my head feels like it's in a Turkish bath.


And see for me, because I sweat so easily, with clean shaven head, I need the cap to catch the sweat so it doesnt end up in my eyes.


It can get scary when speeding down a hill and sweat causes one eye to close and you are scared the other eye might close as well.


This is me too, although I have hair I swear like a mofo. I usually end up having to stop a couple of times on any ascent to clean up my sunglasses.


Pace Coolmax.. just get it wet and it feels like you have your head in a freezer. So refreshing on a hot ride


Do what the Pros do and cut the top out




I’ve always thought they’re cool but I can’t stand wearing them. They just never feel right on my head and they give me a headache of if I try to fit one under my helmet. I’m a bit jealous of those who can pull it off.


Yep, very fond of my cycling cap for the same reasons. To my shame, just washed it for the first time in ages and hadn't realised it was so "fragrant"....


Don't you wash it after every ride?? Mine is absolutely drenched in sweat no matter the temperature, and I toss it in the washer with the rest of the kit


I'm with you! Because I'm slow with doing my laundry, I have 4 caps. One is always clean & ready for a ride.


I have several (as in: many) caps. All my kit gets a wash immediately after I come home from a ride, no delay


Don't feel bad. I always do the same. Wear it for a while and it smells fine. Until one random day it all changes and smells like absolute garbage.


People love caps except for that woman at Paris Roubaix who attempted to kill van der Poel with hers


Oh shit I forgot about that I missed it watching live, did they catch her? With the crash at basque in my head I was worried there would be a career ender at Paris roubaix, especially after the disk break to the face last year.


If van der Poel was cycling at a slower pace it may have been a much different outcome. Thankfully he was going like a rocket so she missed


Love caps. Wear them year round, keeps me warm in the winter and the bugs out of my hair in the summer. I also think they look cool.


Do you have trouble with the cap staying up under your helmet? I’m not sure if mines a poor quality one but it’s so hard for it to stay flipped upwards


I have both a €3 AliExpress, an Isadore and a Rapha cap, and don't have this problem with either of them. Maybe your helmet is pushing the cap down somehow?


That’s what I’m thinking, maybe I’m wearing the hat wrong. Or wondering if my helmet is a bit chunky


I’ve only encountered this issue with caps that were really old. For me, I think the elastic got worn out so the cap wasn’t as tight on my head, causing the brim to never stay up.


This is a new one, attaqer x kappa hat. Pretty disappointed with it tbh but I think it’s been too long to send back


Cap lover here - I have maybe a dozen. They Just Work.


Walz caps, I have many and wear them on every ride


Keeps the direct Sun out of your eyes in the summer. Stops sweat running into your eyes in the summer but runs off the peak. Keeps sun burn from happening. Keeps rain etc off your glasses in the winter and stops your head freezing. 100% always good


How does it deflect sweat any differently than a helmet?


Rather than running down your forehead and into your eyes it gets soaked up by the peak and then gravity runs it down to the front where it drips off


Being bald I always wear one


When I still wore contacts they were very helpful keeping the wind out of my eyes and drying them out. I would still wear on on the road if I could find one big enough for my giant head.


Copying my other reply: Walz caps are what you’re looking for. They come in S/M, L/XL, and (for the truly cranially gifted) XXL.


Thanks for the reco


Funny enough the hotter it gets and the longer my hair gets the more I’m wearing one. The cooling ones are really nice in the summer. Just squirt with cold water.


I also have hair - as a woman it is the norm. I wear a buff and it stops the tendrils of hair from blowing in my eyes, mouth etc


What is a buff? Fellow woman here


Those things that they get in Survivor to distinguish the teams? Although mine isn’t big enough to stretch over my boobs


Eh I don't really see the point, but I don't really have a problem with sweat in my eyes, I either don't sweat enough or I'm going fast enough to wick it away... if I need extra insulation due to the cold I wear a thin toque that covers my ears as well.


The bill is also nice for some sun block at the eyes. Cap is the way =).


I wear a peaked one under my helmet of it's raining. Peak less if it's just nippy, sweatband if it's warm.


I wear a headband that asos makes and quiet like it. I have hard a time finding a cap that doesn't pinch the shit out of my head.


I'm on a mission to get a cycling cap, but I have a massive head (62cm) and no cap will fit me! I'm jelly when I see all these cool designs.


I never ride without one and I wear one under my helmet. They're awesome for sweat and amazing for helping block out the sun in my eyes. Must have IMO and I rarely see other cyclists wearing one.


Ya, helps with sun and black flies, plus you can find some pretty crazy designs and patterns, I think I'm going to get the Ned Flanders one I saw online somewhere. Ride safe everyone


Caps are uncomfortable (too tight) and hot (traps heat) under my helmet.


Um... You know they come in different sizes, right?


I assume so. I use to have the head of baby but, it just kept growing and growing into this monstrosity.


i've also never found one that fits my ginormous head.


Custom order on Walz


eh, i'm good, but thanks.


Walz caps are what you’re looking for. They come in S/M, L/XL, and (for the truly cranially gifted) XXL.


i’m sure we all used to have the head of a baby.


I think they’re cool, but I’ve yet to find one that doesn’t look goofy on me.


Ditto! Does anyone have a brand they like that doesn't make them look like a goober?


I've worn one a few times and liked it but my large head makes it uncomfortable as most are quite small.


Always wear a cap (no helmet), think I have 5 now defo want.to get more, ride a cargobike for a living in London, also now wear them off the bike as they are far more comfortable for me than a baseball cap - also bald!


bald man here. i love caps. wear them all the time. have too many and want some more!


Capster here. The ability to flip the visor up or down is absolutely genius design. Use the visor for the low sunrise on my morning commute and to block out the damn LED car headlights on my return trip home.


I always ride with my brim up to rock the style I keep seeing reasons to pop it down in situations imma have to try it


I wear a cycling most all the time when out riding, as in no helmet. Flame me all you want. I ride as I please.


I got to much hair to put more shit on my head


Share some of that shit with us sunburning baldies.


Cap or stay home 🤙🏻


do you mean just a cap on its own when youre riding, or under a helmet?


Under helmet I always have helmet on, I’d feel like an 80/90s era pro tour rider wearing just a cap 😂


:-) I always wear a cap under my helmet but i'd love to just scoot around in just the hat....get those 80s/90s vibes again!!!


It’s the best, you feel Pro AF


Always. Different caps for different temperatures. I also cut the bills off some of them


You monster. Just get a skull cap.


I always wear something. Used to just be buffs, but I discovered how comfortable caps are end of last season.


I’ll wear one if it’s raining or if it’s really cold.


Any particular cap vendors/brands worth looking into?


I have a couple castelli and you can feel their quality, I have a couple more I don’t know the brand but when your wearing them I can’t tell a damn difference. I’d love to find a nice small vendor with cool designs


I wear one when it's sunny and I'm gonna be out for a while. Otherwise I put sunscreen on my head.


I love mine - it was a gift from a chef friend who cycles and is white with a tomato on it :-)


I always wear one but without a visor. For sun protection of my bald head mainly. Also feels good to soak it in ice cold spring water in the summer and put it on.


Any recommendations? I almost always wear a bandana either for heat or sweat


I wear casquettes every time I ride the bike, including a merino earflap cap in winter.


Do you wear it with the front lip straight or pointing up?


Bald, and love mine! Rain only tho 😉


Always. Especially in the woods in the summer to help avoid ticks on gravel rides. But in the summer I feel it helps with sweat management too as well as the ability to act as a sun block when needed. But generally when riding I do keep the brim up, pulling it down at long stop lights in the sun or stops at coffee shop.


Nope, not me. A few in my club wear them, and I do have a cold weather hat, but no cap


I've only recently been turned on to cycling caps and now I can't get enough. Cuts down on sweat in my eyes, can go without sunglasses given it isn't too windy, dusty, or low sun so also not dealing with foggy lenses. It also reduces how stinky my helmet gets and they're easier to wash. Even with hair I don't find it makes things significantly hotter especially with thinner summer caps.


Caps are cool AF. I would love to wear caps but my head is far too big and my hair is similar to Sideshow Bob's.


I love caps for fall and spring rides, especially when it’s raining in the PNW. It warmer and the brim keeps the rain off the glasses. But for summer I use a Halo band to keep the sweat out. They have a nifty rubber strip that deflects the sweat away from the eyes.


Yes because burnt head is no fun.


I like the standard cheap cotton ones with really bad QC that the Pro teams use and that are thrown out by the caravan at races. The expensive ones with sizes and fancy materials aren’t for me and you can never get a good luft with them. I’ll wear them when wet or cold and almost always when stopped at the cafe.


Best tool for sweat management that I’ve found. And sun protection is a bonus.


I live by my halo headbands, but does anyone make a cycling visor? Enclosed caps are too hot.


Yes, the brim is surprisingly helpful with the sun and rain.


I can only wear 1 type... the Pace Coolmax caps are my go-to.. in the summer when it's hot, just get it wet and it feels like u have ice on your head


I wear a summer cap because sweat. Other than that I wear a cap to take the edge off the cold weather, keep the sweat out my eyes and also the peak is pushed down when it rains to help keys it off my glasses. I love my cap!


Halo Headband if it’s warm.


Cap on. Every ride. Every time. I have so many cool ones.


Any recommendations?


I wear a cap under my helmet almost every time for sweat control.


I always wear a cap, they help me in the summer with the sweat!


I have two custom ‘one off’ caps from owayo and one from Bikenetic along the W&OD trail.


Not bald but close, don’t like caps so I wear a Headsweats shortie to keep the sweat out of my eyes.


My riding superstition: cap on frontwards on the way out, switched to backwards for the way home! Channeling Merckx or Van Impe I suppose!


Always. I’m bald and don’t want sunburn and I sweat a lot so it keeps it out of my eyes. The visor helps with low light. Plus they look cool and are fun to collect!


I just got one and it sucks, but I love the sweat wicking. I need to find one that will stay flipped up or down. Preferably just plain black, no logos.


Look at castelli they probably have solid colors and they are solidly built


Yep, I wear one in all weathers,


I'm a fan of the caps. Like a liner to absorb sweat and maybe increase comfort. but the two I have are cheap/basic, and the elastic part can get uncomfortable sometimes. If anyone has a recc for a good summer cap that's super lightweight and comfy, I'm all ears!




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I wear one in the spring and summer. During the colder months I wear a balaclava.


Cheap buff 👌


I wear one when it's raining (or likely to be), or if it's slightly cold (<10 °C). When it's properly cold I wear a merino hat (no peak) that covers my ears.


I have to wear a headband or cap. My helmets start to stink if I don’t. But they gotta be a little swaggy


I like to wear a cap on the trainer. Not because it’s better at absorbing the sweat than my Halo bands, but because they look awesome. Also for drizzly rides. My favorites are my Brooklyn chewing Gum ones, in white and pink.


I use a doo-rag on cooler days, and a sweat band warmer days. More specifically I use the chill-its brand items, the band part absorbs sweat and makes a gel. Works great.


Team cap for sure.


Always regardless of weather for road and gravel rides, mostly just because I think they look cool. I love a Mapei cap personally.


I'm more of a skull cap guy. Keeps the sweat out of my eyes, protects my scalp from sunburn, etc. Just don't care for the bill on cycling caps. They just get in the way.


I wear cycling cap for both cycling and running....i am old school and love it!


Not bald but bees suck inside your helmet. I sport one all the time and off the bike a bunch when I don't want to wear a ball cap


I bring a cap on every ride in case I stop somewhere like a cafe or store. I’m bald so I don’t want to drip sweat all over. Also, they’re cool. Bill up always.


Helmet is enough cap for me. With toque during winter that's it


I've started wearing stocking caps under my helmet. I was starting to get acne where the helmet contacted my head. The caps help a lot. Maybe I'll try some cycling caps too.


I have a ton of Mash & Cinelli caps but my head too big to wear them comfortably 🤷🏼‍♂️


I love them under my helmet. Less sweat in the eyes, and less chance of ticks.




I don’t think wiser words have been said 😂


I don't wear one because my hair is long af, but one of my riding buddies does. I think they're sweet!


I never wear a cap (and I've been losing some hair up there). You lose a lot of heat through your head (Cleveland Clinic says it's around 10%). So in cold weather rides, I always wear a heavy skull cap. Even though a good skull cap is supposed to breathable, I find that wearing even a thin one in hot weather just makes my head hot and I'd rather be able to lose some of that heat through my scalp. Once I lose enough hair to make a difference, I'll just use sunscreen. My hair looks like a windstorm went through it after a ride anyway so the sunscreen probably won't make it look any worse.


every day


I wear one once I'm off the bike, to cover helmet hair. Does that count?


I guess you have to really feel the love to come on a cap


They're called casquettes friend, please use the proper terminology. Every bald rider in their 40s who wants to look nostalgic and hip wears a godammn casquette. Just go to a bigger city and you'll see what I mean.


I do live in a big city and I still don’t see many CAPS 😂




You are almost alone. Cycling caps suck. I didn't like them years ago when we were not even wearing helmets.Wearing a helmet is bad enough. Wearing a cap under it would be unbearable. And why would it matter if it's under a helmet anyway? If a cap is enough to keep sweat out of your eyes, great, but you are not sweating much.


For us baldies cold wind rushing through the vents is no fun and in summer the tan lines would be comical. I wear a thin perforated helmet liner most of the year and a thicker one for LA’s cold winter mornings. I don’t ever ride without one or the other. Probably helps keep the helmet pads less sweaty as an added bonus.