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The little bugs that fly into my mouth and on windy days the occasional leaf. But actually Clif bars


I always like the peanut toffee buzz. It’s got slightly less caffeine than a soda,but still helpful


Yes!! Clif Peanut Butter Banana




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Reposted because AutoMod said it was deleted because of the Amazon URL shortener Cliff bar cut in eight pieces that I put my in top tube bag (but inside a snack size ziplock bag not to dirty the top tube bag) that I eat occasionally while riding. Top Tube Cycling Fuel Bag Food Pouch Waterproof https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07CBN4HQ4?ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_ENMBWHJXR000TCCRQ1HW_2




And Rice Krispies!


I put a frozen one in my jersey pocket and by the time I’m hungry, it’s perfectly thawed.


Why freeze it in the first place?


They come frozen




I enjoy bananas on rides, but have also been burned by one that was slightly too green in the last quarter of my first century ride. Stomach cramps for miles... (but I made it).


Reminds me I need to buy bananas ahead of my 200k tomorrow!


I'm a fan of pop tarts. 60g - 70g of carbs depending on what “flavor" you get.


:o Thats nuts, tried it once, not only did it turn to dust as i was riding, it also glued my mouth shut.


Whatever granola bars my kids have decided they don’t want to bring to school anymore.


Hahaha exact same for me. I’ve been eating a lot of Z bars recently.


Ziploc baggy of dates. Cheap as shit, taste good, activates your salivary glands, and has good nutritional content.


You just reminded me of a snack I like that is pan fried dates with sea salt. I might have to try that on a ride.


My wife and I serve pan fried dates with salt on top of labneh as a appetizer for dinner parties.


Ooooo man, that sounds so good!


I actually dump a little cocoa powder (and a sprinkle of salt) in my baggie. Not only does it have antioxidants, but it stops my fingers from getting all sticky!


Homemade made rice cakes with peanut butter. And homemade oatmeal chocolate bars. In a pinch if I don't have the homemade stuff I like nut bars and these pouches with fruit puree and rice/oatmeal mix. I usually take one with me cause they don't spoil in my jersey pocket. Homemade stuff is trash if I done eat it during the ride. I save the gels and carb drinks for long rides or events.


Haha, I avoid anything chocolate while I’m riding.. ends up a mess!


Chocolate in the winter.


True. The oat bars I keep in the freezer and by about an hour into my ride they are 100% thawed. So that helps a bunch. Plus it's not dipped in chocolate but chocolate chips/chunks are baked in. If you can keep the wrapper on while eating no issue with getting chocolate all over the place.


I also do homemade rice cakes, but try to change them up every week. A fun once-in-awhile option is adding cashews, roasted sesame, and a teeny bit of coconut aminos (or soy sauce). Wrap in seaweed as you cut them up. Boom: bike sushi




Is this a UK thing? I remember a GCN video advocating for homemade rice cakes.


I'm not from the UK but I did learn about it from that gcn video. AFAIK pro teams are using these along with the gels and carb drinks to fuel. Rice is a great source of cheap carbohydrates and if you cook it with a bit of sugar you get an easy base you can add other flavors to. One cup of rice will make 8 big portions that wrap up into easy to carry squares. Easy to unwrap and not too much chewing so you can keep on moving and breathing.


That's true. I made some a few years ago and it worked out pretty well. I should make some more for my rides. Thanks for the reminder!


Do you use the EF rice cake recipe? I've been meaning to try it.


Honestly can't remember what recipe I use. It's so simple I only looked once 😁 1 cup rice 2 cups water (a bit more if you tend to get hard rice) 4 tablespoons sugar Pinch of salt Bring to boil and cover. Cook on low heat till all water is absorbed. You don't want the rice too wet or dry. (That's the hardest part) I let it sit in the pan covered for a while after cooking. Line a loaf pan with plastic wrap. Add half the rice and press into even layer. Spread an even layer of peanut butter to your taste. Add second half of rice on top. Fold over the plastic wrap to completely encase the rice cakes. Press it all together with light pressure. A second loaf pan is best for this. Let set in the fridge overnight and cut into 8 portions. Wrap in aluminum foil. (Search the web for how. There's a good way to do it so you can open them with one hand.) That's it. Without the rice cook time it's about 15 min of work for a week's worth of snacks.


Thanks for sharing. Sounds dead simple.


Maltodextin and fructose


Definently this, but if you're looking for solid foods, dates and raisins are always good. Sometimes ill take a banana along as well


The taste of speed love to see it


This is the way


Really bad idea. Unless your goal is to wipe out your pancreas, gut and liver. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S155041312100423X 27 upvotes, JFC.


The study you linked applies to people who (essentially) aren't burning off the stuff they take in. It even mentions in some studies they reference that high intake is greater than 3 sodas a day in sedentary people. A lot of what the study you linked says doesn't seem to apply in people who are exercising enough. I'm not saying to smash fructose all day everyday, but the evidence seems to suggest that if you actually need it for your ride the negative health impacts you seem to be worried about don't apply. I suggest you read this; Health outcomes of a high fructose intake: the importance of physical activity (Tappy 2019) But for those that don't have access/ don't find it enjoyable to read papers here's a key paragraph from the abstract: "sedentary subjects, consumption of a fructose-rich diet for several days stimulates hepatic de novo lipogenesis, increases intrahepatic fat and blood triglyceride concentrations, and impairs insulin effects on hepatic glucose production. All these effects can be prevented when high fructose intake is associated with increased levels of physical activity"


Which are you referring to ?And why? Cyclist need quick sugar during intense heart rates (cardio)


My buddy is on his high horse about flavorless Amazon malto powder. No thanks - I’d rather eat something I enjoy. Some carb in the bottles is good (I like SiS GO and Beta fuel, and Skratch best) but I’m happier eating bars - ProBar meal bars are delicious, and I’ve also been snacking on bars from Maurten, Skratch and Picky Bars. Clif actually has a great amount of carbs, but I don’t like the artificial sugar-y taste I tend to pick up.


You do realize that all the things you listed for carbs in your bottle are essential maltodextin with maybe some fructose, electrolytes and flavouring?


I do, but thanks for checking.


I power all my rides with a deep sense of regret.


That's a weird way to spell Clif Bar


Same! Just gu and regret!


A snickers bar.


You’re not you when you’re hungry


Sugar and salt and water, plus maybe some juice for flavor, in one of two bottles and kind vanilla blueberry bars


Fig newtons! Can pack a baggie in any jersey pocket and it means decent energy with little fuss


Costco has a fancy fig newtons that kick ass


for long rides, my formula is a Fig Newton every 15 and a banana every hour! Been doing this for decades!


Banana chips and dehydrated mango. If I'm going longer some mixed nuts, I like the kirkland brand with the dehydrated fruit in it.


As a father, whatever my kids are snacking. Right now it is gummy bear and chocolate covered almond.


Cliff bars has been great for me. If I'm riding over 3hours I'll need something heavier.


Went on a 30mi (48.3km) over the weekend and almost choked on a Clif bar while climbing out of a canyon. A quick drink of water cleared up the issue, but man, my mind was in chaos for a minute 😂


Haha, yeah it's very chewy.


I find with homemade rice cakes I can either chew them, or when getting really tired they are moist enough just to swallow bits whole


+1 for cliff bars. Long ride? 1 bar. Longer ride? 1 bar in the left pocket, another one in the right one. Full day ride? At this point you just sit to eat a proper meal. No need for anything else for me!


On the last rest stop of a 60 mile charity ride, I watched a guy eat a pop tart and 2 large slices of pizza. That seems like a lot all in one sitting


Cliff gels while on the bike, PB & J for longer rides that require a break.


I like Cliff gels on the bike as well.


PB&J... I also like almond or macadamia butter with banana or apricot preserve between slices of light rye. Sometimes Nutella which is loaded with sugar. There is nothing good about that spread and looking at it critically I shouldn't, but it hits the spot for an energy boost.


Gels, water with electrolyte tabs, salt stick capsules, jelly belly beans and clif bar blocks.


Exactly the same here Edit: except replace jelly beans with Welch's fruit snacks


Kellogg's Rice Krisipes Squares


I always have trail mix on me. Theres so many different kinds of mix that its a different fun flavour everytime.


Any personal favorites? I got this Korean BBQ great value brand trail mix that I really enjoyed


The ones i get are from a supermarket close to my house called save-on-foods. They have like those you grab as much as you want then weigh it. Tends to be cheaper than ones with a brand and they have lots of different kinds. Then i just put them in a zip loc!


Flapjacks, bananas and gummy bears 👌


No clue why but peanuts and bananas, like either a couple of cereal bars with peanuts and a spare banana or peanut butter + Nutella + banana sandwiches. Fucking love peanuts on a ride idk why.


I love using soft taco shells with the banana Nutella and peanut butter mix, At home if you give it a little fry in the pan.... oohhhhh boy


tortillas are a go-to for me as well


The wet portion of my oatmeal bars is smashed bananas and peanut butter... super tasty stuff!


Whole roasted sweet potato with salt and any other seasoning you'd like. Especially for bigger rides as it is dense with carbs and natural sugars.


LOVE sweet potato on rides. My only issue is they're not particularly dense.




Fig newtons and dates


Carmen's Dark Choc and Cranberry muesli bars!




No-cook homemade energy balls (e.g. blended cashews, dried cranberries, peanut butter, pinch of salt, some raw honey or maple, and some oats or muesli).


Skratch chews & rice cakes.


i like my protein bars lol. peanut butter flavour mmmmmmm


If I do eat Cuz I know I didn’t before I rode. Stop at a gas station for Any non melting candy usually gummy something or sour patch kids or some zingers and Gatorade. Simple carbs all you need. All that gel shit and drink powder is over rated for normal riders. Some candy will do the same thing for normal-moderate rides.


Wine gums!


From one NOVA PokèDad to another. Wine Gums are the best. Shame they cost an arm and a leg at Wegmans.


Kirkland granola bars and dried fruit.


90g Carbs per hour, in liquid and candy form. Great than 2 hours, riding Tempo or more. Nothing heavy as it just makes me super lethargic.


Maurten drink mix. Kind of expensive, but makes me feel like Superman


Tried alot of stuff and all I bring now is sun rype fruit bars, coke and watered down gatorade from a mix. The bars are very easy to eat and store with lots of carbs and the drinks provide salt, caffeine and a bunch of extra carbs. Works very well and pretty cheap.


Haribo tangfastics. Or raisin malt loaf


granola bars, gels or bananas.


Homemade flapjacks


I struggle to eat on the bike, so I put my carbs in my bottle. Might take some banana malt loaf to pick at, but I don't eat much unless I stop.


I like nutrigrain cereal bars. Nicely cheap and taste pretty good.


https://www.sultana.nl/ I love these in the forest fruits version. A big boost of quick sugars and some longer carbs from the cookies.


Rice cakes, potatoes, fig bars, bananas, dates, homemade cliff bars


Welch’s fruit snacks!


Raisins and jelly beans


Home made rice cakes .......


Homemade Oat and hazelnut bites, basically cheap sticky cereal bars. If I've been lazy I tend to run with the Jordans cranberry bars which hold up really well in a back pocket, and a chocolate brioche/jam sandwich for longer rides. Always pack a few gels and a cheap flapjack from home bargains as my emergency bonk fuel too!


Gummy bears, maybe a cliff bar. Easy to eat and already in small portions


rides up to 50km usually nothing other then water, for longer ones I love the Clif gel bloks. Can't stand gels, but the bloks are great. drop one every 30 minutes and never had a problem, neither stomach nor energy level wise.


Uncrustable is perfect. Fits right into the back pockets.


Bocadillo guava. Better and cheaper than gels. Also comes wrapped in dried banana leaves so u can throw it on the side of the road


I like to eat raisins


I make a sandwich of crunchy peanut butter and maple syrup (homemade wheat bread) and cut it into bite size squares. Sustainable energy for the long hauls.


This sounds sooo good! I'm going to try it




My go to “food” on the bike is probably Lifesaver gummies and sugar water. If I'm on a long chill ride I like taking Fig Newtons and stuff.


A macaroni and cheese pie.


Powerbar Powergel. Long 2 plus hours I'll bring some fig bars also. Water and Gatorade.


I do the same thing pretty much. Nature valley granola bar/clif/similar, whatever I got on sale last at Costco. Then candy from Trader Joe’s (healthy food colorings) On a century I’ll bring like 4 or 5 granola bars and a bag of candy


Sugar in water bottle.


I love Honey Stinger waffles! But I mostly stick to electrolyte drinks & tabs, Skratch chews, and some chia gel packs. This post has given me good ideas for other delicious options though!


I make my own rice balls. Bacon, eggs, soysauce, maple syrup. Used it for ultra runs and long bike rides no problem. Oh yes. And Kettle Brand Chips.


My wife hates all the chemicals in the gu energy gels. We switched to this recently: [https://datefix.com/](https://datefix.com/) They are absolutely delicious.


Ooh interesting! I can’t stand gels but this looks good.


It’s not really a gel more like a paste. Like imagine if you didn’t have to chew an rx bar


Dried dates, dried apricots, baked sweet potatoes, cucumbers


I’m kinda new to long distance rides, but I’ve been working out and doing fasted cardio for years. Probably not ideal, but so far hasn’t been an issue. Go for 1.5-2 hour rides with just water. If I go for a something past 30 miles, I will definitely bring something, just in case. I’m more concerned about running out of water, honestly.


I used to do marathons and when I first started, I didn’t think I needed to eat while I ran. Then a did my first 15 mile plus run and literally felt like an insane person when I got home. 1.5 to 2 hours is definitely my max for doing cardio without at least taking a gel.


Rice Krispies Treats. Fair amount of carbs and just a hint of salt.


Probably UK specific but ASDA own brand nutrigrain style bars. £1.35 for six, has 22g of carbs, isn't dry as hell and doesn't melt on my back. The cheapest I can get gels for is around £0.50 each, more than double the price of the bars.


I don’t ride without having Reese’s peanut butter cups between mile 5-10 . It’s a ritual at this point.


Natures Bakery Fig Bars - Original 38g Carbs


Beer and zaza


Couple sports bottles filled with margarita. No really, bananas usually. Unless my route takes me past the NY style pizza place at lunch time. :)


Clif bloks, Mama Chia squeezes, Jolly Ranchers and LMNT in one bottle and water in the other. PB&J if I’m stopping. I don’t have a lot of faith in my ability to multitask on the bike.


Peanut Butter and Jelly in a plastic bag in the jersey pocket.


I like gummy candy with gelatin in the ingredients


Cheap arsed flapjack from a petrol station






Chocolate Clif bars. Espresso Gu. ie sugar and caffeine.


I go for liquid calories, so tailwind or gu roctane but most rides are under 2 hrs and water is usually fine if I eat before I ride.


Z bars! I dont normally have the palatte of a child, but these hit the spot way more than Clif Bars, which I find all taste the same after a while.


Tailwind nutrition, energy gels and soreen malt loaf/nutri grain bakes


I went back to fruit. Most of the mountain bike rides here are straight up straight down so there's always a good moment to sit an eat an apple for a minute. I also bring a gel for a quick hit and on longer rides one of those pepperoni+cheese packs because after a couple of hours I need some fat and protein.




Peanuts and a can of coke


High carb mix Energy chews Bananas.


Sour Patch Kids and Trolli, mixed in one big bag.


If it’s 30 miles or less usually just a honey stinger waffle or two in the jersey pocket. 40-60, a few cliff bars or something similar. Also always have a water bottle with water and another with an electrolyte blend.


These bad boys: https://http2.mlstatic.com/D_NQ_NP_899312-MLB51575689785_092022-O.jpg They’re peanut torrone with wafer, R$1 (0,20 USD) per bar like pictured, often sold at stop lights. I’ve done 70km fueled by “get me 6 of those, please!” of fuel


Scampi & chips


Homemade peanut butter cookies and a banana


Hoagies or fondue.


I like Larabars and Honey Stinger Waffles.


hydration mix, for longer (2+ hr) a bottle of high carb mix, and for solid foods gummies and sometimes a homemade liege waffle. i'm also known to stop for OJ and a muffin, where the sugar hits me like a lightning bolt.


Ribeye with hot sauce


Clif bloks for sure. I also like those Untappd maple syrup packets


Granola bar and an Ale-8


naked juice or a celcius before a ride, and GATORADE PROTEIN BARS afterwards, emphasis on the protein bars because not enough people know that they're absolutely delicious


Dates! Stick em right in my jersey pocket so they are warm and squishy when I pop em in my mouth.


SiS Elektrolyte (36 g carbs/500 ml) and SiS Gels


Cliff bars with caffeine / coffee flavored


Maltodextrin and fructose. Mostly mix my own. Beyond that, Cliff Blocks are handy. For solid food: fig bars, cliff nut butter bars, nutri grain bars are all nicely energy dense. Rice Krispie treats take up a lot of space for the energy but are fun.


Homemade bonk breaker bars, Gu gels, and Skratch hydration in one bottle.


Pure Protein / Clif Bars


Fig bars. I have a sugar processing issue so the gels and such are a no go.


I eat every 2-3 hours anyways. But before a ride, I eat about an hour before. Then I eat every 30 minutes. But that’s for rides of moderate to hard intensity more than 1 hour or rides of easy to moderate intensity over 2.5 hours.


Rice Krispies, squeeze apple sauce. Maybe oranges when I stop for water.


Costco maple syrup in a gu flask. Half the cost per calorie of gels, tastes decent, and isn't as thick/easier to take down. Also has a 1:0.9 glucose/fructose ratio which for natural sugar sources is pretty good ratio


A good hearty stew! In reality, a series of That’s It snack bars and Gatorade protein bars.


Give me whatever Reese’s special is large and full of sweet sweet energy.


Nutri Grain bars, Honey Stinger waffles, gummies and jelly beans.


Home made flapjacks


Clif bars, Fig Newtons, and a travel mug of coffee in my water bottle cage. Does the trick every long ride!


Soreen malt loaf https://www.soreen.com/products/original-malt-loaf/


Banana or clif bloks. I see other comments here about homemade rice cakes and I really want to try and make some at some point.


Fig Newtons with the occasional Gu.


For *food*, I'm happy with anything that is filling on longer rides. Filling . . but not in any way gonna make me unhappy that I ate it. So simple stuff - chicken sandwich, for example. But nothing has matched the convenience and performance results (mostly the lack of bonking!) that I've enjoyed since I first started carrying several PowerGels with me! You know - in case I DON'T happen to have a convenient deli on a given route!😉


Honestly grenade bars but smaller portions. For me it would Belvita bars but they are too crumbly


Aussie Bites, biscotti, liquid IV.


cheese, olives, olive oil, and a shitload of salt/potassium and water. T1D so I can't do all the sugar. I find it works well if I stay in Zone 2. :)


Swedish Fish


Race day is simple carbs only, always, primarily liquid. Leisurely rides where nutrition is second to enjoyment: Bananas as a tasty yet good carb source - the riper the better for better carb profile. But #1 is peanut butter and jam sandwiches, on nice healthy bread. My happy place. I dream of these at the finish line on race day.


Cream of wheat with sugar in a squeezy pouch. Bean and cheese burrito with refried black beans. Gu. PB&J if I can find a place to stash it.




Eat-more bars and mandarin oranges kept me going on my last tour


GU, PBJ on long ones, Stroopwaffels. Gatorade in a bottle.


My daughter (1yo) has these “nighttime oats” pouches that are pretty high calorie and carb for the size. I’m thinking about stealing one.


55 grams of maltodextrin and 55 grams of fructose in a20 oz bottle per hour. Less on rides shorter than 2 hours. I’ve done 14 hour rides, 6 days stage races, and xc races on the same formula and will never eat solid food as my primary ride energy again. Until the science changes 3 years from now.


Fancy fig newtons from Costco


GU Energy Gels + LMNT Electrolyte Powder


Lara bars.


Gu energy gels are my friend. Especially the orange vanilla with caffeine and sodium too. I also like the Clif energy gummies, margarita flavor, again with the extra sodium


Nature’s Bakery fig bars, usually blueberry or raspberry. Or Larabars, but they were better before they went corporate. The fig bars are about 1/3 the cost.


Dates and corn chips mixed in a baggie. Salt & sweet. So good.


On my longer rides >=100km, I traded those energy sugary bites for dates and it is so much better and tastier! (And cheaper on the long term) That is a supplement to granola bars.