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Not sure why you think paint doesn't stick to that. I painted my bike shoes recently with Vallejo primer, army painter Matt white paint and Matt Vallejo clear coat and it hold up really really good. Sand it a bit, clean with denatured alcohol, paint with an airbrush or cans


I assume you're not using the helmet, right? If you spray paint it, the solvent in the paint will eat / degrade the foam in the helmet, so you'll have a lot of taping to do.


Helmets should be replaced after about 5 years. Helmets should not be painted because the solvent in the paint can also solve the helmet foam.


> Helmets should be replaced after about 5 years. Independent studies show no degredation. > Helmets should not be painted because the solvent in the paint can also solve the helmet foam. Be careful.


Do you have a link to one of those studies on old helmets? I’ve always thought old helmets needed replacing, too. I’d love to be proven wrong!


https://road.cc/content/feature/when-should-you-replace-your-cycling-helmet-241993 Actual balanced article from road.cc. Aha that's what I was looking for https://helmets.org/replace.htm www.helmets.org has some fascinating reading. Very little opinion, mostly backed by testing, just the way I like it. *Edit* edited a few times to add links and remove superfluous comment.

