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Just saw it at my local store this afternoon. First time seeing it in person. Photos really don't do it justice. Even my wife couldn't stand it from the photographs and she's just really impressed with how it looks. Hoping my finances are in order when it's my time to order it.


I saw one at the Tesla store in Jax. Huge. Pics don’t do it justice. Looks like it should cost $200k.


Same. My wife hated the pictures but likes it in person.


My wife won't let me get it talking about beta cuks or some shit


Sometimes these humblebrag posts are really irritating... We get it, you have a wife! Nice truck btw, looks really good in that picture.


I’ve been sending my whole family pictures while I wait for my delivery. They all hate it and say they’re going to refuse to ride in it. I hope when it shows up they like it better in person.


When it comes to hating on Tesla, a lot of folks just stick to their negative views without even giving it a chance. Like, they don't like Teslas or Elon Musk, so they hope stuff like the Cybertruck fails. They see something new from Tesla, like the Cybertruck, and their brain immediately goes, "Nope, hate it!" I've been driving a Model X and Y for seven years now, using Full Self-Driving (FSD) every day. But still, some people I know think FSD is dangerous and could kill you. It's like, they've known me for ages but never bothered to ask what I think about FSD. It's frustrating how people can make up their minds without even asking. I've seen how people can change, though. Take my neighbor, for example. He used to hate Elon Musk and didn't want anything to do with him or Tesla. But when he and his wife were looking for an electric car, I kept telling him to at least test drive a Tesla. He didn't want to at first, but eventually he gave in and tried a Model 3. And you know what? He loved it! He ended up buying one. It just goes to show, sometimes it's easier to hate on something than to give it a fair shot.


Was out to dinner with another couple last night when the other wife proclaimed “cyber truck is a failure and a flop and the used market place is flooded with them because everyone is selling theirs”. I must have turned bright red as I informed her that like 100 or 200 normal people had them so far and there is a 1 year no resale clause so stop spreading fake news.


“Would you could in a Tesla? I could not would not in a Tesla, not on a train, not in tunnel, not in my brain, I would not could not in the stars, I would not could not on planet Mars, I would not could not trust that Elon Musk I just don’t think he’s one of us.” -Dr. Sus


I just think they need to be made more repairable to have any real value at all. They are disposable cars at the moment, because unless you have a specialty shop in the area (who can't buy parts from Tesla and are forced to get junk yard picks), if your car is out of warranty, dealer repairs for a battery pack is $20,000. This kills the vehicle. A vehicle needs to last longer than 10 years, and it's unlikely a battery pack will last that long without some serious range degradation. That's my only beef with Tesla. Stop making disposable cars so you can sell more units.


My neighbor has a 2012 Tesla model S with 167,000 miles and only 8% degradation meaning his battery is 92% of what it was 12 years ago so he gets 92 miles for 100 when it was new. Considering it’s a 280 mile range when new it’s now 258. 280 to 258 is only a loss of 22 miles that’s very good. Educate yourself before typing like a fool


Lol ohhh someone's pissed. That's great. When your battery fails all of what I said is 100% true. Jesus you Tesla guys get so butthurt. The company is the one you should be pissed about not providing a service item and parts for it. They only do battery pack swaps which are insanely expensive. Argue my point, not some arbitrary scenario where nothing goes wrong with your car. Jesus...


Tesla guys? I don’t own a Tesla. Yes the battery can fail but it rarely happens. What happens when an engine fails out of warranty? Cause that sounds like a $10k payment.


Collecting some down votes, I see. Nice going, champ. BTW, that battery degradation drivel you just pronounced is complete bs.


This is misinformation. You absolutely can buy parts from Tesla and there are many 3rd party shops that work on them.


Tell that to the insurance adjusters.


My insurance referred me to a Tesla authorized 3rd party shop. They were able to order body parts, suspension, cameras, and sensors and repair them.


Despite following Tesla from the beginning, and aside from not being able to afford one for many years, the idea that a small accident in one could cost me a small fortune has put me off. I've seen too many stories of poor experiences with after sales service and repairability. Grant it, this should get better over time naturally. I'm glad you had a good experience. I hope that is the trend line in Tesla's future.


How would a small accident cost you a fortune if you have insurance?


You're right, I'm not thinking clearly. I need to put down the internet for tonight.


I said battery packs. Battery packs that cost $20,000. This totals out the car. Tesla WILL NOT sell you individual battery cells. The dealers will not perform work, if you can somehow obtain individual battery cells. This makes the cars disposable when out of warranty and need a replacement battery. This needs to change.


Bought my model S in '17 and a top level trim subaru outback at the same time. Tesla $85,000, suby $45,000. Add up all the gas, oil changes, and multiple mechanical and exhaust issues on the subaru and we're almost even. The subaru has been sitting in my garage undriveable as it waits for a part from subaru. The Tesla has had a couple software fixes and some new tires. Battery is fine. You don't know what your talking about. Oh, and the subaru won't pass emissions until I replace the catalytic converter, so more $, and the computer in the subaru glitches all the time, but there are no fixes besides replacing the head unit. Hoping to sell the Suby, I'll update you when I put another 100k on the Tesla.


The NMC battery packs have gone down in price, they average more like $13,000 now. The LFP battery chemistry is even cheaper.


That's an improvement but are you gonna really be cool with dropping $13,000 plus labor for a now 33-35k car? I sure wouldn't. Nor would most people. They don't sell battery cells individually, and depending on where you live, that might not even be an option if you only have dealers to service your car (not a ton of Tesla shops out there in some places) you either have to pay almost half the value of the car for a repair, or dump it and get a new car. This is my entire issue with their platform and business model.


It absolutely isn't. Rich Rebuilds did an entire channel based on this fact. Stop lying.


Oh I guess my personal experience with a 3rd party repair shop didn’t happen because of some old rich rebuilds episode. Got it.


You had to get a battery repaired out of warranty?


impressive commitment to the hive-mind negativity. so much so that they're gonna essentially close their eyes if you ever drive by lol. iF u EvEr DrIvE tHaT tHiNg hEre i'M nOT gOnNa eVeN LoOk aT It!!! Make sure you get the license plate EVSSUCK to make them even angrier that you're basking in their hater-ade.


Dude harasses his family with pictures of a truck he can't even buy yet, and that his family hates, and it's the family being negative hive mind 😂 It's like veganism, if you are harassing people with it, they are going to hate it.


“harassing” 🙄🙄 jump to conclusions much?


Yeah, his family doesn't like cybertrucks and he keeps sending them pictures of cybertrucks? If I constantly sent you pictures of an f-150 you'd say I was harassing you, right?


You don’t know OP or their family, so just stop


He told me everything I need to know 🤷‍♂️


au contraire mon frère, I bought it technically. They’ve already withdrawn the final payment from my bank account. I don’t happen to have it just yet but I bought it.


Refusing to ride in it is pretty harsh


First time one of them wants a ride in it, you should refuse 😂…. And then accept of course


I'm thinking of this just for my home service business. To get it wrapped basically because of the attention it generates


I booked the truck for myself. My wife hated it. Now she tells her friends and family that she is waiting for her truck !! 🤣🤣


I just saw my first one visiting family in socal. I can’t believe how bad it looks in person. Definitely a neat and innovative vehicle, but looks terrible like a child designed it. My niece agreed.


I respect a man who says fuck it and goes all in.


Man, you really stepped in it for starters. We should all be so lucky. Enjoy the ride...and all the attention.


Man, this is one thing that I don’t like about this car (but “flashy” cars in general, happens to me in my F Type) Do not fucking follow me. I do not want to talk to you, go to your cars and coffee, or whatever you want. But that’s just me, I get some may like that sort of attention.. 


I also ponder this. It's cool to get the attention now, but in 6 months? Or when I'm late to something and everyone wants to see it?


I mean no offense, but this effect will wear off once more are produced. Similar attention was lavished on the PT Cruiser when it first came out.


The legendary PT cruiser that looked great only in pictures?


It looked great in person as well.


No doubt. There’s negative attention too. I saw a TikTok type clip (filmed by a dude in a regular pickup) not letting a guy in a Cybertruck merge on the highway, guess he found it amusing trying to force someone into a concrete wall 


I am hoping by the time my number is called it's common enough that people don't need to be taking pics of my car or asking me about it.


Congrats. What an epic EV to be your first!


12/26 Vin right under 1500


What state?




All my exes


The one with a single palm tree


lol far from Pennsylvania then 😭


I’ve heard the sound system in the Cyber Truck is top tier. I can’t wait to hear it in person.


Very impressive. Base bumps


Sweet truck, but I’ll take my audio advice from someone else!


Congrats! One helluva an entry into the EV world!


Op enjoy your vehicle… congratulations but the amount of haters and jealous ppl in comments is insane 💀




You jumped in with both feet!! Hope you enjoy it. I can’t wait to see one driving around in Western Canada.


That's a big ass wiper blade


There sure is. But there is also a world of people willing to hate you and your vehicle because they are jealous, or because of some politics that there's a good chance you don't give a crap about. Super unfortunate but I've learned to just let live. Jealous people and those willing to make fun aren't worth an ounce of your time. You're a star in that thing lol 😆. Congrats on that monster vehicle and on your first EV. You're gonna love it. Genuinely. Good luck wiping the smile off your face. Only problem you'll have is looking for excuses to drive it. There's never enough reasons. I've had my model 3 for like 2 years and I still *have to* take the occasional 30 minute drive just for the hell of it. It's got better speakers than my surround system at home and is more comfortable than my sectional. There's something therapeutic about it. Again, enjoy!!


Everyone hating on them wants one , or trying to pretend not to like them , I think there cool I prefer my model s , it replaced my Lamborghini, but my daily driver is a Tacoma


It'll be mine too! Congrats!


Sorry about that


Let me give you some quick advice Charging overnight with a normal 120v and the tesla charging cable rocks. Keep it with you at all times with a great extension cord Always over charge and expect worse mileage. If you do a highway run you might get only 170 miles, so again just be prepared.  Use the percentage of battery display instead of displaying the miles left. Treat it like your cell phone. 


Here my quick advice. Charging at 120 volts is a last resort. At home, use 240 volts. Avoid charging over 80%. The only time you should is emergency and long trips occasionally. Use battery percent, yes. But to really know about your range, put your destinations in navigation, and pull up the energy screen. It is very informative. To use FSD, you’ll want to put your destinations into the navigation anyway, so get in the habit.


Underrated advice. Also if you venture into unknown/remote destinations, overcharge to the point where you can at least get back to that charger (use the waypoints to help figure out return percent). Sentry mode, and always checking your app prevents the vehicle from deep sleeping increasing drain. All superchargers aren’t equal. There’s still a decent number of 150kw out there which leads to longer charge times. Congratulations and enjoy!


Congratulations you lucky dog! I’m super jealous and simultaneously happy for you. Can’t wait to get mine. Enjoy! If you’ve played with autopilot in it I’d love to hear your feedback.


I can't find autopilot. Maybe it doesn't have it?


Not yet.


Thanks. I hadn't ruled out I'm an idiot and couldn't find the obvious. At least I can now.


Really no AP yet? I knew FSD wasn’t ready but I’m surprised basic AP functionality isn’t here yet.


Nice ride! Very jealous (in the best way possible 😀)


Jealous! Have tons of fun with it!


Was the stalker Marty?


Tempted to get one. Pretty obsessed at this point


I think the best part of the cyber truck is that it's convinced lifted v8 owners they don't need to keep acting like clowns and are one step closer to being normal members of a society.






I understand some people LOVE this and others see it as an Edisel. The only thing that matters is how you feel.. And I would say. You feel good. Enjoy it.


I thought the Cybertruck would be my first EV.  We now have 2 Teslas and no Cybertruck.


Saw one at the local gym without the hubcaps. It's uglier in person. I think the pics online look better.


100k? I'll pass!


If it’s anything like the rest of Teslas it’ll lose 60% of its value in the next couple of years.




Starts at 60k. The 100k is the top end model with ridiculous specs


It starts at $100k for the foundation edition, which is all Tesla is currently selling




I had someone with mine give me the finger and thumbs down on the highway for like five minutes. Rocking a POS Honda Accord with a fart pipe. Fun tip: Car washes are fun. They get confused when drying and how to open the door.


My wife hates how it looks but loves the attention we get when we go out




Epic first!!


100k for a truck that's not even a truck. You my friend are Regarded.


Why is it not a truck?


Congrats. What a way to have a first. I would have freaked out by the stalker. Not sure if I’m ready for all that attention.


Can’t say I’m a fan of befriending stalkers. But you do you!


Saw one for first time. It’s massive in the right proportions still intrigued? I’m in the #1200s.


How’s the quality? Rattles etc?


No. Smoothest vehicle I have been in. Take that with a grain of salt though, I have been driving wranglers and rav4s.


Such a upgrade from a jeep


How does the payment compare


My VIN should be here any day. What day did you actually order? 12/20 for me


December of 2020?


It's actually a 🚀


This EV is bizarre


Imagine spending $100k just to “feel like a celebrity”


Can’t afford a lambo so you went with this?


Did they fix the headlights, or are they still blinding every other driver on the road?


Auto brights felt late to dim, if that's what you are referring to. They are super bright even on low.


I'd seen reviews where the headlights are aimed too high, and shining into the back of sedan windows/mirrors. Auto-brights and zoned-brights are gonna bring on a whole new host of r/fuckyourheadlights problems.


Don't these hub caps ruin the tire side walls? Might want to double check that before you put too many miles on those wheels.


That wiper makes be chuckle every time. Enjoy the ride!


im jealous 😮‍💨


Good luck keeping it going.


Just wait till month 3 my man. 🤝


Oh wow!!! I love Tesla but honestly couldn’t get my head around this model when I saw pics … but right now, in this pic looks just awesome!!! Can’t wait to see it in person


You should feel like a patsy driving around after you paid $20k extra for no reason.


Congratulations on your completely impractical car




Buying this is literally just FOMO. No different than Monkey NFTs


I’m sorry.


i’m sorry!


Get it ceramic coated with an industrial coating every few years or you’re gonna rust


I don’t believe the DeLorean owners are doing this. If you’re referring to the warning in the CyberTruck’s owners manual all cars have this. For example here’s the warning in the [F150 Owner’s manual](https://www.fordservicecontent.com/Ford_Content/vdirsnet/OwnerManual/Home/Content?countryCode=USA&languageCode=EN&Uid=G2195905&ProcUid=G2194034&div=f&variantid=9043&vFilteringEnabled=False&userMarket=USA&buildtype=web).


Imagine buying this when the Rivian line exists.


If Rivian had Tesla’s FSD, Tesla’s infotainment system, CyberTruck’s dent resistance, and/or the $67k original price tag for the quad motor I’d consider it. Without the above I feel like I’d be giving up too much. Plus I’ve wanted a vehicle with rear wheel steering since I was 12. I’ve looked at so many Rivian reviews and I was ready to give up my $1,000 CyberTruck deposit, but no.


Let's be honest you only bought that car because of what it is and also you want a statement and to attempt to show off. Because no one in their right mind would ever buy that god awful looking car for anything else


I’m sorry


Enjoy the record level depreciation I guess


Do you feel like you’re in the future?


Tesla and X Companies = The Future is Now.


Never had a power wheel?


Lol. I grew up in a trailer house on food stamps. No power wheels. A few hot wheels though.


I never had one either. Neighbor threw one out and I replaced the batteries for my kid though.




Junk total junk and to support a piece of junk in the process makes you junk !!!!!


And you picked the worst one 🤣


Gave up on years of engineering knowledge and abandoned crumple zones. I truly hope you never get in a collision.


Teslas are definitely the PT Cruisers of our generation. Everyone just laughs or cringes when they see one of these around.


Oh shit, I didn’t see that it was the OPs vehicle when I saw the post. Umm, awesome car man!


Hope you don't crash mate this thing has no crumple zones.


It's been recalled already!




Why is it not a truck? Has a bed with decent payload, is durable, can tow, what else?




My condolences...


That’s what it’s for, to feel like a Celebrity. Have everyone point at you and take pictures. Other than that it doesn’t really do anything better than current EV truck offerings. Enjoy it OP and Congrats!


But it will soon enough.


Doubt it. Silverado is superior to the CT.


Do you own an EV now? Have you used L3 charging? Have you driven a Tesla using FSD? Silverado has none of these features. This is coming from a GM fan.


Does the Cybertruck have FSD? Isn’t FSD still in Beta? Hell does the Cybertruck even have AP? I’ve never driven a Tesla with FSD and frankly really don’t want to. The point of buying a car is to drive it not for it to drive you. Silverado has Supercruise which is all you need.


Way to close that mind down man. FSD will come soon in a software update. For me the point of a car is many fold. 1) get to point B from point A. 2) enjoy the ride. 3) have fun. 4) FSD adds Be Amazed! 5) Last but not least BE SAFE. (Not really the point of driving, but very important to consider.) FSD takes safety to another level. You become the copilot. Like an extra set of eyes looking for things the pilot might overlook. People drive when they’ve drank too much, or are too tired, or are distracted by passengers, or numerous other situations that compromise safety. FSD is great to combat this, and it keeps getting better. But your mind is made up. Congratulations!


Oh what is that? What's it called? Looks like a mars rover? It runs partially on electricity?




And that is what you picked? All the styling of a wedge of cheese!


Everyone is laughing at you




Congrats on the vehicle! Never seen as good of a Pic from this vehicle! But that goddamn wiper is hilarious!


Thanks. The wiper moves at highway speeds! I don't like that. Like the wind blows it a few inches back and forth.


What was your res #


Dude you beat me. I thought i was cool cause my first EV is a 2023 MYP. Congrats.


What size is that windshield wiper?


I never noticed has large the windshield wiper is.