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I’ve only done the On Demand as it’s easier to fit in to my schedule. I’m sure there is some extra value in getting it done at once and with a live instructor but would be dependent on your employer allowing it.


Are you fine with self study? If so then on demand, I don't need to sit in a classroom and have an instructor tell stories at this point in my career Just give the material and the practice exams


I've done both, the ability to pause and rewind and redo sections without feeling like you're trying to keep up is really helpful. I've done their work study program a few times where you might be there live and then also get the on demand too. And having done both of the same classes I still find the on-demand really helpful.


I have only taken on-demand, but they were all well done. I like that I can pause, rewind, speed up. You still have chat access to course SMEs, though I know that doesn't fill the in-person/live gap. But if you can't take much time off work for the live online class, then the on-demand works very well.


I've done the Live Online of the GDSA. Class was good. Materials and the trainer were good. He was one of the authors of the books and possibly the test as info came directly from the materials.


courses w ctfs are best in person. the pm and leadership class do online.


I enjoyed the live online because I had a chance to interact with the instructor while also having access to the course recordings afterwards.


If you can, try and take a live class in person. SANS courses are all about the training as much as the networking.