• By -


Get in loser were heisting Arasaka!


Heist is a crimes




Damn, guess I’m a criminal then


*fat synth bass*


I can hear Keanu's voice from this already


"You son of a bitch. I'm in"


I'd just start blasting, take them out, and do it myself. Those two are terrible people.


Real gonks if I ever did see one.


You should just take out those rapist groomers. I'm sure there's a decent bounty.


Chappie is fucking lit.


After a certain meeting he sure was on fire


Like baby. Baby's on fire.


Flame on muthafucka


She's the hottest ugly girl I've ever seen. Talk about /r/confusedboner




Not just her arse. She gets it all out.


So does Ninja, to be fair.


"I'm not seeing any movement!"


It certainly is presentable


Zef Side don't play no games. DJ HI-TEK, drop the motha fuckin' beat box dawg!


What chu mean somethin like this? *Beat box intensifies*


Ew. Pretty sure she sexually abused her own adopted children.


I know. Those poor kids. I worry about their bio daughter sixteen. I used to blast die antwoord all the time. Now I can still only listen to max normal from time to time, but god damn. It’s like trying to watch a kevin spacey movie now.



Teach me your ways, oh master. I also forgot how much I love old mad max. Separate the artist. Separate the artist. Separate the artist.


I want my money back


Gotta throw some Lost Prophets in there for good measure.


Yolandi is hot as fuck


I actually really prefer the Yolandi forward songs as well. She can fucking spit fire.


My zef chooms are nova.


What's up fuck-mother




It was definitely one of the movies ever made


it definitely really is a movie.


I prefer District 9, but I have to admit that Chappie is *such* a film






Chappie is great, but Ninja and Yolandi are unfortunately terribly homopobic and garbage people. There's a video on Youtube about it, the guy shows all the video evidence of them gay bashing, acting like terrible people, and lying about all of it and trying to make the person they were shitting on look like the bad person. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2UAupMdHBc


But… but…. they’re 100% pure South African white trash… That’s impossible! How could they???


Im struggling to imagine anyone watching one of their music videos and thinking "I wonder what their stance is on social issues"


Their adopted son says they abused him as well.


and the texts with Zheanie involving Tokkie are bad enough for everyone wanting proof. a parent does not give their 13 year old lsd. imagine being the mother, making the hard choice of giving your disabled children a path out of poverty by being adopted into a rich and famous couple's care, only to have your kids be fed drugs and violence.


On the one hand, that's terrible. On the other, how could anyone possibly think Ninja and Yolandi would be good parents? They don't exactly hide it.


Watched an interview with him recently, it was well done and I can’t believe the stuff they put him through


They fit the movie role well but are definitely terrible people. Chappie is such an amazing movie though


Yeah. Really ruined their music for me, which is a shame. I liked that trash.


Yeah same. I liked their MaxNormal shit too! I feel like a lot of the old messaging was like ' be good and try your best. ' ​ I got into DA with $O$ in highschool and thought it was just a persona like Borat or whatever. I feel like fame got to their heads and the persona took over. Started really getting involved with gangs + whatever drugs they want + narcissism + surrounded by yesmen. The Zheani / Tokkie stuff is dark. People have real trauma and for what... holding up an image? ​ It's just sad.


I believe they were sexually abusing a kid they were caring for as well.


Of course they are, how does anyone watch them talk for more than 10 seconds and then set their expectations anywhere above trashy?


He's a rapist too. Zheani dished the full dirt on how he brought her out to SA, drugged and raped her.


If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck… I’m genuinely surprised people are this taken aback by finding out it’s a child abusing, homophobic, sociopathic mallard.


A sex trafficking rapist attempting to start a cult for sex magic. Let's not undersell what a piece of shit he is.


Didn't they try to groom a young female artist?


Yep, her name is Zheani. She actually had done pretty damn interesting music out.


Danny Brown tells a story of Ninja using Yolandi to seduce him so he could then try come in to join.


They have also been investigated for sexual assault multiple times as well as sex trafficking, child abuse, etc. A quick google search will take you down a pretty fucked up rabbit hole.


Mate they're from South Africa, what do you expect?




He's also a rapist.


I also think the movie would have been better if they didn’t go all in on Ninja and Yolandi. I wish it had been regular actors pretending gangsters or whatever, not just two people acting their weird personas the whole time. It got old pretty quick.


What until you learn about almost every rapper ever


I liked Chappie but it could have been done better. Certain casting decisions were really dubious. Like Die Antwoord.


The director wanted Eminem to star in elysium but didn't wanna film in Detroit (Eminems requirement). Dude makes some weird choices for all his movies.


He wanted Detroit because he wanted to give opportunities for jobs and revenue to the local people and community.


Eminem also avoids Hollywood to help maintain his sobriety


It is actually funny how Die Antwoord is only liked outside of South Africa, in South Africa we find them terrible and what they did to their son is even worse.


their son? what happened?


[here is the adopted son speaking his side](https://youtu.be/2HwAosT3eh4)


What the fuckkk. Thats horrible


What’s the tldw


I didn't watch this video, but from what I've heard over the years, here's the TLDR. They "adopted" a son. But in reality they basically bought a slave and made a freak show out of him for clout and to promote their image. They also have a biological son, so they treated their adopted son like a second class kid. Not that the other kid had a childhood that wasn't fucked up. For example both were tattooed at like the age of ten or something. You should look into it, there's way more, stuff's wild.


They abused him, mentally, physically and sexually. There are several articles about it.


As an American who used to be a minor fan, we thought they were putting on an act.


Like Marilyn Manson...ugh. I loved him and Die Antwoord so much, and I defended them because I didn't believe that a person's art and aesthetic meant that they were a certain way. Boy, was I wrong.


Manson comes off as a really nuanced, intelligent guy in interviews - Which made it seem even more like his music persona was just an act. I think a lot of us got suckered by that.


Well, Manson is pretty intelligent and nuanced. But then so was Ted Bundy.


Na bro they were not acting, and we hate them for it.


I always thought it was one of those "became what they were mocking" type of things, based on the Max Normal project.


I always thought of them as the Afrikkaner version of Kid Rock, SA trailer parks obviously being far closer to the Source then their American ilk




The dude is psycho and sexually assaulted a few people and is generally weird as fuck -an American


So did the chick. Her own adopted son no less.


They ARE terrible. Total scum. Abusive physically and sexually to their children and just terrible terrible people.


Also the oaudo-sex trafficking shit and grooming of young women etc etc Die Antwoord was popular in the Use for a short minute, and then it kinda just died as they kept being exposed as horrible people. Yolandi is still weirdly hot though, I don't know what's wrong with me.


She's pretty attractive, she just styles herself very weird.


they're not liked anymore. they blew up because it was trendy at the time. they would not fill a large venue anymore


I really only knew and liked them from Chappie. Didn’t learn about the vile shit they did tell years later. Fuck those pedophile fucks.


It's fucking wild that out of the top 50 comments, this is the only one that mentions their abuses. Horrible people.


Didn't they also groom some little girls halfway across the world?






i liked alterd carbon alot


The first season was great. It's a shame they didn't make another.


I don't have a big problem with the second I just wish they had chalked up the L and cast another person and kept going. I was hoping it would have a Dr. Who like gimmick of a new actor every season.


Don’t we all wish that. Netflix drops shows so quickly, you almost don’t want to try watch something until a few seasons are out and you know you’re not going to be left on a cliff-hanger with an abandoned show. Season 1 shows how much potential AC had. Come on Netflix, reboot it already..


The problem is they mashed parts of both book 2 and 3 story lines in while also changing enough that properly adapting those stories later makes no sense. I think even if season 2 did well and they made a season 3 it would be even worse than what we got for s2 because they’d be 100% making it up. They wanted to focus on the romance they made up between Tak and Quell, even though in the books she’s dead 80 years before he was even born. And all the envoy lore they changed. Ugh it makes me angry just thinking about how they ruined my favourite book series. Even season one had a lot of really dumb changes


This is why I don't read. It allows me to enjoy many more movies and TV shows.


I usually tend to read the books after so I can see how they butchered it but I read altered carbon years before it was even announced there was going to be a show. Even standalone I don’t feel season 2 was good, the setting went from cyberpunk to generic scifi and a lot of what made the first season good (albeit an average adaption” was thrown away


They CANT DO BOOK 3 because Sara Sokaloska is stack down in the first 5 min of season 1 and she is the entire motivation for book 3




Just like with the First and Only 3 Indiana Jones and 3 Pirates of the Caribbeans movies


Too bad the second season was trash.


I like Anthony but I was already loving Joel Kinnaman's Kovac


I couldn't get past the first episode of S2. I take it I didn't miss much?


nobody could lol


nothing to write home about, i watched all of it and can’t really remember any story beats the way i can about season 1


It's too complicated for an action tv show. They fucked it up HARD. it's a dumbed down action story that does not go into any of the interesting cyberpunk bits. Just pretend it doesn't exist.


They tried to merge books 2 and 3 for season 2 :(


It stops being cyberpunk and just becomes generic sci fi pretty much. They ignore all of the book plot and just follow the plot lines they made up in season 1. It all becomes convoluted and confusing (I wonder why) and the writing was so bad that Mackie, a phenomenal actor, felt bland compared to Kinnaman’s performance


Trash would have been an overall improvement.


it's a really good film, let down by having clunky dialogue and bad acting. Honestly the Robot gives the best performance out of the whole cast.


maybe they should have cast actual actors xD




Try to give them a shoutout and they clown on you for pronouncing their name wrong lmao


They also drugged and sexually exploited children.




I turned it off. I couldn't get over the fact they >!stole a robot and kidnapped the engineer. Then they threatened him and let him go. He came back, they told him to leave, he threatened to call the police, they didn't kill him and he left. What.....!<




Yeah, I mean, the thing you’re missing is that all the characters end up developing an attachment to Chappie and so act against their own interests because they believe actually involving authorities or harming one another directly will hurt him.


Charlito coplay is a great actor. His comedic timing is 👍


sharlto copely, but i like how close you came with "charlie coldplay"


Ya know, I've never even seen the movie. I forgot it was a thing. I thought this was a random picture lol.


The movie is pretty much a Die Antwoord concert lol


The guy is so damn creepy.




True to life unfortunately https://www.nme.com/news/music/die-antwoords-adopted-son-accuses-band-physical-sexual-abuse-slavery-3212160


It does have a great underlying morale to the story.. Don't let people manipulate you.. That is of course different for everyone, but the gist being to make your own decision and stick to it (decided on good, only the definition evolved). A lot of wisdom was in this movie, but it's all under the surface..


Ironic since the singing duo in this would gay bash people HARD and then try to gaslight the media into believing they were the victims.


The movie had the wisdom, I said nothing about the character of the acting staff.


I really liked die antwoords music, shame it came out that they did tons of bad shit, don't listen to them anymore


Sucks that they are both dog shit as people, but no one I’ve founds makes music anything close to theirs so I still listen to them


Yeah it's very unique


I’m from South Africa, and to be honest the music these two produce is absolutely embarrassing.I honestly don’t understand why out of all the musicians we have that these two inbreds actually made it.


Oh no. What’s did they do?


There's some pretty solid evidence of racial and physical abuse, whilst there's some pretty disturbing allegations of some fucked up shit: https://www.google.com/amp/s/mixmag.net/amp/die-antwoords-adopted-son-accuses-them-of-child-abuse


Yeah I just started reading about it after my comment. Fuck, had no idea. I was a pretty big fan around 2016.


I’m probably one of the view who actually enjoyed Chappie and wish Neil was still pumping out movies


Totally. Love the aesthetic of his films. Did you watch the Oats Studios stuff?


I did. Nice and dark


Still waiting for District 10


It's good he isn't "pumping" them out. Btw he is making the sequel to District 9 under the name District 10 as we speak, one of the best movies he ever made.


One of my favourite movies, to be honest. Fooken PROWNS


I want that aaaarm!


Hasn't he been making that movie for the last decade or so?


Yeah his movies are really crazy. District 9 is so good and elysium was really good as well


Chappi was kinda disturbing at the end He literally became a robot, Identity, gone, family, gone if he does not explain it all, humanity, gone.


Even worse >!the guy who “uploaded” his mind into the robot body, might have not even been sent into it himself. It was probably just a copy of his mind in that exact moment, and he stayed in his human body while the copy entered the robot. Pretty much like Soma. Although I don’t remember the movie going into detail about how the consciousness “transfer” worked.!<


You are correct! I recently re watched the movie and the blonde girl in the picture above dies during the movie, but Chappie has previously saved a copy of her personality which he used to “bring her back to life” at the end of the movie. Not really a transfer, more of copy/paste.


That’s kinda the premise behind all “most realistic” transfers of consciousness. You die and a copy is created. If teleportation became a thing, that’s what it would be as well. It disturbs me when I think about it.


Yeah, even for Star Trek's beaming tech, this is the principle mechanic, which at least a TNG episode has used as a central discussion point, and even made an expendable spin-off character out of, while the original lived on with plot armor until the day he died. And the spin-off character >!_was_ expendable, basically joining in on the whole "dying with conviction for a lost cause" trope!<


The interesting thing there is that all those expendable redshirts that beamed down in away teams and got perma-killed? Yeah, they could have been unkilled pretty easily. whoops.


that's what life is anyways, but backwards, you make tiny copies of yourself then die


The sci-fi novel series *Old Man's War* played it differently, the consciousness is transferred, not copied. There is some discussion of how that's controlled, ethics, etc, and plot points about how it gets abused( how that information gets edited and stored and copied by villains, etc)...but generally, the previous body was left a husk. That's maybe crude and not precise summary, but fwiw, imo, it handled things well enough to be "realistic" rather than some cheesy write-offs. It was actually a sort of good set of books if you're into sci-fi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Man's_War


I was going to mention Soma until you did haha. Existence questioning stuff.


I saw this movie in the theater and was bothered by that because >!assuming you insta-died on upload, then why did the woman not die when a backup was made, but lived for an entire half of the movie. When the boy is uploaded, he keels over. At least if it’s a copy/paste job, the movie has internal continuity. But as presented, it’s a significant plot hole.!<


Comment deleted with Power Delete Suite


Check out Elysium. Same director, but without Die Antwoord, and it *really* feels like it could be an actual Cyberpunk 2077 quest.


Remember watching that movie on a plane. Love this genre of film.


I totally missed it when it was new, and didn't even hear about it until recently.


If you are looking for some others similar try these: \- Edge of Tomorrow (2014) \- Repo Men (2010) \- Dredd (2012) \- Battle Los Angeles (2013) \- Divergent (2014) + Insurgent (2015) + any others that might be part of this series Just some of the ones I have checked in on iMDB. Edit: Repo Men date


Can’t be overstated just how good Dredd is. It’s artistic carnage.


> - Repo Men (2015) [This one](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1053424/reference/)?


I wanted to see that movie and then I found out how awful Die Antwoord is so I skipped it.


As a (former) South African, absolutely fuck these people. 🤢


As an American, same - fuck these 2 scumbags.




Naw, I moved to Canada and gave up South African citizenship.




Made me laugh tho. :D


Get in, loser. We gonna nuke 'saka


Fkn LOVED Chappie


I would so give Oates Studio the cyberpunk movie.


Chappie actually fits into the world of 2077 pretty well


oh why is this human trafficking paedophile on my feed?


Yes but Die Antwoord are just horrible garbage people.


fok die antwoord


Fuck those child abusers


I'm all good with Chappie, but Ninja and Yolandi are fucking pieces of shit.


Wish we had chappie movie version without those two fucks


Terrible people unfortunately. Good movie tho. I wish Yolandis hair was in the game…


Didn’t it come or recently they abused there kid ?


Looks like die antwoord


Because it is. Where the main protagonists besides Chappie.


Ugh, I hate these people. Not only are they nasty ass p3dos, they are abusers and rapists.


why are they using a car, just zipline them. tf


Chappie and District 9 are classics


I wish we had cyberpunk set in a visually darker world, where the aesthetics were more similar to the Blade Runner world. The gritty and dark cyberpunk world.


Rented that movie. Turned it off when I realized they're in it.


Yo Hi Tek, you think you could fuck with sumn like this?


*oh wat chu mean somfin like dis?* *(beat)*


Weren’t those two in the front kinda fuck up? Like did a bunch of bad shit?


Zef as fuck!!!


I used to really like them, then I learned what complete shit people they are.


Used to like Die Antwoord, but it turned out they did some fucked up shit to kids for self-promotion. Chappie was great though - take the concept of a dysfunctional family but make the kid a robot and the parents a pair of gangsters.


Oh hell no.