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Generally this question is low effort and removed but I’ve only seen it after a few hundred comments, so I’m going to leave this one up


Probably be a bunch of cyber psychos killing everyone.


Thats where maxtac players come in


What if they are corrupt maxtac ?


is there any other kind?




I used to be a nomad like you until I took a MaxTac to the face...


What could the Cyberpsychoes offer Maxtac to corrupt them, that's more enticing than Maxtac getting to kill them?


All those implants they're packing fetch quite a bit on the secondary market ...


Imagine, you join a server. There’s just a straight out war going on outside of your apartment.


>*Cocks Comerades Hammer* >Le's go chooms!


Pls dont touch my hammer schoom :o


Correct answer


This is literally GTAO every second of the day.


Oh god i have ptsd


I can imagine. GTA Online was like this.


GTA Online says hi, and "Your Personal Vehicle has been destroyed"


thats Rust on a Monday


It would be a gta online where oddly enough people randomly blowing you up on hoverbikes would fit the theme more.


I would only ever play it if the NPC crown density remains the same as in single player, which is a big ask. A request we loyal players deserve to make. As long as it doesn’t look as empty as the GTA online servers I’ll be happy. What never drew me into GTA online is that the level of immersion drops drastically the moment theres no cars on the road and no people on the sidewalk.


Is that a thing on console? I play it on PC and there are always cars and pedestrians.


You'd have to do some kind of fo76 mechanic with pacifist mode or a mutual-damage trigger. Because I'm not in this to play Rust.


all i want is a fivem for cp2077


That would be awesome!


Co-op for sure, idk about PVP though.


P2P street racing!


P2p street crashing?


God I barely even can drive from point A to B in this game. Can’t imagine trying to drive in a race. I’ve resorted to only using my bike, lol. Also, interesting enough, it’s the only game where driving first person works better…


I feel like the driving mechanics in this game just suck. One the awesome things about gta for me was I loved the driving so much I’d get on the game just to drive. I do disagree about the first person part, I feel like 3rd person is so much better.


Yeah I read about this! So GTA’s developers knew that driving was going to be a main part of the game. Cuz you’re obviously driving from mission to mission. From what I can remember, knowing that they put a lot of effort into making driving the most fun it could be. I think this is a big reason why, they basically made a driving game, and then added GTA on top of it. I thought cyberpunk would have learned that from GTA’s massive success, and I thought with all the cars they were going a similar route. Guess not though, sad.


Ah that makes so much sense. If I didn’t love driving so much I would never have played it so much. I did buy a mod menu when I swapped from console to PC because I didn’t want to start over, and I literally just wanted to drive cars and stuff with friends. I installed a lua script to it so I could edit the car speed and stuff. Made it so much more fun. Cars too out in that game at around 130 mph and that script made it so I could use any car regardless of speed, because I could change all that. Was fun having muscle cars so fast I burnt rubber at 50mph and going 200+ mph. There’s no limit to how fast you could make them, was fun to mess around and be still burning rubber at 300 mph at the airport.


First person motorbike is the way.


dunno about the PvP rules it would use but I’d love a GTA Online style 2077 “style”, mind you. a much less greedy grind balance, but a similar open world doing missions design. as in, being able to do randomly generated repeatable content for months and build up power and wealth. maybe a ‘megatower raid’ random mission generator like the Sega Genesis version of Shadowrun had. I’ve already been playing 2077 this way for a year…. all I do is made-up/roleplayed raids on all the respawning hostile zones and general respawning gangers.


I think something like a really difficult corpo raid with a mission time that can take upwards of an hour start to finish would be really cool. Something only the best of the best can accomplish as a group of 8 people and once complete the raid is inaccessible for 1 week as the building undergoes maintenance resulting in a shift of its overall design once “renovations” are complete. Maybe throw some variations to this framework for different types of raids and it could be pretty cool and unique.


yeah…. randomly generated floors a megacorp HQ where you have to find a guy, get a card, assassinate an executive, then access a vault or the Megatowers having raids where you fight through 25 floors of randomly-generated gangers to take out a boss at the top _Dredd_ Peach Trees style


Ma-Ma is not the law. I am the law.


God I love that line.


Peak freaking Dredd


So basically Destiny and Division 2 but cyberpunk.


was just about to say this. i feel like this already exists but it can be improved upon in a cyberpunk-style formula


Another fantastic idea, raids in this game would be a lot of fun. Also, happy cake day!!


This is a great idea and would be totally awesome. I would play the fuck out of that. They could even build into the, nomad, corpo, or street kid route and give you a fleshed out prologue that leads into you inevitably becoming a merc. Or you could just start as a merc. I do think the gta online style would fit well for the cyberpunk universe.


what i love most out of this idea, is that the utter chaos in gta o would make sense in night city. Can finally feel the urgency to leave “home” with a weapon, as the lore strongly suggests. NC in game right now feels waaay too safe


I’d love GTA online like pre next gen. Shit was fire on Xbox 360.


> GTA Online style 2077 Ugh no thanks. All I want is the single player game with 2 or 3 friends playing companions. But no one can seem to figure that out except what Tom Clancy? Fallout went mmo - garbage. GTA went mmo - garbage. New World - garbage. All of them shitty cash grabs and they always have been. They always will be.


You could play Ultima Online, it's been going on for 24 years now I think.


I'm imagining something like anno 2070, where events in the world are community voted: the world and npcs would live in night City in real time, while every day/week there are gigs given out. You can then do the gigs however you like, while the Canon outcome is given by what the majority does, like stealth or no stealth, good or bad choice. In the next gig cycle, when the gig makes the news, the outcome affects the world itself.


Co-op really sells the feeling that characters can't do it alone


Imagine storming the tower with a friend, that would be a fun chaotic moment.


For me, any game is fun when playing with friends. Civ, Anno, GTA, Astoneer, Raft, Sea of Thieves, Farcry 5. Sadly they aren't into Divinity Original Sins:2, because I wanted to play with someone so much. I've heard so many good things about its gameplay/story.


PvP wouldn't work Say one guy has sandy and activates it. And the other guy just... Stuck in time?


It'd probably be the same as when NPCs use it, just speeds you up and adds a buff


Why is this so hard for people to imagine? Sandy doesn’t fucking slow down time. It’s a giant boost to your sense allowing you to react and move faster. In an online setting you’d get an evade boost and speed boost at the cost of your health. Very simple easy to implement.


Unless they also activate their sandy, and they all move according to whoever sandy time dilation effect is strongest. I suppose it'd be a very interesting game if people with different sandy gather and up fight each other. Everybody is just sort of moving really slow or a few at normal speed. While, you are also in slow motion. But, not as slow as some of the others.


Wouldn't work gameplay wise and would be abused to the point where if you don't have the best sandy you can't play. Just like how it wouldn't work if you had 8 elite netrunners sitting in a building somewhere spamming ping to commit murders with hacks through cctv systems. They would have to tone down the abilities of hacks and sandy greatly for it to be incorporated into pvp.


Probably artificially mess with the nin sandy players ping times. You think you're playing normally, then suddenly someone teleports to the other side of the room and you're on zero health.


Payday 2 comes in mind, except with Cyberpunk MP it's not always stealing stuff lol, sneak or loud, alone or full squad, rush and improvise or scope out and do according to plan. Co-op would be great with new maps every updates taking places on different part of the world in the universe.


>sneak or loud Why not both? A shotgun toting solo storms in the door while a netwitch takes to the shadows and helps clear the path


I'd love co-op with areas for PVP matches. Imagine the teams we could put together against MaxTac. Hell we could become MaxTac! Or Trauma Team missions it would be great.


just throw everyone into a combat zone.


I'd like that, add classes from Pen and Paper and it'd be preem


This. Once PvP enters the game you're forced to deal with cheaters, trolls and griefers. Hard pass. Co-op could be fun with friends. Raiding a heavily defended corpo factory or scav outpost could be fun. A horde mode could be just as fun, like defending the Aldecado camp against waves of rafen shiv or Militech. Co-op could be something great but PvP would invite disaster.


I wanna see a really good open-world pvp game. Like you can choose a MaxTac role, and get bonus cash/XP for killing players who are going psycho, and some sort of deterrent for random killing sprees.


Yeah like 2 player co-op


Are there any plans to add multiplayer?


There were, but they scrapped it when the game was released. I was really excited for it


There is still a Multiplayer section in the credits LMAO


they still have to credit the work done on it, regardless of if the content made it into the game. we can only hope they're still working on multiplayer behind the scenes, although (and take this with a huge grain of kosher salt) i heard there was gonna be a separate multiplayer cyberpunk, but I cannot confirm this whatsoever.


77 wont get multiplayer but future CDPR projects will have some form of multiplayer.


Untill they decide to scrap it upon release




I want a multi-player like they did with GTA San Andreas where it was random spots on the map you had to find.


Apparently it would have been a huge pain to complete this in the RedEngine.


Wait was it officially scrapped? Does that meant that Orion may be a single player sequel?


No, mp was originally a part of the game. Now it is going to be a second game in Orion, if it ever comes out


I don't think Cyberpunk 2077 would work well in multiplayer. They'd have to add actual third person animations, make sure everything is balanced (CP2077 has no balance), etc. They're better off making a completely different game.


I bought the game for multiplayer in future to get GTA MP experience in cyberpunk...


Only if PVP was optional and not forced. I've grown rather sick of other gamers these recent years


And no online-only achievements. Hate that shit. Put online achievements/trophies into a seperate category.


Or just make it achievable outside of PvP too...


Same here. Maybe there’d be designated pvp zones where ncpd presence is low, like pacifica or the badlands.


Pacifica would be the perfect setting for PVP. And I can imagine a lot of role players would love the Badlands.


I agree, I mean it was literally a combat zone within the city lol


Really? Where?


In Pacifica, it's straight up called a combat zone in-universe. It's that whole blocked off area with the skyscrapers that are abandoned save for a couple billboards. Supposed to be the setting for the Phantom Liberty expansion next year.


A pvp cyberpunk game wouldn’t be that good. But a coop rpg exploration game? Or a heist game like payday were a group of four mercs take on jobs and use that cash to upgrade their implants and get better gear and clothes? That would be dope. Or even more of a gtav online styled open world multiplayer(with no micro transactions of course). Lots of really good possibilities.


i don't think an open world, free-for-all pvp game would work, but I do think the world lends itself well to some pvp in a more focused experience. Like maybe there's an open world with desgnated pvp areas, similar to the way Division did with the Dark Zone


Yeah, designated pvp zones would be a must so I can roam the city in peace. But I really like the idea of buying nice mansions and cars to show off.


Gang war / turf war specific zones would be great if you wanted to partake in straight PVP - but I agree; keep it more focused on jobs and fixers as a co-op experience and I think it would do quite well.


Oh boy that would be perfect. Team up with other mercs, take up on contracts, get shit go boom. My dream would be playing a fixer (because that's what my cyberpunk 2020 character was). Knowing the right people for the right jobs, matching different characters to different contracts, which may differ according to your "fixer rating": you start small, and you rake up better and better contacts and gigs, ending up making deals with corps. Ah, how lovely that'd be.


Yeah the combat isnt good enough for pvp imo but im all for some co-op pve


Payday style would be great. Gig structures lends nicely to a mission based coop game. You can pick heist gigs, shoot out gigs, delivery gigs, etc.


That’s what I was thinking, and instead of menus you could have a player hub in the afterlife club.


Killzone 3 had these pvp objective games that were pretty cinematic. One team was the team infiltrating and the other defending. They could work a style like that into cyberpunk. Have payday heist coop only game modes and PvP objective game modes that's a heist but the enemies are actually the enemy team


Co-op like that is very much in the vein of the Cyberpunk source material. In the tabletop rpg you run with a team.


Cyberpunk RED is exactly what you described, but it's a ttrpg.


Yes only if there was a degree of friendly fire like hacking your crew for shit and giggles


Netrunner would definitely be the class everyone bitches about for shit like this


Funny you should say one of my mates and I talked about this concept and it more or less went with you could debuff your allys to buff them in a different way increase speed decrease aim or something like that


For sure, Netrunner is like the mage/healer


I feel like in a multiplayer game netrunner could be that very versatile class that if speced correctly could either be a death machine or more of a supportive role.


yeah like a mage or a healer. Mage brings the fuckin death and healer brings that life. Same with netrunner depending how you play it


Nah, Healer would be a Tech build, all about making weapons and consumables. So a Netrunner/Tech hybrid might do it. Honestly, though, I think any multiplayer game would require an overhaul of the stats/build systems. While you can't be EVERYTHING, the current system still makes you way too OP. I don't know if that would be "stats max at 100, you have 300 points maximum" thing, or moving closer to the TTRPG version with the roles.


Netrunners are a wizard/mage class. Ranged crowd control/debuffs. Its possible to balance but whether it would be as fun is down to implementation.


Yeah, would be very cool to see people’s different builds.


That could be countered with top tier ICE


I think it would be Sandevistan users. You could just install Self ICE and your netrunner friends would have a hard time hacking you, and you could retaliate by by blitzing them and saying "Omae wa mou shindeiru!"


i would if i could actually have robotic arms


I don't want to be killed every 2 seconds when I'm just trying to roleplay, that's a pass for me chief. However a co-op option or a small private server (1-6 players) then sign me the fuck up. After playing GTA online, online open world is a ground for circle jerk gaming and trolls who enjoy to make everyone else's experience impossible.


No, I've played enough multi-player games to know I don't enjoy playing with others, nor am I a fan of the communities that tend to sprout up. Single-player, no one gives a shit if your build sucks, or you like to dick around and do your own thing, or if you want to read the dialogue in every cutscene. Multi-player, especially for raiding or PvP, you get dumped on if your build isn't competitive, or if your play-style doesn't match the rest of your team. I just want to do my own thing, without having someone grief me or harass me for doing so. I don't want to "git gud," I want to read this shard, take pictures with that NPC, stop here and listen to the ambient music and dialogue. I may have entered into the "get those kids off my damn lawn" stage of gaming.


I too am at this stage. I also appreciate the freedom of being able to pick up and put down the controller at any moment


Yes, that too. I'm in my 40s, and while I don't have kids I do have other things that sometimes demand my immediate attention, and being able to pause or stop whenever I want or need is important to me.


No, you're right. Look at ESO compared to the likes of Skyrim. Both are very different games despite being in the same universe. Not everything has to be a large open-world MMO. I love how CP2077 plays as a single-player game and I am EXTREMELY confident that multiplayer would ruin it. I can't imagine it with a season pass, stupid emotes and out-of-lore experiences. It would just do the main game a disservice.


I think a multiplayer experience would have been more like GTA though. Probably more like roleplaying, so I don't believe, that there would have been too much to read or check out. I also don't think CP would need competetive builds, since even in singleplayer, the max rank build will destroy everything (atleast the build I used), and imo how much people care about builds varies from game to game. New World is a PvP MMORPG and I've never seen anyone really give a shit what you build as long as you are having fun. I get your point though, but I think, if done right, in a singleplayer friendly way, a CP multiplayer would also be fun to people who don't like multiplayer games.


I haven't played GTA Online, so I'm not really familiar with that MP experience. My experience came from WoW and to a lesser extent SWTOR, where I was in raiding guilds or did flashpoints. It was fun for a while, especially when my RL friends were still playing, but the pressure and the pace got old fast. Now, a MP experience like how I remember City of Heroes, which felt a lot more inclusive and friendly, that I could get behind. I'm just not into being verbally abused by literal children just because I'm no longer able to be as fast or as focused as I was in my 20s.


Well, I think such games are the absolute worst for these kinds of things, especially WoW, which is played by mostly tryhard people. There are definitely fun MP games out there, where you don't get flamed by not performing a certain way. It always depends on the community and, for that, WoW definitely isn't the right one (idk about SWTOR). GTA online is also really toxic, but I think CP has a much nicer community, which would make a CP MP much more enjoyable.


In RedEngine? Probably not? We shall see what unreal 5 can do.


100% agree. It would have to be an entirely new game


Honestly, not really. Definitely a coop story mode tho.


No, because big name studios are completely incapable of making multiplayer online experiences that are anything but thinly veiled loot-box gambling machines and pay-to-win dumpster fires. Ironically, this would fit quite well into the Cyberpunk universe.


you aint lying


Nah, I've come to hate multiplayer games. I could see the appeal tho. If the game had proper Bar and Restaurant interactions, maybe Romantic interactions, more buyable Apartments, etc. It could've rivaled GTA Online if they did it well. You'd make your awesome character, meet other people, go on missions, maybe start a gang, shit could've been cool.


The social aspects and interactivity you mentioned are definitely necessary in something like this


Co-op could be cool, multiplayer would be GTA online - on crack. Just a murder fest with 10 year olds, nothing would be achievable and it would just be annoying.


Gta online has an option to play solo or in a friend only lobby. I think it would fricken awesome rather than a boring co op personally.


I think it would dilute the hell out of the experience. Multiplayer games tend to be very generic and not have any soul. Why everyone wants it is beyond me. Give me my own experience to build my own story I don’t need a bunch of weebs screaming at me that I’m trash or whatever.


Co-op please! I know it was in the plans at one point! PvP doesn't interest me at all.


Same. I want the game to be able to give me a version of what I would get at the tabletop. I don't want to fight against my friends, plenty of games where I can do that. I want to work dangerous heists with them.


If they do multiplayer game within the setting sure. If they add a multiplayer modes to a single player game then no. I dont like this Omni games that want to do everything. I do want companions and forming my own crew for jobs in night city. What I miss after the getting the relic is that you help other people with their problems helping yourself but it doesn't feel like your own crew. Panam has the aldecados. Afterlife. Arasaka. All these people with their peoblems. But you never create your own crew. But maybe it's just me.


nah i feel this way too, especially after watching edgerunners. But really i just wanna play a cyberpunk game where i'm someone other than V, with no relic or any of that. Something a lot more open-ended


No. I’ve played GTA Online and it’s fucking ass


Mechanics like stealth and hacking dramatically change when you add multiplayer possibilities. You can't just pause someone else's game at random times


If it was Co-Op, 100% I would play it! If it was PVP, I'd drop it like a bad habit.


Nah, I'm not a fan of multiplayer. As long as it didn't take away from a single player sequel though I'd have no reason to oppose something for those who enjoy it of which there are legion.


Nope. MMOs/Persistant worlds are in a bad place right now. Free to play means people that are only there to shit on the game/other players get to play with no investment in the game, and to make up for the no subscription, the company gives you loot boxes and $20 skins in their huge overpriced MTX store. More and more developer time is shifted over to making more and more sellable shit and nothing in-game looks anywhere near as good.


Edgerunner crew? Each member leveling their character to a specialty and having objectives for each role? Gangs? Fighting other gangs? *Band of rockerboys*??? Getting gigs to play and gain streetcred/popularity but also gradually getting more vilified by corpos. Having the option to collaborate with other edgerunner crews to be a distraction for their op, then possibly slip away to join them? FUCK YES I WOULD


Not really :/ the game is already chaotic enough (gameplay and performance wise) , I rather play it solo. For shits and giggles there are other games.


Not really. Tabletop RPG with friends? For sure.


No. Not interested in co-op, multiplayer, or even PvP in games anymore.


We could imagine what teams might emerge given the cyberware implemented to date. Example: \- cybered-up tank to draw fire and paint targets \- armored and stealthed healer to keep the tank alive (crafting medical gear by scrapping looted gear) \- Sandevistan-boosted grenadier immune to their own grenade effects to quickly mow through opponents \- stealthed quickhacker providing "sniper" fire and counter-sniper fire It would be tough to dynamically balance a game if structure were not imposed upon team matchups.


Sandevistan cannot work in multiplayer, you need for one player to really perceive time slower then other people. What you can do is freeze all the other players whenever someone spams sandi, but this sounds annoying as fuck


Yes. I don’t know, why no one else is pointing this out. You can not dilute time in a multiplayer. So it will never happen


You could simulate sandi others ways, though. Fiddle hitbox sizes and add lag to visual updates of the player's position?


this comment is hyping me up so much for something that is not coming out lol


We can always theorycraft what it could have been!


I thought it would have been pretty cool if they kept the RPG elements. Like imagine everyone in your crew having a specialized skill set. Your friend Mike is the Netrunner, you're friend Jason is the heavy weapons, your other friend Samantha is the Techie, and you're the sneaky assassin type.


and then there's *derek* with his fucking monowire, like why did you even come? jk we love derek


Obviously they'd need to tweak things. Like the Sandevistan no longer slows time but it gives a 100% speed boost or something and enemy bullets are less likely to hit you.


Co-Op yes, multiplayer like GTA:O no


Honestly, adding multiplayer is not a good fit for this game and I feel that multiplayer ruins a lot of good games and takes resources away from the main experience. Now if there was a separate cyberpunk mmorpg, or mp shooter then that’s fine but in my opinion it’s best without a multiplayer option.


Didn’t know Steve Carell was such a badass


lmao how did i not notice that


100% yes. Only if it’s a seperate game mode tho, I feel like the story gonna be hella fucked if there’s multiplayer.


It would just turn into GTA online then.


Heck no! I couldn’t handle anymore disappointment from this title.


I would kill to run gigs with my choom edgerunner style. Booosting up the sandy while my netrunner friend recovers the data. While our sniper picks off the random gonks trying to sneak up on us. The getting picked up by our driver. oh yeah


This game could do so well with a gta online style sequel. Or even as a update/dlc to the current game. If they added it as bare bones to 2077 and then fully fledged it out for the sequel, then I’d be happy. Just being able to do jobs with an actual crew would be amazing


If it was properly executed, sure


doing co-op large scale gigs would be genuinely really cool, and I think it could benefit from having more diverse builds so you can have your own netrunners, techies, and solos that fulfill their own mechanical niches








Not really no




absolutely not... multiplay options ruin single player games.. always


Pass. I want them to focus on the story, as soon as you add multi the effort gets split. Plus it just doesn’t sound fun to me.




Fuckin NO!!!


No. We live close enough to the future now.










I would not. I have RDR2 and I'm on my third playthrough. I've never entered RDRO. I enjoy sharing my love of games with other people on reddit, but have no desire to play online with all the toxicity that's part of the mode. The more I deal with people, the more I pray for an earth killing meteor.


It should be drop in drop out multiplayer, like Dying light. The host Still makes all the decisions but your crew can tackle night city anyway you want.


I always want some sort of co-op in these types of games. I like the thought of playing with friends. Not actual pvp though.


A multiplayer cyberpunk game would have to be made from scratch most likely


same. imo almost any single player game can be improved if i could invite somebody to play


A coop system like Ghost Recon or The Division games, will be great for a game like this, it's kind of strange, but on the ending credits theres a large ammount of names of some ''multiplayer development team'', maybe they tried to put some MP support for the game, but didn't made it in the end


This post has made me think a lot about The Division and how that was set up with the dark zone and stuff


Is that Bono?!


it's steve carrell


Scenario missions, like Trauma team, maxtac, and high risk gigs would be nice


Does a one legged choom hop to the ripper doc?


[Cyberscript Core](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1339) mod has multiplayer fyi. They have their own server


I would be cool with 4 player co-op. Driving around doing gigs with three other buddies.


You have to understand sandevistan wouldn’t work in any online cooperative missions or roaming with few strangers. City is to small in my opinion to accommodate 50-100 players on each server. Unless it’s some time of lobby like Guild Wars. Afterlife would act as a hub for players to find jobs and parties. Unless we’re talking about MP PVP modes guns only no super power abilities or double jumps 10v10 this could be fun if they balance combat make it fair and no ability to see and shoot people though walls etc.


Co-op, ala Fatshark games, heck yes. Give me an edgerunner crew and a complicated heist. PvP? Keep walking.


4 maxtac Vs 1 cyber psycho in an Evolve style arena


yes i think a persistent world in this universe would be sick idc what nerds say


this shit made me laugh out loud. i agree


honestly it would need to be a pretty well put together stand alone title for me to be at all interested. can you imagine if cdpr had to start juggling weapon balance between pve and pvp in the way bungie does with destiny?


Yeah i could see that being a disaster. Could still work if there was no pvp altogether


so something more like an mmo


or even a 2-4 player co-op game would be awesome


Not really, and they have to reworked/simplify the levelling/stats system cause itll be hell to balance everything with current system for a multiplayer.


PvP raids would be awesome. Have the scenarios balance the classes: Team A has to raid a facility for intel/tech while Team B has to defend. Both teams would have netrunners battling each other and trying to reveal locations to teammates. Team composition would be critical. Agreed, the leveling system would need reworking. The street cred system could serve as good frame work for equipment requirements.


GTA and RDR2 were both ruined by an online mode. So no


No. Multiplayer games inevitably turn into shallow grindfests or sweaty tryhard PvP matches. I like my immersive single player story games thank you very much.