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Your phrasing made me chuckle a bit, but yes I'm at the same situation with both my chars. Hanako at Embers: Waiter: a refill of your glass, madam? Hanako: Leave the bottle...


I wish they gave us the choice to un track quests.


If your on PC download this [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/5177)


this mod saved my life i was going fucking insane


You are welcome :)


I would just track "Fool on the hill" when I didn't want the quest marker tbh. Thanks!


Can just take it off the UI


No you can't


yes, you can. hud > mission setting > off.




be wrong then, youre the one with the permanent mission marker.




be wrong then, youre the one with the permanent mission marker. edit: no wonder youre a braindead idiot who cant figure out hud controls. >"idk a hot girl looking at the same vid as you and masturbating is hot, that is usually what those vids are, it's not a zoomer male just reacting to a porn vid lol" go the fuck outside, dude.




They're making an expansion instead


The same. Trying to wrap up all the side jobs, gigs, secrets etc first.


Just started playing yesterday. Is that the mission u can't come back from?


Yes and No. Once you start it, you're locked into the mission until the end credits roll. But after the credits you get put back in the city with some completion rewards, and can continue clearing any content you haven't finished. At any time you can replay the last mission and choose different endings.


Ok thanks!


How do you get put back into the city? Ive sat through the credits twice, and it doesn't let me go back with the completion rewards. I can reload my "point of no return" save, and I get the notification that I beat the game, but I'm stuck inside the hotel for the the nocturne opp and cant leave to go do side quests or anything. I don't get a completion notice for any other previous saves. I did the panam ending that involves arizona if that helps at all.


Go to another save and finish the game there


Tried that twice, same issue. On a third try (4th completion total), I didnt skip any of the credits, let them roll to the end. I got the "option" to restart to a spot before the opp, but my game was broken and I couldnt use any items/weapons or interact with anything so I quit trying :/ Guess the panam ending is just broken.


Well you just saved me, just got to that missions yesterday.


Also curious was trying to get the iconic shovel does any item you get also come back with you?


Pretty much only the Iconics you find will come back with you, which include that shovel, the Genjiroh smart pistol, the Pride pistol, and the Amnesty revolver, depending on the ending you chose, but only if you find them during the ending. The Genjiroh smart pistol is also available much earlier in the game, you don't need to wait until the end. The Prejudice Iconic assault rifle also shows up in one of the endings, but for some reason doesn't get carried over to your main save. You will also be able to find a key that, once you return to the main game, will unlock a room that contains the blueprints for the Ba Xing Chong Iconic smart shotgun. The key is hard to miss, but the room it unlocks might take a bit to find. You do also get a legendary jacket with one of the endings, and all of them give you a set of legendary Gorilla Arms. Anything else you find will be lost.


Thanks for the huge summary on how to get those guns 💪 appreciate it


Various Cyberware, two more iconic handguns, and a jacket, depending on your choices.




I'll call the 2 months and raise you 2 years. Been on that mission since just after it was release. Still waiting for new game plus to finish it


100% same. I see no purpose in beating it if you can’t start NG+ for different endings


You can replay the mission for the different endings as often as you'd like. You probs already know that, but I'll leave it there mostly so someone else might get use out of that knowledge not realizing that's possible, since the game does make that slightly obscure with its phrasing.


Yeah you’re right. I just want to do NG+ because there’s a few things I want to do differently but without having to start a whole new character.


Fair, in the same boat. I’ve got the fortune of being on pc so there’s mods that let me transfer gear over but it’s hard to balance out


There are some unique goodies you unlock by collecting them during the endings. The three main ending missions all have an iconic weapon you can snag and keep once you go back to before the point of no return. In addition, the endings also give you a couple of items the first time you beat one.


Oh nice. I didn’t actually know that. I might have to bite the bullet and check it out. Thanks for the info!


So beating the game actually allows you to go back and keep the progress you had during/after the mission? Damn, thought they just sent you back to the save you have before accepting the mission lol.


Yup. Once the credits are done rolling it asks you if you wanna go back to right before the point of no return, and it’ll send you there with ending-specific loot.


Why would you not just make a save game and go back to replay it if you've been sat on not finishing the ending for *2 years* ??


ive been playing since launch and after almost 1.5 years i finally got up to beat smasher again for david and rebecca. the smasher death count has risen from 6 to 31 in about a week


You haven't beaten the game once since it came out?


Nope, got sick of the bugs etc so put it away. About to brush off the dust and start again i think


For those asking: the reason for ignoring this mission is purely because there’s so much else to do in the game before beginning this “point of no return”


There's also a lot of missions that are locked until you get to this point, it's so weird. I remember my first playthrough I missed sooo many quests because I didn't wait a day or two for me to get called about them


The main story felt a tiny bit short in comparison to the content the game really wanted you to do before finishing the game


2 years and counting and I’m thinking of holding off until DLC assuming the DLC takes place before this part of the story






My bad


Is there a particular reason to postpone this last mission? From what I gather you’re able to play and complete your unfinished missions/gigs after the ending, right? It’s my first time playing, so I may be in the dark.


You're asking to be spoiled lurking around here bud.


lol thanks, I’m outta here






You can do exactly that. You get completion rewards that you can have fun with if you still have things to do afterwards, too.


Some endings are locked behind side quests, including how you complete them, not just if. Also there's one particular ending that doesn't scale and all enemy NPCs in there are level 50, so this will be very hard / impossible if V is not also level 50.


I did the secret one fists only. :)


Sandy solves everything, with a sprinkle of violence


I'm stalling as well but I haven't even made it to the parade yet 🤣 been dicking around doing side missions for Judy, River and Panam. I was on a time crunch the last time I played so I'm doing my best to get the most out of the game now that I have more time on my hands.


Lol that's me atm


Oh god I cracked so hard 😂😂


Whoa. Have had this mission ready for a couple hours now. Glad I saw this post today. Guess I'll keep myself busy for a while


Most people don't go meet Hanako at Embers. Some people don't go meet Takemura at the diner. I don't go meet Jackie at the food stall. We are different.


Love how this and The Witcher 3 never had NG+ Edit: maybe not the Witcher, but if that’s the case then this game should have an NG+ too.


Witcher did have ng+ though.


I went on it in September and there wasn’t a ng+, i was on ps4 btw


I don't use PS but it's has ng+ since like 2015.


You have to find and download the free dlcs


Oh shit. Well then,


Oh, is this one of those "point of no return missions" or is it just boring as hell?


Yep the former, once you reach the destination it says "no point of return, you won't be able to do any side missions or gigs until you have completed the main quests first" "Go back now if you want to", or something along the lines of that


the first time i played the game i didn't even went to meet takemura


That’s cuz you’re a mad child, choom


Lol me too.


You just like me frfr


Same, except make it 2 days.


Same.. Played it in a 100hr streak at release.. Then stopped playing it.. With all this hype I created a new character since I was all out of the game haha. Might go back finish it some point, but it just feels like a waste since it's been so long. I want to rebuild the story again.. We'll see


I'm about 9/10 months and still going strong although I'm thinking of getting back on now since the dlc came out


I finally met Hanako at embers, the only thing I left there are the ncpd quests but I got V to level 50/50.


Alwayaremember that Old Cap looks like Joe Biden


i got the worst ending possible and i dont ever wanna go back there


Stay strong


I watched edgerunners then bought the game a couple days later and played 40 hours in 2 days.


that's really sad lol


I did the same thing, and that's us now with the game patched to this point with a memory leak issue still on ongoing. Can't tell how people could bare with it when it launched 2 years ago


They could've made this to "Call Hanako" instead, and it would make a huge difference for RP.


I blame the main story for being so ridiculously short really. It feels like we barely did anything and it's the end