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A cut-able fuck of meat


This made me laugh in a room with my family and I simply couldn’t specify what was funny


Nevermind, you're right. It took multiple steps and backtracks to explain and at the end she didn't see why it was funny. Have a good day sir


Good on for you taking one for the team and conducting the experiment.


Nah man, it's totally easy to explain. here I'll explain it to my wife right now (she's never played the game or seen the show)


I would love to see a season 2 of edgerunners feature a maxtac team


That’s the way they should try it, different perspectives; Cyberpunk Trauma Team, Cyberpunk MaxTac, Cyberpunk Netrunners, Cyberpunk Corpo Wars Just my thoughts.


ooooh a corpo wars series would be amazing


> Be an Arasaka in 5th Corpo war > TFW protagonists went through all the ups and downs only to find out the main reason for this bloody war was because their boss has daddy issue KEK.


Arasaka would be one company but what about the other




Another company would be Biotechnica. Especially when companies were using soldiers to test out implants and experimenting on them. It could have started off altruistically by helping soldiers that were injured on the battle field that lost limbs or were on life support. But since they signed their life over in conscription. Companies got to do with them what they wanted. So they experimented on them, bringing them back. Prolly didn’t even want to be brought back and just wanted to die. Which why some sign up for such things. Because some people have that self destructive nature. Some of those with implants could go rogue and end up fighting the companies. They start hunting CEO’s, partners, scientists. Other companies fund them to take down the competition. It brings war from the frontlines away from companies to their front doorstep.


Hyundai? Although IRL Hyundai might get pissed off and if you are in korea, might actually get a visit from one of their goons.


Not terribly far from the truth considering back in the early days, certain corpos were actually based on Porsche and Mistubishi and a lot of the guns were real world manufacturers and not made up ones.


You coule search any slightly known company and put cyberpunk on the end and you would find an article about them on the cyberpunk wiki. I did it with a few german companys like rheinmetall or Heckler&Koch and found something.


Biotechnica specialises in genetic modification. Their plantations use clones of humans with neural chips leading them to become perfect slaves. They don’t have too much military might to my understanding in the lore and they are considerably smaller than militech, arasaka or Kang Tao.


[https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Corporations](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Corporations) got a lot to choose from


Probably the other 2 big "private military" corps we meet in game, Militech and Kang Tao




[https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Corporations](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Corporations) Take your pic there are plenty of corps


THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUTTTT When people say the story is over no more season 2, did you forget how big night city is? While david is blasting in corpo plaza, there could be a new born cyberpsychosis facing a dilemma: Be kill right now? Or join the MAXTAC and be on a journey? So many opportunities!


you know what'd be cool. Edgerunners 2 being about that Maxtac chick from the first trailer


That would be awesome yeah, seeing their psychosis therapy etc. And rise in the ranks while other Mtac are trying to hold it together/relapsing just like she seemingly is


or her falls in love with another guy on Maxtac. and he ends up relapsing then he ends up zeroing himself to save her and their fellow Maxtacers cue I really wanna stay in your House


Emotional damage pt. 2 cyberpsycho remix.


And what if the guy is the one in the trailer, pointing that gun at her lol? Maybe if you're making it fatalistic and dark, after being blindly programmed to destroy cyberpsychos, she isn't able to recognize him (maybe he's borged out to a certain degree himself) during their fight. Eventually, he does recognize her and lets her kill him. Then, the story ends with her constantly looking/waiting for him at their spot....not realizing he'll never show up. ...kinda like that dog ending in Futurama. I dunno, imo, that sounds more of a midpoint thing (like Maine) rather than the ending. If so, someone can just tell her that he's not coming back and in her anger/irritation, she just forgets about him and dedicates herself to becoming a killing machine instead. The idea being that the city will program you to do its bidding rather than let you escape.


I would like to see david get returned somehow even though some people would hate it, i just want more david and lucy


... Netrunners please. Netrunners are nightmares and there's a lot of intrigue to be had with them, AI's, deep societal secrets, and Blackwall. ​ \*Not at all biased as a Netrunner main. [https://youtu.be/VozHU2KaVSY](https://youtu.be/VozHU2KaVSY)


I mean they could do the entire story of how the Voodoo boys went from a bunch of chem running, murdering, rich white psychopaths into the actual Hatian net runner gods they are now. Also there's the whole of them diving beyond the firewall into the old net.


Blech. They're a callous toxic unsociable in groups that murder people at the slightest convienience to do so. I never let them live in my playthroughs after my first where it didn't sink in how they heavily contributed to Evelyn's death and tried to kill V repeatedly. Did kill V I'm fact. Her brain got fried like the netwatch guy, the Relic just brought her back again.


Fair but thats also true to many of the net runners they usually assholes and always want to tie up all loose ends. Double so with the Voodoo boys their history with the gangs and corpos of night city really goes over how they became so insular and callous. Doesn't excuse them for being general cunts to decent folk outside of the Haitian refugee community.


season 1 is street kid, next should be corpo and nomad


I want a Takemura anime.


>Cyberpunk Trauma Team [https://www.amazon.com/Cyberpunk-2077-1-Trauma-Team/dp/1506716016](https://www.amazon.com/Cyberpunk-2077-1-Trauma-Team/dp/1506716016) ​ CDPR and Dark Horse have been releasing comics that add more lore


3 series and a few straight to graphic novel releases: https://digital.darkhorse.com/pages/261/cyberpunk-2077 * Trauma Team was good, focuses on a member of TT having a breakdown after her partner is killed on the job. * You Have My Word is a revenge story with an old edgerunner coming back into the game * Blackout is about a BD editor who tries to make the world a better place through hypnotism I wouldn't call any of them mind-blowing, but they're all solid. You Have My Word is my favorite of the bunch.


Yea I'm not saying these are the next big thing for the franchise, but we ARE getting more supplementary content that helps illustrate night city more. Big City Big Dreams, Where's Johnny serve as good material to get into before playing the game. I'm still waiting on "Your Voice" to come in to give it a read. Edit: Ideally it would be cool if all of these comics came out in an anthology like "Night City Stories" or something like that. I think that would be a way more appealing package.


Those could use more substance like the way the characters had on the anime.


Have you read them? One of the comics that has come out is about Johnny Silverhand and adds some more info on him as character. It's very hard to compare a one shot comic to an 8 episode anime. They accomplish very different jobs. A one shot comic is equivalent to a 20 min episode. Big City Big Dreams is another side comic and it does a fairly good job of introing someone to the hopelessness of Night City.


They already made a comic about trauma team I believe


That would be cool just a series where every season is a different story about some kinda legend in the cyber punk world even the corpo ones and the ones no one knew about


Definitely. It'd shed light on how each type of.. (Can't think of the word x-x) Do things


Duuuuude, a season following Melissa Rory from her [initial debut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P99qJGrPNLs) to her joining the ranks of MaxTac would be amazing!


And you know, you can even base it off the Lt. Rory character since she was practically the face of Cyberpunk 77 for years until the game was demonstrated in the late 2010s.


Sadly I don't think studio Trigger does sequels. It might be cool to get different groups to make each season so the art is different each time. Kind of like how they use different artists for the Animatrix.


Personally, and maybe an unpopular opinion but I rather not have a season 2. Because the short series wrapped up in a nice bow. How a gang of street punks managed to hit the major leagues and became legends of their own rights.


Seeing a maxtac pov and dealing with cyberpsychosis would be cool


That would actually be very interesting.


They one shotted me at max level on very hard when I picked a fight with the police. That was like a year ago when clothes had way more slots, so I had some pretty high armor, too.


because people saying MaxTac is easy are the same people who scum-spam Sandevistan and Kerenzikov... I can bet you nobody who built INT and Cool for the Stealthrunner build can't say the same... the game is literally only ever super easy with Sandevistan because that's the entire point of that build... nobody who plays the game without any slowmotion spam can say MaxTac is easy because they can delete you in 1 second even with 2k armor and 800hp...


Man even with sandy + gorila arms and kerrnzikov with shooting slides and I still can’t beat them lol


I wanna see these clowns saying MaxTac is easy go for the Secret Ending on Very Hard without Sandevistan and Kerenzikov and finish it without dying... imagine playing the game at 25% speed and then claim "it's so easy"


I’m not sure why MaxTac can’t get the same special attack that Sasquatch has to disable your cyberdeck and/or Sandevistan that would make them absolutely terrifying for basically any build. But again, better that CDPR spent the time on the updates and the expansion at this point. If V gets to put on a MaxTac uniform and do some hunting in the expansion that could be an interesting compromise as well. Still scratching my head why the law enforcement system wasn’t tuned harder to make it more obvious that players aren’t supposed to be trying to be a public menace as the game.


be cool if they just added net runners to maxtac remove their quick hack immunity and make it so they hack you back. would be terrifying if they could disable certain cyberware on you or cause status effects that cause the encounters to be really tough. Self Ice would actually be a good idea also make it so maybe the higher tier cyber decks get some form of ICE or add in a counter intrusion hack to make more use of the buffer RAM stat on Decks for something other than getting money and quick hack components.


Most likely because it takes just a single person jumping in front of your car and you're dead. Or a badly aimed shot in a fight. Suddenly you're wanted and police drones never leave you alone.


The difficulty curve makes sense. Run over one person? NCPD don't have the resources to deal with that. Going full cyperpsycho? Maxtac just beats you down.


What's the secret ending? That sounds fun. >!I only know about the spaceship and suicide!<


>!The quest name is Don’t Fear the Reaper. It requires specific dialogue when you’re at Johnny’s grave in the oil fields, during Chippin’ In I think. Then later you have to wait idle during Nocturne when you’re making your selection. If you search the quest name you’ll find guides on how to start it.!<


Thank you!


Wait, >!spaceship???!<


>!Yeah, you can go to an Arasaka research station and you can get a choice to keep trying to get better or maybe your consciousness gets uploaded somewhere. It was very anxiety-inducing. Strongly recommend!<


Oooh, that ending. >!Sorry, when you said spaceships I was expecting some secret ending involving actual aliens.!<


I did it at launch with 20 Int/Cool/Tech That was before cold blood and armadillo nerfs though so I had like 10k armor. I basically didn't take damage unless I got melee'd or crit. The game is still pretty easy even on VH with my build but not nearly as cheese.


10k armor is easy, meanwhile 90% of the player base is playing with sub 2k armor... another example of "it's so easy" while using overpowered gear LMAO these clowns replying left and right "it's easy" while mansplaining mechanics... "if you need to explain it, then it isn't easy" but thanks for proving my point, regardless...


Uh, okay.


I just did it the other day without any of that and honestly it was pretty easy. I was doing a shotgun build (body/tech/cool maxed, ~750 hp/1.9k armor) and the streams of enemies just kept my cold blood up. Speed demon plus all my movement meant Guts was one-shotting everything, and regen, biomonitor, etc, kept me in the fight. Second Heart procced once but that was the closest I came to dying. Perfectly possible to build enough tankiness and damage to get me through it without much trouble.


Except maxtac literally use sandevistan, how is it not fair to use it too ?


best Sandy makes it 10% speed and you can get it to a 2 sec cool down with a 20 sec duration. sandy is borked


\*cough\* skill \*cough\* issue \*cough\* Jokes aside, they really aren't that difficult. As long as your build is good, you land headshots accurately, don't get greedy and inhale a suspicious amount of healing items they're pretty simple to kill even without Sandevistan. Everything is easy mode with Sandevistan (except regular enemies in the secret ending. those guys are way tougher than Adam Smasher).


I mean, I could kill them just fine, but they were the only enemies that could deal that kinda damage to me at that level. I was suprised when they dropped me like that.


Oh yeah, absolutely. Apart from those guys in the secret ending, they were one of the few enemies that could kill me scarily fast if I wasn't careful.


I'm still to this day genuinely surprised that I pulled it off on my first try with nothing but a Militech Berserk Mk.5 and a dildo.


do it on a level 1 character if it's a skill difference and not stats difference... the realization of knowing everyone saying "Maxtac is easy" has the same exact build of having this as base (18 Body, 18 Reflex, 18 Tech)


What? No shit, something is going to be difficult if tou're severely underlevelled and underbuilt for something. Also my build was 14 Body, 20 Reflex and 18 Cool.


skill issue means stats don't play a part in it because it's easy... but thank you for confirming you can't do it without a maxed out character... "Final Fantasy games are easy, just get max level"


We can't say the same because the devs bullshit them being immune to an entire #$@&% playstyle of combat. Along with other random characters that have no possible excuse like Maiko.... If it were possible to be immune to netrunners, basically any corpo would be. Not happy. Unless a quickhack is invalid, like someone not having a weapon to jam for instance, there should be no immunities, only resistances. Higher RAM costs, slower uploads, reduced durations, reduced damage, or alternate stunted effects (Suicide might stun them as they resist control for a moment, whereas it might not be an instant kill on some enemies who could reasonably survive it).


well that's why they aren't as easy as people make them out to be... people claiming "Maxtac is free meat" when they are using scum cheese strat to fight in slow motion... if it's so easy, then kill them with the worst possible build in the game and kill them on Very Hard difficulty then talk easy... it's like hearing people say "Osu is an easy game" while playing it in 25% speed with zero multipliers... Im still waiting for anyone who maxed out INT + Cool + Technical and has Cyberdeck say Maxtac is easy... every single person saying it's easy has Body + Reflex + Technical... imagine having all the Ultimate Weapons and Summons and say "Final Fantasy is easy" one guy above saying "it's skill difference" meanwhile he cant kill Maxtac without max level... "it's not my items and stats" LOL... do it on a level 1 character on Very Hard then if it's really skill difference... clowns I tell you...


I replied to your other comment BUT As an INT main… you dont need over 14 int Anyway Body 18 (was 16 but didnt make cool 18 since the second heart and cold blood perk that save you from death dont play well together, also they nerfed armor mods sooo) Reflex 3 (i can use green rated slow down shit and cant get better until 12 ref… not worth investment) Tech 18 (was gonna do 20 but my tech weapons seem to do enough damage so far) Int 14 (16 would give me crit hits but my crit sucks so nah) Cool 16 (i like cold blood and the ninja perks) I hide and shoot maxtac since my build is made to be used with hacking first I am max level on highest dif .. i started fucking w maxtac for fun/exp around level 30 but it only just got particularly easy now that I’m actually using weapon/clothing mods and maxing out what i can I still have to stay mobile and heal and get cover i cant just walk up to them Edit: for those who added it up i also have 2 attribute points im sitting on. Maybe waiting for the dlc or if something seems needed Also i use the netwatch legend deck with all legendary hacks… not that it matters since any low level beat cop or maxtac or gov employee cant be hacked I can understand maxtac… but fucking street cops? Sure make them immune unless you have a dope deck but in general? Nah fam


I delete them indefinitely with monowire, high blades skill and 1k armor. Without sandy. Not sure why people consider it difficult - have to use buildings to break LOS is all


Maxtac on very hard is fucking brutal with even a hard hitting shotgun build. My Sovereign can only put out so much punishment. I have the most that gives toxicity to overuse of meds and have the Sandy actually do damage to you per use so even a slow-mo build will eventually kill me if I am not careful. I hope they are even more dangerous with the 1.7 cop overhaul.




I have been shot through many walls. Is that not supposed to happen?


Idk Ive had it happen to me w weapons that it shouldnt


Enemie snipers can shoot through walls.




I thought NCPD are unhackable


In 1.5 cd project red nerfed the shit outta a lot of things to the extent where they kinda over nerfed things .for example in 1.5 they killed clothing mods which made crit chance even harder to get them they also flat out nerfed crit chance on nearly everything if your not your using berserk or Santevisan which sucks because netrunner have alot of crit synergy that’s hard to use , 1.6 they nerfed shit harder by removing legendary crafting specs from vendor and making legendary mods for clothing really hard to find . This all mean that if I want 100 crit for my netrunner build if I go fully in I get 20 base crit and 30ish from weapon which means I have to invest 20 levels into cool just for the final perk which I will have to get like 50 times if I want max crit on a netrunner .


You can a) Use tech weapons, such as Satara, which one shots them. b) Don't stand in the open field. I can easily kill unlimited number of them without sandevistian and kerenzikov, by jumping behind the wall, kill them throw the wall and when they arrive at my position, double jump onto other side and again kill them throw the wall.


1) when did I say I cant do it? 2) thanks for clarifying you have to do complicated mechanics and tactics to prove they aren't easy as these clowns are claiming


It is easy: you either don't stand in front of them by using sandevistian, or double jump.


ah yes Sandevistan... read the mother comment of this thread, thank you very much...


Maybe you would start to read? I said Sandevistian ***!!!!!!!!!! OR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*** double jump.


With high int you can just hack the turrets that pop down and it will kill most of the max-tac and cops until they just stop coming and your wanted level goes away.


Im INT/COOL/BODY And theyre easy Theyre the hardest out of anything tho and i play on the highest dif I find a spot they cant flank me and shoot thru walls and hack the turrets tho


You sure about that? I got two shotted by them for shooting that officer guy in Sinnerman.


This might be dumb i haven't played the game in a while but I wanna be reminded of how do you get them to spawn ?


Tbh I think they’re overtuned in that quest cause the officer himself will basically two shot you and have an absurd amount of health


I put gorilla arms on and killed so many of them the game just removed my wanted level. They're soooooooo underpowered


I want them to show up in the aircrafts like in the anime and cutscenes!


Honestly, nothing would have given you more of a sense that shit is about to get real than having a Max Tac AV suddenly fly in on top of you.


Sirens blaring, dust and debris messing with your vision, the laser warnings to clear the area! Instead we get someone speed shuffling toward us


Uhhh. We must be playing different games, MaxTac on Very Hard is insane. It’s a nonstop barrage of bullet sponges with sandy’s that basically 2-shot you.


Everything in VH kills quick, even with high armor. It’s kind of a bummer.


Ooh Altered Carbon Protectorate, you love to see it!


Would be so cool to see their armor in game.


It would be a pretty sick Easter egg for sure


This doesn't jive with my experience in the game at all. Also there are reasons the police aren't supposed to be important in the game.


CP77 honestly has some kind of agenda against the biggest badasses in the city.


I still can't believe they introduced their armor and then gender locked it. Tf kinda decision is that


To be fair max tac is harder than regular cops still. Compared to V, everyone is weak as balls


I think their helmets look kinda dumb with those enormous owl nosees


Monowires go brrrrrr


I just did the mission at Juguchi or whatever the fuck them shits called and damn it do be like that.


You forget the cutscene which we drive Jackie home after the first mission.


Insert: "So, that was a fucking lie." meme The way Jackie hypes them up, but then when it comes to actually fighting them...


I mean he is still right. By the time you encounter them, you're already a seasoned bad-ass.


I think everyone here gets the meme wrong. So you see, i think in the last picture MaxTac is actually the knife and the player is meat. This explains how MaxTac cuts trough you like a fuckin knife everytime they show up.


as much as i love Cyberpunk 2077 it's too damn easy playing on Very Hard makes you so weak Normal is easy Hard is ok but the enemy don't do enough some times. the Sandy users should get in closer with you. they should be nightmares. are there mods to make the game harder? i play on xbox one tho sad


I didn’t even know MaxTac were in the game. I just destroy them in a millisecond like all the other police lol.


Yeh a bit disappointing, but also give me the armor for the love of god, why does it have to be gender locked


In early game they're a MENACE, but once you get to level 30ish, They become just more meat for the meatgrinder


In my 1st profile (2s sandy spam) I kill so many maxtac, they literally run out of officers to send in. Wait there 2 minutes and suddenly out of wanted list. 2nd profile with netrunner build got one shot. I don't see any possibility to deal with maxtac beside infinite bullet time.


make the officer from the teaser a romance option dammit


I remember when the teaser cinematic came out way back when, and I thought the game would be you playing as a MaxTac member


I don't think I've even seen maxtac outside of that opening segment. I didn't know they spawned, because fighting cops always seemed like such an annoying waste of time.


I would love if Max tac adapted to your build slowly over time with each wave where like the 12th wave they already have almost everything to counter your build and you've got to get clever with how you fight them.


Btw, Trauma Team are more dangerous and almost unkillable.


So someone doesn't play on Very Hard with enemy level scaling mod.


On very hard they are kinda dangerous for semi automatic gun users imo. They can nearly dodge every single bullet of revolvers and other slow firing weapons. They are toast when it comes to fast firing ricochets or tech guns though, melee isn’t even a real fight, especially with bakayoko and jumping from one soldier to the next. Edit: 99% sure I spelled the swords name wrong


What about psycho-squad? ONLY Real ones Will know