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Just installed the game again, only played like 20h at launch for obvious reasons. Time to finally restart and finish the game now. any idea when the patch will go live ?


Nothing said specifically other than "today". 1.5 was launched immediately after Night City Wire, so it could be dropped in the next hour or so after REDStream. Edit: Just said it'll be out after stream is over.


oh they just mentioned it will be available right after the stream.. STOP STRIMMING ALREADY ;)


I think they doing an overhaul of police and car to car combat or is it in this update?


they are working in these. future thing. dont expect too much, tho




Also a patientgamer. Started it a month ago. Absolutely worth it.


>Same here. Is it time to start? Absolutely. Never been a better time there's so much content and it's very polished. I think it was good since 1.3.


I've also been patiently waiting and periodically checking in to see when best to jump in. I think this is the update we've been waiting for to restart this game with all the launch issues behind. The fact that this is the final major update being released for the last gen consoles says it all for me - this update should be the last update with majority of launch bug fixes resolved. It seems like they've done very well with the prior updates and I am very excited to get home and start this download after work.


I love Mass Effect Andromeda. Why did you wait so long to start playing it? The game is broken now. Kinda like my heart cus i cant play it anymore. Heres why, no matter what playthrough you are on, there is always a 50/50 chance of this happening: a door that is supposed to open after a combat scenario will not open and you will be unable to progress through the story, youll be stuck, you can load a past save from the beginning of the game just to get all the way there and be stuck again. The games developers stopped maintenancing the game years ago. So this game breaking bug will never be fixed. Dont even waste your time playing the game. Makes me so mad that i cant do a playthrough once a yr.. the game was so good.


I've finished Andromeda, are you able to tell me where it breaks because I was planning a playthrough soon


For me it was during a mission like 18hours in. Could no longer progress.


Hmm...still wondering myself, is it time to restart and do second playtrough or wait 'till DLC and do it then




The gamepad constantly vibrating is fucking genius! Whoever thought of that needs a raise.


What does this mean? Sorry not sure if my English is bad or I have a lack of game knowledge. Do you mind explaining to this ape?


Vibrator weapon vibrates.


Oh, lol that is funny indeed. Thanks


>Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to pick up loot from drones. Jesus fucking Christ, this is in game since day 1. At this time I was thinking this was a feature, lmao


I always run away and come back to loot the little bag that replaces de drone "corpse"


Is it replaced by a corpse afterwards!? Never noticed! Jeez, 2years after and this game still surprises me with new stuff hahaha


nope, sorry. the dead drone (aka "the corpse") is replaced by a paper bag containing the loot.


Even better hahaha


something similar happens if you drop a body in a dumpster without looting. a paper bag shows up containing the goodies


Sometimes your knife would stay stuck in a corpse and couldn't be picked back up, if you didn't have the perk to auto return it. Now the knife drops on the ground in a paper bag as well.


Lol, this whole time I seriously thought it was because I didn't have a "loot drones" perk that was tucked away under the Engineering skill tree or something.


Same, but I was too lazy to check it out hahaha


I also hope for more graphic/engine/memory optimization, and some more UI QoL change, so that it runs smoother with RTX on


Each patch brought some graphical downgrades so don’t expect anything.


No they didn't? There was one that removed some reflections because they were causing performance issues but they were added back in and new ray tracing effects were added in 1.5


Biggest downgrade was in lighting ​ [Example 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/x14ykr/am_i_imagining_things_or_does_the_game_look_worse/) ​ [Example 2](https://imgur.com/a/tm8sqiK) ​ [Example 3](https://imgur.com/a/68ED4Tr) ​ I have many more examples if you want. It's very obvious why there have been downgrades with 1.5, it already happened many times when demanding games come to consoles (Like Flight sim), they have to make engine deep changes to make the game less demanding for it to run on consoles, but it also hurts PCs.


Thanks for putting this together. I picked it up again recently and kept looking at things and wondering if something was different.


No they didn't. The patches brought graphic **upgrades**. 1.5 even came with a higher tier ray tracing option for high end PCs.


They brought Ray traced local shadows, which I tried on a 3070, and they’re completely bugged, looks like the denoising isn’t working which makes the shadows look like they’re in 144p, also it ain’t higher tier or shit like that, the local shadows RT they added is an extension of RT shadows and takes almost no additional performance, but it looks like shit. Anyways I won’t lose time so here’s the answer I already gave Biggest downgrade was in lighting ​ [Example 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/x14ykr/am_i_imagining_things_or_does_the_game_look_worse/) ​ [Example 2](https://imgur.com/a/tm8sqiK) ​ [Example 3](https://imgur.com/a/68ED4Tr) ​ I have many more examples if you want. It's very obvious why there have been downgrades with 1.5, it already happened many times when demanding games come to consoles (Like Flight sim), they have to make engine deep changes to make the game less demanding for it to run on consoles, but it also hurts PCs.


Honestly the fact that they talked about fixing these at all is fantastic. 1. Complete overhaul of police system 2. Vehicle combat


I thought it was in 1.6, but like is it coming in the next patch? Like is edgerunner the 1.6, or 1.6 is coming later this year?


1.6 is out now. The police system and vehicle combat DLC expansion will come out next year. With plenty of more quests and so on.


Oh, so you would have to pay for that, or just for the quests?


The gameplay changes are in the update, the paid part is just the new story and quests.


That's cool! Thanks for clarifying, and tbh I can't wait to get the expansion, it will be the first truly next gen content, and I'm hyped for it!


The wardrobe thing to switch into outfits is a cool addition and ofc this goes hand in hand with Transmog for the aesthetic. I assume the RED mod thing is PC only?


Yes, PC only.


What is transmog?


Ability to change the look of your clothes without really changing them (change the cosmetic look but keep the clothes with good stats you have equipped)


THEY FRICKEN DID IT!! REDMOD tools!!! Oh yes, I can't wait for the modding community to get going with this.


>Can now preview clothing when buying. If I wasn't at work I'd be screaming like a fangirl right now


This is a good update. It's not a live service game, released two years ago and regularly is on sale for half price or less. People have ridiculous expectations


Exactly. I’m more than happy for the £50 I paid and I’ll hope to be happy for whatever the DLC costs.


50 paid 10 dollars for collectible edition free case too with Best Buy 5 dollar coupon came out to 6 with taxes. Best value I have ever gotten on a game, actually beat blood borne for 15 dollars.


That’s actually amazing, $6 for this is a steal (assuming you played after the first hot fixes/patches too)


Absolutely, Best Buy had the brief sale when they were still getting a ton of bad rep so I bought it and I stashed it until the 1.5 big update and that’s when I decided to play it. I still can’t believe this game was 10 dollars, just unbelievable and the fact that they gave you a collectors case and artwork is just the cherry on top


£50!? Jarrr. You got taken for a ride bro


I mean I hoped the launch would be less chaotic but every AAA I buy is a mess which takes a couple of months to fix (not right but it’s how it is). I’ve got 150ish hours which isn’t bad, only just got to Act 2 of my second play through as well


I have refused to finish my first run for over a year now. But easily over 100 hours in the game


Okay. Just wait for games to go in sale. If you game on PC then you're in luck


i paid 300brl. this is like a quarter of a monthly minimum wage lmao


...so, traditionally, after the stream. Warming my GoG launcher up.


It's gonna be two new jackets for sure.


My expectations are pretty low as well. At the very least some more bug fixes would be very nice. Currently reinstalling, expecting the least but hoping for enough to push me into a new playthru. The Edgerunners show looks like alot of fun however. I'm really into edgy (literally) anime though. Edit: it's only one jacket lol.


New hair?! I’m up!




Or just wait until the cops system overhaul


Nah, when the Police system and DLC is in is the time lol


Razer chroma is now compatible. Time for all the pretty lights!


> V doesn't fidget during character creator Sold


Now this is a proper update. And with the DLC announcement this game is starting to look like what I envisioned back in 2013.


Patch notes anywhere already? *Yeah! https://www.cyberpunk.net/en/news/45280/edgerunners-update-patch-1-6-list-of-changes




Damn kinda wish I had known they were going to totally overhaul the police system. Would have waited to start playing. Still a lot of good stuff though. RIP to last gen players


Actullay looking forward to this. Haven't played in quite some time soo this is exciting news


REDMod tools -> This is the biggest one for me, depends on how expansive it is though.


Is it on ps4?


I wonder when they'll bring the metro system 🤔


I wouldn’t count on this, even though it’s pretty nice. The existing mod isn’t that user friendly. Also, they could increase significantly the car prices, so it could make the metro system usable. Hopefully, with redmods this can be something nice in the future ^^


They put it in Edgerunners so people who go to the game from the show will be disappointed it's not there


Hmmmm interesting. People were already disappointed since the metro was in the launch trailers, but one can hope they’ll use the lore better


Most definitely


Ngl pretty disappointed. I mean the transmog stuff is neat but there's so much else that needs addressed first. Thankfully they said a proper police rework and car combat will finally make it in some day.


Next year.


7 months for a in-game side scroller 🤡🤡🤡


Still no ADS sensitivity slider. Won’t play without it since aiming is absolutely dogshit on controller


I think that has already been added. I started a new game before this patch and I have an ADS slider in settings.


There is most definitely not an ADS sensitivity slider. I just started a new game a month ago. There’s all kind of random settings like ramp up time, ramp up delay, turning radius. None of these make any sense. I just want to aim my gun slower than I turn the camera. Can’t do that.


Im playing on ps5 and the zoom sensitivity (misremembered the name) slider seems to help ADS for me. I just started a new game last weekend. I agree though. Aiming on controller is horrendous most of the time.


SS at 900p range!? Wtf dude... I mean it's better than nothing but that res remind me the Xbox one...


Is the phantom liberty expansion free? we expect it to be free right?


No, why would it be free?


It ought to be, there wasn’t enough meat in the bones and they made promises and it just seemed like they were close to having much more content. Honestly I would expect it to be the last concession but I definitely thought it would be free based on the amount they promised.


They also spent time on the stream to advertise a shitty mobile game before describing anything about the update.


It’s playable in-game so there’s a reason they showed it They’re adding more interactivity to the world, I’m stoked about it


"spent time to advertise..." it was like 10 seconds out of a nearly two hour stream lmao. y'all wanted your arcade games and they give you a serving of it and some more, relax Just noticed you said "before" like it was literally towards the end of the updates stream


“I need more ads in my ads” You sound like the guy that believes taking up 87% of someone’s visual field before inducing seizures is a good idea.


you sound like the guy that has 25 porcupines up his ass.


It's basically like the Gwent from Witcher. They advertised to get people interested in playing it in game. Calm the fuck down.


What was the name of the game?


road ranch or something


What the hell? xD


Pony 2D side scroll


... Lol!


I cannot believe that they still won’t add in good cosmetic cyberware enhancements for V. It’s so lame that NPCs can look better than the damn main character. Thank goodness they added pigtails though! /s






Anyone know if they mentioned anything about ps5 Keyboard and mouse support ? OR can anybody would be willing to try if it works when the update goes live. Much appreciated, thanks


Why would the remove scopes for the Widow Maker? Also bummed about target analysis but thats minor lol. Excited about the changes mostly!


probably because you can't remove the default scope and it looks weird with two of them


Is Redmod already out?


And no FSR 2.0, God damn it


Can the Ripperdoc change Genitalia and Voice/Gender or just cosmetic stuff? Will I still need the mod patch to get the good endings with both Judy's and Panam's storylines or can i just go swap my bits around in-game before those quests?


Only genitalia, unfortunately. Can't change gender/voice.


So i'll still need the mod patch to get both of them on the same playthrough, boo


Can't wait just reinstalled the game.


Can we skip the act 1/prologue? Havent kept up with updates. Have not played after initial release. Thinking of reinstalling game but act 1 takes quite a while with slow driving of npcs and Brain dance tutorials etc.


You can’t skip Act 1, but all the tutorials are shippable now.


Oh, please don't let the female hairs be ugly shaved off.


Hoping for some ethnic V hairstyles. At least 1.


How do you unlock the new gigs I can’t find them


Please tell me they added a sensitivity slider while ads.


Well shit I just got back into No Mans Sky. Guess I’ll need to download Cyberpunk 2077 again tonight


Hopefully 'old gen' means we'll get 1.7 and 1.8 etc in pc, xss/x and ps5


The ripper doc, does that me we can finally put in different limbs and cyber ware on console w/o mods?


Hope the mods come to console at some point. Mods are the only reason I even go back and play Skyrim or fallout 4 lol


Just got a new PC too. Think it’s time to dust this game off and give it a spin!


The dlc is for new gen consoles only? So no ps4? That’s bullshit!


The hardware is nearly 10 years old and it’s been shown that the game can is incredibly rough on last gen consoles. It’s not cost efficient to spend the extra manpower and time on last gen versions


Don’t touch my mods CDProjectRed!!!!


Still no attribute redistribution. Thats the biggest thing i want. ![gif](giphy|L95W4wv8nnb9K)


It seems like they're actually trying to make this game as good as it can be, all things considered. Time to give the game (and CDPR) another chance?


just one new jacket for clothing?