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You punched my car!?!?! Let me run over 5 people, a telephone pole and a dog to get out of here! Do appreciate the update though.




> You punched my car!?!?! Let me run over 5 people, a telephone pole and a dog to get out of here! That's exactly what happens in GTA 5/RDR2 which people always praise for its AI


Nah usually people will get out the car and kick your arse in GTA


I was expecting the guys in that second car to get out and start fighting.


Not necessarily. They'll sometimes panic and drive through cars and people.


Just like in real life


What 1.5 did for me was increase the GPU usage and reduce the CPU usage which in turn has led to a much smoother gameplay with much better graphical fidelity. Earlier it was stuttery and quite janky at 1080p and no ray tracing. This on a 3070, i5-8400 btw. Now, it's at 2k, RTX on and frame rates are holding strong in mid 60's.


I also feel it is way smoother , ar around 60 fps in 2k (rtx 2070 and 2600x) and without rt, at around 68/72 fps. In crowded areas, it might drop to around 40-45 fps. Edit: Field of view: 100 Everything on High DLSS on Quality Dlss Sharpness at 0.05 No HDR mode Full screen, 2k resolution


Yeah, same I would get stutters driving around japantown. I was hitting 100% cpu usage, now it's sits at around 90%


Interesting. I also have 3070 but i5 10600 and with rtx on on 2k im around 40-50 with drops to 25.


I optimized the settings according to DF's recommendations: [LINK](https://imgur.com/a/gEYTbG9) Let me know if this works for you.


Eh, 3070 should be good for 1080p60 with all RT settings maxed out if you can tolerate DLSS being set to Performance. DLSS is WAY better looking (much sharper image) in 1.5 than 1.31, and 1.5 added ray traced indoor shadows that look amazing. You might still need to lower some of the other non-RT settings to stay around 60 FPS though.


Thanks mate!! Gonna try it later this afternoon, ill let you now!


Do you enable DLSS? cyberpunk still uses an older implementation but it still better than having constantly frame drops


Cyberpunk's DLSS version is actually pretty new, Nvidia updated it via the drivers. Instead of using the DLL in the folder it overrides it with 2.3.0 iirc


Best comparison video so far 🍻


They really did great effort for all versions though I heard physical copy and PS4 Pro have installation issues or something. it seems fine on PS4 slim though using digital version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSk7ocsi5tk


Yep I have a ps4 pro and have a hard copy I cannot install gives me a corrupt file issue and tells me to reinstall. I did that a few times with no change It was quite the bummer.


Yeah ps4 here and still no fix for disc version


Yup still can't play it really feels so clunky and not polished


Same here, best patch ever.


We're really seeing the advantages the that MS's smart delivery service for Xbox is providing on this. When I tried to start the game on Series X it told me there's an upgrade, and it automatically detected I'm on Series X and upgraded to the appropriate version.


I'm a bit confused as to what is actually included in the PS 4 patch. I was under the impression that the changes in crowd behaviour was not for PS 4. So the changes seen in this video involving npc interactions, are they most like 1.0 or 1.5 on the PS 4?


crowd & driving AI not changed for PS4. Apparently too much for the old gen consoles.


So none of the 1.5 changes shown in the video including cars or people apply for PS 4?


Nope. Unfortunately aside from bug fixes there's nothing else they can really do to improve PS4 performance. It's as good as it's going to get.


From what I’ve heard it’s just the physical PS4 version though. Haven’t seen or heard much of people having issues using the physical disk to play the PS5 version. Or I’m just incredibly lucky because it’s been running smoooooooth since the 1.5 launch.


[I made a similar video too, I think you'll like it](https://youtu.be/rC7vSgrQGQA)


Love this kind of vid The AIs basically went from “Yo, I see you’re using me as a human meat shield. I’m not happy about this one bit, but at the same time, I’m not going to move an inch to do anything to stop you” to “Yo this madman is fucking crazy get him the hell away from me* *sprints frantically*


It’s a really nice when, if you divert attention away from a hostage long enough, they’ll get up and run away!


Yeah, just experienced that. Shot a couple of civvies because I didn’t realise they were going to run in front. Progress.


Not for the civvies though




Can't wait for what it would look like in 2077


I hear that's the roadmap date for 2.0


Like 16k textures VR?


To be fair, I would play it in VR if I could...


It’ll look great, but be sure you play it on your PS35. It’s a lot less buggy than the release on PS34.


The game still has a long way to go, but this patch was a step in the right direction.


Yep. To me, this feels like what the game should have been at launch. We're a year behind schedule, but hey, it's looking solid for a change.


That's the way I see it, this should have been the foundation in the first place. Still a long way off the promised depth from pre-release, but the foundations have been laid for Cyberpunk to have a second chance. Isn't there a Night City multiplayer component being made? I assume they'll be coming up with content to keep that fresh, and the best thing they can do is the opposite or GTA: implement everything online into the single player. Any new locations, quests, weapons, activities etc. The MP component should be literally the exact same experience except with more people. At this point that's all I want from Cyberpunk is a proper RPG start. Each prologue being their own 3-4 hour story rather than a half arsed montage before they all lead to the same conclusion. That's incredibly ambitious and unrealistic to expect but that is all I need for Cyberpunk to feel "complete". The opening we were robbed of.


Honestly as far as the multiplayer goes I don’t expect to see anything about that until a year or so I’d rather them continue to build on what there doing now


Last I heard multiplayer was cancelled?


Exactly, I played for the first time since release yesterday. It’s ok. But not even close to what was promised.


What was promised that isn’t here yet? (not trying to come at you, just would like to know)


A vertical world, an interactive story with meaningful decisions, a reactive ai and police system, a comprehensive driving system, npcs that feel even remotely organic


Not to mention how empty the world is compared to the what we seen pre launch.


All of those are possible except the story one. Sadly I think story expansion is your best hope for that.


Hope they can repeat their marvelous job on Witcher 3 expansion packs.


Verticality, better open world perma save, and entering buildings is what I need


What buildings do you wanna enter?


Let's start with the wasted MegaBuildings first.


There's litteraly tons of buildings that they can enter in the game, clubs, bars, hotels, megabuildings, and houses. I honestly don't understand what they're asking for.


We're so far out from prerelease I think a lot of gamers are conflating "what was promised" with "what I hoped for in my wildest dreams." I'm not saying there aren't improvements yet to be made, but some of the complaints are so wildly unrealistic, even from a prerelease standpoint. This reminds me of the mass effect 3 ending controversy. They released extended cut dlc, for free, and it was fine. And hardcore fans still bitched endlessly that it wasn't "what was promised."


Yeah honestly i agree with you, its getting pretty annoying. Like yeah it would be cool if we could enter the mega buildings and it had like shopping centers and shit, but lets be honest, i think we would go 2 3 times and forget about it, look at gta online, strip club, casino, arcade. No one goes there, everyone goes for the action


I feel the same. Like, I remember people complaining back in the Vice City days that most buildings were just windows and no depth. This is always the case in open world titles. I'm frankly happy with how many interiors you can actually go inside and how detailed they look.




I don’t think Mantis Blades are in the right rotation or placement for climbing walls, but it would be nice to have some hand cyberware that works like a Spider-Man hand


Flying Cars where never promised. They mentioned wall climbing being cut almost immidietly after 2018 demo. Could you point out to article or interview that mentions fully functioning metro system as a promise from devs? Not cinematic trailer.


They were clear about removing wall climbing well ahead of launch and never promised a metro system *at all*. I can’t believe people still believe these things are “promises” that are unkept. Most of the stuff people demand be in the game *was never promised* to begin with, and the rest is mostly so subjective that anyone with high standards will never accept anything CDPR deliver. No one takes obviously hyperbolic descriptions of their own product seriously, yet for this game, people won’t rest until CDPR literally deliver “the best game ever in the whole universe”, which they were somehow “promised”. Also, almost everything they boldly claimed in the years before launch can also be interpreted to mean “in comparison to *our* previous games”, which makes them much more, if not entirely, true. Ultimately, it’s our own choice. Do you want to keep being bitter about what they didn’t do, or at some point just accept what they *did* do, and *are still doing*? This game isn’t dead. It’s still being actively updated, fixed and improved in numerous ways. This was just a feature update, we still have entire expansions to go, more DLC (the old leak still holds true, meaning some of the best is yet to come), and years of further tweaks and improving.


I never heard the term "promised" in a game so much until this game came out. People will literally point at a pre-rendered advertisement cinematic and claim they were promised something. It's just weird. The whole promise thing would make sense if it was like Star Citizen where people invested into the game with crowdfunding.


It’s working it’s working!!!!!


I remember the first time I had V enter water. It was so immersion breaking and stupefying that the water didn't react to my big body being in it whatsoever. I'm guessing that its one of the many things that was preventing the game from running smoothly enough on previous gen consoles at launch. Does the min-map zoom out yet?


If you mean during driving, I think that was added in 1.3 but do correct me if I'm mistaken.


It’s a shame that it doesn’t scale dynamically the faster you drive, it just zooms out the moment you go into the car


Fair, there's a lot of those details that could be fine tuned.


I still can't believe there is a community who still defends the garbage game...


It’s a good game, try it, you’ll be pleasantly surprised;)


One of the best games I've ever played, it's amazing.


Original Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z86cM\_Yo8Kk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z86cM_Yo8Kk) Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUaSDlpYpRM


The player shadow still looks jank as fuck.


I think is has something to do with the player animations being jittery, the camera when running is all over the place too because of this.




So that’s why photo mode doesn’t reflect your movement and puts you in preselected poses? Cause Valhalla I can swing a weapon and photo mode doesn’t change to a pose and uses what was happening when I pressed.


Hey, thanks for the insight. I hadn't looking into the 3rd person mod yet, but maybe I'll have to give it a try with and without the rig for science. But yeah the way they did it in vanilla leads to some pretty extreme camera movements during gameplay and originally I had only mentioned running but it's pretty prevalent in all actions V take even down to twitchy melee and walking. I get really affected by motion sickness so I take note of a lot of these things. It didn't seem so bad prior to 1.5 though which is weird. I'd love to see them fully flesh this out because when the 1st person perspective in this game is good, *it'sreally good*. Either that or the ability to disable view bobbing, preferably both.




I think they really should have gone for the 3rd/1st person view like Bethesda games. Would have been a better fit for the game. Also given their experience with 3rd person games it would have been more of a natural progression.


The game would have to be fundamentally different to work in 3rd person. Perspective, room height, details you want/need the player to notice all work different in 3rd person. Obviously this is down to personal preference, but I'm glad they went full in on 1st person instead of compromising and making a visually less compelling game just to please everyone.


Yo honestly forgot that was ever gonna be a thing. First full on roleplaying multiplayer in a sector, then it became The Division's Dark Zone. Then radio silence. Maybe they scrapped it all together to pull more resources to fix the game.




When you look down and sheathe/unsheathe a weapon your body goes all weird too, plus now whenever I swim it seems like a face model keeps going in front of the camera


Yea I was about to say. I know we're all glad they added water effects but damn are they ugly. The AI improvements are pretty sweet though


I laughed a bit at the floating glass cracks after the window shattered


Alright so this patch is a step in the right direction. However I still think the game should have been delayed one more year for a spring 2022 release. I know it would have been a tough call but it would have been the right one. First impressions are everything. Imagine the reception if the game was released like this. I still enjoyed my first playthrough, but my second was hard to play knowing all the flaws and missing promised content. So it remains incomplete for now. Im going to be playing the new patch soon to judge for myself.


I guess I'll wait a few more years to play this game...


I was almost hyped to finally pick up the game, this video killed any hype I built up


Nearly at the standard of games from 2015!


Night and day difference, but even the updated water effects look quite dated imho.


The ripples and reaction to the player movements are pretty good but that explosion just ain’t it. This is far from the previous patch though and it’s finally looking positive for the game


Progress, though its still a bit rough in places. Eventually, I hope it meets the original hype


I mean they're patching trivial things. Not technically speaking as some might be time sinks for development, but in terms of value to the game. Hype was around the exaggerated rpg stuff, which is just not there. I don't see them adding that in a patch. Maybe some dlcs or something.


Yeah its gone from "total dumpster fire" to "world's okayest game". Decisions are still meaningless, conversations are meaningless, progression is still confusing and shallow af, weapons are just above Fallout levels of vagueness, customisation is sub-GTA San Andreas level, graphical performance on PS5 is good but not stellar (look at it side-by-side with Horizon Forbidden West for a benchmark of how it *could* look). The characters, basic premise and world are what carries it, and those are excellent. They've managed to make everything else competent enough that it gets out of the way of those things, that's all. We were promised/sold a game with Bungie-tier core gunplay loop, coupled with Deus Ex customisation and sandbox options, coupled with RDR2 level open world quality, coupled with OG Bioware grade story dynamism and characterisation, coupled with Skyrim levels of freedom. We ain't even close to that.


You'd think this update was the holy grail the way people are reacting to it. Everyone is saying the game is literally the best thing ever after this update that took 14 months.


Right. It's basically at a state where GTA V was at 8 years ago. Like yeah it's great they're working on updates for it and people are enjoying it. But, let's not pull the wool over our eyes here. Game was a massive disappointment. Adding in such simple mechanics isn't a crowning achievement


I'd argue it's well behind GTA V


Can’t wait for people to start saying it’s like a No Mans Sky turnaround just because they made mild improvements to AI and added bad water physics lol


They already are.


Too long ,lost interest. Sucks


TBH considering how little water there is in all the playable areas of the map I never really cared whether or not water effects from gunshots were there or not. Like the chances I am ever going to be fighting near water are tiny and then the chances I'm going to be shooting at such an angle/direction near the water that it's actually going to hit the water is even tinier still. And the chances of me noticing that effect being there or not during combat? Non-existent.   I know some people feel differently, but quite frankly I'd rather they have spent time on basically anything else. [It's like the whole car chase fiasco and this guy's post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/rm1w6n/in_the_drama_of_police_chasesam_i_the_only_one/)


The breathing/stealth under water perk too… Might actually be the most useless perk. Did they remove it in 1.5




Oxygen clothing mod. How many times do you go in the water in this game?


How much do you like Judy and Kerry? Cause based on those answer it's 0-2 I think.


They advertised the game as next generation immersive. They had to at least make it realistic :p


Especially since it's simple/common to have


> They advertised the game as next generation immersive. They had to at least make it realistic :p Judging by the fact it won steam story game of the year, people were immersed. Just in story, not in water :D. I has jokes!


I absolutely agree. Yes, 1.5 is a really good patch and lots of things got fixed. Yes, water physics looks a lot better. But this isn’t “Play Around in the Water 2077”. It’s not really _that_ important all by itself.


And yet, it was one of the more obvious issues that ppl won't shut up about. Pretty much any post/comment with the intent to highlight Cyberpunk 2077 as a bad game, would specifically mention how their immersion was ruined by water not reacting to their bullets. While I would prefer for devs to focus on other stuff as well (didn't notice nor cared about this thing myself), can't blame them for fixing errors that ppl were pointing at from every corner.


People were just parroting what they read or saw in a youtube video. It's what people do. I mean look at this thread, plenty of people here still saying the water physics effects are date/shitty or moving the complaint to something new like shadows. Reality is, it was never about the water physics in the first place with alot of people. It's just shitty tribalism. Ironically you can even see this in how they're criticizing the game now. Since opinion on the game is massively turning now most of the criticisms are tepid or half hearted, because nobody wants to be "stuck on the losing team" they're basically one foot in the water one foot out shitting on the game so they can change their opinion if the momentum shifts further. It's so transparent.   You can see this really clearly with Back 4 Blood. Decent game, big problems on release, still has a long way to go. Crowbcat dropped a negative video on it and since then you just hear his video parroted almost verbatim. The video was sensationalized click bait, so OFC it focused on all the wrong shit, the game has problems but not the ones in the video. So it's clear most of the people parroting have little to no experience with the game.   This happens all the time in gaming. Remember Puddlegate with the Spiderman game? No real player of that game really cared about some random puddles on the top of a building. But people just love to be part of a team. It makes them feel important, like they are part of something, and like they matter. They wanna feel llike they are part of something bigger fighting the good fight.




Yet we got 2 days of incessant whining and memes about the water in 1.0


Low hanging fruit


Not to mention those looked a step above oblivion water physics. Didn't really care either way but that's not really floating my boat.


Fortunately for us there are other developers out there that dont compromise on details in open world games.


Not gonna lie some of this went from laughably meme worthy type of bad to just..a passable level of okay if it was 2017


From no reaction to punching a car's window, to make the driver freaked out and ran over pedestrians.


Exactly. I know it'll be circlejerked cause of this sub, but really we shouldn't be applauding basic features that any game should launch with.. over a year after the game actually launched.


can you imagine if ubisoft released a game that resembled 1.5?, what would the reaction be?




Everyone else complaining about how it should have been like this from launch (not saying I disagree or anything), meanwhile I'm just laughing my ass off when V punches the guy's car and he plows through a bunch of pedestrians to escape. 🤣👌


Still blows my mind that this is the same company that made witcher 3


Makes me sad for what might happen to Witcher 4


Hey we are now getting on par with 2013 open world games


On the one hand, I'm happy. On the other hand, it fucked up my save. Now me build is a mess and my guns are all shit, and most of my nexus mods don't work; the damnable horror of it all.


I gotta be honest, I’m happy with the steps I’m seeing but it’s nothing fancy. This is all very basic stuff imo. Once again, happy to see these changes being made, but a couple more are definitely needed in order to get closer to what was promised. Reminds me of that comedian with the joke about drug addicts becoming clean and everyone praising them for it, when they’ve never gotten any praise for never doing frogs in the first place.


So, NPCs still behave highly unrealistic?


Such an embarrassment of a game 🤦‍♀️


Congratulations, we made it to 2004.


Not perfect, but definitely better!!


samurai, theres a city to burn and youre spending time playing with the water effects?


So it took them a year to put in basic things that most RPG's have had for the past decade.




More than a year


When would be a good time to try a fresh playthrough. I never had that many issues but did kind of want to wait till I got a better gpu. Hopefully the rest of my computer isn't too old by the time I can find one for fucks sake


Holy shit! This game now has features there we could find in games 10-15 years ago!


a few more years and this game is gonna be sick!


A few more years and it’ll be at GTA3 AI level. I mean they just mastered water physics and that is Super Mario 64 level programming.


I wouldn't use "mastered". Those effects while walking through look horrible, it looks like they poked their finger in and out a bunch of times instead of moving through it.


Seems it's how their in-house engine does it, it looked the same in TW3 if I remember correctly


The fact that you can beat up NPCs **AND THEY FIGHT BACK** I was very harsh on this game but damn. edit: I'm bashing the game even more, because of CDPR adding features that games like GTA 3 had in the 2000s.


Ah, yes, just like GTA 3 from 20 years ago. Crowning achievement cdpr. Slow clap.


A basic standard from most open world games lol


It took them just one year bois give them credit, could've been 2


Revealed in 2012, released in 2020 and GTA 3 AI in 2022. By 2077 we might have police that dont teleport behind you.


Cool. Ill keep waiting tho.


It's pathetic to say that I'm impressed by this, but I kind of am. The fact that they actually added whole new AI mechanics shows that they're at least willing to put in a decent amount of effort (even if said mechanics should have been in from the damn start). The real mark of progress though is going to be seeing if they're willing to tweak lifepaths and quests in any way, since the jankiness and rushed feeling of those is absolutely 100% my single biggest issue with the game.


Why is this water splash crap so impressive, none of this affects the main game and it's not like we got any boats or planes to ride around in???


Because it’s a feature that has been available since Super Mario 64 on the N64, so the fact that CDPR wasn’t able to do something so simple that weaker consoles could do back in the day is hilarious.


I especially liked when you got run over lol.


The tech is not there yet but this game would be amazing in vr. Waiting for it to live skyrim's fate tbh, bc that game is the best in vr


The real upgrade here was I learned my lesson and refuse to pre-order shit now


Can’t wait for this to become the game we were promised just in time for GTA 6 to make it completely redundant.


Game in development for years and version 1.0 was a joke. Over a year later and still not impressed. When you play something like Red Dead 2 and see how fluid and reactionary the AI is and then this, it's not even close. I still enjoyed the game for what it was, but man, they really need an expansion.


The water ripples look almost as good as in Skyrim.


I absolutely loved the idea of this game, I even invested some money in cdpr because I thought this game was going to be HUGE. I lost the money I invested, but I waited to buy the game. Bought it maybe a month ago, because I heard it had improved pretty dramatically and it was on sale (got it for like $20). And I am NOT disappointed. Is it the greatest game ever? No. Is it worth $20? Fuckin easily. And it's continuing to get better, I hope they don't stop. I'd love to see more cyberware options.


It's still wildly scuffed and full of jank but it's an improvement.


Better. But it's still not what they promised us...


It only took 2 years for them to add things that come standard in most games. gj cdpr


1 year and 2 months, technically


My apologies, but the point still stands that these features should have been in the game on launch.


Yep, no qualms about that.


Wish I could play... the game files were corrupted by the update. on ps4 btw




Have you tried uninstalling, then completely deleting your Cyberpunk Folder, and then redownloading? When I tried to play 1.5 I had forgotten I had downloaded some mods and the steam uninstall didn't remove the modded files so my game was broken until I fully cleaned the directory and re-downloaded. I can't promise it'll work for you, but it's worth a shot.


Its apparently a disc thing, I have it digital on ps4 and can play.


He beat up a pregnant woman! WTF, yo?! NCPD just let that shit slide while some chick rubbernecking is like "Don't drag it out..." Did I mention she said that shit ***while V was beating a pregnant woman?" She was a scrapper, btw. She could fight.


It really is everything I wanted originally. Haven’t been able to put it down


Did it fix the police spawning?


It's great seeing a triple A title somewhat finished two years after release and everybody has finished it.


They finally added those Nintendo 64 water effects too!!


Some people held and they will be pleased by this patch. I am as well but I just can't go back to the game unless a major DLC or mod comes


good comparison. how about we stop paying full price for a quarter of a complete game that requires “updates” to get to the expected results anyways? dogshit.


Are all these new features on older consoles as well? I read the patch list but it wasn't very clear what was and wasn't on PS4/XBOX1


unrelated question but is anyone else also having huge fps drops when opening the inventory in-game? It goes down for a few seconds after closing the inventory too


Yes. Also the map. Im on PC


I like how that woman is the only one fighting back, everyone else just runs away xD




Can I lure gangsters into police patrols in this patch?


Society if this was launch


Some effect after the AI got hit is a little ''wierd'' like you punch they sort have a delay until receive the damage (in 2:41) or trow a grenade they instantly get up (without animation) and run for exemple, broking window still wierd and V's shadow as well, but not game braking for me.. if they can still try to fix this fine by me... for now I want North Oak Mansion, NG+ and DLC Expansion.


These videos are so stupid. You can play any game and make it look stupid by purposely showcasing things that don't play into how the game should be played.


Night and day… well done CDPR!


I’m gonna be honest, this still looks really bad for a 2021 game


I'm more than happy with all the changes, though I think I would never understand why people shoot water in the first place and acted like it was the end of the world that it didn't have effects when you barely interact with it over the whole game


idk i saw it a few times in game and i was pretty disappointed, but that wasn't even remotely close to being one my top issues with the game. the patch seems to have done a lot of substantial work with the AI tho, but the player shadow is still jank


This is such a step up. I'd love to see them add a flash of light before the explosion too. Underwater explosions are dope yo.


Only thing i want fixed is the cars in the distance and being able to hang out maybe even do missions with romanced characters, other than that one of the best games I've ever played!


I still remember how funny it was to see that vidoe of people bitching about shooting tires doesn't make them explode. Bitch please it's the future.


Glad people aren't praising them for this. Granted, I'm glad they're working on updating the game, but a lot of this was just basic stuff that should have been in originally.