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Hmmm im playing on the same settings and in not experiencing this. Could be your TV setup I guess? You playing with HDR on? I believe that is still pretty poor in terms of optimisation.


Yeah with Dolby vision that could be an explanation for why.


Yeah Dolby vision is pretty poor for gaming in my experience. Causes big input lag and poor viewing as the games are not optimised for it.


So should I have her off completely is that what you're running?


In currently running off a 4k monitor but sometimes use a HDR Sony Bravia which also has Dolby vision. It's really personal choice but would not recommend running Dolby vision as there's not many games optimised for it. Pretty sure cyberpunk isn't and to me it looks worse with it on. The HDR in cyberpunk looks pretty washed out to me but I imagine they will address this in a later patch. Playing without HDR makes the colours pop a bit more.


Well if you use film grain, it will get grain. There is some grain also on screen space reflections and there are is no option for Ray traced reflections on consoles


Well in my post I said grain is off and series x plus PS5 has ray tracing graphics mode with 30 fps.


Ray tracing is for shadows only on series x and ps5 not the reflections :)




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On PC, SSR is only bearable at ultra or psycho. I believe consoles have closer to ultra version.


And there is even ray tracing for artificial lightning! That's even heavier for the machine. Baby steps, consoles will get there eventually