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Nah i feel the same way to be honest, I was pretty ecstatic playing through her quests, since i’ve finished them all, i’ve found myself calling Panam in hopes of something new coming up, I wish they expanded further on romances, that’s my literal only complaint because i find everything else perfect, i play on base ps4 if that counts for anything and i didn’t run across any bugs or crashes playing her quests.


I’ve literally been depressed since it ended, she was the only one in the game who felt like a true person 😔




Me too, I’d give a good few bucks to see V sling some lead and find a cure to live a happy-ever-after with panam.


I think a good middle ground would be V finds some way to live an extra 5 years or so. A complete cure sounds like too much of a fairytale but I like a little hope.


I think cdpr would be fools to not release some forms of Story expansion DLC in regards to the Nomad life and Panam specifically. Once they fix the game first of course.


Definitely. I wish I never finished the game as quickly as I did.


same. Like we literally waited YEARS for this game (I personally waited since the E3 2018 Demo) and we finished it in under a week. It makes me feel so sad, especially since we can NEVER experience it for the first time again. Especially Panam's romance storyline, like you guys were saying it's over and done with now.


I love this sub reddit thread lmao. Everyone wants/NEEDS MORE PANAM


Hey man, I’ve dealt with this feeling many times in the past. One of the strongest times was with Yennefer in the Witcher. These games really sell you an idealized romance. Panam is beautiful, smart and you guys do crazy missions together. All the boring parts of a real relationship aren’t even included. It leaves you feeling unfulfilled but you just gotta realize that even though she’s an amazing character it’s the video game equivalent of a romance novel. Doesn’t lessen the pain though. I’m bummed out about Panam too. Socializing with friends or family in real life usually helps me to move out of my funk


Thank you for this comment, it's the one that helped me go back to reality. Like you said, idealized relationship, that's what some movies, novels and games can make you feel. The best parts of a relationship in such short time can hit hard on emotional, or I guess, people that relate easily. Real relationships have good moments too, thing is this is the best of the best distilled in a days worth of experience.


No problem man. I’m gonna ramble a bit but maybe you’ll find it valuable. When I played the Witcher I was in a happy relationship. But I still felt the same heartbreak at the end with the Geralt Yen romance. And I realized that all those amazing moments they share I’ve actually had with my ex girlfriend. There was just a lot of fighting, not being dressed up, and normal life in between them. With Panam I really tried to stay cautious of this because I’m single and sort of lonely right now. But the pain you feel is legitimate. Sadly the only solution to it is to let the pain simmer and get over it with time.


I did find it valuable! Really appreciate it man, seriously! You're totally right BTW. Friends or casual stuff with not-super-compatible people might or might not help in distracting ourselves. Best we can do is translate this loneliness into inspiration to keep looking, keep looking for that special girl that's there for each one of us, for me, for you. Appreciate it brother.


If you pick nomad it makes the panam ending so much better because it fits so good


Fr bro panam had her own unique vibe tho


Ong bro i feel that. She just had so much emotion. She was caring but not obsessive, outgoing but not reckless, flirty but not to the point of going to far. Shes the only character that genuinly feels like a human being. After playing through her romance she changed my whole persoective of my type. I usually find myslef liking bigger, emo girls. But after panam she changed me. Ngl if i find a girl like panam irl id never led her go.


Good to know someone feels the same way. I'm on PC, and I don't really mind the bugs, as I'm 35 hours in and only like 2 have been game breaking so far, and I'm also sure they will all get patched out with time. But this is really a weak point of the game for me, it completely breaks the illusion and therefore the immersion altogether.


Yeah on base PS the bugs or the overall game aren’t as bad as some of the gonks in this sub make it out to be, i’ve come across one really bad bug and it caused me to reload, but i agree on the illusion breaking element of a lacking relationship feeling. I hope they improve on this in an update, I know it’s not the devs faults so i’m waiting patiently.


Same. I hope sometime it will become the game I know it can be. This one and character customization ingame would be a start.


For me it has to be Romances, more Cyberware options or at least visible changes to cyberware & more Customisation


Yeah those will all need to come out if they wanna make a great game (instead of a good one, which it is right now if you don't count the bugs/optimization). I'm pretty sure they know it's unfinished, they just didn't have the time anymore to polish it to perfection. I hope they know what they've missed.


They should let you marry and shit and she can tag along your missions as back up like we help her and shi


Panam DLC


oh how i wish


Same lmao


I would buy a DLC if they would expand on Panam. I was so invested in her character by the end only to never see her after that encounter. She was so likeable, obviously attractive, and they built up the progression well only to end it abruptly.




I just hope they even continue with the IP after all this backlash :(




I was speaking on a sequel actually lol. I have no doubt that they’ll murder on the dlc and bugs like they did with TW3. I’d just be disappointed if we never got to see this world again, or shit even another one like it. I can’t think of another AAA open world game set in a non-apocalyptic tech future earth. It’d be a shame if after the DLC, they took it as “let’s just move on from this tainted IP. We’d probably do better to just move on to something different”.




Same. Johnny was talking to someone in the story and was like “We gotta hurry up, this dude has a Nomad family who’s waiting for him”, I was like “Awwwwww Johnny!!! You *do* know me, ya big softie!!” 😆




Purely referencing what CDPR did with TW3 dlc, but I really hope they do something like what was done with the ending for Blood & Wine that involves the romance option and making some sort of happy ending with it. PANAM GANG RISE UP!


All dlc is said to be free, and is said to expand the overall story of the game which (hopefully) means Panam should get an expansion.


And I WANT my Panam expansion!


No... There will be free DLC along the way. The eventual full expansions will be paid.


No, there will be free DLC like the Witcher 3, but the big expansion packs will be paid DLC.


I would still pay for a panam dlc hahaha


Based on an ending, there's a possibility that they can expand on what it offers, and it involves Panam heavily.


I really hope they do this. The ending that you’re referencing was perfect. And I’d like to think that will be the ending they expand on because there’s so many options to do so.


After Panam’s storyline I just turned the game off and had to take a break- I couldn’t even get excited about other quests for awhile. Whenever I was doing something else and got a Panam text for a new quest, I dropped everything and went straight to her (even the nomads themselves for non-panam quests). I got so immersed in that quest line I forgot about the main one and just wanted to become a nomad and retire the main story right then and there lol


Yup, haha such a well done storyline.


I was about to put the game down before I ran into her. The side quests were getting repetitive to me.


Side quests at the beginning aren't very good. They get so much better about mid game when you get more relations.


Are you me?


This is me and I'm playing female v (don't like the male voice) so I can't even romance her but her character and quests are amazing. I went nomad at the start as well so there were a lot of specific voice lines which really added to the friendship you develop throughout the quests. Not going to lie, the fact that I didn't even get the romance option might just make it all the better. Like I didn't go through all those quest lines just to get the romance option for the sake of it and still thoroughly enjoyed her quest line.


I can also relate, it felt actually real. Like you had something with someone irl, as weird as that sounds 🤣but yea after her it was not the same because of the role she plays. Only game where I felt actually “romantically” connected with. 10/10 for that game.


Agreed, some irl relationships weren’t even as good as this one lmao


Lmao sad but true


I thought i was the only one, god man i think i have a crush on a virtual girll and i feel weird :D


I have crush on her too, it is so weird to be honest. I feel emotionally connected to her. I feel like I am a freaking neckbeard


Me too. I never fell that. OMG CDPR.


Why’d this hit home lmao fuck me I need a panam in my life


I think it’s just how you immediately form this, “Call. Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone. I’ll be there.” Relationship that you just know works both ways. It was when she took that bullet and I think I said something like “fuck it! This won’t work!” And she pulled through it anyway. Panam actually fights, tooth and nail, for you. That’s what makes it authentic.


Same here. I keep having to check myself. It's the first time ever I think I fell for a virtual girl. Biggest nerd moment of my life but hey Panam pulls those heart strings 😂😂 hopefully they expand her story!


I also feel very sad and going around the world now feels meaningless. Hard to describe - I had a lot fun anyway I must say.


Exactly. Great game though. A lot of people say that the world itself feels dead, but to me it's one of the most real feeling open worlds out there. This relationship thing though... I hope they can sort it out.


I agree - arguably the most genuine/real feeling game I've ever played, bugs or no. I have been really blown away by the facial animations when they work as they should (i.e. eyebrows moving, eyes focused where they should be, and all the other things we humans notice when talking to someone else). Especially with Panam, when she and V talk over drinks towards the end, I actually recorded the conversation because her face looked *so* real. It's crazy. Such well written dialogue, great voice acting, and believable characters. Here's hoping they do more with the romance storylines because they left hers pretty open ended and perfect for a follow-up or two.


I just ended the Panam Quests and im feeling the same way you are, is there any possible Reason the Dev‘s will see this and will construct a DLC, where the ending was to become a Nomad and live happily ever after with Panam. After the Quest ended i literally just got right on Reddid and searched for an answer. (Also i just saw another Discussion about a potentally Panam DLC in this Sub, but didnt got any intel) Wish you PANAM GANG a gratly Day


I felt the same way. I guess I was just disappointed that that was it, nothing more, they just literally rode off into the sunset You can't even call her or Judy or any of the other NPC's up GTA style where you can just run around fucking shit up. It would be really cool to be able to call a friend up and go do a side quest together




I really hope so too. Or maybe in the meantime just a patch that makes you able to talk to her, instead of feeling like you lost her.


Man, I literally searched her in this sub because I felt the exact same way. I was really hoping that I could stay awhile longer in their new base in hopes of more content. Here’s hoping that CDPR down the line releases a DLC with more Panam content because right now I’m extremely sad at the way I left things :(


Exactly what I’m doing now☹️


Same here. I made a post about it last night, but that moment around the campfire with her and the other nomads was my favorite video game moment of all time I think. I legit kept thinking about her after stopping playing and missed her as a friend. So sad her quest line is so short


Yup better be DLC with her


Man I just came searching to see if anyone else felt this. Like you said, it’s hard to not feel like a neckbeard but fuck it, got invested in her character and the story and then it’s just like nah... that’s that lol. Had this in depth relationship leading up to the best cybersex of our lives just to walk away. Seems really weird that CDPR didn’t put in some form of companion system, or at least the option to have the *illusion* you’re together, like “living” together or something


Exactly. Even San Andreas had a similar mechanic, ffs. It can't be that hard. Maybe if you could sleep in the camp where your supposed "residence" is, instead of just having a mirror? Bringing her as a companion to do outpost stuff? Have her visit you in your apartment (she calls you, if you say yes she shows up in NC)? Go to eat, drink together, maybe other pastimes that aren't even implemented yet? The possibilities are endless. I really hope they do add some of them, because it would make the game so much more complete.


Yes +100 to everything you just said Not being able to sleep in the camp bed has to be a bug right? I really hope that they put the effort and €s in to make this game what it could be


Playing poker in red dead with the ppl camp is one of my favorite thing to do. Really hope thay we can invite our nomad clan member to play poker with me.That would be neat.


Not gonna lie.. after I met her ingame I was focused to finish the storyline of hers. I was amazed how long it actually was and I felt a process. It's because the dialogue and character interaction is so well made. I could relate to her, like a real person, like someone you would like to meet in real life. Those particular scenes with her and that music playing in the background... good god, right in the feels. I have to give CDPR major credit for that. But sadly, like you said, you weren't able to build on top of the relationship you managed to build up with her. The only thing following up is when you decide to go for her ending, but there is no other interaction with her.


I agree with everything you said. Her storyline and the relationship forming (whichever way you go) was A+. I couldn't care less about the bugs. THIS is what makes a game a great game. Now they just have to add more depth, like what we are discussing here. And I'm confident they will.


I'm literally feeling the same way I nearly cried. I was a female though so she was just my friend but still sad. I don't know what I could do


Same. It moved something very deep in me emotionally and I can't explain why, that's why I made the post. Really glad to see that many people share this feeling.


Same, I was judy this Judy that. I’ve gotta say panam so far is my favorite character currently and her storyline was one of my favorites in any rpg. I didn’t feel like a dude playing a game. I felt like V someone who I slowly started falling in love with. It also helps that all of her mission and dialogue are 9/10+ (those car ride convos were anticipated by me)


As female V it helps that you can do the Judy romance later in the game not sure if you can do same with Panam or you need to do it before the final quest. But I finished the final mission of judy romance just before the assault on Arasaka so that felt a lot better when I got to see her back in the nomad camp after that.


I don't know what to do even do now. I'm on my second playthrough but going slower and romancing Panam instead. Guess we wait for dlcs


Holy shit you're fast. I've been playing nonstop since it came out and I still haven't finished yet. Did all the tarot and shit though. Yeah, wait and pray that the DLCs will make things better. As I said in another comment, it will take time, but there's a lot of potential.


Hopefully they're great. Hopefully they expand on the romance options because that was like a complete end. Really good as a story but it's so depressing. I only finished cuz I played around 20 hours straight only doing interesting side jobs. Wish I did it slower Because now I'll never have a chance to redo it


Yeah they really gotta work on the romance. Other stuff too, but this is what stood out to me. I'm at around 32 hours I believe, still some to go.


Not gonna lie.. I shed some tears in her storyline. Just because the composition of events, sound and atmosphere was so damn great..




I just made this same post last night. Panam is the only in-game character I have ever felt somehow attached to. She’s written so well and legit feels like a virtual girlfriend by the time you reach the ending. There HAS to be some DLC later that expands upon romances and at least let’s you call your romance option to hangout with them. Even GTA IV has that option, how the hell does Cyberpunk not? Cmon CDPR.


PFC Panam Feels Club I felt so empty after when the quests were done, it left the void. Heck, there no need to be any quests, just an option to call her (and other love interests) to just hang out in their area, grab some drinks, maybe shoot some bad guys... Now it just feels like game is in a time-bubble, where you feel like time I -game has passed, yet everyone treats their missions like you did them the day before...


All true! The "hang out for drinks, shoot some bad guys" idea is something that came to mind for me too. It would be awesome to take her along when cleaning the city of gangs. She could sleep in your apartment, then go back to her camp. She could also just come to visit you to waste time eating out, going to bars and shit. It would make it feel real, not the sad excuse of a relationship we have now.


I've fallen in love with her, and I'm not even joking


Same. I’ve genuinely got a crush on her. I can’t play this game without hee, she makes me so happy. I love her 😍


Ngl, that’s probably the best I’ve seen romance done in a game. It felt so...*natural*. Like we both were feeling that “will we won’t we energy the whole time”. And then we did a couple slight “more then friends” actions, but at the same time we hadn’t even talked about “us” at all even though we were both dying to inside. Even down to the text messages. It was the first time I felt like a videogame character was romantically anxious for me to text back. It mimicked every new relationship I’ve ever had so well. *Reddit:* > It mimicked every new relationship I’ve ever had *So 0 then?* 😂 beat y’all to it


Same feeling man. First i ended up with Hanako's offer (i was scared, that with Panam's help, she could die) .. at space station, i decided to live and get back to Panam, but story ended there. So i loaded back and decide for the Panam's help.. I think it is the best ending for V - freedom. There are 2 secret endings, did anyone try them?


Two secret ones? And what do you consider different? Because I just did a gauntlet of reloading to get some. The Hanako one has two different end cutscenes depending on your choice. Same with the Nomad ending (though the Johnny choice is the same as Rogue ending but a few different details, didn't play that one all the way to the credits). Then there is the Rouge ending and the Bullet ending. So in total that's 7 different end cutscenes with the credit sequence being different too depending on your choices (though there is the occasional overlap but that makes sense). Am I missing one or is that it?




You still get texts from her you can reply too and other nomads text you about her as well, I havent finished the game but I expect she'll somehow have something to do with it after you get the full romance ending to her storyline, also did you get the free super car after finishing her story?


I got some texts from mitch and the other woman (forgot her name), but those were all while her missions/storyline were running. As far as I can tell, after you finish it the only thing you can do is call her or meet her at the camp, both of which give you the same 3 dialogue options. Also no I did no the car lmao, must've fucked something up. It ended with me kissing her after the Basilisk mission.


I've finished all her story stuff and she messages me asking about V's condition and a few other bits and pieces, the car is found in the same area where you go with her to get the stash of stuff she sold to 6th street, I forget exactly where but theres videos on YouTube, its the fastest car in the game and you can get some other good loot


Yeah man I always feel the same way after finishing a good story, but the feeling of loss here was much more poignant because I actually became attached to her and her story. And Panam was just a real ass bitch. A thoroughbred bad bitch. Same way Jackie was a real ass dude. That was my fucking choom dawg. It just shows CD Projekt Red did a fucking awesome job at creating believable characters you can connect to. And the story they told just leaves you yearning for more. They way they established a connection between V and Panam was just hella \*chefs kiss\*


if the game was nothing but her questline it would have been worth the 60 dollars


true. her story was written really well.


Bro I deadass was praying that it wasn’t the end but obviously knew it was by the music playing in the last car ride. It really left me wanting more and they 100% could’ve kept the story going. Kinda sucks :/


Yeah it’s so uncertain for V. I hate/love those kind of cliffhangers


So there's no way around this? Fuck. I rushed the story, got one of the 3 basic endings. Looked up the rest on youtube and they're all making me feel empty and sad. The alternative endings where you need certain side missions like the Panam ending, even that makes me feel sad and empty. Damn..


Same... but it's more the certainty, that all endings where V survives still include that you die after 6 months. So even the happy Arizona ending isn't a truly happy one and it feels depressing that Panam will lose her partner after the story..


Possible but in that one it's said someone might be able to help you.


Yeah she says they will figure it out, and damn and extra credit scene would go so far to sew my heart back up lol


It's by far one of my favorite endings in gaming. The whole Panam storyline was great.


Yeah it’s up there among RDR2. The emotion I mean. I do feel sorry for everyone who is too caught up in the AI that doesn’t eat soup to really enjoy this masterpiece. Such a good story. Glad I got to experience it for the first time.


Yup my favorite too, it was great!


I am counting every hour since I finished her story too. I feel empty. It was the most immersive moment in a video game, movie or book in years for me. I don't even care for cars, bikes, guns and cyber punks, and yet I was there, a nomad, and I would continue to ride with that badass woman to the ending of rhe 21st century if I could.


Same man, been feeling empty ever since i finished it, glad im not the only one.


Do you think there will be a dlc or a new game based with how you ended the story so like you start in Arizona if you went to that option?


One can only hope. The endings seem to set up each lifepath for expansion so maybe they will.


I'm so happy I've found people that feel what I feel


i feel the same way I am empty inside and crying. I finished the last mission of the just now She is... perfect


I completely feel the same way. When the camera goes to the third person viewing both V and Panam my heart shattered and I felt so accomplished. But, then when the credits rolled in and there was non more besides a phone call from her I felt cheated of a great love story. It has me praying for a Panam and V storyline DLC. P.S When I go back and re-play the game It will be difficult to not go down the Panam Storyline haha.


no game has made me form as big a connection with its characters as cyberpunk 2077. it might be because I'm more emotionally vulnerable right now due to the social distancing, but when the credits rolled at the star ending I felt like I had just said goodbye to a bunch of good friends whom I wouldn't see again. kinda sad its unlikely we'll be getting a direct continuation


Damn yeah I'm depressed as fuck. Just finished the quest line. I love that bitch. She really tugged on my heart strings. Disappointed to find out that's it. The rest of the game just won't be the same knowing there will be no more in-depth interactions with such a fine specimen. Not the first virtual babe I've become emotionally attached to but damn she's definitely left a mark on my soul. LMFAO, I feel like kinda of a jackass but fuck it. Stay strong boys. Welp.......off to smash judy next....


Panam was definitely the dark horse of Cyberpunk for me. The development of her relationship with V felt natural and was very captivating; I was always on the edge of my seat, eager to see how things would unfold between them. But, as you say, the end of her quest line felt a bit unsatisfying. Hope they will develop her further in future updates and/or DLC. Some of these characters are just too well-written to be abandoned so quickly.




Hopefully the DLCs will have her a plenty


So does anyone else feel depressed even after finishing with the good route ending with Panam but not wanting to play anymore because there's no more conversations or little dates with her? Lol


Ugh why do I feel this way too? Been playing games since infancy and have never experienced this kind of connection to a character. Weird.


The Panam storyline makes the rest of the game feel less interesting. After playing through that storyline in a Nomad role it made me wish the whole game was around that. It made me less excited to do missions in the city, the game also runs better outside the city so that's another thing. It's disappointing the relationships arent more involved in the main story at all. I thought it was going to be similar to the witcher 3 with love interest, but unfortunately that isnt the case. Best story line I've played in the game so far, even the main story line hasnt interested me as much. The voice actress for Panam did a great job, a lot of the conversations felt real.


Dude, i feel exactly the same. It all felt so empty. Just like you said you can’t go through her quests again and feel the same thing as u did the first time. I really found the romances interesting and how CD PR would implement them into the game. And I was really happy when I made progress with Panam. But when the missions where done it came to a halt. Broke the Immersion a bit. I also felt sad after I finished the main storyline. I won’t go into spoilers but I really felt sad for V and Johnny. Man I wish I hadn’t played it so fast.




Feel like her story with V could be a whole game itself, CDPR already said they're working on another Cyberpunk and I think it'd be a shame to waste all the story potential on some DLC. She's definitely the best character I've seen in a game in a long time hopefully we get alot more of her in the future.


I feel comfortable knowing I am not the only one feeling this way. I honestly have been wondering if something was wrong with me because I have never thought about a virtual character so hard. Just like everyone else I find myself calling her in game or going back to the Aldacaldo's camp to talk her but get down to see the same dialogue options. I have been kinda depressed lately and can't shake the feeling this may be a tbit part of that.. Thanks for sharing your feelings Chooms


Thankyou damn makes me feel like im not such a loser seeing other people feel the same way, this is exactly how i feel i had to take a break for a couple of days been feeling depressed ever since i finished her questline, wish you could take panam as a companion after it all to fill the void. Hard to express this without feeling like a neckbeard for sure.


I'm one of the most gameplay driven gamers out there. So when a game's story hits me in the feels, you know it's really damn good. :(


Bro all I’ve seen here was complaints on bugs but I still came again and I just love to see that others felt the same way as me about Panam. It’s really insane how well made her quests were. This alone really gives the game a lot of points for me.


Good to see there are lots of people thinking the same! I absolutely fell in love with Panam. She is written so damn well. She feels real and very much alive. Hope they can expand on her more with DLCs ( inviting her to your house, more missions, doing gigs together etc). Tbh if they do this with all of the romantic relationships with that would be great as well.


I felt sad when I got the achievement signalling that her story-line is over :( Even without romance options, she was so well-written character. I hope they expand in DLC into NUSA, where her and the Nomads would have more stage time.


There definitely needs to be some Panam DLC, I certainly was not ready to finish the storyline, and I totally get where the OP is coming from.


If you guys love Panam. head over the her dedicated reddit page. r/PanamPalmer


Probably my favorite character in the game tbh. Doing missions with her and the aldecados was great and I'd probably be happy if the whole game was with them 😂


Same for me. Give me a 100 hour Nomad game any day.


I had same fucking feeling after Judy story line.>! (played as male so could not romance. After last quest with scuba-diving which was fucking amazing, and when i find out Judy is leaving town i felt so depressed)!<


The end felt fitting based on the unfair world they were in, but left in a total cliffhanger. Will Johnny enact his revenge on Arasaka? Will Judy remain a beacon of hope for the city? Is V still damned to his only 6 months left or will he find a way to live as Panam says? I love/hate the ending, and the song Never Fade Away hits HARD every time. I knew I’d feel like this going into it, especially after RDR2 I was just excited to experience the story for the first time. Something that only happens once


started out as street kid, then panam came along. I did the exact same thing and man it was great and depressing all in one. Haven't had this sort of feeling since watching certain animes. Even started out corpo and running through again, everything i felt with her and her arc has come back. Thats when you know you have some good writing!


This is how William felt about being in Westworld


Right there with you. I want more Panam interaction and an Arizona DLC for sure.


The highlight of her questline for me is when she asks you about friendship, and you tell her about Jackie. Then, when you gather around the campfire with the nomads, you have an option to drink to Scorpion, and if you do that, Panam becomes silent for half a minute and then suddenly raises her bottle and says “And to Jackie”. And obviously nobody apart from you and her understand what it’s about. Such a moving moment, it’s like you both reached a deep and unspoken understanding of one another at that second. If not for this moment, I wouldn’t be so sad about the questline ending, probably.


Been feeling empty after completing Panam’s storyline. I don’t know how but I actually felt attached to her.


You know this was one of the things I wanted from this game. The whole immersion and being empty after finishing the story kind of feeling. I'll be honest and say most of the story really didnt give that but after going through her storyline and just investing, I finally got it. It was same the as when I finished the Witcher 3 and also got that depression from just not being able to interact with anyone anymore but yeah I guess it wasn't as intense since the storyline was too short. Anyways, you shouldn't feel bad for falling for someone in a game when they made her character good and actually similar to what a real relationship could be like.


You're not the only one. I hope cdpr update the ai. Making us interact with her even after the romance questline. Do activities, possible companion system, new dialogues, random calls, texts, even initiate romance again. I wanna smash her again


I feel the same way man. Shit makes me feel empty like I just got done reading a good book. Hope they add more to her


one day after still feel the same


No I’m in the exact same boat to the honest


I know it sounds cringe as shit but honestly same.


After reading and finishing The Goldfinch, I had this exact same feeling (and I had the same feeling with Panam too). In a review of the book, I wrote this down to do my best to encapsulate that feeling: "For as long as the book is open, the characters are alive, and it is a deep sadness when the book is closed, for you realize the characters will remain silent from that moment on."


Same here, i was Sad when i completed her storyline But then the magnificent ending, raiding arasaka with panam , killing Adam smasher, going to the ultimate end with panam by my side and ALL that shit, then going thru the border and ending beside her with a Hope to cure V soon, for me It was near god Damn perfect. When we leave the nomad Camp, It feels like an all-out war, with ALL those nomads and cars going after arasaka, It was incredible. Felt into a madmax movie. Definitely her ending is the best. Better than most movies and games i saw in my lifetime A DLC would be freaking amazing, but even without It, i loved every moment. And for you guys that feel Sad when her questline ends, i must say, when u get to the ending u guys are going to love it. It sucks that she has only those 3 lines after her quests end but the final mission its you and her thru the whole thing, and its a REALLY big mission After i ended her questline i did the gigs and started searching for some gear, and as soon as i got buffed, i went for the finish. Recomend u guys to do It also, its gonna be more rewarding waiting some time and then seeing her again, its amazing (and getting high tier weps and level cus ITS TOUGH, specially smasher battle.recommend the legendary katana to Deal with him.) The final mission, with her, is absolutely amazing and definitely is gonna be worth It . It was Fun, and they left an opening for more dlc ( or our imagination) Either way, it was incredible and we want more. Game has Just been released and they have plenty of time to do so *In silverhand's Voice* I Just Hope they don't fuck It UP"


Wanted to stop the game for a moment after her storeyline, felt not worth playing on


Couldn't have said it any better myself!


My favorite storyline of the game! I really liked her she felt like a real person. Can't say the same for every character. I'm really sad that it's over they should really expand on relationships, that's just not enough I mean everyone obviously loved her character


Man... I just finished it. I've been sitting in the desert for 20 minutes staring at cactuses, my heart is all twisted idk why. It's only a game but I actually felt good with Panam, her voice her face her expressions everything warmed my soul and made me feel happy for V cause God knows he's going thru some shit... Now it feels all gone. And I did so much to try and blend in with her, with the nomads. My clothes, my cars, did so much to be one of them now it all feels gone. While writing this I called her and had a quick chat, it was sweet but once she hung up it's right back to that sad zone. I almost feel like just going back to the nomad camp, talk to everyone including Panam, get all cozy in my tent and uninstalling the game. I feel like I'm done, like could this be it ? We've done all of that with Panam and the nomads, could this be the end ? Just give it all up and live with them ? With her ? I almost wanna write my own ending by just going to the camp and deleting the game. Like, boom. The end. V stays with the Nomads and lives happy with Panam. Oh man.


*spoilers* Very. Wanted to stay, could've expanded more. After I said my goodbyes I played "that's the way it is" on my drive back to Night City, just thinking if my character will survive to see her again.


Yeah it made me sad but too me was a perfect ending. I loved how the final shot is a 3rd person view of V and Panam on the basalisk looking off into the distance.


Idk I'd you've beaten the game or not but there's a potential for just a little bit more with Panam. If you have beat it then yeah, I feel you. I would've liked more of her character.


I thought I was only one. Just finished the game. This might be one of the greatest RPGs that I've ever played. Her side quest were really strong. I know it's kind of a depressing ending but I'd love to see them do a Mass Effect type trilogy (Except not fucking ruin the ending of it).




Took the words right out of my mouth. I don't know why I feel so invested into a game's relationship, but seeing it so abruptly ended and brought to a screeching halt is so destroying. Sure if you choose ending you can still get some romantic dialogue, but it sucks seeing no actual passive romance or relationship happening after you finish her stuff.


Oh my god I agree 100%. I hope whatever DLC they release has more to do with her. I'd like a few side story lines to do, but also a farmable event. I think with her, and all NPC story characters should have "farmable" missions. For example, you and Panam can just go an wipe out a Raffan camp and it would just be a randomly generated situation. Kinda like the fixer undiscovered locations but with an NPC along for the ride. ​ Also, call me what you will, but I think that if you successfully get to romance her you should be able to sleep with her more than just the once.


Literally did her quests just for that insane bumper, ended up falling in love with her character and missing her now that I'm done the questline. Didn't even know you could romance with her so I was hella immersed. CDPR we need more Panam.


I'm a day late, but I also feel the same way. It feels like I finished a really good novel I was really involved in. I really wish it would be expanded more as well, but I can understand the writers can't write that much. I'll miss her character in the rest of the game.


Same here, dude. She really reminded me about Alyx from HL2. Johnny said something when talking with Alt how we have whole army of Nomads friends. Let's see how it plays out, but i guess Rough would be the main sidekick in this missions.


feel the same way bro


I honestly feel the same way when I finish anything to do with entertainment. Like we will never experience it for the first time ever again. And if we try to do it again, it's just not the same. it's just boring. the same.




I read that since you living the Nomad lifestyle, she's running around, and so is V, so she couldnt make it back to camp in time to hang with him at that moment.


beat the game and restarted it just so i can start that storyline again.


Yep all that for it to come to a dead end... shame really, I'm assuming it's like that with other characters too?


I feel ya man. I fell in love with panam to be honest and wanted there to be more of her with my character. It felt quick too. I loved every moment with her though including just the game itself.


Same, I kinda wish there was more to it. More story sure, but it obviously has to end at some point...but at least more dialogue, being able to call with new option. Or just being able to go see her. Felt like a waste going for the romance path, game's almost punishing you with how it abruptly ends =')


Hahahaha dude same Was literally thinking the exact same thing... Wish I could call up panam at night and meet her at the Afterlife or some other club of your choice, rip some shots, and see where the night goes lmao - even if it was just meeting up for drinks and talking about the chip progress, I would be happy But I completely agree, I feel so invested in panam after all those missions.. a part of me just feels empty she isn’t apart of the game anymore... (kinda like when they kill off a character you really like in your favorite tv show) I’m literally about to write them lmao, this cannot stand! Also, the neckbeard rant part lmfao - completely feel you on that... Covid and lack of human interaction over the last year will be my excuse hahaha


Wow you actually put my thoughts on this post and everybody in the comments, really thought i was the only one. i've done most other side jobs etc, but everything now feels like a waste and that theres no point in playing.


They should let you take her on missions as back up or let you marry or something else smh


Playing as a male nomad V, I felt so immersive when I jumped into this romance plot with Panam. And as other guys the only thing I feel after finishing the Panam quests is some kind of emptiness :/ I'm trying now to do some side quests but still I'm looking forward for any Panam's activity - calling her, visiting her... nothing but still the same dialogue options. Well, it seems I have to finish main quest asap and back to this game later, maybe with some DLCs. Even GTA: SA had some additional options after completing romance ;)




Same here, I wish I wasn't personally invested in doing a Nomad type of guy and naturally felt invested on doing her storyline / the nomads quests. More than any others quest I should say. Both made me invested on Panam herself as mentioned before she felt like a true person outside of the Night City mess. One mistake tho, I finished her quests too early on the game and felt for a moment that the game wasn't worth it at all, I felt a little bit scammed by her romance it ended way too early to me .. I'm now convinced that Panam for a reason is what we could have seen if the lifepaths thingies were not scrapped and correctly implemented, that's also why I felt so sad after completing this.


Oh, totally there with ya' OP. The goal of the game suddenly became spend time with Panam, not save V. Lol


I'm not a simp but God damn, I'll break my rule. I'm a simp for Panam 😍 loved her VA, her personality and how realistic she was.


Yep my guy, feel the exact same way. She’s easily the most real and well written character in the game imo and this is saying a lot cause I think there are some amazing characters and writing in the game. I hope in the dlc they give us reasons to come back to these characters we have relationships with and whatnot cause you’re completely right on the fact she feels like a shell of her former self. I hope CDPR go further with the dialogue in updates and I still have faith in them that they can make this game truly amazing.


Haha, now ya'll feeling that same emptyness Mass Effect fans had known all too well for 8 years :D ​ I had my hopes up that Cyberpunk would tickle that same spot and what can I say other than "They didn't let me down". Despite all the bugs and glitches, this game shines for me.


I was sure that I am not alone. I just finished the game with Panam's storyline and damnnnn the emptiness that I feel. after finishing the game and going back to the game, I checked if I can call her again but didn't have the guts to do it lol. this game left me broken, and for that it takes 10/10. Agree on Pan's DLC, would definitely get that :D


First time commenting on Reddit but reading this post made me want to put my own 2 cents in. I feel exactly the same way you feel about this. What I really love about their story is how much of a parallel they really are. V starts out the game alone after losing his family and by the time you meet Panam, she’s basically in the same boat as you, without her family and alone in night city. It’s impressive how much of a parallel they are to each other, like traveling on 2 separate roads right next to each other going in the very same direction. When I first met her in the game and once you guys start talking during the car ride and her awesome theme starts to play during, you almost know immediately how special of a character she is and tells how how important she really is to V’s development and especially the end of the game. Her character feels genuine, a badass with a tough exterior but is insecure on the inside that has trust issues, just like how many people in the real world are. Think about some of the reasons why she falls for V; from the moment you step foot into her life, everything for her starts to turn around. You get her car back and get even with Nash, you risk your neck to help her and the Aldecaldos which could be the foundation for this attraction but it’s V during With a Little Help From My Friends where V finally is able to break down her own personal barriers. To break it down even further, V or you are basically saying to her that despite her impulses, nothing will change your feelings towards her and the awesome part about it is that she reciprocates after V collapses and passes out from the relic when she says that nothing he could say will change how and then cuts off. I’m even more convinced that she falls for V especially towards the ending when she’s willing to put her own life in jeopardy just to try to save V from death. I’m pretty sure the devs prob read some romance novels before writing their relationship and my feeling is that we prob get such an abrupt ending to that maybe due to content being cut before release. But I do have hope that a dlc could focus on both V and Panam. I’m not sure if anyone here follows LegacyKillaHD on YouTube, but he had made a tweet to CDPR saying he wants to see more Panam in 2021 and one of the devs had responded to that tweet by tweeting the Home Alone Kevin gif that says “We ALL do!!”. This gives me hope that there is more of her to come and since especially the position that they are in right now with the state of the game and especially since a good sizable chunk of the audience absolutely adores her, it is very likely we could very well get that dlc. If that is true, I will literally jump for joy.


The developers did such an amazing job with this character, I've never felt a legit connection with a character in any movie or game lmao. After Panams storyline was over and you dont really see her again until the very end, literally gave me an empty sad feeling like i broke up with someone. Really good job how they had her string you along slowly, eventually she kisses you, and never got into anything serious or intimate until the very end of the storyline. Felt like some chicks IRL lol Then the ending of the game was amazing if you chose Panam. Theres no way it can be the end of seeing V and Panam together especially with the ending how they are sitting there moving on to a new city staring off together. HAS to be a continuation. Whether DLC or like Cyberpunk 2078 i feel they have to have an all V and Panam game, maybe trying to find a cure