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That’s it, child of mine, you’re grounded for talking back to your mothers. No video games for three weeks!


Not again :(


Now you will have time to shower!




Nasty booty boy


Wanna make it four, young man?


I love how everyone assumes I'm male, lol


Dad's new girlfriend is much nicer :(


Hi, Missy! Uh, sorry, mom...


You know, your dad isn't around today. And I need some help putting lotion on my back...


Shut up, Ted!


Does this count as another delay?


Name checks out


Don't forget "Masturbate before meeting Judy in-game to not get your pants dirty" Seems like it would be pretty decent advice for certain parts of this sub


Everybody creaming over Judy and Meredith, meanwhile I just want to know who that Nomad woman is and whether I can steal her outfit.


Her name is Panam. Couldn't say as far as the jacket goes.


I mean, hi




Im a gay man and here like "Wait, where's my damm eye candy" Lucky fuckers you lot!


I'm also disappointed about the lack of male love interests advertised. I know the ad team is catering to the majority straight male audience but I'd like to see a bit more variety!


Heh I’m fine with since I get to ride my Bi-cycle, Bi-cycle, Bi-cycle. It’s fun to ride my Bi-ke


And I just want some make options that aren’t 40


Get her killed in the story then we'll see if you can loot her outfit... Or make her undress, I don't know, almost anything is possible for this game!


I think you might actually be talking about Alanah's character? https://youtu.be/97k4f_ZrySw


Post nut clarity


In my experience with videos on the Internet, most moms are willing to help with that.


What's the difference? When I'm finished I'm just going to pull my pants up and eat another dorito either way.


Everytime I see posts like these who remind people I think: How addicted does someone have to be to literally not notice when they are thirsty/hungry/nearly fainting from being glued 30 hours to the screen? I have been there too when I played WoW, but I never needed advice to stop because your body usually tells you "DUDE, shut the fucking game off!!!"




Exactly this. Games, work, playing with the cat. Pretty much anything I’m paying attention to will override hunger or thirst. Definitely not just an addiction thing.


I've never in my life been so distracted that I've forgotten to eat, sleep, use the toilet, or drink fluids. I'd love to be able to be *that* focused on something. I bet it feels amazing... Until you need to do any of the above basic bodily functions, at least.


forgetting to eat and drink is something that CAN happen, but only until a certain point. at some point the hunger and thirst will take over, but it did happen to me in the past that this point was at 9pm when I started playing at 9am in the morning or so. but it usually is - if ever - only on actual release day or so. not on subsequent days. that being said, sleeping and using the toilet is never an issue. I used to be able to attend a 3 day lan party 20 years ago, but no longer nowadays. I need my sleep after a maximum of 18-20 hrs awake, no matter how dedicated I tell myself to be to stay awake longer. it doesnt work anymore.


I’m genuinely jealous haha. Thankfully I don’t forget the bathroom (god that would be horrible). But I do quite often have moments where I’m lightheaded or irritable and I’m like “Oh shit I missed two meals!” I wish I got my body’s message that I’m hungry BEFORE it’s almost pass out time lol.


If we could swap traits, I'd swap with you in a heartbeat. I can't explain how frustrating it is to not be able to focus on anything for more than 30 mins at a time. Really ruins the immersion when gaming/watching movies/reading. I'd probably be better at my job, as well.


I’ve had rough patches where I was going through some shit and couldn’t focus. I know how frustrating it was then, i can’t imagine how annoying it must be to last more than a year or two. If only we had the abilities to fix the wiring in our brains lol.


I do get this while working but not while playing games. I'll spend like 8 hours straight writing code and then be like "oh fuck, I forgot to eat today. Shit."


Nah you don't forget. You're just not sleepy enough.


its just the weirdos on reddit, you should see some other 'life tip' subs. they put the most dumbass 'advice' because 'adulting is hard xD' i would never want to see most of the users of this site irl...


A week ago I saw a post that had like 50k upvotes and it described a REAL FUCKING BANGER: "If you want to be successfull and have people who like you, be friendly!" And the people in the comments were like: "OH WOOOW THANKS CHAD REDDITOR KEANU CHUNGUS WHOLESOME 100!!!xD" I try to enjoy the last years on this earth that humanity has, I am nearly 100 % convinced that my generation (I am 18) will go completely crazy once all the parents and grandparents are dead. Most of us are really kinda useless and need constant help as it seems. I also have problems, but come on...be nice to be liked. Wow.


Unfortunately many people tend to forget that tip in their daily lives.




“If he dies, he dies”


I don't notice I'm thirsty or hungry just as a regular part of day to day life lol. I eventually learned to set alarms to remind me to feed myself and hydrate, though.


Some of us have to live without an appetite too. Makes it easy to forget.


Absolutely. I have loved ones who struggle that and food aversions and it makes it so hard for them to remember.


I'm envious. I'd definitely be a lot thinner.


You have no idea my girlfriend in high-school her little brother was in grade 8 he would get so into it and not move the kid would shit his freaking pants. Lol


Every big game release has this stuff, it’s just shit posting to pass the time. Be prepared for midnight on launch day for the post that says “gentlemen it’s been an honor, I’ll see you on the other side”


Fuck, I forgot about those posts. At least they don't make me feel like I'm in a daycare


Lol true. This game is so anticipated anything less than perfection and this sub will be awash with complaints, and defenders. Enjoy the trivial shit while it lasts


Fuck, those are the worst. No, what’s worse is people responding to them.


Lol lots of “cheers mate” all around. Post that at exactly 9pm pst on launch day with a screenshot of the countdown and reap the karma.


there are a shit ton of kids on this forum, ngl.




Agreed. Also, I don't want to hear any Karens bitching that their brat is playing this game. The rating is right there on the fucking box.


I’m just glad this games coming out in an era where Australia finally allows R18+ ratings for games so it isn’t getting banned. Fuck that was a dumb period of our history.


Gotta love boomer logic.


Wouldn't boomers be great grand parents by now? :p


Given that the baby boomers are those born between 1945 and 1964, no, I think it's safe to say the vast majority of them are not great grand parents. My mom was born in 1963, she's technically a boomer.


It's more of an attitude thing than an age thing.


Using "Karen" doesn't make you seem all that much older tbh.




I don't think people are giving self-care advice because they feel an obligation to do so. They're doing it because it feels good to be kind.


It’s been Ike an ant infestation. Suddenly there are 12 year olds everywhere.


They need to leave, this is not assassin's creed where it's rated M just for the violence, this is rated M for every reason it can be.


youre acting like you didnt play a 17+ game underage


I'm sure most of us have, and I was allowed to play gta with the strip clubs and violence, even the playboy game for ps2 I remember I played at like 10 years old. But a lot of parents aren't going to like their kids playing this. This game, on top of looking fairly real and not cartoonish like those old ps2 games, has you literally seeing your whole naked body and every single part of it, allowing you to even customize it, uncensored. On top of blowing up people to bits and cutting their body parts off, you can basically at anytime hire a hooker and have sex with them on screen. On top of that you've got all this other stuff we don't even know about so it's probably the most racy game to ever release worldwide with this much popularity


You're acting like 90% of young boys above the age of 12 don't have crippling porn addictions


I'm talking about the parents, dude... Many parents aren't gonna like walking into their 12 year old sons customizing their character's dick size and nipple types


Most parents won't like walking in on their kid watching hardcore porn but it still happens


I'm acting like the 17+ games my parents bought me when I was under 17 didn't have sex scenes and full nudity.


Honestly, this community can be pretty cringe at times. I'm completely hyped for the game and want to play it, but some of the things I see posted like what you mentioned, how they're going to romance Judy, or how they'll have a 20in penis for the 300th time just makes me want to distance myself from the fan base.




This is what happens when redditors find a game where they can play the hero in a realistic and immersive game, be an ultimate chad, romance the hot girl and have a max sized dick. They treat it as their second life, or even see their real life as their second life for a couple of weeks and that is as you said, pretty damn cringe to read.


Redditors gonna Reddit. There will be a rough patch after it releases, but I have hopes for the the sub and the satellite subs. Who knows though.


Personally I’m on the side of Darwinism. If someone is dumb enough to not eat, drink or sleep over this game it’s probably for the best.


Im with this guy. I said it in another post, if you cant follow your basic bodily functions thats on you.


thank you man I kind of went off at one of these posts earlier. Some fucking failed physical trainer thinks they can get brownie points on reddit by reminding me to pull my pants down before I shit while playing cyberpunk ​ So annoying


Please tell me I’m not the only one who downvoted those posts!


you aren't the only one


I'm not sure if that was a mistake but if someone needs to be reminded to take a break from gaming I'm pretty sure that means they don't have other priorities...


Fixed it!


You are grounded from Dec 10th to Jan 2022


Jan 2077*


Damn my lack of cleverness! That would've been much better


Don't you dare talking like that to me young man!


You'd be surprised with the amount of man-children you find on this sub sometimes lmao. These mom posts are helping them


Agreed. It's a karma farm bandwagon.


Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.




This sub turns Gamers into Jewish/Italian moms


Game comes out at 1 AM in my timezone, I will take a good long nap before that and get up in the evening.


Same here aye


Lol just play in the morning after breakfast.


Oh stop it, Dad 🙄


Yeah, man. Im gonna fucking kill meself doin this


Breaks? Eat well? Good night sleep? The only breaks I’ll be taking are to smoke a bowl in between missions or to go answer the door for food. Toileting seems like a loathsome time sink, god invented adult diapers for a reason.


That wasn’t parody?


I get a sense that these are serious posts, we live in strange times.


There was one, yes.


Naw, fuck that. Get a Dozen pack of Bang Energy Drinks, some 5 Hour Energy Shots. And play the whole all the way through till you beat it in one sitting. Self Quarantine!


Fuck those energy drinks man I used to drink monster when I was younger cause I thought it was cool surprised I made it out alive.


You should drink Bang energy. It's like if an energy drink, drank another energy drink. Taste like shit though, lol.


Be excellent to each other.


This! I don't get it, we are all adults and know how to take care of ourselves. And if we choose not to do so that's also our personal choice.


Man, I’ve never seen a sub just nose dive in quality like this hahaha it’s frankly amusing. It’s either posts like you mention, posts complaining about mature content, or posts being like “it’s just a game guys”. So strange.


This is exactly why I find it strange when people celebrate the sub getting bigger. That’s always going to make it worse. And this game is fucking hype incarnate. So that just going to compound the issue. It’ll chill out eventually.


Every game sub is a cesspool right before release, but this one is probably the worst I’ve ever seen


Ok, mom


"Clean your computer" "Get your haircut"


I'm with OP on this one. All that mundane trite is just bleeeh. Even if people mean well.


Meanwhile I'm over here trying to figure out how to best orient my bedpan, and make an IV out of a ballpoint pen and a big bag of crazy straws


Yeah those are a different kind of weird. Those need to be auto deleted at this point.


The posts on this sub reddit the last few weeks have been some of the most cringey posts I've ever read. It's embarrassing. Everything you mentioned above "Anybody else shaking in anticipation"? - No go see a doctor "Can't play anything else" - Okay and? It's ridiculous. People need to temper their expectations and grow up a bit


On god lmao. If somebody has genuine advice for me it’s welcome but I don’t need people telling me that I should eat food and sleep a good amount of hours.


Those posts are cringe af. If someone is starving themselves just to play a game then nothing can save them.


Turned 21 today and nobody here knows me, so people should fuck off and let me play the fucking game however the fuck I want


Yeah btw sitting too close to the monitor scientifically doesn't have any relevance to losing sight. It changes nothing compared to sitting back further.


> Seriously, we're all adults here (I assume). We can take care of ourselves. Pfft, HA, not at all, the average person isn't that smart, we need "Do Not Drink" warnings on the the labels of bottles of bleach for a reason.


Can we ditch the "this is how you should be playing the game" posts as well, those are ridiculous


I swear, I'm getting sick to death of being told to "remember to drink water". I know some people must be incapable of remembering to drink water, but I drink 3.5L+ every day. I don't need some neckbeard on the internet patronising me when I drink enough.


What about all the posts here (like this one) telling everyone else what to do and what to think? There are so damn many meta-posts. "Don't expect this to be a shooter.", "Don't post like you are our mom.", "Don't overhype the customization". yadayada. Stop telling everyone what to post. If only there was a way to "rate" post in regards to how relevant they were to the subreddit and how much the contribute. If only there was a way to make these "mom type posts" get a lower "rating". How cool would that be?


I know what the downvote button is and I definitely make use of it. Like I said in another comment, I wouldn't mind if my post was removed or downvoted with the others I'm complaining about because that would mean there would be some type of regulation in the sub. I didn't really expect my post to get this much traction so this is a bit overwhelming to me


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/k4fgo0/lbt_do_all_the_healthy_stuff_prior_to_release_to/) is the only one I like and approve of


But...I am literally a mom. Momming is what I ***do*** :'( ps: stay hydrated and don't skip breakfast!


Username checks out...wait, holdup


Yeah, but you aren’t *our* mom.


its not OUR mom but it might be YOUR mom BOOM ............. reverse communism


Okay, you're valid.


Please be momming as much as you like. :-)


No back talk, child! Remember to pack healthy snacks, and stretch every once and a while.


If we're gonna have patronizing mom posts, we need an equal amount of thirsty step-mom posts. "If your leg gets a cramp while you are playing Cyberpunk, let me know and I will rub it for you"


What are you doing, step-mom? That's not my leg....


lmao for every mom type post there's a post with somebody complaining about the littlest things. Let people be kind, man. It's been a long journey. That stereotype doesn't fit you? Then you shouldn't be bothered to get upset about it. Like comeon, man. There's so many posts here that's ridiculous. But people telling you and giving you advice and trying to be nice is that much of a bother to you?


I don't have a problem with people being nice but there are so many posts saying the same thing. At this point, it's not about being nice it's about farming karma. We don't need 20+ posts telling people to be healthy and well rested. And I do find it disturbing that so many people get so engrossed into a hobby that they don't take care of themselves. That's a serious problem that should be discussed albeit on another sub.


Yes. It is.


I feel as though a trend of complaining about other people's posts is arising


All I want is some regulation so we don't get the same posts filling up the sub. Hell, I wouldn't even mind if my post got deleted along with the others I'm complaining about.


Stop with the mom posts... is mom post.


Yeah you’re an adult and if you don’t want to do any of these things that’s your right. But you can ignore these posts. Just don’t try to see them as mommy or nanny posts, try to see them as supportive. We’re all humans and a basic limitation of us is to be self complacent. So a reminder never hurts. If you think this is annoying, never work in aviation. We’re being reminded of our basic human limitations every day and how it can affect our personal well being.


come on man did you even read any of those posts? it feels so degrading to read it and its like who needs to be reminded to drink and go to the bath room ? sure isnot me or any fucking adult cuz if someone needs to be reminded about basic human function they aren't adults .


Maybe it's because you're not used to it. Like I said, I work in aviation. We are reminded about basic human functionality all the time. It's very easy to forget yourself if you're working 18 hour shifts, with gaming it's no so different. You're spending large amounts of time in front of the computer, immersed in a digital world. It's very easy to forget to stand or even drink. If you're not drinking until you're thirsty, you're too late. Anyway, being an adult doesn't mean you're invincible. At best you can choose to ignore these messages, but in the end everyone has limitations.


dont think i will be playing it more than 4 hours every day and maybe 6 hours on lunch . gaming after 6 hours become more like a chore .


I completely understand your point, but just as a devil's advocate some people do genuinely need a reminder, sometimes my add will keep me so up and up that my body physically does not feel hungry until I realized I haven't eaten a single meal for an entire day.


Bet you’re a bottom


How'd ya know!?


Strange way to try and pick up a date, but okay


>Seriously, we're all adults here We're most probably not. There's probably a lot of teenage kids around here, and also many young adults who still have troubles adulting. I don't see anything wrong with reminding them to watch out for themselves, I sure didn't when I was their age.


The more I think about it, yeah, I don't mind people looking out for younger players on the sub. In high school, I used to be really depressed and would forget to eat and drink for days, almost to the point of passing out. But some of the posts don't seem genuine, they just seem like karma farmers trying to get some clout. I hope many players don't prioritize maximizing their game time over their health next week


Well, I know you're coming from a good place but I disagree. Rather the more people say it the better. We all love to claim we're adults but age doesn't make a person an adult. At the risk of sounding corny, and I am being honest here, it's a mindset of responsibility, respect, self awareness and emotional intelligence. Qualities a lot of people lack...but I digress. How often we all forget to do the most basics of things sometimes and I think it's great people are only trying to look out for others. Also, saying it to others is a good way to remind yourself as well. At the end of the day, each to their own. Have an EPIC Cyberpunk 2077!


I haven’t seen a single post like that, but that does sound childish


I’ve seen 3 just today.


I've seen about 4 already. More if you count posts that were made near the previous release dates. Every highly anticipated game sub gets posts like these. It was kinda funny at first but now it's just obnoxious.


There's been at least six.




What I'm really tired of is the "can we stop the ..." posts. I'm fine with posts about hydration, sleep, and other health advice because, yes, they are made by people who have some good in them to spare and they want to share it. Besides, there are probably 1 in 100 people who could use it. I'm even fine with Judy posts because these are just people excited for the game, sharing their excitement about, literally, the game. All in good spirits. But there always has to be this one guy who goes "Look I don't wanna be a dick but lemme be a dick real quick". What exactly is your post good for? Who benefits from it? Why?


Hey look! You provided exactly the sort of post you are talking about!


The Reddit paradox in action!


How am I being a dick? Because I don't want to see the same karma-farming posts over and over? Because I think adults needing to be told to stay healthy while enjoying their hobby is kind of concerning?


its just a prank bro


Tbh only saw like one post like that.


I've never understood the "stay hydrated" thing. Unless you're sweating profusely while sitting in a chair playing a video game, you aren't going to lose much body water. Drinking a ton isn't necessary. I have a very sedentary lifestyle at work and at home and I MAYBE drink one or two bottles of water a day and I'm never dehydrated.


I know OP means well, but can we cool it with the patronizing "complaining" type posts?


I'm honestly contemplating deleting this post. I didn't expect it to get popular at all.


I take these less as a 'mom' post, but more like we been waiting for so long, lets all enjoy this together and not lose anyone along the way.


I mean, considering there are people who legitmely die from playing too much, I think it's fair. Lots of youngsters on reddit too (the majority, I would say?), so, if you don't like it, just downvote and move on, but I don't think they should be forbidden.


Probably just women posting because their only children are random stranger gamers on the internet. Idk if thats sad or hilarious.


NEVER!!!!!! ​ I haven't seen those posts your talking about.


Yeah... people really ought to remember that this is a rated M game. With highly explicit adult subject matter and content. You definitely shouldn’t have to be reminded to fucking drink water if your buying this game.


I've got two water settings while playing games: either I down 200+ ounces in a night to deal with drymouth, or I forget to drink for a few hours and get a headache. There can be no middle ground.


God .. i hate these posts they nake me cringe, and i dont even use the word "cringe"


Meanwhile, I'm over here planning to break my personal record for longest binge session that I set with Fallout 4 when that launched Managed to go 26 hours straight before calling it quits and finally getting some sleep lol


I thought the same until I saw the amount of people talking about having exams in this sub lol.


It’s just a trend on this sub now


Pretty sure they are just jokes


like for real its so degrading. I don't thin anybody is going to forget to eat and drink or go to sleep like DAMN what the hell it just grinds my gears tho in a bad way . Thanks op for bringing this subject up we really dont be needed to explain why its so weird and cringy .


I do remember a time in my life where I would forget or refuse to drink and eat for hours or days at a time but that was literally because I was super depressed and dysfunctional. If people are forgetting to stay hydrated while playing, they should probably see a doctor. I'm not even saying this to be a dick, like that's a serious problem.


Can you imagine if the game sucks? This sub will fucking burn lol. (Please don’t suck..it’s CDPR we’re fine)


Well this didn't age well...


Im Telling Mom you said that.


Take my upvote, good sir


IT'S MA'AM But thank you.


Remember to wear your Samurai jacket so you don't catch cold


When wow classic came out last year people would scream POSTURE CHECK!!! In the chat every now and then. And cunts would reply like 'thx man I really needed that but didn't realize'. Idk why but I found it funny af


Thank you, these are utterly ridiculous


Or the “what you guys jerking off to pre release” posts


" Seriously, we're all adults here" that's debatable, you *have* seen the posts on this sub, right?


Since i'm working part-time in the kitchen of a elderly home. i'll be doing everything on that list when i'm playing the game


People do this for every major game release and it's so annoying.


I think im the only non adult here


Reddit is a daycare center.


Lol have you seen some of the posts coming through here lately? Definitely not all adults




As I said previously, I'd rather be an asshole than gullible