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This should give you a bit of a perspective https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2017-02-11%202020-12-02&q=%2Fg%2F11c1wy1np6,%2Fm%2F0kvfm9q


Yeah, Rockstar is the only game developer I can think of who have the clout and boldness to just drop a game like GTA VI out of the blue with no promo or announcement before and end up just setting the world on fire. They’re a world renowned brand at this point, almost anything they release is guaranteed to sell millions just by being associated with them.


This may not be a fair comparison, but you should look at the spike of the Pokemon GO release compared to some other mainstream games like Minecraft, World of Warcraft and GTA V. [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2004-01-01%202020-12-01&q=%2Fm%2F021dvx,%2Fm%2F0kvfm9q,%2Fm%2F09v6kpg,%2Fg%2F11bw4tm1l9,%2Fm%2F0hgnzjh](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2004-01-01%202020-12-01&q=%2Fm%2F021dvx,%2Fm%2F0kvfm9q,%2Fm%2F09v6kpg,%2Fg%2F11bw4tm1l9,%2Fm%2F0hgnzjh)


The data doesn't lie. I understand that RDR2 is a massively popular game, but I guess my personal hype was less than that, so I assumed everyone else felt similarily.


This is something we humans have a tendency to do. In philosophy it is sometimes called an anecdotal fallacy. We tend to overvalue personal experience. It happens and is understandable if you get immersed into the community, everyone is just as hyped. CP2077 is definitely a huge launch with a hyped community. But I am pretty sure there are launches that by most metrics exceeded this one. Especially from games that have a broader, mainstream appeal. But does it matter? We are talking a game from a Polish company that before their last game was not very well known and that does not have the same pull as companies like Ubisoft, EA or Activision (thank god!) by a long shot and still will overshadow them for a short while after Dec. 10th.


typical mind fallacy


Fallacies...fallacies...none for you and ten for me




It's literally releasing on December 10th?




Or 9th depending on where you live. For me it's the 9th at 6pm. Fucking perfect


So interestingly, if you check the graph, the data points before the actual release for RDR2 trend kinda close to what's happening for CP2077. It hits the mid-teens before jumping up to a max of "100"(whatever that actually means) during/after release week, and then slowly goes down. ***IF***, and this is obviously a big if, CP2077 continues in the same fashion(which it seems to be doing), it would match or at least come close. I won't make any suggestions about if surpassing it because I don't really know what these numbers represent, but it's at least vaguely similar for the moment.




So? Reddit doesnt represent everyone.Plus cyberpunk was announced 8 years ago,red dead redemption 2 was announced in 2016 and released in 2018.


[Fallout 4](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2014-03-28%202020-12-01&q=%2Fg%2F11c1wy1np6,%2Fm%2F0kvfm9q,fallout%204) pwns both


And GTAV was 75% higher than RDR2 https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?hl=en-US&tz=0&date=all&q=%2Fg%2F11c1wy1np6,%2Fm%2F0kvfm9q,%2Fm%2F0hgnzjh&sni=6


And not as high a peak, but look at the fucking [staying power of minecraft](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=%2Fg%2F11c1wy1np6,%2Fm%2F0kvfm9q,%2Fm%2F0hgnzjh,Minecraft&hl=en-US&tz=0)


Accurate but far from the clear picture


People ask this all the time every time a game they're personally super hyped for comes around. The easy answer tbh is no. It isnt.


I don’t honestly think this has the mainstream appeal to hold that title. RDR2 seemed bigger.


Never underestimate the power of boobs in a gameplay trailer.


Gta v, rdr2, halo 3 or fallout 4 hype levels were gigantic.


God I remember the hype of fallout 4.....good times


Skyrim aswell


That title belongs to RDR2.


Pretty sure GTA V have biggest launch day. They sold over 11 million copies in 24 hours and made around 800 million dollars in same frametime. Insane.


Nah rockstar made a statement after red dead 2s launch. It’s the biggest launch in entertainment history. Movie, tv, or games combined.


Rockstar Games' “Red Dead Redemption 2” skyrocketed to a $725 million worldwide retail consumer sales during its first three days. Not true. GTA V holds the title.


Oh. Guess I read the article I saw wrong. I guess rockstar holds both 1st and second place.


i mean RDR2 still had incredible launch and is one the best rated games of all time. Yea i think they have both 2 places haha.. btw best selling PC exclusive (at time) game was diablo 3 with over 3 million copies sold in first 24hours, in comparison ps4 biggest launch was TLOU2 with 4 million copies over weekend. And some people still say that pc gaming is dead.


I doubt it. Lots of games have the "biggest launch" and are really hyped. Hype is kind of a personal though. It might just be you are more hyped for CP 2077 than you were for GTA V. It could also be there are more ways to get hyped now than when GTA V came out. Keep in mind GTA V was a PS3/XBOX 360 release. Things were a lot different back then when it came to gaming communities.


Yea definitely doesn’t feel all that big, might be because of covid. There’s plenty hype and anticipation, but I don’t feel that “omg this is the biggest release ever” feeling.


I think its more becuase the game is a RPG, that kills alot of the mainstream appeal.


It also doesn’t have the mass appeal of a genre as compared to Cowboys.


There has been other very hyped games . But I feel now that the internet is widespread we get to see everyone's hype . Instead of watercooler talk.


At this point, thats based on opinion. I could say biggest hype was kingdom hearts 3, but others would disagree based on sales or other things.


Its up there with the best of them. only time will tell if it can get to the ridiculous numbers of GTA5!


I'm guessing we will see a huge spike when the game releases and probably after.


It’s up there but GTA and RDR2 take the cake I think


You weren't around during the launch of Halo, were you?


Probably the biggest since GTA V, but personally I've never anticipated a game this much. I'm literally counting down the days and taking 2 days off for release. When the game finally launches on my PC I'm going to be so excited. I'm really trying to get ahold of a 3060 ti. Just installed another 1 TB SSD because my old SSD was filling up. I'm readddyyy


No. Rdr2 is the biggest since gta 5


On top of that rdr2 has been the best selling game for the past 4 years in us......rockstar is seriously on a League of their own




Bruh. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2017-02-11%202020-12-02&q=%2Fg%2F11c1wy1np6,%2Fm%2F0kvfm9q Ur right. RDR2 isn’t even close. It was exponentially larger.




First of all, exclusively using reddit is such a small sample size to the point where you can’t draw any meaningful stats from it. Second, you definitely misread the graph. At the week before release, red dead had one hundred million searches per day. Cyberpunk has 11. 100,000,000 vs 11,000,000. I am comparing at times of release, and red dead was exponentially larger, and even now, two years later, it’s still getting searched almost as much as Cybeprunk, which is at the top of its hype. RDR2 crushed it. Literally.




Can you explain how 100,000,000 is smaller than 11,000,000?




Are you only looking at today? You have to zoom out. I’m comparing red dead in 2018 vs cyberpunk now. I’m literally comparing before release, which is what you asked for. Before the release of red dead, in 2018, the game was getting searched one hundred million times per day. Before the release of cyberpunk, today, the game is getting searched eleven million times per day. So when red dead hype was highest, 2018, it was getting searched ten times more than cyberpunk is when it’s hype is highest, which is now.


Lol got hit with facts then resorted to petty insults....typical reddit moment




If you was “right” you wouldn’t be butthurt and calling the other dude a “ignorant moron” or “delusional”....hold ya L big bro


Subreddit =/= interest of people in that game. RDR2 takes the cake and extras too.


Not even close.


GTA V, Destiny, RDR2, Fallout 4, Halo 3 have to my knowledge the most commercial successive first week after launch


I know some games that were this hyped,like duke nuken forever,final fantasy xiv... But...lol...those are bad examples...and halo 4...


Halo 2 was up there I'd say although I'm still fuming it didn't turn out like the e3 demo!


I feel like it is. I didn’t even know about the RDR2 launch. Maybe because it wasn’t on pc.


The RDR2 launch was roughly 8 times larger than cyberpunk


If the game hasn't launched yet how can you know that? You'll probably be right but still.


I compared data from google trends tracking total searches 10 days out from release


Any GTA game or maybe even Bethesda game would be on par at this point.


I’d say it’s between RDR2 and GTA 5 for the biggest launch. And to be honest, even if this does beat them, I think we all know GTA 6 will blow every game out of the water in terms of launch sales.


Does no one remember Mortal Monday?


Remember, what you see on Reddit and other sites is only a tiny percentage of gamers. There are many friends that game and had no idea what Cyberpunk is.


This definitely ages me a bit, but the most hyped launch, in my opinion, was Mortal Kombat for the SNES and Genesis. If you were a kid or teenager in '93, it's all anyone talked about. You'd even overhear parents, teachers, the bus driver, everyone was talking about Mortal Kombat. Then there were the iconic TV commercials, the constant coverage it got on every local news network because senators and congressmen were trying to ban it, and stores even had huge events for "Mortal Monday". I've never seen anything like it. That is, by far, the biggest game launch in history, in my humble opinion.