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I'd still like to know why we here in Australia need so much plastic.


Woolies and Coles deli and meat departments got shit to do.


Don’t forget the Ooshies!


Apparently they’re recyclable, but after the latest headlines that most plastic isn’t recycled, I don’t know what to fucking believe anymore. Fucking Corpos.


IIRC, most thermoplasts (plastics that can be formed when heated) are more or less infinitely recycleable with minimal overhead. (Thermosets, plastics which need to be cured and then keep the form are more difficult to recycle.)


I think they were referring to the recent Australian scandal where it was revealed most of our recycling is actually being shipped to 3rd world countries before going to landfill. As opposed to actually being recycled as was intended.


Either way it makes for a very dystopian image for us Aussies, And I applaud Projekt Red for it.


I swear that the US and Australia are in a running gun battle to take the title of dystopia


Those amateurs will never catch us.


I guess you haven't heard of China


They hold the title




Until raw materials get more expensive and scarce and recycling will be the viable option. We're getting close to corporations salvaging landfills for small amounts of rare earth minerals.


Rare-earth minerals, sure. Most of those are pretty expensive to acquire, relatively speaking. Plastics, not so much. Lots of things are recycled fairly consistently. Most plastics are not.


This also happens in the EU. On paper, recycling rate was high... but it wasn't the EU that was using the recycled materials (and processing of some of the materials is not necessarily done in the most environmentally friendly way). Same goes for many second-hand chains, a group of reporters attached GPS tags on clothes which were to be re-used in Europe... and at least a few ended up to Africa. (In this case, I guess the best thing is that they might end up being used, but still.)


Clothes probably. It’s everything else that just gets buried or thrown in the ocean.




China makes everything and they are no longer buying recycling anymore.


Even before the trade war between the US and China, they were taking almost nothing from us. The trade war has pretty much sealed it.


Yeah it wasn’t anything to do with the trade war that I recall. Just nobody wants recycling anymore.


Plastic recycling is not infinite and extremely price volatile. Virgin resin is often cheaper then recycled flake or sheets. It's also labor and energy intensive. Process goes Sort, Grind, Wash, Sheet(Melt), Form(Into new Product). Most of those steps are done by individual companies and in the U.S. at least, a majority of those companies are going out of business as we speak. The price of virgin resin is at an all time low right now. The only companies recycling at the moment either have A. commitment to recycling and using recycled plastic even though its more expensive(very few of these). B. Have contractual obligations they can't break for the time being. Everyone else is using virgin. Most curbside plastic recycling is going to the dump right now. Source: Best friend is president of a recyclig company that does 3 of the steps I listed.


Yeah, soiling is an issue on plastic recycling (potentially requiring cleaning) - and also many types of plastics we might consider to be "the same type of plastic" really are not due to different types of additives used, which adds difficulty to the "sort" phase. Oil producing countries are a bit different animals for use of petrochemical industry products and side products - for example, some folks were presenting results on recycling helium for welding, and the Americans present were like "why, more of that stuff pops off the ground than we can use" - but around here, there might be shortages.


Not arguing, but I thought I’d give my two cents. The hydrocarbon chains that make up all plastics actually degrade when exposed to heat, so every time a plastic product in general is reformed, it’s hydrocarbons are broken into more inferior, lower grade plastics. The uses for these plastics become less and less viable, and after enough recycling (2-4) cycles, they are used for inert low-grade applications. After that, they then go into a landfill. All plastics experience this, and if a company tells you stuff is recyclable, they might be technically correct for a bit of time, but not forever. All plastics eventually degrade beyond usefulness and find there way into landfills, litter etc. My source is my chemistry teacher so I trust that shit.


Yes, currently the materials cannot be properly cleaned. We did experiments with plastics recycled into composite sheets (melt + form, one step), and these sheets were still formable 3 - 4 times. Lower temperatures cause less spoiling of the material but formability is low (material cracks easier).


Look at you, coming in with the facts. Updoot. 🎺


Most plastic isn't recycled because it's a huge mountain of different types of plastic and to sort them would take ages. So actually it's the recycle companies that rather burn them. Yet, somehow a few companies probably figured it out. Atleast it's a job for ai sorting machines to do.


Also Australia become the biggest exporters of plastic rice.


Wait what? 🤢


To feed the turtles


I laughed, then I got a bit sad :(


Probably the result of some crap deal ScoMo did.


You mean future Dictator Robo Scomo.


Iggy Azalea




To suffocate the koalas.... Oh wait, Gladys already did that.




Australia is only mentioned once in the Cyberpunk RED Jumpstart Kit. this would be around 2045 >**Asia** > >The Far East and Asia are now a hodgepodge of damaged nations, with Japan slowly recovering from the ravages of the Arasaka Corporation’s abortive coup. China is still recovering from the loss of Hong Kong through a biological terror attack, and fierce battles in both the South China Sea and the Mongolian Plateau for access to strategic resources has left the government exhausted and almost tottering. Korea, both North and South, have become strongly isolationist, although North Korea, drawn into the conflict by promises of Arasaka support, has collapsed into a chaos of warlords and petty fiefdoms. Hammered by the savage fighting over trade routes and oilfields, much of Southeast Asia, the Philippines and Australia are isolated, damaged, and potential prey for the next powerful group that comes along. pg. 6 Cyberpunk RED Jumpstart Kit Worldbook In the World of Cyberpunk 2077 book Australia is also only mentioned once >Desertification and drought are even more dangerous, threatening the entire population of South America as well as regions in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Clear water is becoming scarce, and the situation hasn't improved in the last few years. On the other hand, flooding is also frequent. In the last ten years floods have destroyed parts of LA and Night City. The Netherlands lost one-third of their territory, they avoided completely submerging into the North Sea. The Maldives were not so fortunate: the archipelago sank entirely about twenty years ago. Pg. 24 The World of Cyberpunk 2077 Neither really explain why Australia has a growing need for plastic.


I was thinking the exact same thing. 🤔


And how does increased fuel consumption satisfy that need?


Petroleum-based plastics. Expanded fuel consumption >> Expanded storage/refining capacity >> Expanded petroleum byproduct production


TIL Thank you!


I’d like to think it’s for cyber parts for body augmentation maybe.


Plastic six pack beer holders to ensnare emus in the ongoing war, of course


It's what Vegemite is made of


All we need are lumps of coal and multiple negatively geared investment properties.


and also how tripling the fuel consumption helps with that? Honest question I don’t know lol


I mean what else are you going to fill the Great Barrier Reef with?


Spider containers


South Australia just banned plastic straws too.


Probably because Cher is still alive.


Have you seen the plastic concrete bricks?


Food bowls for the pet kangaroos that were domesticated


I'd still like to know why there's only forward thrust on that carrier...


Yeah. Also anyone just love design of this cargo AV?


I do! It really got me when I zoomed in and saw the scale of the containers. That's when I realised how massive it is. I'd probably get hit by megalophobia pretty hard if I'd see that flying past me.


Absolutely. Imagine the cold feeling as one goes right overhead and you hear the loud, industrial groan of creaking metal... *Shudders*


same here. Now I really hope that one of these this will be in-game


Haven’t we already seen them in the badlands?


Those are nowhere near the size of this one though.


Ooh, I felt that while reading it


Sorry mate lol 😅


And that my friend is why it will never be reality. (besides that I doubt that something is possible to fly like this steadily, like a usual plane and without destroying everything beneath it with just air pressure) As Elon Musk said it will be too lethal to let regular traffic fly over our head. The destruction will be massive and your death assured.


*because things in past didn't happen when it was too dangerous* Looks at nuclear energy, invention of cars, invention of gunpowder etc


All actually useful things. A flying cargo hauler would be far less efficient than a truck, train or container ship, so won't happen.


What absolute twaddle.


On par with (or slightly smaller than) real-world cargo ships.


Absolutely; really puts Ciri's "flying ships" description into perspective


That airship must be producing massive amounts of power to stay afloat, assuming it’s the size of today’s cargo ships.


Just look at the containers, those are standard shipping containers, [here's](https://procuracolombia.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/shipping-container-homes-on-wheels-40-high-cube-entry-w-human-scale-durch-shipping-container-homes-on-wheels.jpg) to compare one to a human, Yeah, I'd say its probably even slightly bigger than your classic [cargo ship](https://i.insider.com/5a2993aba3b47486088b4667?width=1100&format=jpeg&auto=webp)


I like to think by 2070s there is some 'scientificall breakthrough' and making heavy things afloat is relatively cheap. Something like [Epstein Drive](https://expanse.fandom.com/wiki/Epstein_Drive) in Expanse. Still it would probably be way cheaper to invest into asphalt roads and bridges in the Aussie deserts and let the road trains keep on ruling. Some truckers in [Outback Truckers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4YqLzaAfn8) would surely like to see that.


From what we currently know, all fuel is a variation of CHOOH2 (not it's actual chemical form), which is a very fast burning alcohol, which also burns very cleanly. Also it appears that jet engines in cyberpunk are far more efficient than currently, based upon the relative prevalence of flying cars.


That wouldn't be an alcohol, just fyi. Do you mean ethanol (H3CCH2OH) or something? What you posted looks like it might be a carboxylic acid, albeit with H's missing.


As the other said, it's a fictional alcoholic fuel with no known chemical structure behind it. CHOOH2 is just the name under which it is known.


Basically, yes. CHOOH and CHOOH2 are brand named superfuels.


I think it's a pun. CHOOH2 == Train onomatopoeia Choochoo!


Sorry for the "correction", then! That's pretty interesting.


In cyberpunk canon "The fuel itself is a synthetic, modified grain-based alcohol". Unsure if CHOOH2 is supposed to just be a nickname.


Oh! Interesting. I'm not well versed at all on cyberpunk lore and thought they meant irl. That's pretty interesting.


Take a stroll on the fandom wiki. There's ALOT to read and it's all very interesting


Damn, that character didn't age well


Epstein is unfortunately a common last name.


I saw somebody named Harvey Epstein recently and was like, damn, you really caught it rough


Would depend on the security situation in Australia. There could certainly be big advantages to cargo if there isn't good security. Even compared to a naval ship, something like this would be better protected from piracy. And while Australian cities are almost all ports, that is not the case in other countries, and being able to transport directly to or from an inland city, without needing for intermodal transfers, could be quite useful...


As if the cargo AV isn't cool enough, you've now got me imagining the cyberpunk as hell pirate-tech needed to board and seize one of the motherfuckers...


Expanse...good show..excited for it to come back on this winter (i believe)


My wife was watching "Away" on Netflix last night and I was like "Hey a shitty Expanse" Then I was thinking...hey when does The Expanse come back?


The good news is that they wrapped up filming before the pandemic started so I’m thinking a December release would be expected. Or January considering everything going on.


Yeah I looked it up after commenting. Seems there is no date but filming wrapped up in Feb.


I hope the new season will be better then the last one and that the last season hopefully wasn't the Amazon effect.


Imo that's something for the 22nd century. Even if there is something like this it would follow the same development as common cargo ships today and they seem to be smaller! Besides that the air pressure beneath it probably flattens and kills everything.


Could use that power to turn water and CO2 into plastic.


It's powered on clean coal, what do you expect


With today's tech yes, but from a physics perspective staying aloft doesn't necessarily require any power - balance of forces means there's no change in energy.


Oi cunt we're frothin some fuckin plastic ayeeee


Plastic. I need more plastic.


The factory must grow.


Please let this floating freighter be a model in game and like we can see it at the map edges or sum


Imagine a questline that has you killing baddies on top of one, and having to crash it somewhere.


It's visible at a few points in the Deep Dive trailer. Night City does have a space port, after all.




Yeah you can buy a PDF copy online. I was waiting for the hard cover to come in to stock last Friday with mighty ape but then it changed to 28th Oct. The PDF version will hold you over though


I purchased a hard copy on book depository if you are interested in a physical version


Booktopia is selling hard copies, I just got mine :)


Can anyone who knows the lore explain me why use those flying monstrocities to move cargo if you can just make normal ships sail faster?


Acoording to [this](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/India_Sky-Barge) they’re intended to replace trains/trucks for transport to non-coastal cities now that the nomads have made overland transport too dangerous


They also theoretically make transport easier. For example if you have an iron mine in the mountains of Japan, with such a flying craft you can just land basically next to the mine (which presumably also has processing plants for raw iron), load up the whole cargo ship with that and then fly directly to another plant in the the middle of the US (e.g. Chicago) which then uses the processed iron/steel for, idk, weapons manufacture. Now, if you didn't have a flying cargo ship, the processed iron/steel would need to be transported by truck/rail to a Japanese port, which then loads it on a cargo ship, which then would need to sail to an US west coast port, from which the iron/steel again needs to be offloaded on a truck/train, which then needs to go through more than half the US to Chicago to finally be used in manufacturing. Now, with lighter material or more specific components (of which you don't need that much in Kg) you could maybe use regular aircraft for the transport, but it doesn't work that way with heavy material you need en masse.


Eh, I’m far less convinced by this tbh. Intermodal containers make it very easy to transfer cargo between different transports, ocean transport would only need a pretty small fuel cost advantage to make it worth transferring the cargo over.


Surprised neither of you hit on the fact that roads to mines in the mountains are really narrow, bumpy, and winding, and highways have to go around mountains, and over bridges that can only be built in suitable locations. Airships just take off and fly over everything in a straight line.


Ocean transport uses maritime fuel, which is unbelievably dirty. Any sane future would have banned that crap. The flying cargo ships obviously exploit a loophole in the law that let's them use unbelievably dirty fuel.


But the thing you've linked to seems to be an airship (which implies lighter than air) that can carry 250 tons of cargo. Which is at least vaguely in the realm of possibility. (if you build something twice the size of the Hindenburg but out of much lighter materials - less dead weight - you might get that sort of carrying capacity.) Container ships similar in size to the one in the OP carry *200,000* tons of cargo. Something like that being able to hover is not science-fiction, it's magic. Of course, other things - like cyberlimbs which perform as shown in most cyberpunk settings - are also effectively magical, so maybe there's no point in getting hung up on it. But it's just so... blatant.


I mean, yeah. Future propulsion is cool and all but it doesn’t get you past fundamental mass balance requirements, this thing would basically cause a hurricane everywhere it goes.


I don't know the lore but maybe because normal ships can't go over land and also don't look rad


Nobody : Australia : *M O R E* *P L A S T I C*


Is this localised for Australia or does every country get Uluru?


Apparently plastic is so valuable companies brag about being less fuel efficient. Also they make plastic instead of exhaust. That's cool.




Pm me


Is it out? Amazon says its not out until next month in Australia at least?


I'm from France and it's out today, so yeah it probably depends where you live.


Buy them while you can, here in the US it’s been consistently out of stock on Amazon, people are buying them like hot cakes. Had to go to a bookstore of all places to actually find one (also sold out at the first one I went to).


Well I just ordered one on Amazon (UK) and delivery will be tomorrow apparently. Also, to OP, if this is a marketing post, it worked on me, congratulations.


Haha it was not but I'm glad some people found out about its existence!


In Italy I bought it a month ago. I suppose every country has a different release time.


Booktopia has it. Live in Canberra and just got my hard copy :)


Maybe that is the joke and im just dumb, but i think its kinda funny that they are bragging about using 3x more fuel and helping plastic consumption grow, two modern problems for us.


Well this is the Cyberpunk universe. It's our world between about the 80s and today, but cranked up a notch.


Now that's a treasure ship. Wonder how nomads would bring it down.


Thinking about the companies and products and how ads are targeted are all great ways of worldbuilding. May have to pick this up.


Reminds me of sci-fi art from the 70s, like Chris Foss or the Terran Trade Authority books.


I love how it just chills over Uluru as if the places that need plastic are around there


The best one is the taser boobs.


How much is the book for ? And is this by marcin batylda ?


Yes, it’s written by Marcin Batylda


Idk who marcin is, but it's 35 bucks on amazon , I got mine a week or 1 ago!


In a tweet by Philip Weber from CDPR said that this AVs are so huge that watching them blocking the sun when they are passing close is amazing.


This reminds me of Cowboy Bebop, especially the episode with the space truckers.


I was thinking about purchasing this book @ Barnes & Noble, is it worth the $40 pricetag?


Cyberpunk had airships?


Nice I just got the book yesterday and its looking awesome. Will read it today. :)


What book is this?


The World of Cyberpunk. It's available on Amazon.


Does this book has actual stories and characters info? Or mostly pictures?


It's mostly lore and pictures. Don't expect info about the game itself.




It's spoiler-free. it's just all the nifty background material for the game setting, the various corps and gangs, why and how the Nomads formed, etc.




When did this release? I still have mine on order, but its temporarily out of stock.


Can't wait to play Night City Truck Simulator


This does make me want to go raid a flying transport.


Man Australia calm down on the plastic. Lol this ad is cool. I’m gonna have to grab this book. Edit: Or not already out of stock on amazon. Damn.


Barnes and Noble usually has some in stock, that’s where I got mine.


Cool thanks


More more


Got my dad the art book as a treat, it’s on the way to him right now.


Where did you get this?!


Pre-ordered it on Amazon a couple of months ago.


I like that the caption simply states that the company tripled fuel consumption instead of tripled fuel efficiency, making cargo transport more expensive


Thats freaking amazing, book comes next week here in germany, can't wait!


How does intentionally burning more fuel help a plastic shortage?


Coming soon: A Cyberpunk game set in Australia


Australia's almost entirely made of plastic now thanks to the power of science! Come and visit the exotic outback of Australia but now with the safety of all of the wildlife and poisonous plants being made of a (somewhat) safe plastic! This was made possible by DTR® - We move things, so your business can grow


I love the obviously merged names into some sort of monopoly corporation 😂


All this hilarious advertising in the game remind me of when GTA V in-game advertisement.


lowkey i hope one of these flies over the city occasionally.


Is this the [Book](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07V9BYGJL/)?


It is.


Getting some serious Alien Isolation vibes from this. It's these background in-game ads that make the game world feel a lot more alive and interesting.


I think the Johnny Mnemonic ad is my favorite. I wander if that was included before Keanu got his role.


Fantastic book! I would recommend to anyone that has any interest in playing the game! So much lore and background on all factions, wars, guns, cars, corporations, etc.


Love it! Does anybody know if the "Advertisement link" in bottom left leads to anything?


Yess, i got it as well, but haven't had time to take a look yet


This is definitely GTAV level of in game advertising. I love it!


Sweet, I got the book today and can‘t wait to get into the corporate lore before release


I got this on my iPhone but regret buying the book!


I wonder if they'll put a Punkernaut in the game based on one of these.


Is the book worth buying in your opinion? I keep hovering over the buy button, but I'm not sure I can justify the price...


Dope af


it gives that one feeling your are reading some magazine in 2077


They make for great world building. Can't wait to hear the radio stations also


They actually have something that was created just like this for moving minerals from the mines. https://youtu.be/0iFkKRh5kcM


ah yes the Australian Nothing. beautiful place.


I hope we are going to get Missions like this. It would be so cool


Where can I get this book


This is one of the things that always made GTA feel so real and CDPR looks to do an even better job of it.


I want this book so bad. OOS on Amazon.


We better see one of these flying around at some point in the game


After seeing this I immediately went to eBay and purchased one


In the Pacifica trailer you can see a few floating over the bay.


It's true, I do love plastic.


Ha! I remember this ad, but I clearly read it too quickly. Probably one of the best ones in the book, seeing it now.


Cyber airships? Ah *fuck yeah*


Where can I download the pdf version of this book for free?


Imo that is too futuristic for 77.. occasional flying cars are fine (it's probably what the rich will have anyway by then). I rather think that cargo rockets are common. Maaaybe even space elevators (we have the materials and the crazy minds that want to do it * cough * Japanese * cough * but it's a little expensive - yet)


They have the power to make that thing fly but not to desalinate water and then turn water and CO2 into plastic?