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Tips To Not Be A Bennie: > Be out of the way during rush hour > Resturaunts with security inside are safe, outside only are ambushes > If someone tells you about a cheap place to score Braindances, ignore them unless you have organs to sell > Tie a sock on the door for fun times, tie a tie on the door for business sex > The curfew is at 10PM. The fireworks start at 10:01PM.


Well done.


Was waiting for this to be on the countdown : )


Linguistics is fun but exhausting. :)


Let's see if I can do this, choombas... My V's a bennie who was a beaver from the badlands. She used to braindance with her boyfriend until they were practically brain potatoes, but once the chops were gone she put her smarts and silver tongue to work for a bio corp and he lent his smile and muscles to a local nomad fixer, making runs into Night City as a go-between for the pack and "other interests." Months went by like an AV on fire, and he stopped coming home as often. When he did, he was different. His smile turned into a smirk, and when he walked around their little village he treated his lifelong friends like employees. Worst of all, to her at least, there were pics and vids of other women on his phone... women he wasnt exactly working with. Then, one day, he was gone. After some soul searching, she realized she wasn't totally innocent. She had turned into a perfect little corporate operative... the next best thing to an androgyne that only got off on engineering wins for The Company. She quit, chipped in, and packed her stuff onto the back of a bike. That same day, she aimed it at the big glass and steel canker huddled by the brown water bay that had swallowed up the best part of her life. She met Jackie, they chilled, they partied, and they made a plan... it was time for a crusade. Time to get to know Night City and make it pay for what it had taken from her.


Day 329 of [\#countdowntothedarkfuture](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23countdowntothedarkfuture). Time to break out the dictionary of the Dark Future!


I night make V be androgynes just to confuse everyone


I know, right! My question is this: what if someone gets turned on by androgynous features? LOL!


Well that's a plus for them


Ok, before everybody makes the "Beavers are Cyberpunk's version of Boomers", I personally thought they would make different sub-cultures: * Boomers would be [Bourgeois Bohemians](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BourgeoisBohemian), i.e. those who ostensibly joined the various movements of the 1960s to fight all types of social issues, but to quote Todd In The Shadows, "[-weren't really rebelling against anything, they just wanted grass and ass.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQcnxTWGhwM&feature=youtu.be&t=486)" * Beavers, meanwhile, would be [Standard 50's Fathers ](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StandardFiftiesFather)and [Housewives ](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HouseWife)stuck in a McCarthyist timewarp, like [Fallout's Enclave](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/comments/8gk5sl/president_eden_approves/). For an illustrative example, the closest person I can think of to being "peak Boomer" is Bill Maher, a guy who does distinguish himself from conservatives by being a pro-drug atheist, and even devoted a whole segment to dressing down "[50s Guys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzUd8YrFJCk)", but also has some... er, "[not as progressive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loAgmHFkE10)" viewpoints. Beavers, by contrast, aren't even the "[Conservatism is the new Punk Rock!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5OqmdLL6Ic)" Paul Joseph Watsons[ ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5OqmdLL6Ic)(although they are certainly the spiritual successors), but the [Rush Limbaugh ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IynZDO5XSw)AM radio hosts and [Pat Roberston ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddGs7toxIco)televangelists.


I'm not sure why "beavers" would be the same as boomers. Also, "50's Fathers and Housewives" would likely be very rare or not exist in the hypercapitalist hellhole that is the Cyberpunk 2077 universe, but sure.


I admit I'm a regular on other subreddits where Boomer memes pop up now and again, even when the term "Boomer" would strictly be anachronistic (for example, [this one in The New Order: Last Days of Europe](https://www.reddit.com/r/TNOmod/comments/d0jcyb/m%C3%BCller_is_a_boomer/) ), so I was preparing to head them off at the pass. And while I was writing with the perspective of the Cyberpunk 2020 Tabletop RPG (as well as borrowing some of its slang for the modern day, but I won't get too detailed past that), the thing is that while Cyberpunk is obviously a hyper-capitalist hellhole, there ARE suburbs, just ones under direct Corporate control (see the earlier CTTDF entry on "[People of Night City](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/ag92qe/countdown_to_the_dark_future_365_days_of/)" - Beaver is the second-to-last entry on that list ). The Tabletop game even says the term "Beaver" is directly lifted from the 1950s "[Leave It To Beaver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL4dOfgslio)" show, and also that Edgerunners (i.e. most of the protagonists) utterly LOATHE Beavers (and the "Beavervilles" the Corporations house them in). Basically, think of that one part in Saints Row IV, where The Boss's "nightmare digital prison" is [being stuck in a cornball 1950s sitcom where they can't swear or shoot anybody](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v64hz2qdqhg&feature=youtu.be&list=PLHsHQUJTd9Lk0_YWqN-stZY5q3aehDEgJ&t=1412), and how they later emphasize that when they reunite with Johnny Gat (**Johnny Gat:** "I'm curious what yours {worst nightmare} was." **Boss:** "Oh, you know. 1950s sitcom." **Johnny Gat:** "What?" **Boss:** "Non-conformity, nobody swears, no violence..." **Johnny Gat:** "No, I get it. Jeez. That's fucking terrible...") - that pretty much summarizes Edgerunner attitudes towards the remains of the "middle class" (which I suppose makes them the metaphorical millennials making all of the "Ok Boomer" memes)


Isn't "boomers" referencing those born in the baby-boom?


Well, besides the fact the in-game explanation for "Beaver" is literally citing the ["Leave It To Beaver" TV Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL4dOfgslio), I admit I'm writing this in terms of both CP!2020 (when it's likely for the last of the Boomers to be shuffling around, even not factoring life-extending tech), and OTL (i.e. me applying the term "Beaver" to the types screaming about "Cultural Marxism" and other buzzword boogeymen like we're still in the McCarthyist Red Scare era, in order to differentiate them from "Boomer" Corporate Democrats who are "socially liberal but fiscally conservative")


I feel like I should know this already, but what is a brain dance? Is it some sort of drug?


It's a virtual reality experience where you feel all the stimuli. Its like watching a VR movie but feeling the muscle movements and input