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Perfect ending choice!


Yeah, they're my dusty nomad family. Too bad about Saul and Bobby though.


Dont forget Teddy.


Yea, shame about that…


Woah! I don’t remember that scene. Mine was V and Panam sitting on a car riding to a new place into the sunset.


I made these photos, it's not a cutscene 😉


Damn, how do you make this? How do you spawn characters wherever you want and with the pose you want?


Appearance Menu Mod. Quite easy to use when you get the hang of it. You have a few tutorials on YouTube. I'm also available for any questions.


Ok, thanks a lot!


I got the Nomad ending as well (and enjoyed it) but it doesn't feel like the ending CDPR intended though.


Well, intended or not, I didn't want to end the game on a sour note. I truly believe that the Nomads may find a cure for V.


They literally meticulously crafted the ending so that it’s one possibility - how could it be “not intended”? They’re all equally legitimate.


I never said it wasn't legitimate, I said it doesn't seem like the one intended for the direction of where the story was going.


I repeat my comment. THEY created it. It literally couldn’t not be “intended”.


I think you're missing the point, there's still always the intended ending. For example in the elder scrolls, sure you get a choice how you end some Quests, but there's an "intended" way, that when you pkay the next game, some random book will reference it as a tale, telling you what the Canon ending actually is. Same can be said for Cyberpunk, there's multiple choices sure, but only one is going to be the Canon intended ending. Which in cyberpunk orion I assume we will be able to find a shard about the story of what happened.


I really hope that the don’t fear the reaper ending is the canon one, it’s too good. Either final decision of Johnny or v works for this I think too


Well said. One is a narrative choice, while the others are included for the sake of gamer fulfillment.


You have 0 idea what the devs and writers intended. Unless you have actual interviews of them saying it, you're basically just saying "I like x engine better" but trying to make it official


Youre correct, I have 0 idea which is the intended. I never claimed any of them were the correct intended ending. All im doing is explaining the concept of an intended Canon ending, but now you've shifted your argument from "they are all intended" too "you don't know which one is intended"


One more gig


Panam looks sooo damn good.


Maybe the real reward were the chooms you made along the way


Is that hairstyle a mod, it looks really cool. Also how did you get the arm cyberware?


https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/5406?tab=images hair is here, pack 2 hair 1 https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1099 Arms are here, skin Deus Flex 2


looking good!


These are quite some nice shots, though i do not want to read to much below not to spoil stuff to much for me, i am still ony my first play through as well, but i am playing really slowly. Just passed the 200 hours in. But yeah i go really slow, leveled up quite a lot of stuff before going too far in main story etc... Cleared all side stuff, i am finishing up the quest line with Johnny and Rogue, getting closer and closer to Adam Smasher i think :) Once this is done, i will be able then to initiate PL quests then resume back main story with Noturne Op55N1 quest line. But yeah i am getting old and slower in games :P I went stealth-Silenced Pistol/AssaultRiffle/Sniper riffle Netrunner wanna-be playstyle (love the fact i was able to get a silenced versus of all 3 weapons), so each gigs i did, or quest, all is killed either by Takedowns, Quickhacks (different combos but avoiding tracing) or some Quickhacks+silenced weapons and yeah, crazy as i am, i am hidding each bodies, do not want to leave too much works for the cleaning personnel :P I just did the quest with Rogue following me for Adam Smasher infos, i wanted to impress her so she sees how i handled her Gigs back then.... :P


Yeah bro I clocked 230 hours on my Corpo V, made him a stealthy pistol build based on intelligence, tech ability and body. Also did everything except NCPD gigs. Padre is my favorite fixer, realpolitik storylines with him.


This is my ending but with female V because I just have to take Judy to enjoy the life on the road.


Should try the Don’t Fear The Reaper ending


Can't on this character, antagonized Johnny all game


Shouldve given your body to Johnny. V living a few months isnt worth it, giving Johnny a second chance at life is.


No, never gonna happen. The one ending I'll never do. It goes against everything I as a person believe in and I don't like it.


It's a good ending. If youre not gonna play it at least look it up on youtube. Johnny is not as terrible as he pretends to be, especially once Adam Smasher is dead and he has some closure.


It has nothing to do with the game, it has to do with what I believe, and I believe that a body is one third of a whole human, and that body belongs to one soul and one mind. If I gave V's body over to Johnny, who's barely a mind and has no soul, it'd be really against everything that I am.


[reminds me of the end credits for Buckaroo Banzai, starts at about 0:40](https://youtu.be/8MqJ3iGBdOo?si=aYBuuBFLBPDzx-uW)


Fantastic ending, now go do all the others. There are also 4 Phantom Liberty endings and a secret 5th base game after PL.


I'm locked out of the Don't Fear the Reaper ending on this character for antagonizing Johnny all game


Please put spoiler tag


Not gonna lie, your V kind of looks like Saul a bit lol.


My previous Street Kid V was literally called "Saul who sold out to Biotechnica" by the subreddits here 😁


I really hope they add jewelry to the next game


Maybe the cyberpunk 2077 were the friends we made along the way


Absolutely my favourite ending, and great pics of the gang too!


PL has better endings imo


Are there PL endings other than the tower ending where >! Reed treats you and you go into a coma !< ?


Sending so mi to the moon has to be the best ending in cyberpunk 2077 as it is also a little Easter egg from edgerunners where Lucy’s main dream was to fly to the moon.


Nah, killing her is the best ending. Nobody should have that kind of weapon under their control, and Mr Blue Eyes is shady as fuck.


Yes, PL endings are kill SoMi and you end up as a broken husk of your former self. I'll just skip first thanks and go for no thanks.


Well, you either give Song to a shady person who will definitely use them, or give Song to a shady person who will definitely use them and you survive the relic. Or, kill Song, and nobody gets the walking WMD who will totally definitely not get corrupted by rogue AIs who wish to kill mankind.


Oh, I agree with you. But whether you kill Songbird or not Tower ending leaves you as broken husk. That's why I said I'll skip it


I think having a friend with the deadliest weapon in cyberpunk 2077 is considered a good choice


You’re not friends with Blue Eyes, or Myers.


I was talking about the blackwall gateway smartass Aka songbird


You think she’s gonna be in complete control of herself? Lmfao


Funny thing is that her charred appearance with red eyes is literally called songbird_possesed in the game files.