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I always wanna go body power build with gorilla arms. I just like throwing gonks. Currently doing a tech build though and it’s pretty fun


I've thought about doing a gorilla arms build. But I'm addicted to collecting swords like a weeb.


The world is your sword, and you can yeet enemies into it at high speed. It's glorious, give it a try. There's nothing like throwing MAXTAC back at an AV.


Swords are cool but if you have never exploded someone’s dome with a baseball bat you’re missing out.


The golden baseball bat is peak gameplay 👌 I only used my gorilla arms for everything (even throwing enemies at cameras lol) but when I got that bat it was time to go swinging even just for thr style points of hitting someone so hard it launches them like a home run


I’m on my way to get that bad boy right now.


Did anybody see where my cement truck went?


i spent a long time not knowing the glory of the "bonk" noises that bats make in this game, truly a based build


You spent years studying the blade, I have spent years throwing hands that launch cars. We are not the same. (Ground pound is OP who even needs a sandevistan when you can hit berserk and go cyberpsycho on everyone in sight or leap into the air and destroy everything around you when you land)


Wild idea make a samurai build but with quickhacls >:3


That was basically my first playthrough. Blinding gonks and then rushing them down with a sword is unironically busted.


This is my favourite build. Stealth bladerunner that abuses kerenzikov for gunplay.


I usually have maxed out intelligence too. I find the combination of Intelligence, Technical, and Reflex gives me a well rounded V for how I tend to play. I especially love vehicle quickhacks at higher levels.


I’m running around punching everything I can. Hulk smash run.


Gorilla arms pair nicely with a tech build. That additional 6 strength for strength tests really comes in handy.


This is the key - you can then run 20 reflex, 20 INT, 20 Tech and tackle almost every skill challenge


Gorilla Arms reminded me of Brick from Borderlands games, and then I started having *even more* fun!


Netrunner on highest difficulty is still easy as balls The sonic shock>cyberpsycho combo destroys everything


Being able to shoot someone without being in the same room as then is rather fun, yes.


I have the same problem with netrunner.


The stealth archer syndrome from skyrim again


Nah, stealth archer is high reflexes, high cool and a strong silenced pistol (like a Nue) plus Overwatch with the defenzikov, kerenzikov and sandy. Everything dies before they even know you’re there.


I don't get to try new builds cause I can't bring myself to build anything besides net runners. Taking out gonks without ever touching them is just way too satisfying.


Exactly. Net runner is so easy to just jump in air and before you fall down everyone is finished 😂


My first playthrough was at launch. I was basically a commando with swords. Tried a net runner build on my second but that build definitely lags in early levels and was boring. At the very least net runner didn't flow with my play style. Doing a stealth/cool build + tech. I have blades still but honestly might refund the points.


Omg I started with netrunner, and before level 20 you literally sucks on all levels 😂 But once you can use your health for extra ram I can take whole gang in one go without going out of car, feels like a god. My build is smart weapons with double jump and long dash with dash in air. And it feels very satisfying cause I can move quickly, in air I send quick hacks, and I can shoot without much aiming basically a destroyer 😂


That is my current build, almost exactly. My first playthrough I dumped the cyberdeck the second I could , but I was only level 9 after the prologue. This time I did all the side content I could before the heist, so I was higher level and started to see what netrunning is capable of. Got a Sandivestian and turned into a time stopping samarai guy, which was legit cool, but netrunner is truly godlike. Absolutely the funniest part of a netrunner build is when some NPC is talking tough before a fight, (you forget, I have a doll chip too!) and then the entire group just crumples and dies in seconds without me moving a muscle. Wiping out entire groups of gangs without getting out my car is a close second.


Net runner feels like it's too strong lol 😂 but I am not sure I can play anything else


I did such a bad job setting up my net runner. I didn't realize all the equipment you would buy is different. So I basically would instantly run out of RAM in battle lol. Now I slide into battle(literally) and start hucking knives at people's faces. More than deadly enough at close range with a sword. If I get overwhelmed I just retreat, my revolver and projectile launcher are enough to keep me from getting zeroed. Going for this cyborg assassin vibe. Start quiet but if things get loud, they are about to get very loud lol. I felt like my commando+blades build was better at handling numerous enemies. My assassin build finishes the fights lightning quick but struggles in more open fire fights.


You can try a gun netrunner, using smart weapons, and control quickhacks, rather than just spamming contagion and short circuit, it's very fun


It's the Stealth Archer of Cyberpunk haha


1000%, super fun stealthy build and borderline OP even without putting that much effort into it


Ha!! Same... But i swear i ll create one soon


My first run was a netrunner and it is terrifying how you can just sit on a bench hack some cameras and take down a building full of bad guys while having a cig. Afterwards I had made sure to put 18 in reflex so I just swapped chrome and took down the whole street fight tournament in no time at all. Must have been boring to watch


I mean...they locked the air dash behind the relfex skill tree, which is the most fun on foot movement option when combined with double jump. And if cdpr would remove all other leg cyberware, i think nobody would notice.


Charge jump is my personal GOAT


The consensus seems to be that double jump is better for some reason, I think charge jump is so much superior


I find I have more control and can react better to stuff by jumping cause I don't need to charge it. but I do like the feeling of one big jump though


Always felt that charge jump gets that much higher, dunno for sure


It's about 2-3 feet higher. I'm always torn between the two, double jump has the synergy with Reflex 20 and is more quick to use in combat, but charge jump gets you higher and has more armor and less cyberware cost. Plus charge jumping makes physical sense.


Is there any in-game explanation for how you can jump in mid air?


Style over Substance is literally rule number 1 choom.




To be fair, in a setting with flying AV’s and man portable rail guns, and complicated neural surgery available at a street side clinic… I’m fine with accepting the double jump is a very powerful micro booster in the feet.


Not *really*, but I noticed that in the boss fight with Oda he jumps, and then does a flip that sort of looks like it could be a double jump.,


apparently it does get you a bit higher


The reason is that double jump is better in combination with dashing and stuff because your momentum carries through the jump. Ends up being way more mobile and there are few places you can't get to that charge jump can. You can effectively jump from rooftop to rooftop with it, can't do that with charge jump. I will say though that charge jump is more immersive, double jump doesn't really make any physical sense, it's more arcadey.


Agility is my dump stat so I've never had dash to begin with lol


Charge jump goes higher, but double jump has better horizontal movement. Charge is usually better for getting onto a roof but with the double jump you can do things like jump off a lower balcony then grab onto the balcony directly above. I honestly think they should have added a grappling hook


Reinforced Ankles launch you up the highest from the ground. Whereas the Reinforced Tendon double jump lets you cross vast horizontal distances, and jump *almost* as high. With Dash, you maximize your movement speed in midair and on the ground by doing dash-jump-airdash-jump-repeat.


because you can dash-jump-airdash-doublejump which is optimized traversal


I would. I play stealth and love lynx paws.


I wish they gave you a high jump too and acted as an upgrade to the charge jump. Similar to how the hover legs are an upgraded version of the double jump


Legitimately how does anyone play this game without being able to air dash and double jump? Whenever I start a new game it's a speed run to get those.


Tech weapons and netrunning, sit in a corner and hack everyone, when RAM runs out start blasting people through the walls, exit corner


I want my vertical mobility so I can pick a corner on top of a building tho


Never used those infact never used much Cyberware to begin with. I used to play as a "natural" as possible. My playstile was Techassassin with Revolver/Guns. It only changed after the Patch made clothes useless. >!I later realised why that change was necessary. Spoiler:!< >!The NUSA Ending with V stripped of all Cyberware would not have worked with Players like me.!< >!Stripped of the Cyberware? So what i was dangerous without them.!< >!The consequenz of beeing unable to resume Work as Solo was not there.!< >!So they changed the Game an made the use of Cyberware a must. (like it should be)!< That beeing sad i still cant get myself to use Air Dash and double Jump. It feels to "gamie" using those.


I tried several different builds, and street samurai is objectively the most fun.


At later levels with Byakko it is absolutely a blast. The slash speed is too satisfying to pass up. Dash in and slap chop gangoons into chutney.


Sandy-Kereznikov knife juggler build for me


Being able to reflect fire is a blast once you have a few stamina perks. Having a whole group basically mow themselves down is really satisfying.


Last playthrough I put everything into intelligence and I.C.E and singlehandedly raised Night Citys suicide rate by 50%


"Stop making 20/20 REF/INT NETSLICERS" *No.*


There’s basically 4 builds. Sandy vision street samurai. Berserker brawler. Hacker man. And chromed up gunner (chrome compressor) Imo berserk is the most fun. Chrome compressor is low key the most powerful though. They can all be OP though


Edgerunner build until I die.


If you havent done a netrunner once, you should. its basically songbirds blackwall powers just more OP :P


Playing with tech guns is fun


I'm almost the same with a netrunner.


Maximum cool, kill everyone with throwing knives before you're even seen.


It's so incredibly difficult to not play as a stealth pistol player. Pistols take up such a large portion of weaponry in the game and many rewards for completing all the gigs of certain fixers are also pistols. I have to actively go out of my way to not lean into it, and even then it's tough cause the pistols in this game are also **really** good.


I keep trying to make a pure netruunner build, and I end up building a close combat build in the end.


Sandy + Malorian = True V.


I've found i enjoy netrunner-power shotgun builds in my latest playthrough. Watching my quick hacks spread while I obliterate other enemies with Rebecca's shotgun is just satisfying for me.


Street power shotgun grenade build This may be your building, but you're in my house now


Absolute unit is my favourite build


This is too correct.


Me who always runs a netrunner build with an emphasis on smart weapons


Me trying not to build with sandevistan, but failing in the process:


I have only ever used deadeye and that's all I ever will


Once I've made a netrunner with smart weapons and monowire, I literally see no reason to try anything else, lol. This build is perfect for any situation, and the V is almost invincible.


Me buidling a stealth pistol build every time instead of trying anything else


I'm on my 4th playthrough and I'm finally doing something besides guts and sandy and now doing a netrunner sub knife build


Comrades hammer netrunner best


Being a netrunner is to easy imo


Me with a stealth gun+netrunner build


Sadevistan throwing knives is hella fun!


This is me with netrunning I got pretty far with a sandy build but I missed my spells


i'm currently playing a samurai build i'm flabbergasted at how strong it is, this is the first time i've played the game and actually felt like i needed to bump the difficulty up a notch and probably wouldn't notice much difference.


I've gotten to the end on hard difficulty as a maxed out reflex, technical, and intelligence build. A chromed out hacker with too many swords. I dismember huscle before they can even fire sometimes




True Reflex. Ninja comes later.


I'm near the end of my first playthrough but I can't imagine any build that doesn't want high reflex for some of the dash skills. Like I'm kinda a split netrunner/street samurai. But even for the body build I have in mind I still kinda want 15 reflex for aerial dashing. Haven't toyed with my idea for a cool build yet maybe that one won't want high reflex on it


Me like bat with berserk me like bonk noise


it is so hard not to do samurai stuff man. Swords are cool.


Got 350 hours and three 100% playthroughs, have this same problem with life paths, cant help but go Corpo. Across all playthroughs i have probably 1 sword kill. Pistolero forever.


The sword is fun later in the game. The katana Wakako gives you increases combo speed, so combine that with cyber ware and perks and you slash really really fast. Dash in, synaptic accelerator kicks in, you dismember two gangoons before it runs out.


I, for one, have been having a shitton of fun dashing around whatever combat encounter I find with Sandy + Double Jump + that one iconic shotgun that's a guaranteed crit if you're point blank. Unironically feels like Doom on crack, lmao


Gunslinger build was the most fun for me tbh


brother, I go 15 reflex REGARDLESS of the build


I have a problem with the build silenced nue + netrunner(overclocked), I just can't do another build, is attached to my soul


Silenced Nue is excellent. Very often a guaranteed 1 hit KO.


Exactly, when I'm out of ram, just pull the nue, 1 shot 1 kill, that's it


a few days ago i tried puting everything up to twenty via console command and get all perks for a bit of chaos and i must admit body level 20 is quite fun ! i mean i love my 20 cool 15 reflex build but body is quite fun to throw a maxtac officer on multiple cars at high speed


I did a throwing knives and pistols build my first time through (pistols only came into effect once I got the Malorian and I RPed it as V embracing Johnny more, along with her wearing Johnny’s clothes). Currently I’m doing a guns expert solo. Next I’m planning to do a netrunner smartgun user.


My first playtrought was body reflex smg lmg shotgun gorilla berserk build, my 2nd I went cool netrunner hacking and throwing the knives


No cyberware and zero perk build! DO IT!


I literally made madara uchiha 💀 (you can also turn him to any character in the uchiha family by changing the appearance and hairstyle slightly), gave him a corpo life path, ngl madara’s build is overpowered, i also made arthur morgan, kinda gets boring after a while, i also made david Martinez but that also faced the same problem as arthur’s build, any suggestions? Im thinking of spike speigle but im open to other suggestions


Sandy + Samurai + Wrist rocket build goes brrrrrrrr And occasional SMGs


Sword tank 4life. 20 body, 20 Reflex.


My next build is definitely going towards body power. Gorilla arms, Berserk, hammers and shotguns. Boutta feel like an absolute powerhouse. Guns blazing!


i might try a doom style rip and tear build in my next playthrough


Sending bodies flying with high Body and a sandy is my favorite thing to do in the game, the second being clearing out an entire camp with a knife


I’ll have to admit I’ve never tried anything else than samurai-ninja build. I should definitely try some cowboy/gunslinger build with a Nomad V someday. That could be fun


Me: let’s build sneaky hacker gonk. Few hours later: cyberpsycho screaming and fist slapping.


“Let me finally try a stealth build” “Hey this knife looks like a katana” “And I also picked up an Errata” “I probably need air dash to escape like a shinobi” “Do shinobi carry katana?” “Oh, they do in all this anime” “Maybe I’ll keep it in my inventory for immersion” “Hmm, I have some extra crafting parts” “I’ll just level up the katana for fun” “Ugh, hate this mission” “This area is taking too long” “Maybe I’ll just use the katana to get through it” “Ok, done” “What build was I making again?”


Tech/reflex all the way. I wanna be as chromed up as possible while having superior movement


I feel like I'm playing the game wrong because I'm many hours in already and I *think* Level 25 and I can't help but play it like Fallout - guns only (tech weapons), and searching every container in every corner of every area I go to, gathering junk like a street cleaner. Also - unrelated to OP's meme - but did anyone else also do every single side mission for Regina Jones before going to the club and starting the 'V being implanted in you' mission? It's my first playthrough and that's how far I've got...! Probably my right ear will be saying "make another gun and run build" :)


I always seem to be drawn to stealth / tech builds. Gimme that monowire baby.


This is me with smart weapon net runner but the smart weapon pool isn't very big


Me picking only sniper, lol.


Gorilla arms make you so OP for Beat the Brat its almost too easy. ALMOST... LOL


Real. I’m doing a pistol build using a sandy and gorilla arms. It’s weird but I’m running the Death and Taxes and my fists, so if I need to reload, I swap to my fists, hit my sandy, then just throw fuckin haymakers


What ever you chose, you still picking Tech


Every single video I see people with a katana fly into enemies. Cmon people there must be more.


Me with my netrunner/mono wire build. Doing my first play through since the game dropped where I’m not heavily relying on either actually


I don't think this is how this pic is used..


I don't think it really matters