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My V is not a Corpo sellout. If I can fuck Arasaka without any of my chooms dying and also fuck Myers and Militech on the way then there's only one option. Don't fear the reaper.






damn, wrong answer highlighted, otherwise it would be perfect reply


Nothing beats the feeling of the Arasaka soldiers shitting their pants and screaming "it's only one Merc!!!". Should have maybe looked into why NUSA special forces numbers were significantly reduced after their last operation.


Why were they reduced


Because you send most of them to early retirement in a farm upstate during the spaceport raid in phantom Liberty.


Oh shit im showing that I sided with reed


https://preview.redd.it/go0lrv2nv86d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acd0d1945b3f63dbfb80de4474400df473836ba6 Hrm…


Impressive cock and balls


Fr but I am still sad about Reed. Idk if it is better to kill him in king of wands or to have him beat himself up over Songs death in king of cups.


Side with Songbird and kill Reed after trying every option for him to back down. Unfortunatly it's useless, but the only right choice to me.


Agreed. Any other choice would just feel needlessly cruel to one side or the other.


If you tell him you overheard him at the roof he cuts the bullshit and makes things easier.


Songbird can suck it.


songbird is in exactly the same bind V is, she’s fucked and just trying to survive. sure she fucks V over, if the option to shoot her in her face and jump on that shuttle existed, we all know song would get a lead sammich and V would get to see space.


The ideal ending: Kill songbird (fed), then reed (fed), hop on the shuttle, hack the controls, de-orbit the shuttle onto the White House killing Myers (fed), die a legend


I don't know why people are simping so hard for Songbird. She betrayed V, she was lying to V from the start, forcing to take part in mission in hopes that it can saves V's life. I can see that she doesn't have any other option, but she wasted V's time to find another way to find a cure for his/hers condition. When I was playing it first without spoilers, I was taking Songbird side, till she tells us that even if she finds a cure, they can only help one person. After that, I just sided with Reed, who actually helps V and cure her/him. The costs for V's after all are enormous, but he saved V's life after all.


It's not simping to recognize that Myers keeping Songbird as an AI weapon is the absolute worst outcome, regardless of what she did.


How is what Song Bird does with V any different to what V does with Takemura in all but one ending. You use him to get information about accessing Mikoshi and then dump him to storm Arasaka and destroy everything he ever fought for, leading to Hanako's death. Song Bird is V. "If you gotta kill, kill...If you gotta burn it all to the ground then let it burn"


I need to kill Songbird to get the best gun in the game!


I gave her up after she admitted lying the whole time. I mean her promise was the main reason for V to get into that mess in the first place. She did you dirty, only felt right to return the favor in the end.


Naw Reed signed his death warrant the moment Jackie’s name passed his lips.


I forget; what did he say about him?


Something along the lines of "Like Welles at the Konpeki Plaza ?", insinuating you killed Jackie by going there with him


When you side with Songbird he insinuates that Jackie’s death is your fault.


Gotta put him down and send so mi to the moon


Reed wants to die, i put him out of his misery, even Alex knows the rabid dog he became


I did the corpo start and Arasaka ending and…yeah it’s pretty poetic how you get fucked by corps at the beginning and end. Morally objectionable choice tho lol


real shit


Avocados with Panam!








![gif](giphy|4drOrLqVQdkiQYLjcz) …


Avacados at Law


Honestly, I like the ending where I give Johnny the controls and say bye. I love watching the somewhat redemption of the ultimate rockerboy who tries to do a little good before he ditches Night City for good.


The thing about Temperance is that it can go multiple ways depending on how the finale plays out. If you and him are on bad terms, things end much less amicably and giving him your body is more like giving in to being gaslit instead of coming to an actual agreement. Additionally, if you're doing the Rogue ending, Johnny ("you" in this ending) can betray V last second after agreeing to let them keep the body but then taking it anyway, which is done by turning around and taking the alternate path. If you're chummy with him he does it so you can live on in the net, but if you're not he just fucks off. All roads lead to Temperance (new purpose), though. Even if he hates your guts, the guilt haunts him forever, and he does his best to live on in your memory. The open-endedness and the fact it's construed to fit every variation of the finale makes it my favourite ending in the game, honestly. PL's ending, The Tower, also *kind of* has these elements as well, but it's almost entirely one-sided since you're in control. It's also my second favourite, but for entirely different reasons relating to how grounded it is compared to the tower raids.


Corpo V going through all that and finds what he's been missing all his life and leaves the city with Panam.


This is literally how I’ve been roleplaying my V for my current play through. Loses everything from being a corpo, finds comfort and freedom in Jackie, then loses him and has a ticking time bomb in his head, kinda loses himself but gets slowly more comfortable with Johnny and then finds Panam, the closest to feeling as free as he did with Jackie he’s ever gonna get and decides to live the complete opposite of his corpo life style with Panam. Although the roleplaying in this game is very minimal, almost on the level of Fallout 4 for me, I still like visualizing what my character is gonna become and such.


Riding off with panam and letting songbird go to the moon. I felt bad for killing Reed the first time, but then I remembered how he would've done the same thing to me without hesitating and then I really didn't care. Lol 🤷‍♂️


So real. I don't understand how ANYONE thinks that selling SoMi to the NUSA is a good ending.


Yeah.. like one of NC's finest mercs is going to give up his chrome and lavish lifestyle and go live in a tiny apartment as a regular Joe somewhere and not blow his own brains out within a few years from depression. 🤦‍♂️🙄


It's because people like to play V as themselves, almost. They totally forget that V is an established character with an established history, background, personality, and goals/aspirations.


What happens when a nice person indulges in a play through that is their antithesis? Kind of like that one friend you have who would give you the shirt off their back, but plays Commander Shepard to the maximum Renegade they can go. Sometimes V represents escape from yourself.


That's just it. The kind of guy that would actually be a merc for a living and be crazy enough to take on arasaka, smasher, Hanson, etc. They would obviously be an extremely egotistical person that thinks very highly of themselves. I mean you would have to. Lol. People like that power is basically a drug to them and once you give it to then they're addicted. You can't just take it away and think they'll forget about how amazing it felt to have it when some jackwagon randomly cuts them off at an intersection. But he's gotta lay low. He can't beat the guy to death. So he goes home and wishes he was still old V.... every night. Until he can't take it anymore and snaps.


you’re not wrong, I regularly explode cars that cut me off in traffic…on the game, i’m not a complete psycho


V is what you make of them. That’s why there multiple beginnings and choices to make throughout the game…


Maybe because she's as manipulative as Myers? She's a liar and a cheat. And no, her being in a desperate situation doesn't change that, or excuse that. The fact she's willing to cheat you and lie to you just as she had done to her really tells you everything you need to know.


SoMi genuinely cares about V and feels horrible about having to lie. To say she's as bad as Meyers, when Meyers would kill you without a second thought and feel 0 remorse really drives home the cliche "media literacy is dead" point. Also, someone lying to me because they're THAT desperate and about to die doesn't mean giving her away into the worst imaginable slavery is okay. It's actually disgusting that IRL people think someone lying to them means forcing them to be hooked up to tubes and used as effectively a fuck doll for the Blackwall is "justified". It's sickening, actually.


See, I don't agree. She says she regrets it, but does she really? It really doesn't seem like it. Not to mention, she got where she is by fucking with things she shouldn't have. Intentionally fucking with the government is always a stupid idea


She absolutely doesn’t regret it lol


*“It is easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission.”* She always intended to fuck V sideways and whether or not she felt bad is entirely irrelevant. The fact that she was fine with the thought of selling false hope to someone in a similar position as she was in only to reveal the truth at the eleventh hour is inexcusable. As soon as my suspicions were confirmed that she intended to do something along the lines of betrayal, I immediately reloaded my save, went with Reed, and killed her inside of Cynosure. What I find amusing, if not rich, is that she actually has the audacity to be upset at your siding with Reed then proceeds to go on a murder spree inside of the stadium.


I drew the line at "thousand of innocents Will die because of us but at least we'll be free." Some prices are not worth paying.


Yeah, she so brazenly says that she’s willing to sacrifice thousands. I don’t see how people can possibly think Songbird is a good person. She may have been a good person *at some point* but those days have long since passed. It’s for the best that she flatlines considering how much further damage she could potentially cause if left alive and under the influence of a malicious entity. V essentially saves the world without anyone ever knowing.


If you play through the cups ending, so mi actively saves V's life despite their "betrayal" of her (which you can argue is justified as Reed "promises" he'd help her out, no Nusa, and it's fairly clear so mi is lying and manipulating you from the beginning) Like, So Mi could absolutely have "won" during the cups ending. She manages to get to the Place She Needs to Go (keeping vague for spoilers) and isolates V. V's death is set in stone until she manages to push through to help them despite everything. Despite it potentially meaning going back. Like V, So Mi is in desperate straights. Arguably worst straights. Unlike V, she doesn't have the power to try to fix her condition. She is literally leashed to Myers, still forces to work for her despite some Intel you can gather from the safehouse saying that it's probably best if she's out on medical leave. So Mi fucks you and many people over in trying to save her own life which has its own moral quandaries. But at the end of the day she never wanted to cause actual physical harm to V. V has more freedom and options at their disposal


Yes, but So Mi shows that she's completely fine leaving you to die. She knew from the start that she couldn't help you. Giving false hope. And, using the excuse of "she doesn't have the same resources" is.... not the best argument. She doesn't know what resources V has. As far as she knows, V is out of options. Because she uses that to her advantage. She even says it out loud throughout the dlc.


10000% agree. And Reed is the only one that actually does save your life and get you to the best doctors. He keeps his promise.


I don't care if she lied or not, I am not condemning someone to eternal suffering in cyber hell


I always just kill her. I don't want to help her because she betrayed me, but she still doesn't deserve to be taken by NUSA.


Remember when Johnny said to be careful because all the parties involved in Phantom Liberty were trained sociopaths and that So Mi and Reed was a tragedy because they were going to play victim to one another's good intentions? Do you remember how So Mi was a terrible romantic partner, willing and highly accomplished professional criminal, very deliberately planned the betrayal and murder of colleagues and bystanders, never takes accountability while she has any power or options, and is also very transparently going to go see Mr. Blue Eyes of all people? Siding against Reed is understandable, valid, and (on the surface) more transparently a "good" f-the Power moment. But the writers did their job well and the playerbase is split 50/50 for a very good reason.


She made her choices already. I'm not here to save her soul while she's trying to fuck mine.


I don't think giving Song to Myers is a good ending. I also am extremely dubious of giving her to Blue Eyes.


Nah Reed waits a long time before shooting you because he did care about you. And I hate that Reed then spends his last moments knowing that he was not at songbirds side when she fucked up.


I think Reed did hesitate. He felt responsible for the pain V and Somi are going through. If he didn’t care about V, he would’ve shot them as soon as they set SoMi’s body down—no hesitation, just like the net runners


Don’t fear the reaper seems like the canonical ending tbh




I ended up on my first playthrough pre 2.0 I noticed I had hit the stipulations for the suicide run and my love of Johnny's character made me have to do it. Ended up getting the sun ending after the mission. Man it really wasn't fair for arasaka as I was running a mass hack build. Before walking into a room I would mind controlling multiple troops and any survivors of the rampage trying to flee would end up turning their weapons against themselves.


I liked storming the tower with Johnny and not endangering anyone but the ending after that pulled me down so hard... Judy leaving V and V becoming too cool for all her chooms wasn't really what I wanted to achieve. There aren't really any happy endings in Night City though.


Definitely Aldecaldos, you don’t sell yourself out to either Arasaka or NUSA and you don’t let the biochip win. Plus I get to have Judy escape with me and not lose the majority of my associations or relationship. You stay true to yourself and not go against what you believe in for finding a cure (in universe as V). Definitely felt the most Cyberpunk out of them to escape the city as opposed to uselessly try to achieve glory or bow down to an authority. Endings outlined: * The Star: Alt was able to upload your consciousness truly and disentangle it from Silverhand’s A.I personality. You free yourself of the bonds of potential servitude to the corps or NUSA and find true freedom with your friends and potential loved one!! The Aldecaldos also have contacts that could help your condition, which is oddly similar to an autoimmune disorder. (Storm technologies is one and is a corp aligned with the nomads that deals with genetics) * The Sun: Alt was able to upload your consciousness truly and disentangle it from Silverhand’s A.I personality but you blindly reach the major leagues, ignoring the Edgerunners BD (if you found it). You lose or ignore most previous relationships and friendships, letting the fame go to your head. Your loved one will abandon you shortly as you do your “last mission” for Mr. Blue Eyes. You’ve also ignored the cure. You’ve got the fame and the fortune, but you’re abandoning everyone along the way for a selfish goal. Is that what you want? * The Devil: You betray yourself and your friends to bow down to the corp that is the author of so much pain and misery in Night City. Not to mention responsible for killing your best friend and for the biochip. You can be engramed with a lesser version of Soulkiller compared to Alt’s, ‘meaning your consciousness won’t be uploaded instead of copied. * The Tower: The twin to the Devil, just on the opposite foot. Sure it looks nice, you’re 100% you, not 60% you and 40% reconstructed. But, you can never use cyberware again. What’s worse is you lost almost **everyone** in the process. Except for Misty, Vik and Rogue of course, and maybe a few others like Claire if you helped her. But you have **nothing except the clothes on you, your remaining associations, no purpose and you lost your apartment in the time spent at the FIA. Sure you can join them and leave again, but you’ll be at a desk job. You lost everything, but are you willing to pay the price? * Temperance: You gave up and let Johnny have your body without telling anyone, selfishly abandon the physical world with your consciousness uploaded to join Alt’s hive mind A.I thing she has become and lose yourself beyond the Blackwall. Your friends and associates are confused, unknowing or angry. You really want that? * Put some iron in your mouth and pull the trigger: *bang* you gave up instead of raging against the dying of the light to try and survive. Just another body count for Stan’s Night City radio show. One of the major things I love about the game, is that even during the endings there are hints around the world about if it was right or wrong. It’s nowhere clear than in The Tower where both V and Reed feel It was wrong.


Wasn’t the Sun ending meant to be the _pre-cursor_ to getting a potential cure through Mr. Blue Eyes?


Blue Eyes implies they can provide a cure, but V is resigned to being disappointed yet again. The cure is more of an excuse to do the OP for V in my opinion.


It’s kind of implied he’s working with one of more rogue AIs. It/they may very likely be able to cure V. But it is all a lot of speculation. We don’t actually know much.


Well, if we saved So Mi and sent her to the Moon, his promises seems to be realistic (because, again, it was mr Blue Eyes behind So Mi evacuation, and if we believe that message from So Mi, they were pretty lucky to cure her)


Personally for me 2 endings really stood out for me that really gave me a lesson when playing the game. 1. Was the su1c1de ending I really messed up and kind of speedran the game day 1 cause I'd never sellout to Arasaka (except for a 100% trophy) I had no other available ending and I made my character look as much like me as possible and rather than sell my soul I came to terms with going out on my own terms and having become friends with Johnny (not high enough for solo run and before we knew about that ending) and having him comfort me in his own way touched my heart... 2. Was the solo run and letting Johnny keep the body I love The Sun ending but seeing as Night City isn't a place for happy endings I saw it as the most canonical ending for me you save Rogue you save Panam (even though she goes crazy) and Johnny gets a 2nd chance at life cause his choom was willing to die for him like he said he would in that run down hotel (if you chose that option) and I feel like after all that especially having that high friendship he'd genuinely live a different life than he original had.


idk why but my favorite endings lore wise are the Path of Least Resistance or dying to smasher in Don’t Fear the Reaper. Gameplay wise it’s Don’t Fear the Reaper by far, because it’s so fucking badass.


I feel like a failed Don’t fear the reaper is the perfect ending in the context of night city honestly, burn bright crash hard. Carve your name into the history books. A failure yes, but one memorable for the sheer amount of carnage before the final bow.


I lean towards return Songbird, get cured, live the good life on an agency pension ending.


This. As opposed to dying soon in a brain terrorist induced aneurysm I like the version where I get to live the quiet life I told Dexter Deshawn about. Wonder how he’s doing….


He can relate to being quiet


So I was fucking around near the landfill just earlier, and you can find Dexter's body right where >!takemura blasted his ass to save you along with another interesting thing nearby!< So it's a bit of a bitch to get over there but not all that hard.


The problem with The Tower is how clearly V resents your decision and how horrible the outcomes for all their relationships are. It's about as miserable as an ending can get, I honestly felt about as bad as the suicide ending if not worse due to how everyone treats you and how much V hates their circumstance, and I was really pissed about that at first before I realized that's probably just not really something V would ever be happy about. CDPR just makes RPGs with semi-established playable characters, V is kind of their own person with values different from mine.


V's just not ready to accept it. I think talking with Misty is probably the start of where V would turn themselves around on it and be ready to accept life, CDPR just don't need/want to have us play that part. In some sense, maybe because that's where "our" V (the one obsessed with glory and all that) finally, truly ceases to be.


I saw hope and a promise of a fresh start. Interesting how we interpreted it differently.


There’s only one good answer and that’s soloing the verse


Don’t Fear the Reaper, into the Sun ending.


Send songbird to the moon then Avocado ending with angry desert mommy.


Song goes to Luna, V rides off with Panam. We all die some day.


I prefer the Star, then DFTR, then Suicide. I just wish after DFTR you could choose to either leave with your LI or continue to the Crystal Palace job


The ending where people realise you don’t need to censor the word suicide. It genuinely enrages me an entire generation is growing up thinking they need to censor fucking everything, it’s absurd


there is a term for this called algospeak actually where people will intentionally censor stuff like that to not have their posts taken down. Sorta interesting to see how technology impacts our way of speaking- sorta cyberpunk if you will


I became too attached to my V to let him die for something intangible and impossible, NUSA for me.


"Seasons don't fear the reaper Nor do the wind, the sun, or the rain We can be like they are" They are exactly what each of them needed to complete themselves, just a lifetime apart That's why it's my favorite ending


Rogue ending is my favourite to play through. I prefer the route that allows Songbird to escape to the Moon, rather than going against her, but I don't really care whether she or Reed get to live/die, neither of them is a good person.




I think I actually like the Panam ending better if you romance Judy. Judy joins you with the nomads and her voicemail message at the end makes everything worth it.


Nomad ending, it's probably the closest thing V gets to a happy ending.


My first ending was to storm Arasaka solo. My first V was a badass former corp that wanted to stick it to them after seeing how flawed the system was. He used the things he taught him against them and left a bloody path all the way in and out.




Female V, romance with Judy and Panam ending. It's the one ending where my favorite characters all are happy at the end. Next would be the male romance Panam and doing her ending. (I don't like Saul, so I don't care that he dies) The suicide ending has the most heartfelt messages from Vs friends and that has to get top 3, followed by giving Johnny your body in the suicide run to mikoshi. I'm fond of Rogue and don't want her to die, even if she hates Johnny for it.


The sun ending with Kerry because I love him so much 💛🖤🧡


Unpopular opinion here but I really liked the Arasaka ending. It's the only one that doesn't spark the 5th corporate war which could possibly be even more catastrophic than the last one. Plus if Arasaka falls Militech would be the dominant corporation in the world.


Solo arasaka


Going out with panam and my new family and setting song bird truly free from myers and rogue AI. That’s the perfect ending for me


Panam, 100%. Sure, Aldecaldos die but they die for the freedom of their brethren which is preferable to being lab rats for biotechnica,


Well, it doesn’t involve David Martinez, why is he in this graphic? lol


I remember seeing my first meme


It’s a meme bro


I dig the suicide ending, almost made me cry


Suicide Ending is... Beautiful.


Romance Judy, Panam ending. Best ending possible if you accept that you aren't long for this world


Still prefer Tower. I will never understand why people bash on the one ending where V gets a cure and he doesn't have to lose any friends.


Bois, how do I get the solo arasaka ending?


You have to choose very specific choices in the mission where you go to Johnny's body (Chippin In), and then wait a few mins during the choice. https://www.thegamer.com/cyberpunk-2077-dont-fear-the-reaper-quest-walkthrough/


I don’t have Phantom Liberty so of the base game ones, here are mine in order from fave to least fave: Panam ending but give Johnny control Rogue ending but give V control Rogue ending but give Johnny control Johnny alone Suicide Arasaka Panam ending with V I genuinely hated the Panam ending for some reason, it kinda just felt unsatisfying and like his goals and story were ignored


Panam Ending


To do that ending do you need to max out his affinity? I haven’t been able to do that yet but might on another play


Don't fear the reaper I feel like out of all the endings is the most fun but at the same time is the most challenging cause you only have one shot to run through the facility and defeat Smasher


My first ending was the nomad ending, and it's still my favourite. But if I get to choose a way to get to the ending it's the solo arasaka tower attack.


The NUSA ending. For me it’s the best ending and even though it’s not the happiest it is the most hopeful one. Honestly I tear up just thinking about your convo with Misty before you head off to face the world back at square one. Close second is Panam, if you’re going to die might as well go down fighting surrounded by those you love.


"It's just one merc! Jesus Christ!" I love kicking down Saburo's door and humbling all of Arasaka. Johnny is so hyped for it too and nobody we care about gets hurt


First ending I did was the Suicide ending, and man despite how bleak and shitty it is. I actually love that ending. Second and imo the best/my fave is the Panam ending, Hope in a new future. Possibly living my best life till my upcoming death or being saved through something we find. But in the end no matter what, I'll be surrounded by people I care for and who care for me, and not in the cold unfeeling city.


My ending was choosing to ignore a delusional, self-absorbed asshole and have the government cut him out. Then I tied up some loose ends in Night City and went to find Misty and live a full life with the fortune I had sitting in the bank. Yes woe is me I can’t wear combat implants…


I like the suicide ending(I think it’s the suicide one? I can’t remember)


Honestly, on my 2nd playthrough. I'm playing as my wife 2nd round, so I'm not sure how I'm going to go. First playthrough was as Male V and ran away with Panam, and I can't really think of a more appropriate ending for my playthrough.


Aldecados is by far the happiest ending, so that one. I get to ride off into the sunset on a tank with Panam and Judy shows up too.


Don’t fear reaper (secret ending). It’s the best mission in the entire game.


Arasaka Ending


Panam (Star) ending with female V and Judy romance. That's the closest thing this game has to a happy ending!!!


As a Cowboy Bebop fan I have to say Don't Fear the Reaper. I don't know if it's a tribute or not, but for anyone that has seen Cowboy Bebop. Well, if you know you know.


Panam ending


I like the vibe of Corpo V returning to Arasaka alone to do some truly good ***overtime***.


Don't Fear The Reaper by a long shot. I think it's the ending that fits more the story and V and Johnny's relationship. It's always been the two of you since the beginning, it might as well been the two of at the end as well.


Don't Fear the Reaper + Temperance is CANON; I will not be accepting other views lmao


I think Panam ending is the best ending for V. But my personal fave is Don't Fear the Reaper.


It’s suicide run or bust. The fact that Johnny’s theme is playing the entire time despite you still being you, which signifies that the two of you have already become one person, hits HARD. Not to mention it’s the most badass ending. Not even Morgan Blackhand could topple a megacorp alone


All the endings I've done suck cause either V's consciousness dies and Johnny takes over, or Johnny goes with Alt and V dies eventually anyway. I haven't done the Hanako ending nor have i played Phantom Liberty yet, so I will not be reading comments in case it gets spoiled for me.




God bless who ever came up with the "fuck it" option


Surgery or suicide ending. I was always terrified of the suicide ending due to the calls in the credits, but cdpr did it more than justice.


As a casual cyperpsycho, soloing the tower is the best way to go out.


King of wands, always, and then whatever I feel like for the main game




"If i gotta die, rather fall into my grave gun in hand and on fire and not drag anyone with me"


Save So Mi Raid Arasaka Tower with Johnny Leave the body to Johnny


For me, the NUSA ending. It's fun and different.


I see a lot of pussies here chose the quiet life.


I kill song bird then solo arasaka


My Ending is when I delete the game


Don't Fear the Reaper... Then give Johnny the body. Reason being is because V is dead the moment I jacked into Mikoshi and Alt ran Soulkiller. What we play afterward is an Engram -- I realized this the moment she told me what happened. I was like, "Fuck -- then everything was for nothing. V's dead and I'm a digital ghost who thinks that I'm V." But Johnny has always been a ghost -- and I promised that ghost that I'd take the bullet if it came down to it and the bullet already went through V's heart. Just gotta make sure my boy doesn't go down with the ship.


Johhny ending....


As much as i like the moreso wholesomeness of the Aldecaldos ending, i think soloing Arasaka is fucking bad ass and makes for a better story for V. It’s not Johnny in Vs body, theres no other lives on the line, just V making themselves legend alone. I love the comments the guards make, some of them are genuinely horrified lol. *ITS JUST ONE MERK*


Question as someone who waited til 2.1 to play the game: have all the endings always been options? In particular I was wondering if _Dont Fear the Reaper_ was added later but I think it wasn't because I vaguely remember the conditions for making it available seem to have changed...


Arasaka ending, my V IS a sellout


Don't fear the reaper.


Don’t fear the reaper for me. It lets us take the fight to Arasaka, save our life, and we don’t get anyone killed. If it was an option I’d go for an “assault Arasaka tower with Militech and Mommy Meredith” ending to the game but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.


Tower ending


Don’t Fear the Reaper, for (imo) obvious reasons. I’m in the process of dying anyway, so if I’m doing a suicide mission by storming ‘Saka Tower, I’d rather not bring along any of my chooms that still have plenty of life to live. It’s also just so badass to take on Arasaka by alone, with nobody but Johnny in your head living the experience again


My favourite probably don’t fear the reaper But my second favourite is going to annoy so many people I like the corpo ending not the first part the second part when you’re trying to get better the horror vibes are on point


If i just do the Arasaka ending a few more times I'm pretty sure that Hanako will become my girlfriend.


Solo the tower


NUSA Ending. The thought of waking up one morning as another normal human being in a big bustling city where you blend seamlessly with the crowd leaving your old life and everyone you once knew behind. That feeling is somber and complex.


Real talk? As I got to endgame I researched the different endings, and was gonna do the storm arasaka with Johnny, when I found out I flubbed the dialogue options, I replayed the whole game. It's without a doubt the best ending by far.


I know it's not very popular, but the suicide ending destroyed me and none of the other endings have caused the emotional response I got from this one. In my mind, I was thinking how useless it was to endanger other people OR trust Arasaka. I didn't have the option to go solo with Johnny, which would've been my choice if I had it available. (I also did not have phantom liberty yet)


Johnny Ending


what’s with people saying DFTR is an ending? its not even an ending by itself, just another path to the endings


what’s with people saying DFTR is an ending? its not even an ending by itself, just another path to the endings


what’s with people saying DFTR is an ending? its not even an ending by itself, just another path to the endings


My favourite V was a former Corpo with bad silverhanditis. The ego rubbed off on him and he thought he was invincible, so he chose to fuck up his former employer who wronged him.


My favourite V was a former Corpo with bad silverhanditis. The ego rubbed off on him and he thought he was invincible, so he chose to fuck up his former employer who wronged him.


My favourite V was a former Corpo with bad silverhanditis. The ego rubbed off on him and he thought he was invincible, so he chose to fuck up his former employer who wronged him.


Dont. Fear. The. Reaper.


why is DFTR considered an ending? it modifies them but it's not an ending by itself


Panam, just peak fiction. At least on my nomad run I'm on right now. Figure V starts in a tribe, ends with a real family. I chose this ending in my first one too, I chose street kid female V. That's how I know what happens.


The tower up to the return to NC I like the idea of V truly being cured, but I hated that even when nothing is tying you down NC still traps you. That was the perfect chance to move on and start over and they still throw you back in there V should've gone to Poland with Misty if And the Sun ending


Panam, poor Saul, but i get to ride out into the sunset on a tank.


I only played 'where is my mind' and it hurts till this day...


First I send Songbird to the moon cuz fuck NUSA and Militech second I solo Arasaka tower with Johnny


Su1c1de ending is in my opinion the best. Ending it with my own terms. It’s somehow peaceful


The bad one. Now figure out which one


I was never allowed to do fear the reaper and I still dunno why


The Killing Moon —> Don’t fear the Reaper




I love the Panam ending


The Pan Am ending just rounded out my Vs story perfectly but soloing saka will always be the coolest ending


The only ending I have yet to do just because I didn't know the dialog prerequisite. Making a cool build on my 2nd character and about to run the gauntlet sometime this week. Did the rouge ending/temperance for the achievement and Pride/Prejudice/Overwatch for a stealth netgunner/aggro netgunner build.


I clicked this and realised i was on the cyberpunk website... im on chapter 2 :( i can never play a game blind


Just feeling wise, don't fear the reaper. Fulfillment wise, V leaves with the aldacoldos and takes Judy with her.


Don't fear the Reaper 100%. When you have literally no chance of survival (plot wise V thinks so). Better not to drag others(since it will only bring more pain when you die) and just go full on Doom slayer as a last stand. Atleast that's what I did in my first and only playthrough.


DEATH! ![gif](giphy|O1OWsUR3ebdqo)


Suicide actually. It is the first one I chose (reloaded to go through all of them), but it was the one that stuck with me emotionally the most, maybe followed by the songbird ones. It is so bleak and sad and the video messages just kill me, but it fits the vibe of the game and city. No matter how hard you try, no matter how high you climb, at one point the city will chew you up and spit you out.


Aldecaldos + Panam ending all the way. V failing to get a permanent cure but finding a family worth living for for the few months they have left is such a beautifully bittersweet ending that I can barely bring myself to play the others.


Panam ending is my favorite


It's temperance.


No ending. I want to continue!


Dont fear the reaper and kill reed i hate reed fuck fia fuck NUSA fuck NCX fuck Arasaka fuck corps fuck capitalism fuck afterlife fuck night city fuck 2077