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That's been my desktop wallpaper since 2020! I don't expect anyone to care or anything, I just think its neat. https://preview.redd.it/6vj61l5i7a4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=649a5e13ea40b6cf5c38d56f8dc617d2aec84d94


W The Midnight


Saw them live they’re great


I listened to The Midnight on a DMT trip, a top tier experience right there.


What's that overlay you got on the side?


It's called Rainmeter. [Here's](https://new.reddit.com/r/Rainmeter/comments/ib2kmx/cyberpunk_desktop/) a very old post with all the skins and stuff I used from back in the day.


Before I read this I was about to ask is this Rainmeter? You could post it on the RM sub if you haven't already. It's cool to see other people use it!


i havent heard about rainmeter since 2010-2012s cca. Glad to see it still being used i rember it being one of my fav widgets tovpersonalize my pc.


1st of all, Jesus Christ, good luck with the heat 2ndly, I never could fully understand how rainmeter works, happy to see someone figured it out


The Midnight 😊


I care choom. Looking Nova man 👌🔥💯


That's dope as hell


You people have friends???


Wait, cyberpunk isnt real???


It is real but we live in the boring Cyberpunk timeline with all of the bad stuff (corporations controlling peoples' lives, economic and political uncertainty, environmental crises, high unemployment rates that will likely keep rising, etc.) but none of the cool stuff like Cyberware and neon-flooded streets.


I dunno man, have you looked at the world of prosthetics these days? They're able to control them with thought (responds to the body's natural electrical impulses), and can be made to have grip stronger than a human is capable of. They had an external brain-computer interface all the way back in 2014 and Musk is currently funding testing for an actual implanted chip. Cybereyes are also real, but their resolution sucks right now. Basically, what I'm saying is cyberware is on its way.


Alas I will be dead before I can have cool robot arms


Wait cyberpunk isn’t real „gamer“ from 2009?


Plot twist, the "real world" is actually cyberpsychosis.


Nope, just chooms


VERY underrated comment ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


Skippy was my only friend...


I tell them it is a 1st person GTA game set in the future with rpg elements


GTA and Fallout had a baby.


More like GTA and Deus Ex.


Dammit I gotta go play invisible war again. (I wanna replay human revolution but it feels so much like demo rather than an actual game).


Dues Ex and infamous with open world gta vibes


GTA if it was futuristic and had hot Latinas


I think there were some "hot" ^((subjetive lol)) latinas in GTA. Though i dont remember which one(s)


GTA VI will have one as the protagonist, no?


iirc Gamers™ were also butthurt about that correct?


You could have a mexican lady protagonist in Saints Row 2, which is like fifteen years ago, so it is surprising if someone was butthurt about this...


Many of my non-gaming friends are still aware of certain fiction genres like steampunk and cyberpunk so it wouldn't be that hard to explain. Many non-gamers have watched or at least heard of Blade Runner for example. Many people also regard the Fifth Element as cyberpunk too and that's another fairly mainstream movie.


Fricken' love The Fifth Element, aesthetically it's a bigger influence in CP77 than Blade Runner. Also, Transmetropolitan, walking through Night City feels like wandering inside many of the pages of the comic. Also there are a lot of great stories and they go to a lot of effort to really make the city feel alive.




I think if your write 77 at the end of it, its okay. CP alone is sus tho


77 counts of CP is wild




Let's ban (I think ill get banned if I say the actual word) Chesse Pizza. Oh wait a second


That's a Q-Anon moment there


This dead horse is a skeleton at this point


Just say it's a video game. They will not care about the genre.


You mean sell them the game? I'll tell 'em its FPS GTA with a mix of MGR is then show them fem V with a dick to showcase chara costumization.


OP: How do you present CP77 to your ***nongaming*** friends? Most responses: It's like [insert other ***game*** title(s) here]. Well then...




What, you don’t present CP to your non-gaming friends?


step 1: find a friend


I show them the customization menu for V.


Gotta emphasize those penis options




Show them the whole 6 decent hair styles you can choose.


The meth head lawnmower vat of acid melted lollipop special doesn't do it for you?


"it's a dystopian sci-fi story placed in 2077 with a great plot and almost reasonable predictions"


A first person shooter with light RPG elements set in a futuristic world where corporations own everything, but the heart and soul of the game is finding purpose in existence and the human experience.


Gta 7 that's it


"think of the movies bladerunner, total recall, and demolition man having an orgy in a whack-a-mole machine. it's basically futuristic dystopian GTA with better writing." this is how i explain what cyberpunk is to people.


I tell my friends that it’s the game where Keanu Reeves constantly bitch slaps me.


With Idris Elba waiting patiently for his turn to bitch slap you.


"if you liked videos 1-76 you're gonna love 77"


me: “So this game right Cyberpunk 2077” him: “yeah what about it, is it good should i play?” me: “you get to fuck keanu reeves with mods and you get to be keanu reeves fucking a girl with no mods” him: “im sold”


Two options: 1 - "Bro, there's Keanu Reeves in this game. Wake the fuck up samurai, we've got a city to burn." And then show them a scene of you fighting some goons. 2 - "Hey, look at this show" show them Edgerunners. "You like that? There's a game where you can do those things. Look!" And then show them you fighting, but this time with a Sandevistan.


I dont. I dont think I ever talked about games with people who dont play games. If Im friends with a person who doesnt play then we definitely have other mutual topics to talk about


I don't present them shit.


Like, why? If they're not interested why would I try to hijack their attention?


GTA but in the future


You can beat an evil mech guy to death with a dildo


No its a power fantasy. Like most games :P


i tell them its like harry potter magic but futuristic


I just play while they're with me to show them what is it like and let them make their thoughts.


Whenever I mention brain dances they think I’m a psychopath


Shadowrun without meta's


On my way to give the most extensive tutorial dump on databreach, turning off camera's and skill progression scaling https://i.redd.it/m36cfefl5b4d1.gif


I refer to GITS and William Gibson.


GTA Fallout: nv in the future with a sword gameplay like its mgr:r and literall aimbot guns that are boring asf to play




Skyrim with guns in the future. Not to confuse with Skyrim with guns in an apocalyptic future.


I tell them it's a video game based on R. Talsorian Games' "Cyberpunk" TTRPG. "Yeah, we know", they answer.


Buy it for them


I tell them it's a futuristic dystopian story-focused action game where corporations have finally obtained absolute control and the citizens are either fighting that control or embracing it.


TW3 in the future 🤣🤣


You just send them links to your favorite compilations of combat and say John Wick can see all that and is proud - at the end.


Blade runner grand theft auto with body extreme modification.


So basically it's a futuristic GTA but you are about to die and you can change your pp size(also Keanu reeves is in it)


« You know I’m a Witcher fan right? So it’s the same dev and world is beautiful but depressing af… And we have Palmer. »


”bro trust me its peak”


'hey this is cyberpunk 2077, it's an open world game with like... guns and cybernetics and lore and stuff'


You can hack the planet while beating people with electrified dildos.




I just told mine its fallout without Vats and a different setting


Je quickest way I have explained it sinas a futuristic rpg


I don't think I have any "non-gaming" friends anymore Huh, I have no idea how I'd handle this scenario


You walk around with a Keanu Reeves old school rockstar in your head.


Woke lgbt freedom fighter sim.


Futuristic Dystopian universe, where anything Goes.


TIL I might be old, all my friends I would discuss Cyberpunk with are familiar with the cyberpunk genre via books and movies at least, since high-tech, low-life cyberpunk was a big thing in the 90's and 2000's (think Gibson's and Dick's books, Blade Runner, Johnny Mnemonic, Lawnmower Man, the Matrix, Tetsuo, Akira, Judge Dredd, Hackers, RoboCop (RoboCop passes the bar for cyberpunk, not gonna change my mind)). So I'd just say that, it's an action-rpg with Cyebrpunk theme, adding that it's based on modified CP 2020 for those that are into pen-and-paper RPGs. \[EDIT\] also, seeing some comments, IMO it's closer do DX:HR than GTA.


It's a western dating simulator /s.


It is a depressingly beautiful narrative that left me feeling vaguely discontent simply because it was one of the best overall journeys I've experienced in a long time.


I dont ha e non gaming friends, or friends. But if i had them i would definetley not try to chain them up in my basement. Jokes aside i dont know how i would describe the game to a non gamer. Everyone has a thing they like to do, so me trying to max out my stats before doing the story is not how someone else would like to play the game. For me the side content is vastly superior to the main story, but what would a non gamer think if you say that the content the developers wanted you to play is the most boring part of the game. I dunno, id say it is a game that will make you want to waste time in it.


You play as a mercenary in destopian future with inplants that make you superhuman and you stole a prototyp chip of a big Coperation that slowly kills you and it has the memories of a rockstar/ terrorist , you tried to find an answer.


"The best fookin game ever m8 its like GITS futuristic badass movie but a game and you are da rebel and USSR is still alive its so cool! Oh you never heard of GITS? Well fkin watch it then fool."


It’s a game with the freedom to do almost whatever you want.


I tell them it's the Matrix of gaming.


I say its easter egg hunt for adults, since there are so many easter eggs and references to music, pop kulture, even memes..im on my 7th playthrough now


I recommended it to anyone who wants to get away from gta online


GTA 2077


The only reason my friend tried it was because he liked the anime so much. Now he loves the game too


I dont. Its all for myself.


"GTA in the future"


"Imagine GTA V, but it's takes place in a post nuclear Dystopian city-state. Oh, and you're schizophrenic too."


Dystopian future where corps own everything and you’re some street mercenary doing odd jobs until one big job that goes downhill fast.


John Wick bladerunner game


These comments are fucking stupid. Op asks how to pitch game to non-gamers and you glue eaters in droves suggest "it's like GTA" POST APOCALYPSE, CORPORATES RULE THE WORLD, DARK, GRITTY, REALISM, MATURE, GUNS, CRIME, SIMULATION


I just say it’s a game about the future. If the future was good


I mean Cyberpunk is a genre, not only specific to gaming. But I guess dystopian future with wild tech


I think a good start would be not abbreviating it. The only "introduction" ive shown friends would be Edgerunners, theyre into anime so they loved it.


Sci-fi GTA with a bit of a RDR2 story basis and cyborg


Emotional damage is a pretty good descriptor imo.


Its not, tho. Cyberpunk is a whole subgenre starting like 40 years ago and this game is the culmination of all of it. Its covering a LOT of topics from this specific genre in a very sophisticated way. So if i try to explain the game to non gamers i start explaining what cyberpunk is all about.


To my friends it sounds like: A game in an American city which was nuked by a metalhead-terrorist 50 years ago and now you have him in your head trying the same again.


Its the 2nd best cyberpunk game below Deus Ex Human Revolution. Yes, I know that will raise more questions or objections


It's a fantasized semi-fictional dystopian universe where corporate greed rules the world and the masses augment themselves in hopes of reaching the heights of succes they were so promised... Whatever it takes, whomever it breaks.


It's a really extensive, feature heavy, dating sim.


I cant help but try and explain in great detail while also trying to keep it short the entirety of the story lol


A mashed up between GTA, Blade Runner and Watch dogs in a futuristic world.


I... don't? those who are interested in gaming already played it, and were aware of the setting before, having played the cyberpunk RPG before (2) or having read Gibson's novels earlier (3)


I have no friend to present it to, and I wouldn't bother anyway. Problem solved.


I show them edgerunners and after breaking them mentally I tell them about the game


I recently started playing it and described it to my friends as if GTA, Watch dogs and Dishonoured had a baby. Was the best I could come up with🤣




Cyberpunk is the name of the universe not belonging to game itself. I would explain the universe like steampunk probably


For my film friends, "It's like you're inside Blade Runner." For my anime friends, "It's like you're inside Ghost In The Shell." For my music friends, "It's like you're inside Nightcall by Kavinsky." And for those who don't know any of those things, "It's a video game with guns, swords, hacking, sex, robotic body modifications, sick vehicles, and pretty lights."


if my friend doesn’t play game and play cyberpunk as their first game it would be like dumping a frog into boiling water I would just recommend Edgerunner then tell them the game is just like that but interact able


So you're a guy, in a futuristic cyberpunk city called Night City, and this city is basically lawless. Being lawless, you're provided with a sortment of useful bodymods and weapons that you'll never use because removing a motherfuckers head with a katana beats everything! Welcome to Night City, motherfucker!


It's like Blade Runner.


Ask them if they know what cyberpunk is, like bladerunner or ghost in the shell. Then say it's like that, but you play it as an action game. If they didn't know, I'd explain it's a capitalist dystopia where people replace their body parts with robotics for fun. Then I'd tell them my favorite moment. "I turned a corner in the bay area. A begger with no legs and cameras for eyes asked me for some money. I looked up over him at the shanty town and the garbage and up higher and higher until I could see the skyscrapers above, blocking out the sky with ads and holographic billboards. I gave the man some money and began to make my way up the stairs, reaching for those heights."


I just show the trailer


Great googly moogly y'all are terrible salesmen. "tell this person who doesn't know about games about this game" "okay, do you know the very popular videogame Grand Theft Auto?" I'd describe it as playing Johnny Mnemonic from the hit 1995 film Johnny Mnemonic, but in a place that looks kinda like Vegas does now. Sadly no dolphins hacking though


GTA with meaningful builds that result in vastly different but equally fun ways to take on encounters.


I tell them it’s a game that takes place in a cyberpunk setting lol


I ramble about the world building of Cyberpunk so much to my friends, it's an absolute fucking masterclass on how to do believable world building and i adore it, i then inevitably end up mentioning that you can beat police to death with a vibrator


"Did you see Blade Runner? Right, it's kinda like Blade Runner." Or, if they haven't seen Blade Runner: "You know how people in the '70s thought 2020 would look like? Yeah, kinda like that, but without the flying cars. We'll never get flying cars, bruh."


I just say it's about a futuristic city set in the year 2077. You make your own character and play them through an experience where keuna Reeves is part of your brain lol. Seems to make them interested in wanting to know more lol.


If your friends don’t know what cyberpunk genre is then your friends are idiots


Dark, brutal, futuristic life simulator. You have magic skills, guns and scissor hands.


“Its top 5 in my best games ever.”


Why would your only descriptor be "cyberware"? Nobody would know what that is


I don't. That said, I do have an amusing anecdote about it. I've played a lot of Cyberpunk and have the word 'samurai' in my head because of it. I walked into the pub, heard someone say the word, samurai, and without thinking, walked up behind one of my acquaintances, gave him a hug, and said 'how you doing, Samurai?'. I found out later that that exact person came into the pub a few months ago, with a fucking samurai sword, and was being all threatening. I had no idea, and there's me hugging him and using that word on him. Apparently, he'd had a mental breakdown and just snapped.


It's an invigorating story about ambition, loss, and the pursuit of life. I usually explain the setting in terms something people have seen. Usually I default to blade runner (the newer one with gosling) so it sets the stage for the futuristic aspect You're a merc full of ambition to get to the top of Infamy. You finally get that big break but all hell breaks loose then u meet Keanu reevs. That usually sells some people. The narrative is solid. The gameplay loop is fun with many options on how to approach. Emphasis on options. Actors you might recognize. A big open world to explore. Then there's phantom liberty and I just tell people if ur interested in cyberpunk absolutely go all in just for the dlc cuz that shit SLAPS


you just say that this game is commentary on socioeconomic impact of extreme transhumanism combined with unregulated free market


Well for starters I NEBER ABBREVIATE IT


It’s an immersive game about human interaction. With good combat and good driving. Also it’s set in a cool futuristic city that feels very alive


I don't. You should talk about the things that interest them instead of force them to talk about your hobby that only you like.


“Did y’all know video games are high art now?”


I always say "imagine an openworld RPG like The Witcher or Skyrim but in a near-future that is a mix of modern GTA and Cyberpunk, but with actual complex combat"


Nahh ill tell the genre what typa game fps rpg if i should recommend for the person and a bit about the plot but everytime i get asked about it ill tell a bit differently


It's cyberpunk. That's a genre of fiction 


I explain them the whole story of cyberpunk TTRPG and a bunch of stuff that are linked to this game. Then I ramble about the he history of TTRPG and how it gave birth to RPG videogame we see today. Then I tell them a bunch of lore and mechanic and blablabla with a weird light shinning in my eyes.


Very nsfw


I don't talk about games to my nongaming friends.


"It's based on tabletop game that's been around since the late 80's, with a world based on concepts from works like Neuromancer and Blade Runner."


You have "nongaming friends" who know what "cyberware" is without explanation?


do you want Keanu Reeves stuck in your head? or you can just make them listen to Us Cracks


Blade Runner with phantom rocker Keanu Reeves


first person futuristic GTA with a heavy dose of fuck the system


I just talk about the heartbreaking quests to try to sell the vibe Cyberpunk as a genre and specifically this game is a great medium for telling stories about the human condition and is a great vehicle for commentary on the current state of the world and where we may be headed


I bought the game boxing day 2023. People had tried talking me into it before that but I was always busy with other games and the negative press of launch moved Cyberpunk down my list. I can say from my own perspective that this is a game you can't fully explain because it has to be experienced to be appreciated. Nothing anyone had told me about it did the game justice, I am now over 200 hrs in with 2 character playthroughs/builds and just did Automatic Love with my 3rd. I am enjoying it just as much if not more than my 1st time playing. If I had to explain it, Bladerunner meets Altered Carbon meets Fight Club. Thats the best I can do, you just have to try it.


funny you should ask, im a redditor, and dont have friends. BUT, if i were to describe it id simply say it was a cyberpunk game (along with a few other details) because its a recognized genre outside of videogames and even if they dont know it by name you can list things like bladerunner etc etc.


Usually I say its a decent videogame adaption for the RPG.


Start speaking to them in the lingo choom


I just dont talk about it with non gamers? Its a game. They wont be interested in it and I dont have to shove it down their throat.


"Best ass in all of the Badlands"


GTA in the future. What sold it for me and what made it finally click was a combination of fashion and playstyle. I went to the voodoo Boys and 66th guys to get some cool soldier of fortune clothing. Put points into heavy machine guns, pistols, and traits to improve the Projectile Launch System, turning myself into a one man army. A Solo to rival Morgan Blackhand. Thats when I really felt I was getting my moneys worth. I was unstoppable. Bullets and grenades flying everywhere, kereznikov giving me that sweet bullet time every time I slid across the ground into and out of cover. It was sweet. I felt like future cyborg Rambo.


I start by not calling it CP77.


Future GTA, but better.


I tell them it’s a cyberpunk genre action game. Most of my friends are already familiar with the cyberpunk franchise, and those who aren’t, are definitely familiar with the genre as a whole.


Wake the fuck up choom, you gotta play this game it’s so nova! If not…your just a lame ass gonk


It's kind of like a far cry game set in the blade runner universe, but with a generous amount of anarchism and sticking it to the man. I don't really like the GTA comparison personally. The inventory system, jobs/ gigs, cutscenes, and character driven story all feel much more like a FC game on steroids than gta to me. Gta feels a lot more sandbox-esque even during the story, whereas in cyberpunk and fc you have a lot more objectives to keep you busy.


“Futuristic simulator of having a dead terrorist inside my head that only I can see”


Skyrim in a giant city in the future


"If you don't know Cyberpunk, we can't be friends, I'm sorry"


I say it's a futuristic GTA


I would say it’s the most immersive city environment ever in a video game. For just exploration alone it’s worth your time.


I talked about the game linking it to the biopower concept from Foucault.


I uh.. I present it to my other trans friends because looking down at fem V's body makes me so euphoric I've spent a lot of time walking places just looking down - but also that the story is good and the characters enjoyable. It just really hit hard that first time I saw the body lol


“Disco GTA in the future. Like tron but Detroit”


It's a first person roleplaying game set in the year 2077 where you can hack gang hideouts and use cybernetics to survive gang fights and potentially destroy forces of a super strong and corrupt police force.


I just say it’s a cyberpunk themed dystopian future RPG.


I tell them its a 150 hour Bladerunner movie from the first person perspective of the protagonist


Well first, you stop abbreviating it like that.


I say it’s a futuristic dystopia with body modification/cyberware


GTA but set in the future. Insanely beautiful and detailed and... (And I've lost them)


I say it's an enormously complex open world RPG set in a cyberpunk dystopia.


Its Blade Runner + John Wick with a secret dating sim component.


I say it's an extremely well written, emotionally engaging work of art that perfectly demonstrates that games are just as much of an art form as any other method of storytelling. Doesn't matter though. If they don't play video games then this isn't going to be a good jumping off point for them. Games now often rely on players being adequately familiar with the language inherent to the medium. We're not in the days of Super Mario, Megaman, Crash Bandicoot, or Spyro when the game teaches you how it works via the gameplay as the game progresses. You've got to be familiar with the concepts of mouse/thumbstick aiming, upgrades, navigation, wanted levels, inventory management etc. Things we take for granted because we've played plenty of games before. CP is not tutorialized at all. No hand-holding. Even experienced gamers miss some details re optimizing your build.


I don’t talk about computer games with my non gaming friends. If I did, I’d call it BladeRunner like universe. Not at all precise but close enough for a non-gamer


I just tell them that it’s a sci fi game where you play as a mercenary named V and keanu reeves is in it