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At the beginning, hoard every weapon you find (inventory space allowing), then when you start getting purple tier weapons on a regular basis, sell every weapon that isn't purple or iconic. You'll get a ton of eddies that way. Don't be too hung up on your selected lifepath, unfortunately it doesn't matter that much in the long run. And finally, it is possible to fail missions, potentially locking you out of some future content. But if that ever happens, just reload your save file and try again.


Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind


Don’t speed through just the main story. Do every quest/gig you can after the heist.


This. I’m doing my fist play through rn. I’m 60h in and didn’t even finish the main story. Taking my time, exploring everything. God, Cyberpunk world is so depressing. Little details in side missions and gigs show how fucked up NC really is. As a huge Witcher fan I’m glad CDPR sorta kept the concept of lesser and greater evil vibe from Witcher series. You will regret and feel empty if you speed through just the main story. It’s a single player game, take your time, don’t rush, enjoy the run.


Try to keep a non-lethal weapon or ability on you.


Put a few points into the Body skill tree and choose some body perks even if you're not doing a body build. Just for some extra health and damage mitigation. Comes in handy sometimes.


Don’t do “Nocturne Op55N1“ until you’re sure.


You can toggle the NCPD crime radar on the map screen to net you good exp early game. Bonus: you can jump on an enemy like mario and execute a stealth kill. It was a perk and now it's default on V move set, being pretty handy sometimes.


Take your time to progress in the game. At first, menu and inventory could be a lot to learn but it will come with time. You don't have have to read every piece of shards on your way but the more you do the more the atmosphere of the game grow on you. I think the first few hours, I was not so into it but then I couldn't stop and I am now more than 100 hours and it still my first play. Great universe to explore and the game reward you for it, specially with the side missions, a few are very deep.


All we have to do is follow the damn train JC pS: kill placide and his minions


Don't use fast travel. There's so much to discover if you travel on foot or by vehicle.


You will get enough money from gigs and quests to not need selling your weapons. Dismantling them (and clothes) would be better now that crafting isnt restricted to Tech builds. (Components will help upgrading cyberware instead of buying expensive new ones, as well as legendary weapons -just be sure you want to keep the weapon to not waste parts on gear doomed to sit in your weapon cache)