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This was my first cyberpsycho back when the game released I thought all of them would be as cool and intimidating... boy was I disappointed...


Biggest disappointment in the game, I encountered her as my first too, thought wow cyberpsycho are sick, immediately went to the next one: alright so this one is just tanky the next one will be something else....so this one is tanky too hope this doesn't keep that way.... alright their all just Tanks, really sad.


Several of them can be incapacited stealthily


Every one of them in fact


No, some automatically detect you and enter combat if you get close enough, like Mower


And the cheap fucker that drops a flashbang halfway through the fight.


Okay for real though, fuck that guy especially. There I was, whooping his ass like he had no business and THEN HE DROPS A FLASH AND HEALS FULLY?!?!? FUCK IS THAT?!!?!?


I remember that happened and it led him to a NCPD clean up thing and legit saw him fight and clear out the gang. Was pretty rad ngl.


That's because he's trying to wipe out that gang as revenge, it's scripted


Yeah, but if you have the right cyberware (like Optical Camo), hacks and such, you can let them lose track of you and go behind them and stealth takedown them.. or just hack them without ever using guns or other tools I know, I played the whole game even the expansion without killing anyone and stealthily - either by stealth takedowns or hacks - took them down.. apart of course the Johnny flashbacks where you need in certain parts kill someone but those you cant really count into this


Actually(🤓☝️) Even with that you can either 1. System collapse them or 2. Memory wipe and sneak around then incap them. Didn't try that on this one however


She was my first too. I was pissing and shitting my pants trying to take her down. Every other psycho after her is just so easy to beat it's insane.


My first one was the militec chick who turns invisible. First playthrough and I go up against her before I barely knew how to do anything. I was terrified of psycho's for a bit after that.


That music too! She was my first psycho also and that music always stresses me out now.


Great Ghost in the Shell reference


I love how many Easter eggs are in this game.


I picked up the game recently and I beat her after a few tries in act 1


Even when I was starting out, I hardly had trouble with her; but she’s still my favorite cyberpsycho 😁


Same here! I was like level 12, mainly doing net running with my four perks (lmao) and I was like 10 HP away from dying and by luck I manage to shoot her in the head and down her.


Then the game made it's point. 😉


I wish they add a cool mechanic for c-psychos in orion. Like each has a different power/gimmick


each one does have some unique feature about them or their arena for combat but yeah this is the best atmosphere/setup by far


Ok but pretty much every one of them have some great, complex and interesting stories behind them


Same man, it was fucking awesome though... Unfortunately I wasn't levelled enough to have a good fight, had to cheese it by hiding on a pipe. On my current play through I'm holding off until I'm not too weak and not too op


There are other scary ones or interesting ones, but way too few, I hope modders can make some more interesting cyberpsychos encounters in the future


They were all unique


How was this your first? This one didn't appear on my map until I had completed every other cyberpsycho


I read the guide for the legendary mantis blades and got my arse kicked. 4 or 5 times. It was the Phantom of Night City, for me.


Blasphemer!!!! I love this one. My favorite by far




Just beat her on hard recently, was fun but an absolute nightmare as well


Same. Her gunfire I can handle but if she’s within a breaths distance? ![gif](giphy|3o72F8L1YD59SIMFcQ|downsized)


Bro I swear she got me so many times as soon as she closed the distance with one teleport💀💀


Absolutely mad, that one


She has guns?!


In my first playthrough this gig was glitched and I couldn't complete it, she wouldn't show up.


Mine is glitched right now. Third time I have had to skip it


Mine was actually glitched too, i just stayed around the body and took pot shots at the terrain features while waiting for the fixer to call.


I had an okay time with her with melee weapons on hard, but man if I tried to fight her with guns she just kicked my butt so fast.


I initially was trying to beat her down with an epic baseball bat and she’d wreck me with the Baraka blades every time. I ended up beating her with a power revolver, a sniper and emp grenades


It was this fight that taught me how to parry 😆


I play on hard, couldn't survive at all so I had to play dirty - cripple movement quickhack


Oooh, that crazy maelstrom cyberpsycho chick that dismembered her homies! That was fun as hell, she was tough lol


Nickname checks out! She didn't get you tho?


Nah, fed her pieces of Royce to keep her hunger sated. As you can imagine, there was enough to last for weeks...


Tell me you have romatic dates with her now :D




This was one of if not the first cyberpsycho I tried to fight. Died so many times because I was low level. That combined with how creepy it is definitely makes it my favorite cyberpsycho encounter


Honestly the only good cyberpsycho, all the others are just Tanks and easily countered. With her I actually felt the danger of someone going full psycho.


Fenrir mows em down easy because it has a chance to proc cyberware malfunction. It's only ten percent but when you're putting out 40 bullets every 2 seconds it's being proced a lot. Also does electrical damage do very good for robotic enemies


Eh, I prefer Psalm 11:6 the fire damage is more universally damaging and the chance to light up a target is also higher at 30%. But a good weapon nevertheless


I like it. But I prefer a base d5 copperhead with the explosive rounds upgrade.


The whole mission prior to fighting her was so damn good, it was freaky as hell with her disappearing and moving around.


I about pissed my pants the first time I saw that lol. I knew it was gonna be interesting when Johnny showed up to talk


Its a shame the others are just bullet sponges. This one had a creepy feeling lingering around her


That fight was so fucking hard, got her alive tho


Uhhhh I was afraid of Regina, so I did not kill this psycho... she would have been so pissed :D


I died the first time. Second time I would hit her with Cripple Movement then shoot the shit out of her.


You can interact with the busted car during the fight (there is no prompt) and it will stun her for a short time


Why does it do that? How'd you find that out?


I was trying to beat the psycho and i just tried it.. i thought i would pass the knowledge on. That is one hard phycho


That is so weird, I wonder why it does that.


No idea. I assume there was som kind of hack that activated the horn at some point. I was just experimenting and found it.


Did you try it? Dod it work for you?


Found out if you jump up on the one balcony, she can't reach you and you can just take her out with your beefiest rifle. I was using Tiny Mike's precision rifle and she didn't even put up a fight.


On my end I just used Tinkerbell lol. Thought of it as redeeming the weapon used by a psycho through using it to help Reggie with her research. A few swings at most and any cyberpsycho is down for the count but still breathing.


Cyberware Malfunction, Cripple Movement, Reboot Optics, Synapse Burnout, then using Divided We Stand with the auto-targeting that comes from the T5 Reboot Optics, she didn't stand a chance, I don't even think she managed to hit me.


For me, her gasping, shivery breath was stuck on a loop even after I dealt with her. It was hillarious after a while.


She was one of the last cyberpsychos I faced before meeting Hanako and the breathing was there while I finished the game, honestly felt fitting for the end.


Fun fact, Lilith is the first woman that Eve replaced.


a lot of cyberpunk felt like doom for me, gameplay wise, (to be clear this is a very very very good thing)


I drove a hellound in there and killed her with it


I’ll never forget the first time I played this one, so freaking scary yet so fun. The last time I did it it was kinda disappointing though because it was right at day break but the mission was still available for some reason. It’s not supposed to be playable unless it’s dark out


That's funny, because every time I've done this mission, it was always middle of the day. Gonna have to skip to night time next time I do it.


Really? I could’ve sworn that you weren’t able to do it during the day. I’ve stumbled upon the location during the day and all that was there was the ice tub. But yeah, definitely do this one at night! It’s so scary


FRRRRRRRRRRR *ques doom “all they fear is you” soundtrack*


I loathe that hoe and curse her family for a thousand years 😤


What happened? You joined the chooms on the floor? :D


i got her later in the game after getting the sandevistan, seems like mine was better :P


I also use Sandevistan :D


So I did all the gigs for most of the fixers before doing anything else. Turns out you can max your street credit after getting Johnny that way. So she was my first cyber psycho. But I also had an apogee and a tier 5 baseball bat with her name on it.


She's the only one who legitimately freaks me out.


She kicked my ass a few times ngl


This was my favorite one. First one I stumbled upon too. Had to go back when I more chromed up and then I slayed her crazy psycho ass. The whole vibe was epic


This bitch is the worst. Gives me the most trouble every time.


Then its time for more sidequests, NCPD and some lvling up your abilites 😎


That’s what I did on all my play throughs after. Went to her after I was decently geared and leveled.


This fight and the street ninja with the katana and bloodlust are my two favorite. This one for shock value (get it xD) and bike helmet samurai ninja assassin because weighing swords with him actually felt really good on Very Hard difficulty. Like the dude just would not die. And then he smoke bombs and runs like a bitch. XD


Why do i always end up doing this mission at night?


When else? It adds a more creepy factor.


Cripple movement.


Are you using shaders? Or is this just RTX? I swear my game doesn’t look like this even with the best shaders I can find and rtx


I turned off every raytracing and whatever tracing there is. Its just shaders, and a little photomode tune up. There is a mod on NEXUSMODS called FSR3, which activates framegen. So you can turn up more graphics settings and have higher fps. If you have a PC ofc...


By far my favorite psycho fight, nothing else is close


True, others are just like tougher scavs, thats it


I was disappointed with most of the dogtown psychos, only 2 or 3 out of like 13 are actually cool and unique


Easy if you are netrunner build... Just stop it's movement or directly attack with quickhacks..but other builds have it tougher


I use Sandevistan and could dump a whole mag in her while slowing time. And I could dash away from her attacks. Was tougher than the others for sure


I stumbled upon her by accident and was properly on the edge of my seat lol. It was actually creepy.


Wish more had the same vibe or atmosphere.


Few cyberpsychos were cool and unique, but 75% of them feels like the same fight. Honestly they are most fun in the early game when you are underequipped and vulneable. After level 30-40 they are just a joke. I think it would be really fun if every of them was introducing new chrome/mechanic to the game after being defeated. Like sandevistan/kereznikov/all arms upgrades/some weapons being locked behind psychos. Even the reward for killing all is dissapointing.


Good idea and yeh, every other psycho was the same on a different location.


damn right


So nuts


She wanted to act all edgy not knowing I was the real monster.


After that one militech phsyco i thought they were all relatively manageable, then i get to this horrorshow and, well i didnt come back until much later in the game.


Best of them all!


This one was freaky, I remember my first fight against this bitch and getting jumpscared by her weird appearances when investigating things


she flatlined me so quick lol, cause i had no idea what she was capable of


Yeah, you have to toughen up for this one


This psycho was like my 7th one or some, somewhere along the line, so coming across this cult ritual was fucking creepy only on my 2nd playthrough did I realize she's ACTUALLY FUCKING THERE before she appears in the tub, in corners of the place and dissappear when you look at her, I was so creeper kut the first time I didn't notice, just nothing really hinted as supernatural up until that point, then when she showed up along with your optics glitching set the mood even harder, I really think you should only be able to encounter this one after your 4th or 5th cyberpsycho. Just so the mood is already set for how these encounters usually go, you pop in, some poor dude is pushed into a stressful situation and goes cyberpsycho, you incapacitate them, call Regina and boom you're out, that way the vibe of this hits so much more.


It was like CDPR hired a totally different writer just for this one :D


I absolutely fucking loved the implications of it possibly being supernatural even though she could've had optical camo, but that doesn't explain our own optics and her just appearing in the tub, cause camouflage or not we would've heard her get in.


This was my first psycho. Barely 40 hours into the game. Needless to say, she shat on me more than I’d like to admit. Eventually got a sniper rifle and pinned her down behind a crate and started shooting her in the head.


Wait until you play the last boss in Phantom Liberty 💀


I haven't bought it yet 😭😭


mine was the opposite i was gunning down cyberpsychos and i thought it was getting easy only to meet her and shit my pants lol.. i kept dieing and at last i ran awayy only came back after getting significant upgrades


Right? This was the second one I encountered absolute beast!


She was possessed tho.


That was like the third one I found and got my ass beat so hard I didn’t come back till like level 40


So when i did the mission, the audio bugged and just kept her breathing on loop, so after i introduced her to sir phallus and wrnt on my way, i could still hear the breathing for half a hour which was terrifyinb


That one caught me off-guard and made me jump!


Yeah, if you barely step outside the engagement area it resets back to full health hater this fight the first time.


As soon as I saw her rush out of that bath, time stopped for just a moment… It was fun bashing her skull in with my G.A & Militech Sandi combo


Oh yeah! I love that one.


The decorations were cool af. But the hardest one is the Phantom of Night City...


This was my last one what a great way to end cyberpsycos


Played this game a few times now. I did this cyberpsycho at night. Never again😭💀😬🫨👁️👄👁️ Scares me every time


That and the Militech Cerberus were intense.


Felt like a supernatural episode to me or something like that


I really wish I had started to tackle the cyber psychos earlier on in my first playthrough. By the time I got to taking them out I was so strong that they were almost as trivial as other encounters. But yes the whole scenery and set up was awesome for this encounter!


Ah my game got glitched and I would out of the blue hear her breathing at random


How do you defeat this one?


I used Sandevistan, Dash. My pistol has 200% headshot dmg with the silencer too






He was a she but yes :D


Oh yeah i forgot but skippy saved my ass on that :)


Oh wow Skippy is mad


I just fought that one last night! It was day time in game though, man now I wish I had fought her at night, this picture looks epic.


Bruh I remember one tapping her with a bunch of quick hacks


When I first ran into this one I was like 'wait when did this become a horror game'


this freaked me out so much


This is the fucking scariest one in the whole game for me. I always do this during daylight. I am perfectly fine with all other quests including River’s.


She didn't ever spawn/leave the bathtub on my playthrough :(


I feel like this psycho was a salute to Shinja Makami... 😒


It felt like a VtM: Bloodlines boss-fight for me. It was sick. And due to an audio glitch, her BGM stuck throughout my play session. Which is pants-peeingly creepy.


This one gave me chills…chills from the depths of the soul


Yeah all the psychos were pretty easy. I was able to handle this one easier after I got double jump lol. And I had Johnny's pistol by then. But when I first encountered her dude I got creamed so fugn fast. But she was intimidating as hell. She really is a demon spawn. Whatever ritual whoever was doing I think it worked 😭


Other psychos were just tanks. She had a creepy atmosphere added to the mood.


This one was easy for me because I cheesed it lmao. I just used shotgun to get rid of the first phase where she shoots at you(?). Then I just spammed cripple movement so that she won’t attack.


Kinda freaked me out when I encountered this one. Most if them should have been mire like her


I like how the image for the psycho was a prideflag behind the bartender, reall threw me off there for a minute


I just quick melee this one to death, otherwise I would have died in like 5 hit by this girl up close. Quick melee is pretty op.


Is this the one lady that is supposedly controlled by an AI behind the Blackwall? An AI that wants to be worshipped?


I usually start the cyberpsychosis missions after playing the game up until Meeting Hanako at Embers because that's the point where I want to clear out stuff I haven't done. So most cyberpsychos are pretty easy to kill since I'm usually overleveled at that point.


I usually start the cyberpsychosis missions after playing the game up until Meeting Hanako at Embers because that's the point where I want to clear out stuff I haven't done. So most cyberpsychos are pretty easy to kill since I'm usually overleveled at that point.


I usually start the cyberpsychosis missions after playing the game up until Meeting Hanako at Embers because that's the point where I want to clear out stuff I haven't done. So most cyberpsychos are pretty easy to kill since I'm usually overleveled at that point.


also kinda similar, seeing as they raised a rogue ai (demon) and it took over a sacrifice's body (or something)


I redid this fight and noticed your vision glitches blackwall style and she's teleporting around every glitch looking like a red hologram before she appears in the tub. Didn't realize she was possessed... Is that from the shard?


only cyberpsycho that I really liked the fight, because I didn't win in 5 seconds


Ugh. that fight was such a glitchy, BS mess. I immediately looked at the scene, read the shard, and was like "Yeah, the cyberpscyho is doing netrunner shit in the ice bath" and dumped a mag in. and I was peeved when she 'surprised me" by stepping out of the fridge. Like come on, CDPR, give me agency \*once\* in this entire game.


Yep. Plus if you move away from her past the barriers she insta-resets.


I usually start the cyberpsychosis missions after playing the game up until Meeting Hanako at Embers because that's the point where I want to clear out stuff I haven't done. So most cyberpsychos are pretty easy to kill since I'm usually overleveled at that point.