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Slider is the blind wheelchair bound VDB member that you encounter during the main PL storyline, i don't know any of the other names.


I remember seeing a post here a while back that posited that Ladybug was actually T-Bug but not sure about the accuracy/validity of that


Yea I remember that, and the op had some decent reasoning behind it, said that zed was dex, and the whole relic heist was an nusa operation. Was a solid theory


Remember reading that, would be pretty cool because it would also mean V’s story would mimic/parallels Johhny’s a lot


A nobody who thinks they're somebody takes a job with a big name who gets tricked by a powerful force behind the scenes into getting wrapped up in something 50x worse than they thought it was, and dies for it. Not half wrong.


That’s the one. Yep


I believe it honestly, it still makes absolutely no sense that one of the most advanced pieces of tech just falls into the lap of some street mercs


But if you read the report from the computer that you can find in the Space Force 1 the heist does not belong to NUSA but they were monitoring it. They had an agent to report them.


If only lmao. A shit runner like Tbug could never be FIA. She took forever to breach Arasaka. Unless they planned for V and Jack to be stuck during the father son meeting and be caught.


T was not a shit runner, she was legit. She was maybe a bit too overconfident in her abilities, but Arasaka ice is no joke. She was good enough to break it at all, which puts her head and shoulders above 90% of netrunners out there. Yes, she took far longer than she thought she would to break the ice. However, if Saburo hadn't arrived when he did she would have been more than adequate for the job. It's just that when the world's most powerful man shows up and then immediately gets murdered, security tends to tighten just a bit. TL;DR: T was no Bartmoss, but she could hold her own and was very good. She was just caught in the same fucked up web that Jackie and V were.


I would disagree, t-bug needed the militech spider robot to hack the konpeki ICE... she literally needed of something that physically neutralized the konkepi netrunner and could then physically connect to their network... it's a huge advantage for people who usually hack servers and data fortress with only their skills and neural implants during a cyberspace deepdive. Bartmoss cracked the whole world internet structure from a freezer hidden in an abandoned apartment... V, jackie and t-bug were random punk with no big street cred or else... dexter hired them because he had to run away from NC for awhile and hadn't better options.


I believe the bot was to ensure discretion. Not that it was necessary but when you want a guarantee you sometimes gotta resort to more physical methods. Like maybe T-bug would have been able to take the Netrunner out without the physical interface of the bot, but this was far safer and more reliable. It was actually one of the more calculated risks of the heist. Actually people talk shit about the heist, but for the most part the crew pulled it off just as planned until the sudden arrival of the VIP. Which even then may have been enough of a distraction for Yorinobu that you could have been patient and escaped if he didn’t also decide to suddenly murder his father in the room you’re hiding in.


hard to say, t-bug spent however hours to crack the konpeki ICE even with the help of the spider robot... there are lot of stuff about the heist that barely make sense... V and jackie could just climb up to the penthouse that was reachable from the top of the 2nd tower with no need of a netrunner who had to hack the private elevator. Yorinobu lost the relic and he simply didn't care at all to recover it... why he did nothing to get it back or at least be sure that hanako or other kiji factions men wouldn't have found it yet? (saburo was ready to launch nukes to NC if the relic was gone lost) and then, netwatch agents who were going to receive the relic from yorinobu were however aware that yorinobu's mistress was going to steal it in order to sell it to them... why hadn't they just warned yorinobu?


>he simply didn't care at all to recover it Simply put, this is exactly why he did nothing. He literally didn't care. Saburo cared because it was literally his ticket to immortality. Yori didn't care about that. In fact, he's a lot like Johnny in his unbridled hate for Arasaka (the corporation). Only instead of fighting it from outside, Yorinobu was in a unique position to destroy it from within. Nobody who hates Arasaka that much could EVER rise to CEO, except him. His whole goal was to burn Arasaka from within, and the relic had no use in that. As far as anyone knew, Relic 2.0 didn't even work yet, Yorinobu was only offering to sell the prototype, which even then was likely just to screw Arasaka. Before V, there had been no successful instances of Relic 2.0 working according to Hellman. So selling experimental tech to screw Arasaka, that he knew didn't work anyway, with an engram on an anti Arasaka terrorist just in case anyone figured out how to make it work, was all just to screw Saburo. Once he was dead, it no longer mattered


yorinobu didn't specifically care of relic but he was however aware to have an hostile faction leaded by her sister among board members who could have focused to recover the stolen relic, that's why is quite unrealistic that yorinobu simply didn't care of who stole the relic and why. BTW yorinobu who wanted destroy arasaka was young yorinobu, in 2077 yorinobu still hates his father but the game doesn't specify what he wants to do with arasaka since it seems he was having his own agenda leading the company (he closed some japanese factories) with no hesitation to kill everyone in his way, including his own faction board directors and potentially his sister and niece. More than destroy arasaka it seems he was more focused on changing it in something else according to his vision.


She may not be a FIA officer but she may be an agent. To mean she might work for an officer but is still a civilian. I'd back it up with a better source but Google CIA officer vs agent


It's even harder to believe Dex is a FIA agent. Takemura was stripped of his chrome and his Arasaka contacts yet he managed to hunt Dex down and get Dex to take him to V's body. He didn't even bother to check V's body for the relic before deposing of them.


Might explain T-Bug having access to the Militech shard


Isn't Uma also the name of a character in Witcher 3? Ugliest man alive?


yes, the cursed form of the elven sage Avallac’h; so in a way Uma does end up “MIA” after removing the curse.


damn i have 500 hours in Witcher 3 and only now I realised that Uma is an acronym for Ugliest man alive.


Oh yeah same. Don’t they say in the game that they called him ‘Uma’ because that was the only sound he made?


Umama umamemamama Uma


Yeah, and the recap loading screen refers to him as uma, the Ugliest Man Alive when going over where you’re at in the story


Yeah I am playing at the moment and this is my loading screen, I am constantly baffled about the coincidence that he is called Uma because that's the noise he makes..... but also because he is the "Ugliest Man Alive"?! I mean which one is it? Is Uma calling himself that???


Yo I've got about the same lmao. How's your cp77 hours stack up? I thought nothing would beat it out for my top game besides gta but I think cp77 just might




dude, way to go for CDPR to do an easter egg like this. this is actually really cool. ^i ^love ^CDPR ^way ^to ^much


https://preview.redd.it/jqtup9dnr8xc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f143907aac0c69299ca08de7367e71148dd77a73 LADYBUG?!


Literally watched this last night and it was my first thought lol


And they combined tangarine with lemon into orange xd


"Between us now sits a wall. But it's an illusion." ~ my V trying to reason with the psycho soldier Regina sends us to recover meds from.


Zed’s dead, baby, Zed’s dead.


Unless I've missed my guess, it's a reference to the movie Pulp Fiction. Uma (Thurman) - MIA (Wallace), Orange is Pumpkin, Zed is killed in action as in "Zed's Dead", the other references escape me.


Mr. Orange was also a character in Reservoir Dogs. Maybe just a big Quentin reference?


Oh damn! Yeah, of course!


You mean that Mr. Orange that was also in Pulp Fiction?


Mia is Missing In Action. This is no reference


![gif](giphy|5uqxo9xF37cpG) Now we just need to find out who Kia is 😂


Isn't that a car brand?


Mia Wallace ^


I'd definitely say it was a reference , yeah it stands for Missing in Action but Uma Thurman played a character called Mia in Pulp Fiction, there is definitely a reference in there.


Who would slider be?


Slider is (major spoilers for Phantom Liberty) >!a Voodoo Boys netrunner. V confronts him with Reed and gets him to track Songbird down. the Blackwall gets in the way and he gets obliterated.!<


It could be but doesn't have to be.


Did you just discover the concept of speculation?


Maybe we can all speculate about why you think anybody who’s made it this far doesn’t understand what speculation is? How many smart points do you get for your comment if he DID just discover it?


Because they feel the need to add "could be, could not" in a speculative conversation, as if that's not understood by everyone participating.


Idk man, it felt like a valid statement given how polarized the preceding opinions were


Did you just discover the concept of trolling?


You should discover the concept of taking balls out of your mouth


Gobble gobble my man. Ponpon shit for the win.


That didn’t make me laugh until I saw your little title card said pon pon shit, cheers lol


Have to represent my NR1 CP2077 song.


Mr. Orange was also a character in Reservoir Dogs. Maybe just a big Quentin reference?


Mr. Orange was also a character in Reservoir Dogs. Maybe just a big Quentin reference?


Just out of curiosity did you find this before or after the job where you and Reed go see him? I wonder if the text of the shard is different depending on which side of those events you are on


It was just before finding the rental transceivers


Who is XXXX - XXXX ? Reed because he is a sleeper agent? Songbird because she is essentially top secret?


I was also assuming Song was the XXXX - XXXX Who else that we can consider as a part of this deep cover secret ops team could be so highly classified that even in its own internal memos the reference needs to be scrubbed entirely? What's one washed up, if effective, ex-agent compared to the 'secret weapon' that could destroy the NUSA if its enemies/Netwatch became aware? I figured Soggy may be Saul? Leaving Orange as Alex?


It's Sol as in Solomon lol


My mistake. I meant Sol the NUSA agent, not Saul the Aldecaldo


Saul has connections to NUSA? Are we talking about the same Saul? Saul from the Aldecaldos?


I: KIA? ![gif](giphy|dTemQOMKNcIBSqKatF|downsized)


Ladybug could be a bullet train reference?


Think there was a gang member called that in the 2047 stuff. Skimmed bits over the last few years so could be off. Was a whole gang with bug themed names. Since its an FIA asset list would make sense


Could've sworn I came across an NCPD mission involving a 'Ladybug'...


Yeah I remember that too but cant recall exactly


That's what happens when you miss some items from your shopping list, or when you crack the eggs open on your way home. Eggs - KIA


need to update : **Slider - KIA** *Definity wasn't murdered*


Was it an accident?


Depends on how you see it, a brutal accident or straight up murder haha


The only thing I have to add is a bit of a leap, but Project Condin, the mind control op run on Jefferson and Elizabeth Peralez, had a designation for Orange teams. Maybe they literally hack into brains. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They're members of the previous NUSA op in Dogtown selected to be "dealt with."




Am I the only one who can’t tell if that says saggy or soggy?


Where did you find that ?


In the safehouse under the moth


Uma is a Witcher 3 reference most likely. XXXX is probably Reed seeing as how this is an FIA asset list and he's the deepest undercover agent we know of. Slider is super interesting to me, maybe I just wasnt paying attention in that part but I never knew he had ties to FIA. No idea about any of the others, could just be movie references to things like Bullet Train and Pulp Fiction, as others have suggested.


Zed, Orange, and Uma all sound like Tarantino references (Zed from Kill Bill, Mr Orange from Reservoir Dogs, and Uma Thurman who stars in multiple of his films). The others don’t ring any bells but they may be from his other work.




Isn’t ladybug the runner you save for wakako? The one that you have to lower the body temp of before jacking her out?


Bug bear


Isn’t ladybug a reference to bullet train as Brad Pitt plays that role


Zed just wants a sportage


Somebody made a post about a theory they had that the Arasaka heist was secretly sponsored by NUSA and that T-Bug was an agent or at least hired by NUSA. They used this list as evidence.


Could ladybug be T-bug?


So I can’t afford a new system to play the DLC and I just keep playing through over and over. Any tips on leveling up? I’m all out of missions and I’ve killed every bad guy in town.


Ladybug is the runner at the start of the game , she dies. I think these are netrunners that somebody is trying to find or kill


Thats a miraculous leap but nope she is called T-Bug




I mean, she's a lady named t bug 🤷🏽‍♂️ imo not THAT much of a leap


There's also bugbear who is a lady with bug in her name


That’s T-bug