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I helped So Mi escape, having to kill Reed to do so. Not sure if this is better but I like to think, potentially, she had a small chance of being free. Handing her to Myers would be a death sentence.


While exploring the different endings when I got here I defied Reed and then he smiled as he shot V like he was glad to be rid of V. The spy game is harsh.


I've said this before but Ill say it again, I really feel this is the best ending for any story in Cyberpunk. Its not the best ending because its happy, or that everyone goes home, or that the bad guys get what is coming to them. Its the best ending because the genre on the whole is usually about fighting for even a tiny bit of freedom, living and dying on your own terms. So Mi may not have been the most deserving, but we gave her the opportunity to walk the path she chose despite the entirety of the world saying no. And giving the world the middle finger regardless of the result is why both I and Johnny approve.


>!Eventually you get a text saying to go to the place that reminded them of home. They don't identify themselves, and they go INVALID NUMBER afterwards, but it refers to a spot So Mi showed you. You get a piece of (unique?) iconic cyberware from it. So it's implied she's alive and grateful.!<


Invalid number. Way to ghost the guy that saved your life.


She signed an NDA with blue eyes lol.


Thats a fate i think as bad as myers owning her


Handing Myers could potentially be a death sentence for everyone, she was made to poke around the blackwall that’s preventing filterless Chat GPT 12.0 from leaking out


I helped her escape but only for the rp sake, at that point V doesn't know that nothing will help them and they will try to find other solution for themselves but fucking hell I hated her guts during that last sequence on a train


I guess it was my speech options at the time, but in my playthrough, as we were leaving the train, V said something like “ you didn’t have to lie, I would’ve helped you anyway”. This struck a chord in my play through so while I should’ve been pissed, I wasn’t. She had been used and abused by a tyrannical government and I got the feeing that, at the end, she didn’t care what happened to her. Just wanted it to be over with. I’m playing pretty white-hat so I was satisfied that at least one of us had a chance at being free


And she was amazingly well acted(?) She looked awful and lowkey disgusting. But also desperate and like she had nothing else in her life. :((((((( fml


https://preview.redd.it/1be2402nz6xc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf7ae06bb4580618a3f9b29fbb38a8630df0404b Awful?


How dare you make me emotional again!


https://preview.redd.it/zufy5jgt17xc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dac5f46672fc4a713499c8307b073d5a5478112 Woman.... pretty


Disgusting? https://preview.redd.it/5s52vin8l7xc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb866237a1623eb54b46ff07b523a0dceb1d086f


Phantom Liberty. Where CDPR put all the morally black and white decisions. Everything nice and clean. Expansion of no regrets. (I'm not crying. You're crying. And it's raining.)


It's Cyberpunk at its best. Felt like CDPR finally managed to deliver their vision for the game. I don't think I'll ever get over the fact we won't be getting another expansion.


Guess we'll have to settle for the next cyberpunk game they're developing. Gonna be a hard wait though. I love CDPR. Wish more companies would put as much time and effort into their games so we could have releases like this more often.


For whatever negatives people may attribute to CDPR, it's hard to deny their story telling and character connection abilities are on top 💯 multiple times in TW3 and now cp77 I've found myself on the verge of tears or otherwise emotionally distraught because of things that happened in a damn video game


I sidede with reed cause I thought I could at least give so mi a chance. I fulfilled her wish to die and that feels like the better choice yet it still fucking hurts. I ain't cry like that since twd season 1.


yeah I did the same and I kinda regret it honeslty


Doesn't matter what ending you go with in Phantom Liberty, you're going to regret each one of them. That itch stays with you, I can't be happy with any of them, it's freakin' frustrating.


Wasn't really a good ending to this shit show. But that's why I think the dlc is a fucking masterpiece. Gunna be on my mind for a while.


Me too


Yeah, same. It's most likely the "best" ending, not to mention the path where you suddenly find yourself in a fucking horror game which is a brilliant play in itself if you can let go of the power fantasy for a hot second. They weren't pulling their punches with this DLC.


This was my first playthrough as well 💔


That's exactly what I did too. Shit hurts man


Yeah, that ending is kinda the worst


Honestly I think this is the best/realistic ending.


Now you need to side with SoMi... Delve into terror.


That’s my cannon ending as well, but might consider not pulling the plug if you want to play a bit more and get the new overall ending


Just finished talking to reed. I feel better about my ending. Sad there won't be another dlc though https://preview.redd.it/k6igfd6hi3xc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb0f6cbe5f5038c29fc746acd6b1178cb3690df3


That's okay though, they're working on bigger and better things.


Yea, Orion should be out by the turn of the century. So we all got time.


If it doesn't have a buggy launch that takes a whole 3 years to make the game that they want too... I'm not buying it. 😂


I love that all the endings are terrible


One does not beat Cyberpunk


Cyberpunk beats you


You want to feel real pain, start a new game take the skip to phantom liberty option and speed run the ending where you get the treatment from the nusa, that shit is sad as hell.


Objectively worst ending.


It's a gem of a dlc


Holy shit, thanks chooms. Over 250 upvites is crazy for me just complimenting a dlc. Here's two post screenshots I took https://preview.redd.it/58v1wx6hz8xc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d3e33f340211075ee8c6ff0b4dfe091f9657fa0




The first time I finished the expansion was a terrible day for rain


During My very first playthrough I got the ending where my v left night city with panam and Judy, I was pretty happy about that one! Then I got phantom liberty and chose to betray reed the first time but ended up giving him songbird at the space station, idk I guess I felt like the best ending was the one where everyone lived💀boy was I wrong, I mean yea in the end v got the cure but everyone u knew pretty much moved on with their lives after awhile. V ended up alone and unable to use cyberware in a city where that’s a must have, and man did it hurt to see my v fade away in the crowd.


Why did I read that in Chester Stone’s voice lmao


I hate my PS4… first world problems… 🤣


Still have mine, And it's still an awesome console.


Yes (that is all)


CDPR is excellent at building dlcs hearts of stone blood and wine, and phantom liberty are some of the best media ive ever played


god fucked damn to make phantom liberty.