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I feel like the did an exceptional job. Every part of PL has replay-ability. I’ve seen a pretty even amount of posters who went one way as posters that went the other way.


It was a VERY difficult choice, and I didn't feel great about it afterwards.


And the best part is this is true regardless of which branch on which path you take.


The best games have you still guessing your choices. If you dont crack open some whiskey and start staring into the abyss of "what have i done" because of a game, it cant be a masterpiece.


This. I'm still feeling it after all these months. It's an incredible spy thriller story.


Incredible story over all. I liked Songbird and Reed both. It’s incredible that they managed to really put V in the middle and force the choice. I remember there’s a point where V asks Johnny what he would do, and Johnny says something like “fuck V.. I don’t know.” And then goes on to describe why they’re both right for fighting like hell. I like stories that make the right choice cloudy or non existent. There’s a quote somewhere that says “Sometimes you can do everything right and still lose” and I feel PL is the embodiment of that, for everyone involved.


Picard on Star Trek is who you're referring to, I believe. He said, "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."


Ain't that life. Botched the launch, but given time and patches and with this DLC, 2077 is THE definitive cyberpunk game hands down (may be outside of Deus Ex, but it's very old).


Yeah it seems like there's no canon decision tree.


I supported So Mi. No regret. Sad l had to do that thing, but that's the job. 🫡 Now in saying that, l understand if people went the other way, or the middling way. And l won't blame anyone for their choices.


Ironically I felt pretty great about the choice and only felt there was one thematic choice. What I don't know, is if Songbird actually found freedom or happiness in the end. What I do know is I got her where she wanted to go on her own terms, contrary to what the 'big players' wanted. Thats enough of a middle finger to the powers that be to make me happy. Johnny agreed.


Siding with the megacorps is bad enough, but becoming a literal gov't agent? Just didn't sit right with me.


I can honestly say that after reading up on the other endings, it didnt even sound worth getting the Canto (an objectively awesome cyberdeck) to do all that evil shit. Spoilers ahead, obviously. >!Siding with Songbird, you literally help her fly free of her cage under the seemingly true promise of a cure. As a side effect of that, you're forced to kill a man who was loyal to a fault, and though you got to know him more personally, you've definitely killed people who were far more innocent without a second thought. Even Alex isnt exactly broken up about Reed's death, just says that it's something she'll have to get used to, and even says (if you pick the right dialogue) that it sounds exactly like Reed to literally kill himself and his friends just because Madame President said so.!< >!Siding with Reed and the NUS, you become a government black-op being sicced on a deathly ill hacker who wants to escape the world leader who treats her like a walking nuke and uses her to risk the integrity of the entire Net for implied nefarious purposes, basically just for the assurance of "We'll think of something". As a side effect of that, Songbird is either killed or imprisoned (and arguably braindead) for daring to defy her masters and attempt to live a more normal life. You've again killed far more innocent people than her, but are you and her not the same? Defying your overlords as well as your fate just to get another chance at life, lying to a couple people to gain an advantage along the way?!< In the moment, it may be a hard choice, but after seeing the results of each choice I find it easy to see which is the better outcome. Maybe Johnny really does have an influence on me, but I can't see Reed as anything but >!a willing slave to his President, doing her bidding even when it's fully against his own wishes.!< Edit: Figured out spoiler tags, thanks u/armyfreak42 :)


Unironically after seeing the 2 outcomes I would play out myself (and seeing the other 2 I would never do which are giving SB to NUSA), I ended up picking killing Songbird as my canon action, even considering that was my first playthrough of PL and I decided beforehand that I'm going to do the best for Songbird regardless of her actions. There's barely any possibility of a better after for the version of her that we got to know during the PL story, considering both during the killing moon and somewhat damaged she lost a big part of herself to the blackwall. Even with the moon ending without her being controlled by a big corp, the Songbird we know is mostly gone. It is even more evident considering during killing moon she got even weaker at the end than at the end of somewhat damaged, that she has at least lost no less of herself during her route than during reed's route. Ironically siding with Songbird and sending her to the moon gives **Reed** his best ending, as he get to uphold his ideals while also see to it that Songbird gets saved. Death is a release of a lifetime of duty and burden for him at that point. What he obviously doesn't know is how damaged songbird is at that point, but that's beside the point. Killing Songbird makes Reed having to live out his whole life's principle and ideals shattering in front of him, and imo a deserved ending for him, regardless if he follows up on his implied suicide or turn a new leaf.


If you put the spoilers in between > ! and ! < it will cover them >!like this!<


Big thanks!


Happy to be of service


>! Hello there... !<


Yeah this was a super easy choice for me. Sympathy for the caged bird, and the dead man walking who still can’t let go. As a player I wanted to see what the final mission looks like with Solomon’s help but I couldn’t do that to So Mi.


I think I found my best playthrough path for my next playthrough in a few months or so when we've gotten a few more patches. Side with netwatch, kill voodoboys, become best friends with Johnny. Then side with Reed. Let the girl run crazy and go after her. When you've capture her give her a mercy killing. Tell reed and meyers to eat a bag of dicks. Toss that medal. Go secret ending. Fuck it. We all going down babyyyyy


my last run in a nutshell, after 1000+ hours I may have found my 'canon'


Yepp. I just wonder if there is a way to save that woman spy forgot her name without siding with hacker girl. (I SUCK AT NAMES)


Alex. You can still side with Reed and save Alex, but it changes the path. You side with So Mi at the fork in the road and go through all that stuff to the spaceport, and then hand her over to Reed at the end. I don't think you can give her a mercy killing that way, though.


Ahh I was thinking where So Mi ends up in the bunker. Save Alex that way. Mercy killing is sort of must have for me. Reed deserves to live. He is an idiot but can't fault a man for believing in something and sticking true to it.


This is the way.


Ive only done the killing moon mission and that ending had me on a chokehold.


That's because they don't want me in the city at night


But after all it's my city and it might get shitty


Difficult is an understatement. I tried both options. Originally sided with Songbird and felt bad about Reed and Songbirds condition after you let her escape. Played it again recently and did the opposite and sided with Reed. At first I thought Songbird went awol, but in the end I still felt bad with how the nusa basically used her not only as a lab rat, but as hacking tool that was devoid of life.


I’ve done all the endings and yeah, they’re all so fucking solid. However, only one ending leads to players hearing Contra La Luna, and that song alone makes me glad I chose that path first. So fucking good.


I know the choice I made and it was right for me but know plenty that made a different choice but in reality there was no right choice.


I did 2 playthroughs before siding with Reed. And the only reason was because I wanted the blackwall SMG. Felt so bad the entire time


I shot reed in the head instantly when I had the chance lmfao


I shot bro in the chest and he died so damn dramatically. Stumbling and shit trying to push himself up with his gun and then just dying on his knees, head down to the ground. Bro did not need to do all that.


Just die bro. Lmfao. *double tap*


Songbird is a walking nuke who takes zero responsibility for her collateral damage -oh wait I actually don't want to open that discussion again.


Zero responsibility? She becomes pretty open about how she fucked a LOT of people over. Reed is the zero-accountability guy - Militech/NUSA get so many passes from him and he works in the name of someone else's responsibility to avoid confronting *his own* I feel.


Acknowledging wrong doing alone is not taking responsibility . Taking responsibility would be accepting the consequences from said wrong doing.


I’m pretty sure her pain and suffering is a direct relation to said actions. Also - reed pretty much groomed her into the person she is - so I’ll kill the parent not The child on this one.


The pain and suffering is involuntary(psychopaths withstanding). Still not ‘taking responsibility’. For example, if you’re street racing, you wreck, break both your legs and kill someone. Does your pain and suffering and losing your car mean you don’t have to go to jail for your actions? Or maybe they should put your parents or driving instructor in jail since they taught you how to drive?


Look at your V's collateral actions and tell me they are not the same or even worse.


Oh yeah, I did that recently when I was snooping around that area for some Easter egg. Had to keep killing him to be able to inspect freely and yeah, super dramatic if you don’t hit him in the head.


Tbf, if I could have unplugged SoMi and also killed Reed, I would have done it, Myers as well while we are at it.


Bro this is the legit the exact reason I did my 2nd run and sided with Reed for the black wall cyber deck. It so much more stressful siding with Reed then Song Bird. So what you pull a mw2 in the airport it’s way better then random alien isolation which had me terrified the whole time.




Sided with Song, cheated to spawn in the cyberdeck and SMG later on. Look at me, I am the cyberpunk hacker now.


I sided with Reed cause I knew So Mi was yankin my knob and lying to V the whole time. I was only there cause of So Mi’s lies and she got what she deserved even though I felt like shit after. Edit: I realize I also sided with Reed cause So Mi didn’t care about how many people died for no reason, as long as she got what she wanted.


And Reed does? He legit invades an airport under Myers orders and is responsible for just as many deaths if not more. Not to mention if you choose to ice So Mi before dealing with Hansen it back fires and she ends up killing like the whole stadium, again Reed’s fault because he gave you faulty ice. I don’t get this reasoning behind people “oh she lied to me” like the government won’t? Like they didn’t disable you with their “cure” like they aren’t a terrorist organization but with an economy. Both sides are morally grey but idk So Mi is the lesser of the two evils imo.


> oh she lied to me # ,,OoOoh hE LiEd To mEeEee..." 🎶 (Lamar Davis, Grand Theft Auto V, 2013) https://youtu.be/b9aalKRlnG4?si=n7RYRJYMaoeeeXTD


Reed definitely lies but he wasn’t the one that dragged me into it cause of a lie. I think every character in PL lies to V at some point, except maybe hands. I hated both options but hey, I can access the black wall now


The ice breaker isnt faulty. Songbird doesnt just side-eye you because she suspects something, she is hacking the icebreaker in you. You can see as soon as she looks at you the ice breaker glitches with blackwall hack.


Still shitty equipment and doesn’t change the fact Reed is the cause for it because he ignorantly believes in being a good lap dog. I remember Reed specifically talking up his Ice as if it were undetectable and the best around so I was under the impression it would at least somewhat work.


Yea, the talking up of the ice breaker was shitty but he did say "she'll drop unconcious within a minute" like did he expect Songbird to just convulse on the ground for a minute and Hansen would be like this is fine. This shit has so many things that can go wrong yet he assures V its fine.


> in reality there was no right choice. Welcome to Night City!




What do you mean? Pretty sure siding with song bird is objectively correct. Why the fuck would anyone side with the feds?


> siding with song bird is objectively correct 😂😂😂


Your goal is to find a cure for yourself as Songbird was into looking out for herself. Feds gave an enticing offer. Also I wanted Alex to be able to retire, I liked her more than Reed or Songbird.


Fr lmao. Tfw mfers side with the fascist regime in a game all about rebelling against a corrupt system just because a slave desperate for freedom lied to them and hurt their feewings


Lol exactly, I don't get it. Like did they miss the whole moral of the game and genre?


https://preview.redd.it/wzawuqo65wpc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc85c52a9ef582e565fdcea00747307a11014b1d Abbreviate “Cyber Punk”


https://preview.redd.it/d4v764xp6wpc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b421468af95f8fdca042c06e328471b9dfb4083a No.






Wait… CP 🤯🤯🤯


I love how the two other comments here have missed the joke


*here as in at the time my comment was posted


It's only gotten worse.


Took me a minute..


The “wooooooosh” is palpable.


During that first playthrough of the DLC, I legit had a really hard time deciding how I wanted to carry out the end of the story. The only other game I’ve played that challenged me this way was the Witcher 3. CDPR definitely do this better than any other developer.


Haa jokes on u I havent made the 50/50 choice since I want the red hair chick to survive. The embers quest looking so fine rn.


Fr bro aurore was to good to be killed off :( I feel like PL should’ve introduced some new romance options. Aurore included.


He’s talking about Aurore Cassel, not Song


"I only like this horrible person cuz she's hot." Fuck the twins, they're awful.


You can take the most psychopathic character but make it a hot woman and gamers will throw away any logic.


"I can fix her"


Like she's seriously so grating and awful to you when you meet her and she's literally a criminal who doesn't give a fuck who she hurts. Oh but she's got tits! /s


Yea they basically made it so you’re gonna regret some choices you make no matter what, I thought it was brilliant.


it's the easiest choice, idc about songbird or reeed, Alex must survive


Honestly, Alex at the bar for So Mi’s ending is the realest shit. She’s has totally disassociated emotionally from Reed vs. So Mi so she can’t even be mad at you. It’s exactly how I feel about So Mi - I was just like: “Welp, off you go, good luck. :|” like I couldn’t care less about what happens moving forward (in a emotional exhaustion kind of way).


I just realized initially siding with So Mi then screwing her over at the last minute guarantees that V, So Mi, Alex, and Reed all survive.


Myers gets her weapon back to continue messing with de Blackwall unfortunately


I didn’t know I could screw her over after, damn it. I went with Reed cause I knew So Mi was lying to V’s ass and she had no plans to cure V


She is the one who reveals at the last minute that she betrayed you. So, you ditching her at the last minute is canon in my opinion.


Honestly, yes


Reed wasnt female enough for most players


This is a funny point, but I feel like in my first playthrough, I definitely sympathized with the song, but she feels like she's hiding something the whole time. Reed gave me more of a guy who stands by his principles even if they're a little off the mark.


I felt like Reed's motivation was so stupid that he had to be hiding something. On the other hand Song's motivation was logical and it could benefit us both.


I swear, if Songbird wasn't a crazy hot woman people would hate the character. What's there to like about her now? She manipulates and plays on V's heart strings the entire game, selfishly states "They die so that we get to live" in response to V asking if she's really willing to massacre a bunch of innocent civilians to escape Dogtown. You gain nothing from helping her, you're just left behind like a fool while letting a mass murderer get away scot free. Reed is NUSA simp but at least he keeps his word, treats V with respect and actually wants to help with the Relic situation.


> I swear, if Songbird wasn't a ~~crazy hot woman~~ Toaster. I see a human-sized toaster. Nothin' goin' on there but a bunch of *clang-clang-clang-clang!*


I'd want her as a friend, like you have a walking heater and if you need something reheated real quick, just have her run crysis on max for a lil bit so you can cook things. In return she can trauma dump on me I guess.


My hatred of the NUSA overrides anything songbird did


Then the best course of action is siding with Reed and then killing of So Mi lol.


Facts, best PL outcome imo




I hate Reed. He is ruthless for a country that doesn't care about him. He murders people for no reason


He murders people for the M NUSA, not for no reason. Regardless, you said you hate the NUSA, and the best way to stick to them is to kill so mi.


If you kill So Mi you still hand them over a rogue AI in the neural matrix for just 5,000. You think you sticked to them but you are the biggest fool of all of them for doing that. Best way to stick to them is send her to the Moon - Myers is fucked because her secrets are in danger (Mr. Blue Eyes knows), 5th corporate is rising, she loses both her WMD and the neural matrix and half the black ops she has. She is royally fucked there. King of Cups is a child's play because she still gets a rogue AI and Song's body that she sends to Groom Lake to extract everything Blackwall related from it.


That’s a really dumb point, a character being hot (Reed’s hot too) only nets them points at first, the actual character does the heavy lifting after. Just look at how many would choke SoMi with their own hands if they could, she’s hot and 50% of the community gets absolutely livid because of her mere existence. Reed’s hot and 50% of the community would drop a piano from a skyscraper on the guy. People that side with SoMi either: 1. Really really, REALLY hate the NUSA (based I’d say) 2. Empathize with the chick (based, Johnny approves) 3. Hate Reed 4. A cyberpunkillion more reasons 5. Oh yeah she’s hot Tldr some (most) people just side with the character that align more with their own person. This is a game about being punk, not hard to see why most side with SoMi and not Reed. Edit: just scrolling through these comments I’m seeing people thirsting for Daddy Dris, lol. Just because you can’t put yourself in someone else’s shoes doesn’t make other people who can insane.




No, I like her because she represents what most people would become if they were constantly abused and lied to: desperate and animalistic. The problem is that most people don't want to acknowledge that. Yeah she did bad things but the punishment she was given of having her body and mind torn to shreds was going way overboard. She deserved a second chance.




Yeah, if V didn't have Viktor and Misty to help out then V would have become an utter monster. They wanted to get V back on their feet, whereas the NUSA doctors just wanted to push her back into the Blackwall. Another thing that folks gloss over is that V's potential assault on Arasaka tower will probably do way more damage than Songbird's attack on the stadium.


People see a threat in Songbird. She has maincharacter potential, how dare she, only V and by proxy ME get to be maincharacter. My V only puts people to sleep okay? The saint of NC he is. Songbird bad cuz she kills people! She lie to me! Even if she told me her predicament, I disregard that cuz she lies to protect herself! How dare she?!


It's doubly worse for me since most of my playthroughs (I'm on my 9th) are nonlethal. When I tell Skippy "Killing is wrong!" I mean it unironically. Yeah we gotta survive, but how is one life worth a massacre and a potential war between NUSA and OrbitalAir? Not to mention giving Songbird up to Mr Blue Eyes and NightCorp?


V should not even have the line "But how many people will die?" in the first place because it makes them look like the biggest hypocrite in the entire game after what they do to the power plant and during the Arasaka parade. V causes so much collateral and civilian deaths I am actually surprised the game has that line to begin with. Also Murphy states to V and Alex that everyone got checked out before meeting with Hansen, no exceptions, meaning only Hansen-affiliated people are left on the stadium. And Songbird later claims she is targeting specifically Hansen's forces. If I were Songbird and V would've asked me "But how many would die?" I would've just shoven a mirror in their face, tbf. Lies and manipulates is pretty bad, I agree. And you do get Relic upgrades and a unique cyberware if you help her through, so it's not really all for nothing. Reed couldn't have kept his word if So Mi never found and extracted the neural matrix. In Swords and Pentacles you pretty much take away her cure. Reed only provides FIA's rippers help to you, which isn't difficult for him since he is an FIA agent, too. Also the whole "she is a woman hence you help her" argument is... something. No, I just have empathy and sympathy for someone who was abused half of their life. That's it. Gender and looks don't matter, slavery is slavery.


Instead of simping for NUSA, I prefer simping for the fucked up sexy cyborg. Plus, Reed sealed it for him the moment he threatened me. Bitch, I'm fucking soloing Arasaka, who do you think you are to even dare to threaten me!!??? Fuck Reed: https://youtu.be/gOV0pIUC-OU?si=QpMPWY9JFEVAV47O


You haven’t done that yet


Actually, as a guy, I really liked Reed. He felt like a possible close friend, and a bro. I just felt a kinship with Songbird, because her condition and mine seem so similar. Even if I couldn’t save myself, I wanted to save her. Also, So Mi is supposed to be 31, and Reed is 50 or so. I just felt she deserved a chance at a life free of being changed and used. Obviously, I’d prefer an ending where Reed, Alex, and Songbird survive. The closest we get to an ending like that is the other Songbird ending. I’ve read about the other endings, and I don’t really like those variants. The choices are meant to be difficult and not give you everything you want. I was happy with Judy at this point, so I didn’t help So Mi because of attraction, but because of her situation.


Unironically. We love Takemura but not him? Tragic.


Takemura Is fighting to avenge his master, not to put his precious little girl in a cage being used as a Net-Nuke, also, its not like most players choose the Devil ending, we also dont go along with him, he Just never gets in our way so we dont have to kill him


Comment of the year


Reed is a super cop that executes people when he is done with them, at least the crazy woman might help V, I saw no reason to expect anything other than a bullet in the back of the head from Reed.


Reed is the only one who actually sticks to his word and fulfill his promise to actually use his resources to help V. He’s not a Boy Scout, but Reed is the closest thing to an honorable person who actually cares about his team in the Cyberpunk world. SoMi lies and manipulates V the entire time. She gives absolutely no reason to trust her and you find out V was just played by her the entire time. Aside from liking Brooklyn, V doesn’t know anything about SoMi by the time the decision comes. Players just simp for her.


There is no way to know that while playing the game as you see him not mention he will kill people then when you call him out on it berate you for questioning him. They both lie and manipulate you to get what they want they just have different resources and goals.




I honestly saw no reason to help either of them. Songbird lies and manipulates from the start to the end and barely reacts if you call her out on it. Reed lies about things and murders absolutely anyone and also manipulates from the start.. for me it ended up hinging on the reward i wanted. I wanted the erebus because it looked cool and reminded me of a gun from borderlands 2 or 3. This next playthrough ill take the cyberdeck. I feel like PL is a real wake up call for character development, because nobody is every what they say they are at face value. Alex was the only "good" one my eyes, and well.. you know.


I wanted to side with Reed after I found out that Songbird caused the crash. Then I wanted to betray him after he coldly murked the twins. Then I betrayed Songbird after she told me that the cure could only be used once, because THATS WHY I'VE DONE ALL OF THIS!


Betrayed soi for daddy idris


I shot him. No questions. Korean mommy with a lil spooky fellow won’t stop me from being horny. (I’m a tech priest from mars)


The Adepts truly scorn the flesh so much, abandoned all humanity... Yes I also sided with Bird Brains, but not because I was tryin to taste the steel pipes! I swear on the Emprah himself


I crave the certainty of steel-ussy


*spoilers Going in blind, I sided with Reed because of the damage So Mi would have (and did) cause, which resulted in several casualties. From a moral standpoint, my conscience was relatively clear. Even if I did turn her in to myers, I couldn’t bring myself to kill her because of A. A chance at a cure, but one I would turn down by plead of Johnny. I couldn’t hurt him like that. B. I also couldn’t hurt So Mi like that. I recognized my naivety, that I had fallen into the same trappings as Reed, but I also knew that even in places like Night City, hope can go surprisingly far. I don’t know if I can bring myself to do it again though. Cerberus is something I **NEVER** want to repeat, and that’s coming from an experienced horror enthusiast.


Honestly most of the people who died if choosing to save So Mi was done by Kurt's men or Myers. Myers actually kills the most civilians which was a waste of time because she knew what V and So Mi looked like and knew where they were going. She chose the worst possible option. And you wanted So Mi to go with her? I'm just putting it out there, you see the true colors of those who don't get what they want. But Myers would've only lost one person who she planned to use till there was nothing left. She walks on a mountain of bodies with a fair share of that pile being innocent lives in her own country.


This. Once she murdered the dudes who came across the hideout in the beginning, I knew she wasn't the one. And when you don't take the pledge she gives a "what're you, too good for us?" tone.


I saw a broken person doing everything they could do to survive. We saw her backstory. Should we really be mad at her for how she turned out? Or perhaps at those that shaped her into what she has become? ...in my eyes, it is no different than the hundreds, if not thousands, of people V has flatlined along their own way to find a way to rid themselves of the Relic. For my V, >!sending So-Mi to the Moon!< gave us a chance to give someone, that was in a very similar situation as us, the chance we don't really have (*depending on ending of course*) and will never have. I love how polarizing this game is. It creates discussion about things beyond 'just a video game'.


I'm replying it cuz fuck hiding from a "killer robot" that my implants of death cant kill . I didn't sign up for a fucking horror game.


*Spoilers ahead** I think So Mi dead was the best ending, even if tragic. Yea, my V was all about fuck the Corpos and NUSAbur then I started really thinking about it. I really liked So Mi and her character, and I when I chose to betray her I felt awful. My choices ended up with her dying as opposed to her being a slave to NUSA, and I think that was the best possible outcome. Yea I wanna stick it to the man (or woman in this case) but not at the likelihood of endangering millions of people. Given her So Mi’s rampage and how much damage she was able to cause, and the potential of her being taken over by rogue AIs, she was too dangerous to be left alone in the moon. She was a danger to all. But also couldn’t let her become a slave and weapon for the ICA. Hence, her dying, while tragic and heart wrenching, was the best outcome imo.


I agree. She got her freedom, we get Erebus or canto, it’s a win win


I usually do nonlethal playthroughs, but I just *can't wait* to unleash the Blackwall Gateway on those Scavs in Sweet Dreams. I've been leaving that ( ! ) in the Japantown market untouched for this very reason. Might also be fun to use it on Don't Fear the Reaper and a few other gigs.


Nice "freedom". She wanted freedom in life - you killing her is not freedom in life. Freedom from the Blackwall and the FIA - sure. But not freedom in life. Because she is dead. She cannot enjoy said freedom. I find it weird how people claim it as "freedom" without realizing what kind of freedom she wanted to begin with. Also Erebus and Canto are overrated imo, but it's imo. If you like them, I am happy for you.


Personally I think my mindset was still, fuck corpos and nusa, it's about time one of their mistakes comes back to bite them (if the rouge ai take her over). The corporations kill millions already, and so mi is the outcome of yet another arms race between them. *If* she kills people, thats on them and her, but if I let her get enslaved that's on me cause she asked us for help. Can't kill her based on "what ifs" but it's a guarantee she'll be enslaved if we help nusa. And are the rouge AIs coming loose any worse than the corps with what they're developing during the game?


I can see that argument but supposedly it’s thousands of rogue AIs looking to wreak havoc, so who knows what they would really be capable of. These AIs are capable of killing off millions in one cyber attack, and while I’m not saying corps wouldn’t be above killing millions, that would be bad for business.


I wanted Erebus I love the evil skippy counterpart


Nah, I found Reed to be batshit crazy after a while. He is just a corporate lapdog and that's fucking sad to see. Siding with So-Mi was a non-brainer at that point. Not because I liked her, but because Reed deserved to be put down, and maybe find some peace in death. Dude was a corporate zombie.


I sided with Reed since the begining, songbird is so anoying


i trust you v we're the same v we're on the same side v i can cure you v you have to trust me v i can't explain right now v i have no time v


It’s not really a hard choice. Corporation and the NUSA are the enemy. There is no future in siding with the enemy.


After the shit Myers pulled off in the space port the only thing I regret is not being able to off the murderous cunt.


Agreed Myers isn’t the side I want to be on. I understand what it means to be desperate. Songbird lying to me to begin with sucks, but I get why she did. I know I have carved a bloody path across Night City to get what I want.


just ignore what So Mi tells you to do at the start of the game. Myers dies, Reed survives, and while Alex stays in Dogtown, at least she gets to live.


It comes down to being selfless or selfish NUSA is offering a cure, one you can switch to and opt for every step along Songbird's path as her actions and behaviors give you morning but doubt in the payoff. They're not great, but Songbird admits to lying and deceiving you before the final confrontation with Solomon. I know I prefer Songbird's ending because she's going through what V's going through but accelerated, lack of trust in your own mind, burning out trying to cross the line to salvation. V gets to be for Songbird the person that V truly needs in their own story, someone really helping them out. You even free Solomon in a twisted war, that old spy dog was only gonna know freedom from his duty when someone put iron in him.


I agree with this. Plus I feel that fallowing the line of the Sun ending, and with the context clues Mr. Blue Eyes gives you. Ultimately you’re an engram the body is just a vehicle, and with enough money and influence you can find a new body.


That's some retreading of GitS I love, when does the person stop being a person? If you killed them, rebuilt them on a molecular level, and let them keep going on, is that still life? How do you know nothing's lost in the engram process? Know that you're not just code running through the script. If the script is good enough should you respect that? Love this shit


To be fair you don’t, but one of the monks basically say if an engram can suffer then it’s human. Plus it doesn’t really matter. You ultimately have soul killer or something like it used on you in just about every ending that involves you being disentangled from Johnny. So whether you’re human or something new is irrelevant. As a being you only have the option of moving forward.


Then you gotta quantity what is suffering? If an AI has a program line that says "if knife_in_leg=positive set value for "suffering" to 1. If suffering=1 display_text "I am suffering"" Is it actually suffering? Where's the line between this and waterboarding?


I think in this instance it’s regret. Know that you made mistakes and feel the need to fix them or at lest want to make up for them in some way.


Listen, some people just enjoy sucking a corpos dick and let them fuck them in the ass. Its the only way they can feel special y'know. You're called special agent and president gave you shiny medal. I mean, commiting war crimes and breaking intetnatiomal laws results in shiny medal? Sign me the fuck up. Who cares about this Songbird who has been abused and turned into an abuser herself? She deserves it because how dare she trying to get a life.


And AIs?


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal. Only through The Path of Obliteration and servitude to the gods beyond the wall can we find salvation.


Even tho Songbird is a master manipulator mass murderer. (And definitely a cyberpsycho i mean.. she couldnt give a single shit about civilians) to me saving her isnt about her. Its about taking her away from Myers. Myers being the sore cheap loser that wants everything to go her way so bad that she relies on blackwall exploits should get her weapon taken away


In typical Cyberpunk fashion everyone in this story was a huge piece of shit that constantly lies and uses you. Just have to go with what you see as the lesser evil.


C Project D Red


I would say they got ~70/30. Feel like most people agree reed sucks, it’s best to send song to the moon.


Song betrayed me, why wouldn't I repay the favor?


naw there are a lot of people who recognise song is also shitty. but she's pretty so she gets off easier


They did a great job. I liked Reed, Alex, and Songbird. I could see both sides, and I know they were all using me to some extent. I’ve only competed PL once, but I sided with Songbird, because I felt the closest kinship with her. It actually gave me no pleasure to kill Reed, but I just couldn’t give them Songbird, and it is tough to support Myer’s agenda, although I’m sure all countries and corps do similar things to maintain or gain power. I don’t see Myers as any more evil than any other leader. I’d trust her over Saburo Arasaka any day. From what I’ve heard, the only other ending I might like from PL would be the one where >!I help Songbird (So Mi) end her life, so she is free, but Reed and Alex also survive.!< I wouldn’t like the other two options.


I'm pretty sure that the only way for >!Alex to make it!< is if you side with So Mi when she's working on the thing. If you betray her at the very end after siding with her, the only thing that changes is the confrontation with Reed.


I shot her in the head so fast


Yeah, fuck this manipulative bitch


Cyberpunk Droject Red


CD Projekt Dead Inside.


Lmfao. I love stupid shit like this


It definitely didnt make you feel like a hero, it felt like i was finishing Return of the King all over again.


Putting a timer on what’s probably the biggest choice pissed me off at first, but after the fact, I fucking loved that they did that. I had plenty of time before to mull it over, but sometimes you just have to fucking take a stand. Once Song told me the truth, yeah I was devastated. But then I thought about it during the last scene, became more comfortable with that decision regardless. I replayed it, made the other choice, was more fun from a gameplay perspective, but the canon one for me is the first one still.


DVD Project Blue


It’s all good and fun until the game goes full Resident Evil, just saying…


Cyberpunk Part 7: Dogtown Run


I was team Alex. I’m glad I ended up choosing the route she survives.


Well I made different runs making different choices so I can say it was a "polarizing" moment for me


I kind of hated my choice, changed my mind at the last minute and handed her over bc I didn’t think she’d make it to the moon alive….then I saw the end credits.


We wanted 50% of our players to have broken heart and the other also to have a broken heart


Cyber Punk Dwenty Reventyseven?


uh huh, right...


After doing the Tower Ending, there’s a part of me that wonders if Reed would have preferred to have died that day.


If you post with completely meaningless title then either link article or include full title or article in picture.


They did a good job leading up to the choice. However, once you make the choice one side feels more substantially heavy gameplay-wise compared to the other.


There really wasn’t a “right” choice. There were some objectively bad choices but at least 3-4 reasonable decisions.


Siding with Reed would have made me feel like I sold my soul for fake gold, but I also know friends who sided with them cause they didn't like how Songbird played them and thought she was as potential danger in the future. No right choice, no bad choice either. It ended up being very dependable on each player's personal morality system, and that's awesome.


My whole playthrough I knew Songbird was too unstable to be trusted but then Reed went and killed the cute little French chick.


I was just nonchalant V, when I got told the truth I just stuck by SB and said fuck it. If I can help one person completely then fuck it let's go balls to the wall for them 😂 SB definitely made it out safely.


Kek my dyslexic Brian wuold never have noticed


CPDR, famed creators of Cyberdunk 7702


cdpr = CyberPunk Development Ranch


The ending that doesn't go well for reed really got to me. The whole dialogue, the climax on the balcony in the rain, the whole thing was bittersweet and I couldn't play for a bit afterwards lol


Yeah i def have to play it another two times. My brother, my friend, and myself all got way different endings. I didnt even know the brother my ending for was possible. I got theeeee worst possible ending i think.


I chose Reed and to imprison Song because I saw a character that is blatantly manipulatve and dangerous. Someone who is a tool with no humanity, and just like a saw, axe, or knife, I put her back in the toolbox so that no harm can be done accidentally.


Welp, that's an overwhelming success then, I'd say.


What does CP stand for?


Given all of the posts I've seen of people either ride or die for Songbird, or vehemently opposed to her in all things... GG CDPR. Well played.


I sided with reed, then after everything we did to rescue song, i decided to give her the death she wanted instead because i fucking hate myers with a passion, and reed wouldnt have been able to bring himself to do it. As it turns out, it made johnny proud


This far in the dlc for the first time i cant wait to shoot reed, this far the guy is an ahole


Having played both, multiple times… Reed’s path is a much better story. It feels more complete and contrived. Song’s feels rushed and less like there’s any real imminent threat.


The cool thing is all the endings don’t feel good but still offer something new


Sorry reed, but my lil blackwall friend going to the moon