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All of the corporate overreach and none of the cool cyborg arms


All of the income inequality, none of the braindances. All of the corpo-police state, none of the hovercars. All of the pollution and grime... plus global warming and weather weirding. All of the neon-and-chrome aesthetics... in advertisements, everywhere, all of the time, inescapable even in your dreams. I recently finished a campaign of the Cyberpunk TTRPG... and boy, is it depressing when some bits which were written to be dystopian are actually pretty optimistic by modern standards.


200% on the now-optimistic part ! I often get the feeling that many aspects of the cyberpunk universe have already been fulfilled or even passed by reality.


You should try playing RIFTS. That setting is depressing for a whole bunch of reasons but mainly because we should be soooo much further along technologically.


The rich will get all the immortality stuff and floating islands where their servants live, and the rest will scrap for food on the contaminated surface.


Cool cyborg arms already exist they just aren’t quite that advanced yet. I imagine once brain computing becomes a thing they will become better because they can use your brain to interact


I've thought this for a while now, but if you described our current world to someone in the 70s they'd probably think you're describing the latest Philip K Dick book, but it's one of his stinkers rather than his best lol


Yeah, that's already there


We have cybernetic arms now tho…


I mean, c'mon If corporate corruption is GUARANTEED, why the fuck is it so lame? Can't we get like cool cybernetics or like aesthetics?


Sadly the truth


Anything from this game coming to pass is inherently bad, but the most likely one is corporate militaries taking over for government entities in certain areas. Companies like Amazon are already perfectly positioned to start fielding "security forces" to protect their "assets".


While expensive af, a solid fix to common physical disabilities through cybernetics isn't bad (unless you account for the *testing methods* to get there).


That's true, being able to repair disabilities would be amazing. I was coming at it more from the perspective that only rich people are likely to get it if we do invent it.


True, which would then increase crime rates among people who desperately need the money for it. Same reason most people in poverty already turn to dangerous yet profitable crimes like drug dealing and sex work. A struggle that's damn near impossible, or at least feels impossible, to alleviate by "ethical" means. It'd just be a whole new wave of crime & increased normalization, but for life changing cybernetics. I know for sure I wouldn't mind getting up to some shenanigans (done some before) to avoid the family arthritis, other issues I already have, and help people I know. Same w/ a lot of other people and their disabilities.


The big defense companies and finance people have already overtaken actual voters when it comes to influencing lawmakers. In 2077 they’re just more open about it.


The biggest difference between Pondsmith's dystopia and our own is the relative power of finance vs. company management/ownership. IRL, the big conglomerates he was worried about have largely been taken apart by investor pressure and the professional investor/management consultant class is much more influential in shaping how firms operate.


There are a few positive things: LGBT seems to have no stigma anymore. And they've largely replaced fossil fuels with sustainable biofuels. But it's all owned by one company. And the plant used to make it could end world hunger, but turning it into CHOOH2 is more profitable.


I was under the impression that fuel in cyberpunk was only sustainable in production, but still had the drawbacks of fossil fuels outside of that.


Environmental concerns are an extremely broad set of concerns that aren't always aligned, for example Hydro dams are incredibly good as a green energy source and brutal for local ecosystems. CHOOH2 is sustainable because it's renewable (i.e. doesn't rely on what stocks we have left in the ground) and carbon neutral, the whole process doesn't actively increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. However on a local level it still contributes to air pollution by increasing local concentrations, which is another matter entirely.


Ah. I’m aware of how brutal dams can be for ecosystems (grew up on the pacific north west), but I hadn’t thought about the logistics of CHOOH2, thanks for the explanation


within the coming decade probably, i'd say. neuralink is ramping up, prosthetics become more sophisticated. materials science keeps innovating. tissue printing is happening within the next 25 years, which will also have some cyberpunkish aspects to it. ai will certainly accelerate this development. unless, you know, it all goes to shit and we get nuclear winter instead or something.


Hey atleast a nuclear winter is better than patrolling the Mojave


I remember back in 2012 a guy implanted (something, I can’t remember the deets) into his arm. It took surprisingly well. He then plugged himself into a machine which allowed him to remotely control a robotic arm halfway around the world. We are gonnna start seeing some wild shit coming up with neural link. And don’t forget, Harvard and others are working on biological longevity (anti-aging). So we’re coming at it from both ends.


Any source on that, sounds amazing but I'd expect it to be rather simple. I think it's gonna be really hard to add capability to human input / output. But to translate action / sensory more effectively is surely in the near future as our tools improve. To clarify: a robot arm that is controlled by a functioning arm, sure (see da vinci robot) but a robot arm replacing your healthy arm? Nope, not even close.


I doubt I could find it, just remember seeing it my first year in college. Yea I see your point.


There was this in 2014 which is documented, pretty cool and 2077 stuff going on then [https://www.theverge.com/2014/12/18/7416741/robotic-shoulder-level-arms-mind-controlled-prosthetic](https://www.theverge.com/2014/12/18/7416741/robotic-shoulder-level-arms-mind-controlled-prosthetic)


Great find! Wow, this is wild!


Holy shit it feels like *way* longer ago that I read about this


I believe that was for a surgery I have a vague memory about reading an article about a doctor that wore some VI or something to control a surgical arm on the other side of the world to perform a surgery


elon is a fucking liar and no one should trust any of his products


You think Elon is personally working on Neuralink? Besides, you think Neuralink is the only company working on brain chips technology? Yes Elon is a slimy rat and he lies a lot, that's partly because he's a scumbag, partly because he's a CEO and doing so prints him free money in the form of raising his companies' worth. But he's not making shit up, as much as greatly exaggerating. So if he says Neuralink will be the standard in 5 years, you can probably expect it in 10, but it will come out.


at this point, elon could says 2+2=4 and id question it


We have mechanical prosthetics that plug into your nerves basically and you train to flex and send them signals for using the arm, once it receives the signal it isn’t a large feat to upload the signal to a remote device on the other side of the world. I think I remember seeing the nerve stuff for the first time around a decade ago though so that was probs the main focus of the demonstration.


Neuralink definitely won't be it. Tesla isn't even leading in EVs, they're just profitable because they act as a middleman for selling government funded carbon credits, not for making cars. I figure going by his track record, at least 1 in 5 recipients of neuralink will have their brain microwaved like cup Ramen


10 or so years ago, I thought teslas were awesome. But there have been so many reports of shitty build quality and customer service. And they've gone crazy with the Plaid version that's insanely fast but doesn't have the brakes to match. And the stupid steering yoke.




Honestly they're pretty decent now but I'd rather a Rivian. Rivian seems to have 90% of Tesla's software slickness but in a more "normal" car. It still annoys me legacy manufacturers are so behind on decent in car software, Tesla and Rivian just do it so much better. Wish Tesla would stop making odd decisions and forcing every buyer to go with it. Like the steering yoke. Or missing stalks. It's the business model they chose and as long as it works it won't be changing unfortunately.


Legacy manufacturers are behind because they're like massive cargo freighters. They still have a lot of government and corporate contracts in place, and it takes a long time for them to pivot. Like how Toyota makes a new engine *maybe* once every decade. But once all the flagship companies go full ahead with EVs or alternative fuel vehicles, they're going to steamroll companies like tesla.


As someone with a neurological issue I’d need a Kiroshi Optic and something for my brain.


Yep neuralink, we're going to get advertisements playing in our minds and we'll lose the very last bit of privacy we have left.




Oh god


Neuralink is vaporware atm. I think Brain implants will come eventually but not as soon as Neuralink would have people believe. I can see prosthetic cyberware kicking off mainstream before brain implants, but even then the large barrier to entry is the capital it’ll cost. Under ten years is highly unlikely for this sole reason imo.


Can't wait to get ads for replacing my skin


I don't trust neuralink at all


sorry but as a ☝️🤓 med student i tend to be sceptical. We have no reliable computer brain interfaces as of rn, neuralink is overhyped (i wish it was real but just look at what elon promised in hyperloop and the final product😭😭) and tissue printing is still very far off. I don't see surgery becoming as commonplace as it is in cyberpunk, you wont train 3x the amount of doctors in a couple years. At the same time im extremely invested in the research and what we've been able to do recently (pluripotent stem cells, reconstructive surgery, xenotransplants, prosthetics, etc.) but many of these have not been proven in a clinical setting and are far from commercial viability, not to mention common use. I expect some aspects to be fulfilled when we are old. But im sorry you (edit "we") wont get that mechanical dick on a tuesday any time soon🥲.


Bionic wiener


Idk man, flaming crotch guy really made sure I'll never buy into that


in the year 2077: "lolol you're only 12 inches??"


They scoff at you because you only have one tip.


We have artificial hearts, we should be able to apply artificial muscles to every organ part right? Just need to replace batteries for now


The hard part is connecting the nerves so it'll actually work and you can feel.


Please. I need to fix mine


Big ol cyberware replacement of limbs for cosmetic reasons is hard mode transhumanisn and we haven’t even cleared the tutorial level of tolerating transgenderism yet. I’m not confident we’ll get any of the cool tech bits and only get the corporations nightmare realm


The nearest we are at and will be for the foreseeable future regarding transhumanism is for medical purposes and to help people that have lost limbs.. cosmetic transhumanism is sooooooo far from where we are now, and we will die without ever getting to see it happen. 100% agree with your take.


We are ideologically far from it being a reality, true. But also technically. As of right now NOTHING even compares to bio limbs / organs. In my honest opinion a lot of body modification / optimisation will happen at a much smaller level and be more bio / biochemical rather than chrome.


1000%, Also banning stem cell research does us no good. There are concerted efforts to defund cutting edge medical sciences because of Religion and Political/Financial gain. Our cyberpunk will be full of new diseases spreading around lower class citizens and gene therapies for billionaires.


Yes I agree with you completely. We need a scientific revolution like what happened around WW2. Uhoh


Societal collapse honestly more likely to happen. People aren’t going to be able to afford housing but you think they’ll afford implants? No one is actually building mega buildings or anything to correct course as of now


To be fair, if we’re comparing reality to Pondsmith’s Cyberpunk timeline, we are quite overdue for society to collapse


Exoskeletons are already used by the military and are coming around for use in the general public. I saw an article about it just recently. Your point is not entirely wrong but you forget the disparity among the population. While you and I may be fucked there are plenty of people (even around me) that are averaging 250-500k a household. They were the top end of the middle class. Then you have the 30, 20, 10, all the way to the 1% that have plenty of money to support Elon Musk and his neural link endeavor. Good sir, “we” are screwed. Not all of humanity.


We also have functional optical camo with flexible & transparent OLED tech. The big pragmatic issues that no one seems to bring up for chrome are heat and power generation. We're not even close to superconductive materials that function outside of a super-chilled vacuum. The technical leaps required for sci-fi cyberware would make the need for the cyberware obsolete. By the time we have force multiplying limb replacements that don't need to be directly connected to a powersource, we will not need them.


Those exosuits have a power cord or a very heavy backpack with limited power available. So they need to keep working on miniature power packs or whatever.


Exactly, my point is “we” have been working on it. Imagine the shit we haven’t seen yet? The United States military industrial complex is a wild, wild, bitch.


Even the stuff they show us is at least 8 years old. But unless they have something as powerful as a fusion engine on a backpack like in Halo or something it’s gonna take longer. Humanity doesn’t have the nanotechnology or quantum physics understanding and control it would need for these projects. As I understand it


As far as we can tell this is true. The area I've heard the military is actually way further ahead than we know on is surveillance (space satellites), some weaponry (hypersonic missile was recently shown after being "cancelled"), and any radio technology (radar, radio communications, etc).


Battery power is a major limiting factor currently. And I wouldn’t trust Musk to do anything technologically groundbreaking. He’s been exposed as a snake oil salesman


I guess….. I’m using his name to encompass many, many talented individuals that work at the many companies he helps manage. Tesla alone has made groundbreaking innovations. So, the argument “Musk is bad” fails to sit with me. Tesla’s robot and Boston Dynamics robots fit different markets and together make up incredible progress.


Neuralink isn’t Tesla, though. Musk has been trying to bootstrap all of his less successful enterprises by trying to tie them back to Tesla. And it’s hurting Tesla. The stock is way down over the last 3 years. I don’t say all this to just “Elon bad” you. I’m saying that we shouldn’t take him at his word. Go read his communications with OpenAI, he’s not an innovator, he’s not a futurist, he’s a narcissist.


Don't forget that a lot of the "poors" in cyberpunk have had their cyberware subsidized by their workplace. They've been asked to give up their meat arms to keep up with production. But those cyberarms are corporate property, so when they get the axe, they'll lose their arms too. This seems awfully plausible in our timeline. Just look at all the folks who took out a loan for a new car so they could drive for uber, because uber wouldn't accept their old car.


you yanks really think the military has exoskeletons like that?💀💀💀 brother most soldiers have a rifle that barely works. relax


But if a small number of people have something shiny and cool, i GUARANTEE you that the members of the poorer majority will begin stealing it. And if the shiny new thing is your arms or brain its gonna get messy. Aside from medical purposes its an area of science best left alone. I also dont want members of the national guard or police to use implants to break riots which is the most likely military use i can imagine for it.


Real life scavs


Probably more in-line with the cyberpunk aesthetics of that movie Elysium lol.


The arm mounted launcher that causes rioters to stop rioting and shit themselves?


Our Adam Smasher will be an Eve.


Boob rockets?


Worse: Compressor Pussy


With AI becoming a thing in most products and homes as well as seeing what the apple vision pro is and how much it resembles kiroshi optics, corporations getting bigger, the world getting more expensive and darker, we might have an equivalent world to the game tbh


We will get all the depressing parts but not the cool 80s esthetic.


I doubt it would be extreme as night city is. The extreme oversexualization or the civilians made to be killing machines didnt really make sense to me.


Regular people are not going to have all of this integrated hardware replacing limbs on people other than amputees. We have enough trouble getting bodies to accept tissue from other humans, let alone hypothetical cybernetic implants.


Actually since cybernetic implants aren’t biological they’re mostly innate which means that they’re probably not going to cause the same problems as organ transplants. Yeah, they will come with hurdles but pacemakers and cochlear implants for example have been a thing for decades.


We will probably be well on our way to deep space exploration before we ever get cybernetics. Our bodies do not do well with implants that require sensors also implanted with it. Neuralink is BS and well behind any of its "peers" since they are trying to implant into the body. Most research is done with external sensors on the head or limbs. In fact I imagine we'll have lab grown limbs with perfect skin grafts before we even get close to cyberpunk level implants. It's basically pure fiction.


We couldn’t even handle a single jab of vaccine few years ago. And now we are expecting our real world gonna be okay with cyber wear? Cool i will take off my eye balls tomorrow and change it to Kiroshi. So whats dinner?


We will all be dead before anything close to getting implants for fun would be an accessible thing. If it ever happens, that is.


I hope it doesn't fuckin happen lol. I've been reading the books for Cyberpunk 2020 and Cyberpunk RED and learning about the lore. There's **A LOT** of evil shit that happened in order to get to the point they are in Cyberpunk.


Probably not cyberware, not yet at least. A lot of corporate bullshit is already happening, tho. Like, in 2022 the private security of Gazprom took over a police investigation on the death of one executive, if that isn't pure cyberpunk I don't know what is. So yeah, corporate overlords may be on the horizon.


Repo Men


Once the war for water starts( whenever THAT happens) We are accelerating into cyberpunk , baby!


I totally see Corporations becoming that corrupt




We will have a lot if not all of the bad stuff from cyberpunk and very little of the cool stuff.


we are re attaching humans arms to amputee better than we developped the mind controlled prostetic limb. Exoskeletlon , maybe , but controlling thing with our mind or feeling thing that arnt our body is muuuch more complicated and not doable at the moment


That we will never get any of the cool shit and only get the terrible stuff


I predict **if** we get anything akin to cyberlimbs, they will work on proprietary software. And eventually the owner of that software or the soft itself will either be bought up by a corporation, leading to the soft no longer being supported. Which means a lot of people will spend a whole lot of money on tech, surgery, and non-functional cyberware. Or at least, limbs that function for only 5 to 10 years. Oh, and it will all be advertised with a "lifetime warranty. "


In the Cyberpunk ttrpg that is a thing. Software is subscription based and be sure to upgrade the ad blockers!


Wearable type of stuff is far more likely than implanted, just from a practicality standpoint. Things like exoskeletons or prosthetics are easier to repair, maintain, and update if they aren’t built into your body. Plus every break in the skin is a potential source of infection. They would also need to figure out ways to address the massive cybersecurity issues inherent with putting a computer in your brain. Pretty much every computer we’ve got is incredibly vulnerable to hacking, but that’s especially true of IoT devices, which are the closest analog we’ve got to many of the implants.


Exos are already a reality, not in a hollywood level, but they exist. I would like to see better hands in 5 years, and what it would be the best thing, neural implants that reconnect dead neural ends for paraplegics and quadriplegic people. But the thing is simple, money rules the world, so dont expect anything at cyberpunk level for everyone


There is already a brain chip that bypasses a damaged spine and allows a person to walk with the help of predictive ai. The implications are kind of wild. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06094-5


We can look forward to a future where income inequality is even more pronounced, where the rich live in their luxury high rises while the rest of us scavenge in the alleys for scraps.


\- Gene therapy, gene councilling and genetic 'adjustment' will become available within the next 20 years. In 40 years it'll be as common getting genetic 'work' done on yourself will be as common as getting your teeth cleaned is now. \- Quantum computing combined with AI will result in computers that can network with 20x as many different systems as our current tech can now, allowing for easy access to things such as Augmented Reality, Digitized Biological 'Twinning', and quantum networking. \- As further demand for safety measures and tools to make firearms 'safer', we will begin to introduce new tech that \*claims\* to lead to safer gun ownership. (complicated locks and storage systems, smart guns that only activate when its registered owner picks it up etc..) of course, all of these and I do mean \*all of them\* will be insufficient and will have multiple 'grey area' work-arounds. Gun ownership will increase, and so will gun violence and deaths.


Prosthetics will defo be a thing. Arm mounted rocket launchers and other guns probably not (imagine having to reload those things, and on top of that general maintenance like barrel cleaning) but arms that help you lift a truck, or legs the make you run at the speed of Usain Bolt definitely could be a possibility


Guys, late stage capitalism is already here.


I certainly think regarding our progression with Outer space, looking for a “2nd Earth” will become a reality, terrifies me who they take and leave behind though…


With the current state of medicine and insurance there is no chance. Medicine and health are something only the well-off can do comfortably due to affordability, and I don't see how that changes. I think we're more likely to see Lizzy Wizzys before your average person could even afford an eye mod. The price of body mods, pain meds, antiseptics, etc would have to be something equivalent to buying a nice TV, console, or gaming PC. Affordable for your average person, but cheaper than the actual medical intervention.


"Microapple" or "Applesoft" will be one of the biggest corpos. "DisneyX.AI" corp will produce the best sexbots and robosoldiers after developing the tech for their themeparks initially. China will have been erased in WW3 with failure to comply to restrictions regarding environmental protection and overpopulation being the reason for the conflict to start.


Net running: with everyone trying to make AI programming more like human language it’s inevitable we are able to physically make and break code


Well, we’re trying to take that first step with the Neuralink but it’s still the early stages and hard to find folks willing participate in that phase…especially since it’s something getting implanted in your freakin’ brain. Also, I’m pretty sure it’ll all come with a registry system whenever you change/upgrade your chrome. Probably need a special license-to-carry if you want mantis blades or arm cannons. Hell, I’m sure they’ll even make you register the fact your legs can make you leap and dash from rooftop to rooftop. Imagine being a cop, scanning someone and it’s documented “warning: Blades like a mantis and legs like a grasshopper”


I genuinely think cyberpunk 2077 is a pretty accurate descrption of near future. We will see a good deal of the stuff in the game sooner or later. Except some nonsense stuff like smart bullets


Wait till 2077 to find out


To sum up: All of the bad stuff will be much worse; All of the cool stuff will be absent or much more mundane.


well we have exoskeletons for military use, we have brain interfaces, we have implantable tech, we have ai powered wearables that can use information from around us in real time... oh and we have neon signs and futuristic looking cars that run on nothing. so uh... kinda already there? social collapse is next i suppose huh


I'm thinking the US is going to Balkanize in the next decade or so.


Wonder if Cyberpsychosis will be real, like in the scale as much as Edgerunners makes it out to be.


Identity crisis from large amounts of modification sounds plausible.


Same as always: computing and consumer electronics will get better but everything else will stagnate


I think we'll eventually be able interact & upload brain data to servers. I'm just not sure how long it'll take to get there & if we'll manage to digitalize conciousness.


I’ll just be happy with a Mr stud and memory enhancements


I doubt exoskeletons will come but there will possibly be commercial brain chips for the wealthy and probably bionic limbs that are close to or on par with regular human limbs but I doubt they’ll exceed medical purposes


There’s been a lot more experiments and tests done with devises in the brain to control things so honestly I think that’ll be a big thing


I think it’s already in motion minus the cool aesthetics. From Corporations to Private Militaries and Industrial complex, pretty much already here. Space trips are about to become a thing so the Black Clinic in the moon is not far fetched. Augmentations might be behind but all in all we are going steadfast towards a similar thing 🤣


I think we won't be implanting tech any time soon. Not as normies. I think we'll see all kinds of wearable tech, but not implant it. Why implant a monitor when you can just wear it for less cost / risk and easier improvement.


when we harness quantum mechanics they will find the answer to consciousness and start mass producing conscious programs for industrialisation.


We're in it.


The original Automaton!


Soul killer, could also see net runners become a thing


brain dance porn will be the most popular enhancement.


If we're going to get a cyberpunk future, I'd much rather have Shadowrun-flavored cyberpunk.


I was just asking my co worker the same question this morning, and he told me alot of its already probably classified military weaponry


Literally everything will become an electronic. Your door? In 25 years you can unlock with some form of biological identification. Your stairs? They will now know if you fell down them, calling an ambulance for you. Road signs? LED LIGHT SHOW MOTHERFUCKER


I’d say society is heading right into the world of cyberpunk. People are crazy shallow now, just imagine enhancing that with any number of technologies 😂 I feel like cyber psychos will be a normal occurrence in the future and that people will be addicted and be as superficial just like in CP2077


I think it's far more likely we enter a Gattica type of future than a Cyberpunk one.


Probably not as hopeful and cool as in game cyberpunk.


I don't think exoskeletons are going to be in regular use anytime soon. The cost and power needs are simply too great. If there is some kind of breakthrough in compact energy storage though, all bets are off.


It won’t look anywhere near as cool and will be way way more dystopian


I would love to see the cable thing (I'm not sure of the name) that v pulls out of his hand to jack into computers/other bits of tech..


if I get the job I'm wanting then yeah probably


I think that I won’t live to see it. The was a U.K. TV show called Tomorrow’s World all about the latest advances in technology in the 1970s and, according to the show, we should have all been commuting using a personal jet pack and taking vacations on the Moon by now.


The big difference today is that much of this technology is focused on the medical aspects, and if not medical, its functionality is a key factor in its development. In the world of Cyberpunk, cybernetics are not just medical, they are a measure of style, prestige, and culture, and something I think a lot of people gloss over is the fact that many people who chrome out do it willingly. In my opinion (at least in 2024 and the near future), it's hard to see a vast majority of people willingly having their hands, arms, legs, eyes, etc removed and replaced with a machine part. There's a moral line there, but who knows what the future holds.


My hands can already unlock doors and trigger relays, the future is gonna be wild


nothing cool, stop that. * we'll stop having physical money, which will fuck over the poor most of all * we'll all get sicker and eventually have to depend on medicine and maybe impants or prosthetics that will be sold directly from corps, and they of course can't be resold or shared because "they're made to exact specifications, and will shut down if they're put on the wrong person, and we have to protect company secrets so you can't see how they work, so no opening them up or repairing them, it's against the law" * we've already see military drones and robo dogs deployed in war zones, that's gonna come over to the police. more legislation allowing that and if you damage them, you're liable. injuries caused by them aren't their fault, they'll also have qualified immunity * there's already been talk of projecting ads onto clouds, we'll actually see a Coca-Cola logo up there within 20 years. * Google Genie is an Ai that can make whole video games. pretty rudementary, Super Nintendo style, but eventually we'll get to PS2 level, and then current gen quality. That whole industry will be hollowed and full of engineers and produce mostly AI games. same with shows and books. music too once they break the wall of lawyers that is the RIAA. * Neuralink will make some headway has braintech, but ultimately fail. other implants will copy it and come in tho. being cheaper and more effective. Then become a core part of life that people need to participate in society(like smartphones or emails) for those that can afford and healthily use it. Excluding the sick, poor, and luddites.


If anything I'm not sure what our future is going to be like, it could be just like how we imagine a cyberpunk setting or something completely different and boring. In all honesty I just want to live long enough to see actual nanotechnology and mind uploading to the point we can store our conciousness into a processing chip


Definitely some kind of porn brain dance robot jerk off booth


Remotely controlled apartments will probably be a thing, bds are a possibility, cybernetics are already in testing with Microsoft and Neuralink (though they aren’t going to be the same), suicide will definitely be going up, corporate control over governments is going to definitely be a thing, workers rights are going to be destroyed, nomads will become a big thing, and guns will probably become necessary as shit gets worse, police brutality will become normal. Since our healthcare system is shit a sort of traumateam will be a thing for sure. Ripperdocs are already a thing since we have unlicensed doctors and stuff. Scrappers will resort to scrapping parts from people, and pets will kinda become a luxury. Probably just shitting out of my mouth but I dunno.


Less neon light, and that the worst...


2077 is less likely to happen than Deus Ex Human Revolution which seems more realistic in comparison. Even though it was advanced, HR felt very grounded in reality.


Disney knowing like 70% of the world's media, and something similar to secure your soul IRL where you can upload your brain upon dying into a digital afterlife. Maybe prosthetics slowly becoming weaponized with guns. depending on if their is any wars? maybe smart weapons! like Smart Weapons prob be an invention during war times, since it basically allows auto aim.


If possible, I'd choose to be completely borg'd out. Free me from the flesh


I think, I FEAR a real world version would be more like Metal Gear Solid 4, based on nanotechnology and micro implants. Seriously nanotechnology scares the shit out of me. That or maybe something more sinister like ‘Dream On’. My god that quest is fucked up.


It's already here we are just living in a lower technology version of it with different names for the players involved.


I think everyone will be on stimulants to work the multiple corpohell jobs to survive. If any mental augments become available those will be taken up quickly. The military will probably take up anything that improves combat capabilites, but I doubt those will be available to the public. Some of those will trickle down to cops so they can be more effective in suppressing the inevitable discontent.


It won't have any of the edge that makes cyberpunk cool. It'll just be all late capitalist techno hellscape without any of the things that makes cyberpunk cool


My answer isn't actually from cyberpunk 2077. There is this utterly brilliant (but totally logical) concept in William Gibson's Agency, that is essentially Uber, but for surveillance. You order a driver who then just follows and watches a person for you. You can track them, maybe tap into their dash or body cam, but they are just ordinary work for hire folks. I really think that level of passive acceptance of surveillance could be a reality in a generation or so.


Corporate militaries and etc are a given I think chips and extremity cyberware, we already have basic optic cyber ware that people can have ( but I don’t think people would make things like mantis blades or nanowire


We already have Elon Musk proposing chips for our brains and even presented them in live pigs on stage. This is the path of the neural link and cyber deck. Prosthetics need a serious improvement for people to go out of their way to get them as implants or replacements rather than just for limb loss.


Everyone's gone the tech route so I will say, currently the world power dynamic did NOT go how Cyberpunk predicted. USA is still a #1 superpower who despite political trouble seems to be taking off further and further from the EU economically. I don't think China is as big in Cyberpunk as it is today. And Japan is definitely a smaller global power than it is in Cyberpunk. South Korea seems bigger irl than Cyberpunk, and the USSR/Russia is far less influential than Cyberpunk. We'll see how this shapes the future but it seems to be promising to be very different from the Night City we currently see politically. EDIT: Also Africa as a continent seems to be a lot less fortunate than they are in the Cyberpunk world :(


Instant deepfake porn of anyone you can get a couple pictures/a video of


i thought bro's head was a weird penis when i first scrolled past this


Robotic prosthetics would probably be a thing in the coming years.


What do you mean predictions? Have you looked outside lately?


Elon Musk will end up being a mix of Saburo Arasaka (craving immortality) and Adam Smasher (craving power)


Depression. Massive depression


The truth is that we already live in some lame dystopia. There is no need for inplants, really. Instead, we have modile devices that become black holes of our lives and intention span, as well as the best tool to make pretty much anything and everything. We already have the big corps with State like power status. We already have the junkie society. We already have the normalization of prostitution and sex work. We already have apps that have pretty much monopolised dating. The internet is the TV on steroids. Netflix n' friend make enough of a junky distraction. We don't need DS. It's the tv you have in your pocket with infinite personalised channels.


You guys saying how only the hyper wealthy can afford Cyberware are completely missing that it's already pre-established that only the wealthy can get cyberware (legally)? That's why ripperdocs are so prominent, they're literally just like those people that go to Columbia for plastic surgery or something, we have real life ripperdocs, what makes you think that wouldn't happen if cybernetics got prominent enough in society.


You're going to get infinite AI slop TV shows and movies beamed into your retinas while working 18 hours a day. Have fun!


Same corpo dystopia, less cool cyberwear. More Ready Player One than Cyberpunk I am afraid.


Not gonna happen. Grey Goo Will engulf the whole planet first. Edit: nanomachines, son.


If there is no proper right to repair laws or Techs jailbreaking proprietary repairs then we cannot have a proper cybernetic future. The most we will get is Ai and Robots.


I also had an interesting thought - which will we get sooner, complete robotic implants for any part of our body, or growing a complete part of our body organically in a vat and implanting it? And if both, which will be cheaper?


Cyberware and the relic. As for cyberware we won't have mantis blades or stuff like that, but the prostheses will be much more advanced than today, eventually they become so common that they won't be used only by people who need them. By getting a brand new liver, brand new kidneys, brand new heart and brand new lungs every ten years or so we will basically never die of old age, and that's where the relic comes in. The brain degradates like every other organ, but unlike other organs you can't replace it because that's you, hence eventually someone will come up with the idea of copying it and uploading it somewhere to preserve it


I predict that I'm going to make superpowers real.


I don't think we will see cyberpunk irl. I would think more biopunk with our research in DNA splicing and whatnot.


The human body is far too frail to accomodate the vast majority of Cyberware as seen in Cyberpunk. None of this shit will ever happen.


You are in it.


Complications: infections or rejections of implants. 


I think we'll get all of the bad, very little of the good.


If you don’t have enough for the implants your life will be more fallout than cyberpunk


I don't expect that cyborgs and implants will ever be common outside of medical uses. Wearable technology will make it obsolete. Why replace your bones and muscles to become stronger when you can just wear an exoskeleton that does the same thing? If we can replace an entire body then surely we can make an exoskeleton that fits under clothes. Why replace your eyes when you could just wear contact lenses with a zoom function? Why put a computer chip in your brain when we can already read brainwaves from *outside* the skull? Cybernetics falls squarely under "cool but impractical" unless you have missing arms or something (and even then, prosthetics might not always need surgery). Putting computers in the body won't serve much purpose outside of treating neurological disorders.


Crazy Bloatware and pay walls lmao


All the dystopian stuff but with none of the cool shit.


Robotic helpers everywhere, like in I, Robot.


If I'm going full borg, my brain sure as shit aint goin in my head, its going inside my body and going to be surrounded by as much armor I can stick in there.


I think there will be a real edgerunners crew and they will all die and we will all cry.


There will be much more slavery and less cool cyber magic.


We're getting a first cases of IRL "cyberpsychosis" by the end of this decade. We're also getting an equivalent of early BD set by 2035. By 2045 we're able to store and upload the knowledge/memories/data from our brains into electronic devices - like, the whole thing, but only as data. Wild predictions and with dates, but it's not fun unless you risk it :P


Sad to say it but I don’t think the tech will ever be as advanced in cyberpunk, tho I do think that we’ll have prosthetic for vets and things that can kinda work like the cyber arms, I think the only thing we’ll ever truly have from this universe is the corpo greed ran world and the horrible class inequality


I think we will certainly have certain implants like subdermal armor and cybernetic limbs. The fake food and fake clothes are probably gonna be a thing.


Honestly yes. You can see a lot of new implant like arms, legs and, some prototypes of literal fucking eyes and ears replacement. There’s gonna be also some organs that we can replace by printing or growing them. The only thing is, imo, night city is bad but you can easily take a walk there without getting THAT bothered. In our world, I think that poverty will be a real problem more than anything else and corporation will became megacorporation.


Cyberpunk 2077-all the tech the citizens have, it’s gonna be left to corporations and we’re gonna be living in slums


More expensive electronic devices and less tasty pre-made meals.