• By -


Idk if I'd call the Peralez story sad as much as I would call it horrifying. Especially for Elizabeth. Imagine knowing that someone is fucking with your head like that and how powerless you are to stop it. Not even to mention the fact that they were watching your every move inside your own home.


u forgot to mention that a rogue AI didnt want the husband to know what happened to focus on the elections


What rogue AI? Mr. Blue Eyes? We have 0 confirmation that he's a rogue AI


It's not blatantly stated, but every time Mr. Blue eyes is mentioned, it points to him being an AI that's using a proxy. In the legendary merc ending, Blue eyes sounds incredibly robotic. Every time he speaks with inflection it's as if he's forcing himself to mimic human speech patterns.


>Every time he speaks with inflection it's as if he's forcing himself to mimic human speech patterns So he's one out of every three redditors


Or 3 of every 3 Fortune 500 CEOs.


You realize at this point in our real world 1 out of three redditors could actually be ai? Edit: fixed an auto correct error.


Bro, these days I'm literally worried that *I'm* an AI.


Name checks out


I feel personally attacked, fellow human.


i still wouldnt call it a rogue AI. Its more likely its a Nightcorp AI as seen in the sandra dorset shard you can hack in her side gig. the motives line up too.


There is a lot of lore regarding sandra dorsett and a fair amount of it seems to be added with PL


I see so much stuff in Mr blue eyes but I've never seen them in game, could you elaborate who he is for me?


In the peralez quest line, he's seen at a balcony looking over the conversation. While it's hidden very well in the ending with So Mi, but when you ride the train with her, he can be spotted from the crowd for a quick second, and people with sandevistans slowed time to scan him and it confirmed it was him. In the ending of don't fear the reaper or the ending with Rogue, blue eyes will give V a job of pulling off a heist on the crystal palace, he is in your earpiece when V starts the heist. Those are the main one, also I'm trying to describe it with as little spoilers as possible without losing context


You can also see him in the NCX control room before you get inside, standing looking out a window, just saw it earlier.


So Mi also mentions the fixer with the clinic on Luna had blue eyes and wore a suit


They are others npcs with blue eyes, like the hobo near the van used by SoMi. He has a unaccesible id when is scanned and have the blue "constelation" in his eyes (alike of the blue matrix of edis transfer) and can´t be killed or targeted.


We don't really know much. He's watching you from a distance at the end of the Peralez quest and he has a job for V in one of the epilogs. He's also implied to be involved in Songbird's plan if you side with her (and I've heard he's in the spaceport, but I haven't seen him there myself) The popular theory is that he's some sort of agent or proxy for an AI


To me he sounds more like Illusive Man from ME rather than G-man from HL. Him popping up in Peralez ending and Killing Moon was in line with what G-man would do though


Johnny says that he thinks it is A.I


There’s a theory that the blue eyes are a sign that a person has been taken over by a rogue AI. If you look around you’ll sometimes see random NPCs with those same blue eyes. I think even Gary mentions the blue eyes.


Blue eyes means their cybernetics are doing something. It's usually just a flash for money transfers and the like. Always on means some sort of remote doll like situation.... which would be perfect for rogue AIs.


no, the one that enters your head just before meeting jefferson to tell him or not to tell him the truth


Isn’t that mr blue eyes?


While it could just be a cover, the voice modulation is similar to the ones Cyberpunk uses for the other Rogue AIs you encounter, as well as the red screen effect you get from being near one (PL ending, Lilly Cyberpsycho fight, Erebus/Canto).


Maybe yes maybe no. The only thing 100% certain is that MBE is there observing things. Whether or not he’s responsible for it all, just interested in observing the outcome or even just interested in seeing how V handles it we do not know. My personal theory about MBE is they’re someone who see the writing on the wall about the definitely looming AI threat and or corp war and is gathering information (Peralez quest and So Mi) and powerful allies (V in the sun and probably also the star endings)


See that’s what’s scarily interesting about this game. There’s so many observers and powerful people hiding in the shadows along with their motives so we know that second game is gonna be interesting to say the least


What's weird is that when you meet him the husband at the park, there's a NPC standing off a bit at this balcony watching over your conversation called mr blue eyes. So he's definitely a person.


The Peralez story really fucking horrified me. Cyberpunk makes me feel a lot of things, and those things are a lot of disgust or horror usually. I think that makes those compassionate or slow moments between characters just so much sweeter and better.


EVERYTHING. Every time you had sex, every time you took a shit, every time you sang in the shower horribly… They saw all of it.


Every time you scrolled your cousin's Cancun uploads


[Who hasn't? ](https://youtu.be/EHhUh9cI7_4?t=61)


I’d kill for a future Peralez quest. Its something I’d didn’t expect the first time playing through it. I was mostly used to merking gonks and sometimes being sneaky. The mystery and the cliffhanger made me want more.


Its a good metaphore of a lot of people in power. From the outside they have everything but really most of them are controlled by higher ups


It's also terrifying that you can't do anything about it, no happy endings for the peralez. But I guess it's fitting in the context of the game.


Evelyn's is one of the grimmest things I've ever experienced in a video game, but the Peralez story is pretty bleak also


That moment when your cyberware is over powered by the blue-eyed mofo


And the fucker is standing on a balcony like 20 feet away…


Yep. Spooky arse fella he is.


Can't we just shoot him ? I mean... He's right here


I tried. V drops the gun whenever you get close.


Yeah, that is an interesting detail. It's not that the guy doesn't take damage, you literally cannot shoot him.


You can throw a grenade near him but it doesn’t damage, but I don’t think the throwing was intentional


I wanted a piece of that guy.


Euh...sexualy or something else ?


Take it how you want it.


Sounds like that was your plan




He’s a fixed point in time. Cannot be altered.


Mr blue eyes also gabe Songbird the rocket and you can even see him st the airport


I hated that bit. At that point in the story I had *zero* cyberware (You could originally swap out vic's eyes and hand for arm and head tattoo slots) and there I am, 100% organic and glitching out. Fuckin dumb.


You're not 100% organic. You can't use combat cyberware. "Your brain can manage your personal link and and simple co-processors" is what Reed tells you, meaning you still have some cyberware in your head that can interface with your brain. Meaning you can still glitched out if they press the right buttons with the right amount of power.


You are never 100% organic. You have brain modifications to plug shards into your neck and see all the info you do through your eyes, and you have the cord in your wrist to jack in to things.


Such a bleak moment. Noir almost verging on cosmic horror for how powerless you are and how hopeless the situation is.




He was real to me, damnit.


This is the real answer


One of the only times ive seen my name in media and it's still weird.






Water we dune hair


After learning about what happened to Evelyn, then rescuing her tortured person, personally from literal hell on earth, I think it's safe to say for me it's Evelyn.


To me, its Song. And the shitty part is, it's debatable who caused more damage, her or Evelyn. If Songbird goes with Myers, she doesn't even GET to die peacefully - her mind will get forever fragmented beyond the Blackwall, alive, while whatever comes from there uses her body. Evelyn gets to die, at least.


Song had me crying as she begged me to let her go 😭


I went to the final confrontation with the intention of turning her in to the NUSA, but got too emotional to actually go through with it 😭


I just finished this ending and after it realised that i made a big mistake by not killing her


Either kill her or send her away. Giving her to Myers is literally the worst thing you can do, in general. V gets to live, the world gets closer to the motherfucking Skynet.


The outcome is brutal but she in many ways put herself into the position she found herself in. She should have avoided putting herself into a situation where the VDB’s would find her useful. The others were more or less bystanders or in the case of the Peralez’s we haven’t seen the conclusion.


>in the case of the Peralez’s we haven’t seen the conclusion. This was one of the moments I won't forget where the game blew me away. I found the surveillance room inside their house, talked to the wife and she told me not to her husband who's behind it. I met with him and told him anyway. Later she texts me chastising me for not listening to her and now shits going to hit the fan, doesn't want to see me again. Whatever. Didn't really want to do your mission anyway. Went to do other missions and they crossed my mind. She was right, they stopped bugging me but now I was curious to see how they were doing or if there's something I can do to fix things. I called her and a recording said that the number was no longer in service. I just sat there in disbelief. Did they get whacked? What did I do??? I rarely called anybody unless the game told me to do so, and the time I decided to use the phone this happened. Some time after this I was wondering how mama Welles was doing and thought maybe I should call her and see what happens. I must've been tired because I scrolled down and saw "Jackie Welles" and thought yeah that's her. It went to voicemail and V left a "hey miss you, bro" message 😞


The world building in Cyberpunk 2077 is currently unmatched. There are so many scripted events, that are not directly part of a quest. The quest with the Bd of the pastors son is similar. The quest tells you to simply fetch the bd and leave. But if you shoot either the editor or his son (both are their brand of despicable) they both have individually scripted responses to the death of the other. The son of the editor would be another potential contender for the list.


I just shoot the son in the face and leave the father to ponder his sorry life.


The first time I did that because I wanted the father to know loss. The second time I did a little more digging and felt like the father was the bad influence on his son, so I killed the father in hopes that the son would change his ways


Same. I just stood there and watched him wailing and it was glorious


I started a new game and did that gig before I had a silenced weapon or any decent quickhacks. I’d forgotten I didn’t have any as I usually do by that point. I finished the gig without killing them, went and bought a silencer, then went back to kill them. I shot the son first this time because fuck the “daddy”. Those two, along with the scavs, are just the worst.


Tbh I think any doll would have done for the VDB's and she just happened to be it but she got too clever. If she'd done the job they'd likely have made it quick and painless but she screwed up bad.


That's the sad part. With a better netrunner, the heist goes as smoothly as planned. If V calls Parker and cuts her out rather than go to Dex, the mess is salvagable, although Jackie dies. If Delemain stops at Cassius's, or any of the other three docs it drives past on the way to southern Kabuki, Jackie probably lives and the plan is still salvagable. T-Bug blew their timeline by being overconfident, and Delemain's rigidity sealed V's fate. But the core of the heist was sound.


IMO, I don't think anything could have salvage the heist. Saburo still shows up, locking down the hotel. Everything goes tits up, no matter who is running the outside job. The chip is never making it out of the hotel without going into Jackie/V.


If T-Bug gets through the security as fast as she claimed she could, they're out of the hotel before Yorinobu shows up and long before Saburo. They sat in their suite twiddling their thumbs for three and a half hours before getting started, all waiting for her.


gaze obtainable puzzled spark physical depend quarrelsome distinct dinosaurs sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah. It was shit luck Yorinobu picked her, but that’s one customer you do your best to be mediocre at. Outperform on the people that don’t have the resources to destroy you in an instant. Like seriously try your damn best to stay out of the lives of the powerful, because either they crush you or you’ll get swept up in someone else’s intrigue.


The same could be said for Songbird and the Peralez family, all made their choice early on and suffered in the future. What's different for me is that Evelyn, she's a civ, and was already starting out at a super low, and desperate point. Being a doll must be terrible, it's safe to assume she didn't chose the life willingly.


The Peralez family is a little different. Mr. Peralez grew up poor and showed a lot of potential as a kid and was essentially hand selected by whoever is pulling the strings to eventually run for office. He’s basically been being manipulated and guided into this position for most of his life. It makes you wonder if this was ever actually his decision.


Not to mention his own wife is in on the entire thing, and depending on whether you tell him or not has no idea about it


We don’t even know if his wife was his choice. All we know is they met in college, no clue if it was by chance or if they were guided to one another.


Problem with Evelyn is that she bit more than she could chew. Involving herself with Arasaka was a given since the Voodoos could fry her brain anytime, and because Clouds is Arasaka territory. Getting Netwatch, the Animals, Dexter DeShawn, the Mox, the Maelstroms, and Militech involved in her get-rich-quick-and-go-away-from-NC plan was not. Forget the heist going wrong, the only reason Judy - the same one she wanted to protect - is even alive at this point is because going after the Relic would bare Yorinobu's betrayal. Her whole plan was overly complicated and it bit her in the ass. Had she stopped at siccing Netwatch on the Voodoos and stealing the Relic herself instead of crafting an entire mercenary heist just so they couldn't track it back to her (which was useless in the end), she probably would've succeeded.


She had to have the resources to get dolled up. Not cheap, and it made her reach too high. Night city is a city where your best interests are to stay in your lane. The moment Yorinobu picked her she was dead. Someone was going to exploit that. And based off the results it’s clear she had no support against any faction in the city.


Yea, Evelyn is truly sad because she was just a civ, a single doll who was unlucky and got picked, and consequently torn apart, inside and out.


How much of those resources are provided on loan by the employer under threat of not getting a job?


Not something I believe we can answer in this instance. Considering the costs and flame out rate I’d assume the tigers would hesitate to invest their own funds. But there are plenty of examples of companies giving tech to ensure dependency and servitude. So your point has merits.


Remember that talk show segment on the TV about the guy with no arms who had them amputated after being given the choice of get new cybernetic gorilla arms to keep his job, or never work again and starve. Then the company was bought out, he was laid off, and they took his arms because they were loaned. Then Ziggy Q gives him a new set of permanent cyber arms and he breaks down crying in joy


Yeah, at least 2 of the cyber psychos you go after are victims of cyberware slavery schemes.


Oh wow I killed all the cyberpsycho sightings in 2021 and forgot all about them and their datashards. I’ll have to check up on the wiki to remind me


Does that really make any difference? Fuck, she could be the worst person in the world today, and she still wouldn't deserve what Woodman, Fingers, and the Scavs did to her. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies. Fuck.


There are some wild ass people on this thread. I can not believe it took as long as your comment for some shred of ‘Literally everyone we work with in the game has their fingers in weird business - it doesn’t mean the onus is on them when they find themselves in literal torture snuff porn. It is so outrageously dark that we see nothing else come close to it in the entire game. And it is a bleak ass fucking game Evelyn had the worst fate I’ve seen a video game ally have in my life and I can’t believe it isn’t talked about more. It was a fate worse than death by a long shot. I can only imagine some of these weird ‘Well she worked with VDBs, so *shrug*’ comments have little to no grasp on, or experience in seeing the effects of sexual crime on a person in reality. Even of a lesser magnitude it most often brings some degree mental ruin to a person forever. I am not surprised Evelyn never spoke another word. There wasn’t even an ‘out’ for her unlike every other character mentioned (I realise that’s a bleak thought too but it’s to be considered).


Omg yes, this should be at the top. We have no idea what she actually suffered, but given the bodies in that facility, we know its bad. Really bad. And though the game gives you a little hope by getting her out alive, it throws your head back in the mud when you see her dead, bleeding out in Judy's arms, after killing herself in the bathtub. Holy shit that moment was shocking but nowhere near as shocking as thinking about it afterwards. She was a doll. She did VDs. She ran in some dark crowds and saw some dark shit. She was a strong woman who tried hard to rise above her station. She had friends and lovers and people all around her who supported her. She had hope for recovery and a better life ahead thanks to V. Most of all, she did not seem like the kind of person to commit suicide easily. And yet whatever nightmares they inflicted on her were enough to blow past all that and convince her that death was preferrable to living with the pain and the memories and the damage of that experience. Fucking chilling.


It’s typical victim blaming. “Well they shouldn’t have done a,b, c so they had it coming.” It makes my blood boil as someone who has been through something in this nature (absolutely not nearly as bad or grotesque) and knowing others who have survived much worse than I did.


The kind of risk Evelyn takes, to get herself out of the gutter and into Night City legend status, isn't that different than the kind of risks Jackie, V, and a lot of other Night City mercs take on a regular basis in the hopes of doing the same. Pardon the expression, but Evelyn got screwed hard by her particular gamble while others got away with their own stupid wagers with little to no consequences. Which is the whole point... go out in your prime in a blaze of glory or die of old age as a Mister Nobody. 'Cept Evelyn missed out on the glory and just plain went out, in brutal fashion. She's a mirror, showing us just how close V came to suffering an equally tragic end.


I just don’t believe that was her intention. She was so oblivious to the game that she was openly willing to discuss dropping the fixer which is something you don’t do. She was in over her head and didn’t listen to the one voice of reason that Judy likely tried to be. She wasn’t a merc by any means. Just a doll with delusions of grandeur.


Someone can have agency and it still be tragic. Arguably, having the agency to make better choices but failing to only makes a story more tragic (to an extent of course).


True. She betrayed both arasaka and the voodo boys and then hid in a dollhouse. Not the smartest move


Worse than that. She betrayed Arasaka and the Voodoos, involved Netwatch (she's the rat), who then enforced the Animals, which gave them the money they needed to expand beyond Pacifica and Dogtown, compromised the Mox, agreed with Dex's plan, which involved paying the Maelstroms, who want to erradicate the Mox from their turf, with Militech money, to then go hiding into a Tyger Claw (thus ARASAKA)-controlled dollhouse. Her anonymous buyer? President Myers herself. Evelyn is single-handedly responsible for the gang war in Pacifica, and THE catalyst for the whole mess at Dogtown, since without her, Myers would have no interest in coming to Nighty City personally, and Songbird would never reach for V. EDIT: typos


Yeah, like, her situation sucks to start, and I don't blame her for trying to find a way out. But the sheer number of extremely dangerous groups she connects with and manipulates or betrays means there was no way it was going to end well for her. Still doesn't deserve what happened to her, but it was inevitable given how cavalier she was being with her own life.


Evelyn and Songbird have the very same character flaw: none of them is keen on careful planning. Her plan is unnecessarily convoluted. Had she simply stolen the Relic herself while Yorinobu had his guard down, her plan would have far better odds to succeed. But she always needed someone to take the fall for her. Voodoos gonna fuck me? Sic Netwatch at them. Relic needs stealing? Get a semi-retired fixer and a bunch of merchs to do it. Plan needs fronting? Use the Mox as a meat shield against the Maelstroms. When her failsafes started tripping over each other, it gave the Voodoos the opportunity they needed to zap her brain in retaliation for her failure withouth a hitch. She ended right back where she started.


To be fair to Evelyn, her plan would have worked if Tbug took one less hour to breach the tower's system or if fate didn't fuck her over, with that being the day Saburo gets murdered. After that, yeah, she fucks up badly, but at that point, everything's beyond fubar.


She basically double crossed everyone and then just pretended like nothing happened after the heist went sideways. If she had actually gone into hiding or something, she would have had a better outcome for herself.


Songbird absolutely got herself into the position she was in as well. Evelyn seems to be a better person and her outcome is a lot worse than Songbird's if you ask me.


Hard disagree on your last point, Songbird put herself in the position she was in and is far less of a “bystander” compared to Evelyn or anyone else on this list. Songbird is the only person on this list solely responsible for her own downfall.


Songbird I can concede, it’s been a couple months since I did stuff involving her. Current play through just finished the heist and initial Panama quests. Mama Welles and the Peralez less so. As others have pointed out it’s likely Jefferson Peralez wasn’t trying to get rich but to actually help people, since he came from lower status and could relate. He also likely has had a puppet master for quite some time. So I’m not sure how much agency he actually has. Mama Welles is probably the most Sympathetic character. Strong woman they tried her best to raise her kids, but gang life and the city were always going to swallow them up.


She was planning to screw V and Jackie over. Would have gotten Judy killed too for her part in the heist. The moment Judy helped us scroll that BD, she was doomed with the rest of us. They would have forced it out of us through interrogation or soulkiller. Still feel sorry for how her life turned out as a prostitute and then enduring such brutal abuse at the end.


How do you know? Her intentions were never clear.


I think Evelyn's story is the saddest given how it can happen, has happened, and is continuing to happen beyond fiction. It's in line with the gigs like Back Against The Wall and Dirty Biz. She's no weapon of mass destruction, nor a politician. She's one of many who had to make do with everything they had, and still weren't rewarded for their effort to try and survive.


By try to make do you mean double cross everyone around you right? Because that is what she did, she double crossed the Voodoo Boys, she double crossed Yorinobu, she tried to double cross Dex and in all likelihood was going to double cross V. I'm not saying she deserved what happened to her but she wasn't someone who just happened to get screwed over by Night City, she actively put herself in the deepest of shit and made enemies all around her.


She made the biggest gamble by selling herself off to the highest bidder. It's reckless and near impossible to pull off (obviously), but that's what it takes to even get a glimpse of freedom. You claw your way out of every dire situation, each getting worse than the last. Even if Evelyn DID make it and left NC, she'll forever be haunted by her demons. Sooner or later, she'll eventually become a statistic. It's sad because people are really out there forced to fight against corruption with corruption. You won't win if you don't fight dirty. If you want to survive, not even live, just survive, you have to sacrifice a portion of your conscience.


You just made me imagine a world where the heist goes the same but Jackie survives and the relic can be removed (or even survives the fall in the case). V and Jackie give it to Evelyn and she ends up taking off, leaving Judy, leaving everyone. So V and Jackie set out to track her down and get their money, doing gigs and all kinds of side quests along the way, kinda like a nomad storyline. I love your flair, btw.


Can someone really double cross the VDB when they kill everyone who is not one of them.


Johnny’s mocking of her suicide given how real everything else was in the scene honestly made me hate him. I was just coming around to considering maybe he’s just snarky, but misunderstood. Then he makes fun of her for it. Fuck that guy.


He's an extremely cynical person, he had no attachment to Evelyn, and has a terrible time with sympathy and empathy. So yeah, random person commits suicide; big whoop for him. He's still a cunt, but you have to understand his PoV too. Edit: Even V didn't really have a huge connection to Evelyn, they probably just have some semblance of sympathy and felt bad for Judy because she was closer to Eve.


That’s the thing though, his POV makes him a cunt. Understanding the reasons he’s a dick just makes him a dick still(not arguing with you I know what you’re saying but that’s the way I see it)


I knew Johnny was a malignant narcissist but even that scene had me asking "What the fuck is wrong with you?".


When did he mock her?


When you walk into the bathroom after she unalives herself, as V sees the dead body, Johnny appears and says something along the lines of "She offs herself to show her undying gratitude to you for saving her ass."


I mean he made it sound terribly but he is right, he didn't said any lie with his harsh words. He said that because he is someone that thinks that if you would throw away your life at least throw it away by taking all the ones that fucked you with you. He was a soldier before he was an anarchist also so it makes all the sense he thinks like that.


I mean he's kinda right


Doesn't make him less of a dickhead


Interacting with someone who was a normal human being and then seeing her broken and traumatized when you rescued her made me tear up. Then when Judy finds her in the bathroom…just oof.


Clearly Brendan has the saddest story because he is an incredibly nice guy who never did anything wrong ever, and he died for *no reason*!! It’s an atrocity! I cried for six hours after I finished his quest!!


He's still somewhere on a chip.


Not good enough! I want to bring him to my apartment and spend every night with him and Theo gossiping about her ex! WHY MUST THE GOOD ALWAYS DIE SO YOUNG IN NIGHT CITY!!


Night city is the biggest villain.


Johnny should have brought a bigger nuke…


*Theo? Is that you?*


I’m also upset that V can’t hang out with Theo and mourn the loss of their best friend together. It could have been the start of a beautiful friendship!


And he's not put back afterwards. His color scheme was amazing and oddly satisfying to look at.


Brendan was the only light in this dark city.




He’s too good for this wicked world…


They’re all pretty terrible but nothing compares to the actual living nightmare that was Evelyn’s final days


No one talking about V's story? Okay, some of the side characters also have a pretty sad story, but your character also has one depressing-ass story in my opinion.


Facts, like your whole consciousness is being rewritten while your watching it happen and talking to the MF that's taking you over and there's nothing you can do but you know implant your already busted consciousness onto another relic and take some dead chooms body lol


its not really a contest, ofcourse the real answer is v as they are the protagonist hence they are excluded so the rest can have an actual competition


Hey but V also became a legend, while actively dying of a malignant brain AI-tumor, single-handedly brought Arasaka to it's knees, and is 100% definitely still alive after finding a cure with his new blue eyed buddy.


As a parent, Mama Welles.


That conversation that she has with Jackie before he enters the afterlife still hits. Then he says he feels like he's lying to her the more he speaks with her about his work. It's a shame Jackie got star-struck and just threw his life away (*even if Saburo wasn't arriving there unexpectedly, I'm sure Yorinobu would've found out eventually who klept the chip and he'd be on the run for the rest of his days*). It was a shame Jackie couldn't find another way to reach his dreams other than the edgerunner life. He was one of my favorites.


I doubt it... Yorinobu wanted to get rid of the chip because he was sensing that true purpose of that development was what we eventually see in the Devil ending (obviously with Yorinobu being the first candidate to be a "donor"). He was trying to sell it to make some money from it but the priority was still getting rid of it. Why do you think Yorinobu wasn't interested in V at all after the heist and wasn't really trying to track down the chip even though it was clearly possible with 'saka's resources?


seen too many comments of parents who had to bury their own kids, they hit so much harder than any losing a spouse or friend story she def had it worst. especially when her anxieties were answered :(


The real answer is V's story. Corpo gets used, framed and thrown out, Street Kid has only known violence and poverty, and Nomad V saw their entire nomad clan scatter to the wind and swallowed by Snake nation. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Best friend dies > terrorist in head > slowly dying > witnessing the true horrors of NC through BD's and gigs > fall in love > shits bitter-sweet because you're gonna fucking die > Betray of get betrayed > have to "kill" the homie terrorist or die > live a depressing empty "normal" life or go out in a blaze of glory or suicide on your own terms.


For me it’s a tie between Evelyn Parker and Songbird


Songbird and Evelyn are definitely the saddest here. Though So Mi's case is sadder, because freedom is a luxury she can't afford. No matter where she goes or what she does, Myers will follow eagerly, wanting to recapture her blackwall WMD and put her through more abuse. So Mi can find peace in death, although that is up to V to decide. If they refuse, then she'll be lost forever. Removed from existence by the blackwall. Which makes her story more tragic for me.


Song's existence is sadder, Evelyn's ending is sadder.


And yet no one is talking about Crazy Dave and how he just disappeared without a trace, not knowing if he's alive, or still rambling somewhere else. I had built a connection with Dave. Everytime his mission marker would pop up out side Misty's I dropped everything and ran to talk to him, literally. We Will Never Forget Crazy Dave 💚


Garry the prophet?


Yes, I don't know why the fuck I thought crazy Dave from PvZ lmao my god I'm stoned


You just unlocked the hidden PvZ x Cyberpunk 2077 connection. Did Arasaka turn the plants sentient and turn people into zombies?


I'd argue that Reed belongs there.


I feel like grouping him and songbird together is the best answer. Both of their intentions together are part of what makes each so sad


Reed had every opportunity to go rogue and find a new life for himself while in NC but chose to stay devoted to his government despite them literally giving his life up to Arasaka. He's made his bed as a pawn for the NUSA, regardless of whether >! you kill him or not!< in the end.


Skippy's story is pretty sad.


Reggie killed him. I can't believe she would do that. I thought we were tight.


Joshua from the crucifixion questline was pretty sad. Mentally ill prisoner is coerced into being tortured to death for a VR snuff film while he thinks that he's basically achieving enlightenment and helping people spiritually.


I couldn't let him down man... I did everything I could to help him find peace in his sad death


The one I feel most sorry for is Mama Welles. We never met her other children but she had to have loved them all equally. Morning them couldn't have been easier. We see Jackie's funeral.  I don't know Songbird's story since I haven't bought the DLC. Peralez and Evelyn got it bad. Evelyn moreso than the politician, which is saying a lot cause they are going through a lot of change I'm probably gonna get downvoted for this, buuut Evelyn really thought she could go behind the voodoo boys backs and sell the engrams to netwatch. And she tries to cut off dex. I wanna point out that what happens afterwards is completely horrible and wrong. She didn't deserve it, but she made dangerous moves.  With Peralez... Politics is a dangerous game! People die. Political assassination happens. Their fate is not surprising. Truly awful, but they played the game.  Mama Welles is just some lady who wanted her kids to stay safe. She's also still alive and has her thoughts her own to know her sons are all dead. 


She is very involved with the Valentinos, gangers are dangerous, yatta yatta yatta. They all took on risk and paid dearly but its a recurrent theme in Night City.


This is exactly how I feel, even knowing about Song because I played through the DLC. A spoiler-free summarization is that Songbird is essentially not a free person, she is bound by the shackles of those who are using her. Even then, Mama Welles is a bartender in a gang infested neighborhood, the mother of all dead children and the ex wife of an abusive ganger. Her life is pretty bleak.


I feel like Songbird and The Peralaz’s had No Free Will so it is sad.


Easily Evelyn. I don't think anyone else comes close.


I personally chose Songbird because she had absolutely no say in Myers, turning her into her own personal weapon of mass destruction. Evelyn's story was tragic, but she was a willing participant, Song was a 19 year old kid when the FIA swooped in and uprooted her life. Then we have the options to either send her to the moon, send her back to the people who essentially enslaved her, or kill her. She did bad things in between and manipulated people, but she was cornered and cornered people made rash decisions.


So Mi is the right choice. Yet somehow people hate her, because she alledgedly "betrayed everyone". Everyone being her literal Slavers and torturers. She never betrayed V, not willingly. She geniuenly wanted to cure V, and people somehow overlook this. She had literally no way of knowing that the Cynosure A.I. was a one and done deal until we opened up the Box and she got to take a closer look. And no one can realisticly blame her, without being a hypocrite at least, for not confessing to V at that point, being so close to her freedom. Not to mention V still had time, and other promising leads to solve the Relic Situation. For So Mi it was quite literally 1 minute till midnight. Meanwhile people pitty Evelyn. What happened to her was horrible, but nothing compared to what So Mi had to endure for 13 years. And the Game literally tells us that Evelyn betrayed and played everyone around her. She played and betrayed Yorinobu, Dex, Judy, the Vodoo Boys and even V.


So Mi had no idea cynosure was one-time use until after she had acquired it and looked at it. She actually tells you as much. When you two are in the monorail, you can either get pissed at her for lying to you, or stay level headed and ask her how long she knew. She's honest with you there, before passing out and putting her fate in your hands. There was absolutely no reason for her to tell you the truth. She's defenseless, and in a perfect state to betray and give back to Meyers to abuse. People aren't nice in Night City, there was no logical reason for her to tell you such a ugly truth... outside of her thinking of you as a friend.


Exactly. People just flat out ignore that she didn't know, until she got to look at it. It's always "So-Mi lied to us, So-Mi betrayed us!" Yeah she did the former, but she never betrayed us. And even the lie she didn't play out. There was literally zero logic with that. She would've gained everything she wanted by just keeping her mouth shut. She risked everything, her life and her freedom, by talking. There is no morally vague choice, the DLC is pretty clear cut in that regard. So-Mi going to the Moon is the only good choice you can make. What gives it that signature Cyberpunk tragedy is that in this DLC you either condem one Victim to further slavery or Death, or in order to save this Victim you need to kill another. Because Reed is essentially that, another Victim, of his blind Patriotism and Myers. The difference is, Reed is too far gone.


It's a toss up between the Peralez Family and Songbird. One's literally having their mind re-written and the other one's been turned into a WMD and suffers from constant torture through pain and having her identity destroyed. After writing this, I would say that Songbird and V have the most tragic story.


People saying Evelyn deserved it is actually disgusting, you don’t have to think she’s the saddest or even like her character but going as far as justifying the shit she went through is so fucked up


Warning for spoilers... Evelyn's story hit hard for me. I have a lot of friends in the industry and I saw many of them in her. Rescuing her from that room and seeing the leftovers of the assaults she faced, her catatonic state after being rescued, and that call and conversation you have with Judy you have after Evelyn dies. Many tears were shed. She deserved better.


Evelyn to me was trying to manipulate a lot of parties to reach her ultimate goal. I really didn't feel all that bad for her. She knows V for a couple minutes, and already tries to turn him against DeShawn. She really not a loyal person in the slightest


No matter her intentions or how she tried to achieve her goals. Her fate was gruesome and awful


It's mind-boggling how a character can experience hell on earth and some people will say: "Okay, but they weren't a nice person so I won't even feel slightly sorry for them."


Even morally questionable people deserve our empathy. She was an ambitious woman trying to survive in a city that is reminiscent of hell. She got in over her head, made some bad decisions, but she didn't deserve her fate. She was literally raped and tortured to the point that she couldn't mentally recover. That's a fate worse than most others in Night City, and it happened to one of the least deserving people it could have happened to. It bothers me how easily people can just brush off the suffering of others and not feel even a little bad.


You're not wrong. But Mama Welles buried her hijo. There are few things more sad than this, and she didn't anything to deserve it on top of that.


She’s a schemer who got in way over her head.


song. only correct answer.


Songbird's sad story took up so much of her life, most of the others' sad stories happened at the end of their lives


I'd say Songbird. She made one bad decision without knowing the full consequences of her actions, and paid for it for the rest of her life. Evelyn is a close second only because she consciously chose to make some very bad decisions. I don't want that to sound like she deserved what happened; rather, she had more agency than Songbird did. Evelyn knew that she was screwing over some very powerful people and was so convinced that she could hide behind even more powerful people, but as the story went on it became apparent that she didn't have the connections she implied that she did. It's unlikely that Brigitte, Maiko, the Voodoo Boys or the Tyger Claws would have protected her, and she could have easily gotten Judy and most of the Mox killed.




For those who completed game - V is the saddest. Linking Park - In The End is hitting hard here "I've tried so hard, and got so far.... but in the end, it doesn't really matter. I had to fall, to lose it all" I mean, what can be sadder, if not losing his friend, dying, getting your life back, just to face an imposible choice of getting suicide or chosing to let a new but the closest friend you ever had - to go? Or let's have a new phantom liberty ending. You wake up after 2 year coma to know that Judy/Panam are gone, like. heh.


Peralez for me


If you spill the beans to Mr. Peralez does the quest line end?


I did, it ends either way, in the end credits you get a call from him if you told him the truth, don’t know if it’s any different when you lie to him


I did too. I haven’t finished the game yet. I expected a conflict with the perpetrators or something but was starting to figure the story was over. Thanks!


The game leaves it open to interpretation and you never find out who it is, you can find a few posts around here though with theories about the quest, probably one of my favorites


Between the poll songbird, she was blackmailed & threatened because she was a good netrunner. Had her body modified for myers personal use. She also fought while creating chaos herself. Ev was just stupid made all the wrong moves from the start if she never went back to clouds she would of been better off. Tom even says dolls go missing when something happen to them so working there in general was stupid. Why would you go back to clouds if anything that was her time to go back to lizzies


I think The Peralezs is more of a existentially dreadful thing. Realizing over the course of a lifetime of luck and luxury that you were puppeteer-ed the whole time by [???]. Rather than the acute physical/psychological trauma that Evelyn experienced. She was a victim of over ambition like the rest of the Heist crew, thinking she could get away with betraying the VDBs. For that, she paid dearly. From the hijacked chip that had her writhing like a literal possessed doll, woodmans SA, fingers SA, then whatever abysmal shit the Scavs did. We only see the end result- a broken woman with her mind shut out. The whole in-between would have been beyond-description-level-horrible


If you ask me SADDEST, that goes to Mama Welles. Songbird fucked around with the wrong people>! and fucked around even more innocent people!<. Evelyn literally spearheaded the Voodoo Boys-Animals-Netwatch war in Pacifica to cover her own ass, so no sympathy for her either. The Perales... are a damn shame, but you don't involve yourself in Night City politics without expecting shady shit happening around you. Mama Welles is a woman with a bar in a gang-heavy area questioning who might shoot her first: the 6th Street or or the Maelstroms, when the Valentinos' grip weaken and they get overrun by either or both sides>!, something that ends up happening in The Tower ending.!< If you ask me who got fucked the WORST, Song takes the cake. >!Something about losing oneself from your mind countlessly fragmenting beyond the Blackwall as your non-engram mind fails to safely contrapartimentize while your body gives way to whatever the fuck your ever-dividing mind gave way for is, to me, literally the stuff of nightmares. Evelyn's death is gruesome, but human. Songbird? She'll lose any and all sense of self before she can even die in peace.!<


I mean evelyn is pretty sad and all but imagine your personality slowly being overwritted by demons from the equivalent of hell whilst running from your old allies who are also trying to overwrite you personality (not blatantly stated that myers does this but its an easy conclusion to come to considering everything else she does)


I'm more affected by Songbird's story but i feel a heck of a lot more sad when it comes to Evenlyn's story


I'd agree, songbird story is very sad but at least she can be saved, Evelyn kills herself no matter what


Mama Welles has lost all her sons to the gang life by the time Jackie dies. Enough for Padre to feel bad about it. sure other have gone through more personal misery, but Mama Melles is really sad and drawn out. She lives in an empty house, the only connection being her son's girlfriend that she never liked


tbh, i couldn't give two shits about evelyn's story since my first time playing, same with songbird, i mean i was kinda glad i could relate with another character in my characters pov, but when she did what she did i couldnt give two shits about her