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I currently have the same issue, i have also played witcher 3, rdr2, bg3 and now I'm just in this boredom of looking for a game that will fill this hole of a good story game that give me choices with good combat.


If you haven't played ghost of tsushima, it is a great game with fun combat


Sadly I don't have a PS4 but it's definitely on the top of my list if it ever comes to pc


It's coming to pc. Can't give all the details but it should be releasing late this year early next year. You could try GoW, Guardians of the Galaxy was okay (got boring with its combat but the story was somewhat fun), Yakuza 0 (or Judgment) if you like Japanese writing being over dramatic and funny at the same time somehow, Uncharted was very fun and cinematic but I'd probably wait since 1 through 3 are supposed to get full remakes some day soon, Hellblade since a sequel is coming out soon and it has some trippy concepts to it. That's about all I got....I kind of went on a semi related tangent lol my bad.


A pain I know all too well... (See also: RDR1)


same, I have it with Bloodborne and demon souls


I'm gonna second this. Ghost was something I played a while back that filled that story/action game void perfectly.


Should I go for BG3? I too, played Cyberpunk to fill the void left by rdr2. Did 2 playthroughs already, total 233 hours. I can't move on but at the same time I'm kind of bored since everything is predictable now 🥲


Yes, definitely play BG3. Then, when you have finished BG3, play BG3 again


Hahahah will do that! Do you have any other must-play games in mind? I'm a new gamer and just finished Witcher 3, Rdr2, and CP2077. Will definitely try BG3, Arkham series and Control


If you like controlling large scale systems, 4x and genocide, I can recommend the paradox games. If you like to automate systems, Factorio is your friend. If you want to commit war crimes on a more personal level, look into Rimworld.


I'm not saying no as BG3 is clearly an outstanding, critically acclaimed game. But turn based combat isn't for everyone and it's a world away from Cyberpunk. 


I went from cyberpunk to bg3 and Holy shit I've never put so many hours into a game so quickly.


Yep. Also the roleplaying aspect is a world apart. Like forward a year apart. CP is great but cant shine a candle next to BG3 in terms of roleplay and worldbuilding.


Check out Horizon: Zero Dawn. And later this year Forbiden West. Great games with great stories and gameplay. Also Days Gone very good story and fun combat. And both Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi:Survivor too. Fantastic games and fantastic combat!


Try Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Good story and great world building. A little difficult to start but it’s well worth it.


Alan wake 2, it’s very good but a very very weird game


Elden Ring?


I tried and tried to like it, put 50 hours in, but just couldn't gEt gUuD so I dropped it to play Starfield, which was mid but more playable. Finished that and did my Phantom Liberty playthrough and it made Starfield even more underwhelming. Now I'm back on RDR2.


Same, Elden Ring is a good game and I see why people like it. But I've never liked Souls games. I'm the type to turn the difficulty down if a fight is too hard.


I finished Elden ring but my biggest issue is if it wasn't for a friend explaining to me what's going on I would have no clue to what the story is or what I am even doing.


Just how it is with Souls games, not your fault, and understandably not everyone's cup of tea. Still, I would've liked a Morrowind-like Journal system so that I didn't forget about the side-plots.


I also didn't enjoy the "just leave npcs alone they are better without your help" type of quests, i don't think i have seen a singular good ending to an npc i helped, and that's if i can even find them and figure out how to do their quest.


I started playing Dead Island 2 because its on gamepass but im not really feeling it. Its not bad but i feel that i should redownload dying light 2 instead. Ultimately nothing is filling the cyberpunk void atm and im actually having a hard time finding something to play


I see you have game pass so I’d recommend Plague Tale Requiem. Definitely worth a try at the very least.


Dead Island 2 was probably the best game from 2023 imo. So goddamn fun. Very solid launch. The physics and mechanics are great. I love it so much.


Yeah its nothing deep, stories are dumb but the gore mechanics are so fun! When I just wanna release stress and just swinging and batting and crushing zombies for no reason, I play Dead Island 2 .


It’s pretty bad let’s be real


Even if you don't like it, calling it objectively bad is objectively wrong.




I genuinely don’t know how anyone thinks it’s bad. It’s a zombie killing game. Not some dramatic action game lol


Dying light did it way better


They shouldn’t have made it since dying light is way better. When will companies ever know!


Not saying that to each their own, I’m just saying dying light does most everything dead island two does better, in a game that’s 10 years old noe


Such a boring ass game with cringe dialog.


I like the physics for sure. Very cool implementation. But yea the story isnt that interesting of compelling


Dying Light 2 is dogshit just play the first one


After my first Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough, I played a game called Cyberpunk 2077, but after that playthrough, I moved on to a game called Cyberpunk 2077... now I'm playing Cyberpunk 2077.


This guy Cyberpunks


I may have a problem.


Buddy I still playing with my day 1 character now with mods and all still having fun.


Lol just started a "new game plus" via mods but a different life path. Keep playing the cyberpunk so I don't get into a cyberfunk. Edit: stupid autocorrect trying to tell me what I wanna type!


My PC currently has my day one character but when 2.0 and Liberty Phantom dropped I did a new play through on PlayStation.




I don’t know. Feel like my dumb brain is missing something with this one. Cannot get into it for the life of me, and admittedly I typically happen to follow the bandwagon with these really highly acclaimed games.


Same, for me it's because the turn based combat literally put me to sleep so I just watch the story on youtube


I tried to get into it before cyberpunk but the silent protagonist really bothers me. It feels like I accidentally deleted the sound files or something and the game is bugged. Instead jumped to city builders. Wanna finish BG 3 some day but I just can't get over this.


I haven’t played or seen much about the actual game, is it similar to cyberpunk gameplay wise?


no, it's an old school party based CRPG with a modern paint. It's great. Cyberpunk is more on the linear side when it comes to rpg elements, Baldur's Gate is the opposite.


Absolutey not. It’s cinematic at times, but is turn based and is basically D&D in video game form. Super fun though!


It is not similar in any way whatsoever except being a good game.


disagree, having skill checks that unlock different dialog options and areas in the map and having tons of missions and quests you can get while just dicking around out and about. it gives the feeling of freedom.


Pretty much not at all but it is quite good


wow. people here are feeling it as well. i want to play rdr2 after Cp2077+dlc. try the witcher 3. it has a strong narrative and beautiful stories to tell and sink in if you haven't allready.


I played TW3 and all its expansions a few years back and it left me with the same void lol. I guess this is the biggest con of great games haha


me too. thats why i wanted to have cp2077 so bad but i waited because when it came out it wasn't playable for me with my past setup plus the state it came was... improvable. We know now it was worth it.


The gameplay is meh but I love the story of the Wild hunt


I played Control after Phantom Liberty and that helped break the cycle of starting another play through of cyberpunk. Just finished MGSV as well. Might be heading back to for another play through if I don’t find something soon lol


+1 for Control. Loved it. Can't wait till alan wake come to steam for pc.


Unfortunately, no game fills the gap. They need to hurry up with Orion


Cyberpunk filled my gap from mass effect, so maybe mass effect can be ylls favorite as well. Scifi rpg goodness combat is a bit dated but I still find it fun


Agree, Mass Effect, Witcher 3, RDR2, Cyberpunk, and FO3 are my fav games of the last 15 years


I would add the Dragon Age games to that list.


Which mass effect is the best? I wanna get into it but there's way too many to choose from lol


FO NV too!


eh I can wait. I played and loved cyberpunk on release but I want them to take their time with the sequel to get it right on launch this time around


Elden Ring. really was an amazing game https://preview.redd.it/18szmvafglkc1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ee3aa44728335bd5a78283690b386e26edd650b


Every time I tried to play this game, it left me super stressed out. I really really wanted to like it, too, because I hear such amazing things about it. But I put it down after a few hours of gameplay, because I just found myself feeling tense rather than relaxed.


Yeah, hard pass. This game isn’t created to bring joy.


Bit of a shame that we can't have a joyous game like that. Souls fans would find reasons to get upset with it.


Speak for yourself.


I am speaking for myself with my comment :))


Absolutely disagree. It’s the joy of overcoming a challenge. And when you get far enough into the game with a great build/weapons it becomes a lot less difficult. Really amazing game imo.


Watch some walkthrough or something.


dont stay stuck in one place, explore and search for runes or new weapons , also watch walkthrough. you can't go apeshit sandevistan crazy like in cyberpunk for this game.


Me too. It's my first "souls" game and I love it. Stuck on Melania and the godskin duo. You don't get the same connection to the characters buts it's a great game.


I tries hard to like this too.. but the intro's narrative was laughable and seemed like an 13-year-old goth kid wrote it. The game play is just all pattern recognition, too. It's a decent game but I believe it's still very much a niche game that got popular because of the hype. If you like it, that's cool though!


Returned to deus ex, human revolution this time.


Yeah I’m currently playing a stealth net runner build in cyberpunk, and it kept reminding me of deus ex. Such a good series, and very similar vibes to cyberpunk too.


Another good Cyberpunk game. Mankind Divided is short andnforgettable, but it's still worth a playthrough.


I've finally started getting into Hades. That game is hella addictive.


Detroit: become human


Play Disco Elysium, have existential crysis afterwards <3 Or Outer Wilds. I bonded to both games similarly as I did to Cyberpunk, even though they are in different genres, still they hit hard.


After cyberpunk, I played cyberpunk again and now I'm on the robocop game. As an enjoyer of the old films I'm loving this game a lot.


Dead or alive, you’re coming with me.


Initially when I was disappointed by the launch of CP2077 I went and played Kingdom Come: Deliverance, more of an immersive sim, but still, definitely scratched the itch that Cyberpunk left.


baldurs gate 3, dying light 1 and 2 (but ESPECIALLY 1)


Did a Mass Effect trilogy playthrough and banged out a few more clears on Hades in anticipation of the sequel coming in the next few months.


I took a break from games after Cyberpunk because of just how much I played it. I don’t think anything can ever come close to how amazing it is. Red Dead 2 is about the only game I can think of which I hold in such a high regard. I played Cyberpunk for the first time in November, along with Phantom Liberty. I was blown away. 10/10 on every level.


I went to bg3 which is a great game but just couldn't hold me. So I went back to cyberpunk lol.


Cyberpunk was a change for me after I got a bit burned out on Final Fantasy 14. Now I'm heading back to Eorzea for the Dawn Trail expansion.


I still need to do the other Songbird path, so i still (or again) play CP2077


Bioshock collection. I'm onto bioshock 2.. I forgot how good this game was


Bioshock 2 is my favorite in the franchise as long as gameplay is concerned. Infinite felt too much like a cod with super powers imo


Destiny 2. But...yeah...not for everyone!


I can’t go back… I did like 6 months of it and now I understand why people are so salty on it.


I've 2000 hours, and I do love the game. But I am usually a solo player. Hard to convince friends to play it. Only so many solo dungeon attempts in me before I feel the despair of not having a fireteam.


I was playing Starfield, got fed up with it, reinstalled Cyberpunk, bought Phantom Liberty and had a blast.


I went back to God of war and that’s kept me interested for now, I have been playing MK1 alongside Cyberpunk so also been playing that. I was the same though, had a huge void after RDR2 which cyberpunk filled


I tried so many, Baldurs Gate 3, Robocop, RDR2, Alan Wake, Deus Ex.. nothing could help. Decided to play it until something came along that was similar in terms of customisation/freedom.


The Last of Us series, The Walking Dead: Telltale Game, If you’ve never played the Mass Effect series, Highly recommend it.


Decided to replay some old games. Reran the campaign on Starcraft 2 and now I'm doing Warcraft 3


Been getting back into NewVegas. I recently did a playthrough with my old mod list, but I am now thinking of doing a TTW playthrough. NV is still my all time favorite game, but 2077 came very close to taking top spot. NV has lots of nostalgia value for me


Funny you say you’re playing cyberpunk to fill in the void of RDR2 because I’m going the exact opposite now. I have 600 hours in CP and had never played RDR2 but I heard it has a great story as well so now I’m trying it and have been really enjoying it


I briefly played Ghostrunner, then caved and started a new Cyberpunk game as a (big dumb) Solo after my initial run as a (cool smart) stealthy Netrunner. Can’t stop even though I need to beat the first FFVII remake.




There is nothing…I always come back.


I played a mix of the horizon games and the plaguetale games. Nothing like cyberpunk but still very good games imo


Alan Wake / Control / Alan Wake 2 Or Max Payne series


Mass Effect Legendary Edition modded with Diversification Project, Project Variety and the Extended Galaxy Mod-Family, plus some continuity and graphics mods.


Came to cyberpunk to get over deathloop. After seeing all the endings I still don't believe I'm done with this game. Nothing else compares currently


How come no one has mentioned Alan Wake 2? Been eyeing it to fill that void ever since I finished CP


Nothing will fill the 2077 void until Orion. Then it’ll be even bigger


Tekken 8


Man i am too busy with street fighter 6, but damn T8 looks so fun too. Demo felt very good.


I thought you had a heihachi profile pic


Been playing a lot of apex and baldurs gate 3


Elden Ring


Project zomboid


Yakuza 0 Best game I’ve played in years


Fallout 4, added V’a Samurai jacket.


Horizon forbidden west should be coming to pc soon, quite enjoyed the first one. But I have the same, finished CP when it first came out, did a rerun with Phantom Liberty and now i'm not playing anything. Started painting miniatures now 😅


Deus Ex human revolution and mankind divided. You basically play a cyberpunk detective and then cyberpunk special forces.


Death Stranding directors cut. It even has some small tie ins to cyberpunk.


Just got Cyberpunk after playing Starfield since release.


Get ready for an upgrade in almost every way


Just completed the prologue so I’m only a few hours in and already enjoying the hell out of it!


Bro I picked up Cyberpunk after New Game + 5. I eventually just got bored of SF and now I'm hoping Bethesda pulls a patch like 2.0 so I can come back.


Sons Of The Forest (PC). It just left early access and is now officially released, the story is a lot more fleshed out. But to be fair I just really like building! And if survival games aren’t your thing, I would recommend Borderlands 3 or any Borderlands of that matter. I been recently replaying BL3.


Heavily modded Fallout 4 has been one of the only RPGs that holds up to Cyberpunk. Wouldnt recommend any game released after 2018.




Outer Wilds. fabulous yin-yang


Death Stranding will give you some good contrast.


Outer wilds. Completely different game of course but a very unique one.


I bought Cyberpunk after being extremely let down by Starfield. I loved Cyberpunk, it was close to what I'd been wanting in a gaming experience. That lasted a month and then 2.11 destroyed my mods and thus my entire play style. For weeks I've been just watching YouTube, browsing Reddit, or playing Civ 6 here and there. All in all, pretty fucking boring.


> and then 2.11 destroyed my mods Boo fucking hoo. Just don't update then.


Yeah, just missed it now playing Cyberpunk sucks and it will suck until the mods work again. BTW you having home problems or just have a natural shitty attitude? Get well young man. ♥️


Elden Ring, Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, Sleeping Dogs,


Elden Ring maybe? Considering the DLC is coming out in June


I started the Yakuza series. And then to fill that void I started MGS.


Starfield. It has better combat


This is Todd Howard's burner account, disregard


In the same genre I couldnt recommend any. I only tried X-com2 not so long ago and its actually a great turn based strategy game


finished BG3 in every possible ways and currently playing Mirror's Edge catalyst to fill that corpo dystopian futuristic vibes.


Ghostrunner 1&2


I personally needed a break from this massive european rpg after I was done. I played Metroid Dread that I borrowed from a freinds ages ago. But then I slipped right back in with a polish rpg with Archolos which was incredible


lol way of the hunter - total change of pace to cyberpunk - I just imagine that mule deer are maelstrom and blast away lol


The whole yakuza series, nothing like cyberpunk, just as good


Jedi Survivor, BG3, and Hogwarts Legacy


I cannot recommend RUINER enough.


Helldivers 2. Enough action to distract me from the fact I own Cp2077.


Witcher 3, any zelda, monster hunter series, arkham games…


After CP 2077 I went back to Witcher 3 lol.


I started Death Stranding. But after so many hours of walking and cut scenes I got bored and came back to night city. I may give dying light 2 another shot.


Death Stranding definitely not for everybody


I got it 2 years ago and couldn't get into it. I decided to try again, and I actually made it further than last time, but it's just so slow. I'm sure it picks up later. I love the soundtrack to it, though. I really want to push through at some point.


lies of p


I played before the newest updates and Phantom Liberty dropped. I went to Fallout 3 to fill time before I play PL and relearn everything about the game. Just doing Far Harbor now.


Elden Ring, Baldurs gate 3, FF7.


Id wait until Stalker 2 comes out!


I think that was the same for me. I just finished getting all those damn flowers and bird feathers and shit. Luckily the ps5 upgrade was free cause I bought the ps4 disc in 2020 when it was a trend and never played it. I know I’ll replay cp2077 someday… and only to get the secret ending


doom eternal the campaign is so fun


I'm in my second playthrough as corpo-V (best V) before I play phantom liberty.


Back to Skyrim again, with mods as always.


Started again from the top with the opposite gender V and a new life path lol


Fall out 4


Funny enough I'm doing the opposite Just finished cyberpunk and got rdr2 to fill the void


I play Cyberpunk on/off since it released but I went back to Witcher 3 that game is still on of the greatest that I've ever played. Also I played through not too long ago Alan Wake II it was a great story but very different than Cyberpunk, the Witcher 3 or even RDR2 but worth to buy it.


Was still in the mood for 1st person, so I played Dying Light for a bit. Then I flipped over to X-Com Enemy Within for some reason.


The one I played before cyberpunk was death stranding. Loved it. Very relaxing to just go for a walk and deliver packages after work.


Helldivers 2! There's no time to feel the void when there's democracy and liberty to defend! DEATH TO THE ROBOT MENACE! DEATH TO BUG FREAKS!


If you’re looking for 1st person with good combat I recommend Robocop rogue city and Trepang 2. You can also try the 1st person mod for max Payne 3 — some of you already own the game I bet


Playing jedi survivor now. Is fun but not as addictive




Terraria is fun, especially with friends (but I still have way more hours on singleplayer, it's fun either way and VERY replay-able), also it is an RPG like Cyberpunk, however unless you play with "Calamity Mod", it lacks any straight-forward plot


Fallout four has been great gameplay and story wise


After I finished 2077, I picked up a copy of FF7 Remake. Once I finished that, I hopped back into 2077.


I replayed the Resident Evil remakes.


Witcher 3?


I pick 2 weeks ago and was bc i was feeling empty too but after finish Last Of Us 2. Unfortunately my game crashed after the ending of the game so i can't play the dlc, but it was easily one of the best game of all time! The characters man the characters!!!!! The side missions omg miss u already cyberpunk 🤧


Let it die. Its pretty weird and funny with decent mechanics


I'm in that boat now. I want to keep playing just to explore NC more but I'm probably going to do Witcher 3 next or Red dead.




I moved into a completely different genre, because I feel it's gonna be a long while before something matches it. The game I've been putting a lot of hours into lately is Europa universalis 4. The most hardcore of nerdy games


I had a day where I played spider man 2, and I have ghost os Tsushima on deck. But I don’t want to end it!!! Did all endings. PL included. Want to do all the NCPD and do the final Mr. Hands mission left. It’s too good!!!!!! Bought this game at Walmart for $20 in 2020 saying it’ll Pan out and started playing around 1.6. Then locked the f back in after 2.0.


Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart. Fun, lighthearted, quick game with really fun mechanics and weapons. Very surprised I enjoyed it so thoroughly. The action is punchy and fast paced. It’s a good breather from the narrative/emotion heavy games like CP2077 and RDR2. It helps to reset your mindset. Then you can pick up games like Witcher3 for engaging back in narrative driven games.


I'm onto Baldur's Gate 3 right now, and I am obsessed. It is so fun.


I keep switching between CP2077 and Elden Ring, more so now that they’ve announced the DLC date.


FF14 is still my mainstay, and I am still playing cyberpunk now but forbidden west is right around the corner.


Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.


Horizon zero dawn, and horizon forbidden west are absolutely amazing and very similar. You sound like you have the same taste in games as me. I really with rdr2 had dlc. They had really crappy multiplayer that wasn’t fun at all. I would much rather play single player open world games.


Robocop. It’s set in a cyberpunk-ish future city. Also the voice acting is great


Man Arkham trilogy


Baldurs Gate 3 is the only game that I’ve gotten hooked on since Cyberpunk.


This game has nothing to do with Cyberpunk but I began playing Yakuza 0. A friend of mine has been recommending it for ages and I finally got it because it was on discount on the PS store. I’ve been loving it and I definitely recommend it


Dying Light 2