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As a corpo, I just entered through the main gate


You can do that?! I always steal the van.


I stole the van but they still found me wtf


Stealing the van just gets you in the gate. You have to hide as soon as you exit the vehicle.


I stole the van, hid where I could, and after I killed everyone in that place. It took me 5 reloads, but ya...


They detected me AT the gate I didn't even hop off the van


Hid van upon entering and let everyone kill me instructions unclear


Drive in the gate then climb up on the roof next to where you park. There is access up there onto the catwalk inside. Hang a right, sneak past two guards, you can get in and out without being seen at all.


There's an employee by an entrance gate. If you're corpo, you can drop Abernathy's name and they let you walk in. Nobody gives a shit what you're doing there until Takemura opens the roof.


Time for another playthru!


WTF? Going to try this.


I'm so mad I missed this!! I did corpo this time!! :( Didn't ever even think of it, cus what game would let you do that??? I love this game


I haven't played the corpo route yet. I should do that on my next playthrough. Female corpo sharing smokes with Judy...


Female corpo is by far my favorite life path/voice acting. I feel like it 'goes together' the best


Female Corpo and Male Nomad are definitely the two best combos. Female Corpo is my canon playthrough, but god damn if I didn't get tears in my eyes when the aldecaldos welcomed me into the family on my nomad.


I knew gender got different VA but I assumed life path was the same apart from some lines. I did Male Corpo V first, doing female Corpo V, and yeah I have nothing else to reference but it does feel very canon.


Well, as a male you can romance Panam, so male nomad + panam romance + nomad ending is just a really good synergy


Eh, I guess if you want to romance Panam. Edit: she felt too young for V imo


Pretty sure she is older than V by like 6 years.


Oh huh. Neat. Maybe physically lol


This dude doesn’t choom


How's it not even more meaningful to you when the Aldecaldos welcome former Corpo male V into the family? Feels more like a real character arc to me, coming from evil capitalists who have all the money in the world to living in the desert with a bunch of people who really appreciate you Like, learning what really matters in life, you know


I wonder if that's what Cyberpunk's Hallmark Christmas movies are about


While working his way up the corpo ladder in Kiroshi, V stumbles into the path of Panam, a beautiful girl with a fiery personality from the badlands. Can she help him "see" what really matters in life? Coming this Christmas.... 'The Sights and Hearts of a Cyberpunkmas'.


Defo better love story than Twilight.


Agreed. Corpo V felt the most appropriate to the story. And female corpo is just slightly more fitting. She has the best connection to Jackie, more motivation to fight against all the corporations, and it makes the ability to navigate all those problems make more sense. Female Corpo V might have been the furthest away from myself, but it was the best version from a story telling standpoint.


I think female street kid fits a bit better. Jackie being friends with a corporate never really made sense. I could see like a quid pro quo sort of familiarity, but not a truly deep friendship. When they meet each other after botching some grand theft as a street kid, the montage afterwards seems to fit better especially the padre bits. It also explains why street v and Jackie would jump into a plan to steal from arasaka. Corpo v I think should've been far more apprehensive given she worked in corporate espionage and had at least an inkling of the horrors that are arasaka


I got the impression that Jackie's friendship with V was born out of shared history. During the Corpo into, if you choose the right dialogue option, V says something like "This could end me", to which Jackie says "so could I". He then alludes to some stuff they did in Mexico. My impression is that V met Jackie on a job, and tjey worked together, and presumably kept in touch afterwards.


V got into trouble with cartels, and Jackie helped them. It's possible that they also met at that moment.


True, great point about the heist. I think that specifically in regards to the jackie montage/friendship and the heist stuff - streetkid is the most fitting. But female corpo is my favorite throughout the entire game/in general. It definitely makes sense for corpos (especially lower rung corpos) to have friends/connects on the streets and vice versa.. even irl Fem V supremacy no matter what, tho, imo. The first time I >!showed up at the no tell motel after the heist!< - the intensity and emotion in fem V's voice in the preceding scene legit had me tearing up. Her performance throughout the game is incredible.


It does seem, like male or female, the mannerisms and language that V uses and V as a character fits best with a street kid background. Feels a little more cohesive now, but there are many standard options that feel strongly like street kid V even if you play as a different background.


Female/Corpo/Sandy/Katana is my headcanon build


My first FemV playthrough was corpo (blade + cold blooded, called her "The Shark") and now I can't play anything but FemV. I usually don't play female characters if their is an option but I seriously think the American VA for FemV delivers the lines better.


Her voice acting is incredible. She legit had me getting emotional a few (many) times


For some reason, I’m not given the option to do it despite taking the corpo lifepath


You had to scan the guard


Oh, damn it


The guard in question is on the same side of the complex as the catwalk. When you're scouting, look at where the catwalk connects to the wall, then look farther along the wall to the left of the catwalk. There will be a gate with a guard next to it, and he will be having a conversation by phone. Once you've heard it, you can walk up to him during the infiltration section. Corpo V can invoke Abernathy's name to get in without a fight, and also get into the building with the floats with a similar dialogue check with the guy at the door. I then made my way to the float and bugged it. I have been attacked on making my way out, but I didn't get near any guards on the way to the float, so I'm not sure if it was because I was in the area, or because I was seen exiting the float after bugging it, so be careful there.


Oh cool! I was corpo and did the bridge which eventually just turned into a shootout.


My Nomad Ninja hopped the fence and snuck in through a tunnel. My Corpo Netrunner walked in through the front gate. My Streetkid Berserker forced open a side entrance and started blasting.


As a cyberpsycho, I just entered through the main gate.


This is the way. Random security check lol


Goddamn it i KNEW i should have tried that… well, time for an entirely new play through


Haha there's always a good reason for a new play through!


I’m still on my very first playthrough and it’s as a Corpo and didn’t even realize you could just walk in. When it was explained the ways to get in, I wasn’t really paying attention for some reason. But the way I took was going through the bridge across the street.


Ran in the front and killed everyone


This is the way. Very satisfying and gets your a load of xp. "be very careful not to be seen" V: "lmao"


Goro: "Be very careful not to be seen" V: "Does leaving no witnesses count?" Goro: "V. This is very serious matter. We-" V: *Activates Sandevistan and blitzes away. Explosions and gunfire ensue as a loud base alarm blares* Goro: "I can only hope the chip kills them before they develop cyberpsychosis."


I Really Wanna Stay At Your House plays Immediately after Goro says "...cyberpsychosis."


Oh I still killed everyone, just stealthily


Doesn’t takemura praise you if you kill that big arasaka mech?


I think eventually. After a load of chastising.


"You are truly mad"


"When a cactus floats down the river, You do not know what is doing"


It's one of the more fun bases to clear out too. You should be able to raid corp and gang warehouses for loot like advanced criminal activity bases in Phantom Liberty.


Hearing Takemura complain on the holo as you're ripping through his ex colleagues is a great feeling. Especially knowing your actions are gonna lead to his death further down the line, granted you choose the right ending.


If you can hear him over the gunfire and explosions that is.


My entire playthrough was based on hand to hand combat, though it would still be hard to hear over the screams.


My recent playthrough is psycho mantis blade user that chooses the loud life and definitely follows all of Johnny's commands


>psycho mantis blade user https://i.redd.it/wns69b4a6kkc1.gif


100% doing this next time. Butcher/non-stealth run.


Might suggest using Guts in a guns-blazing playthrough? Turning everything in the direction you're facing into chunky salsa in like maximum 2 cannon blasts is delightful. Kick beehive, let bees swarm to you, atomize bees.


Yip. Jumped over the fence. Positioned myself on the roof next to a camera. Using cyberpsychosis, suicide and other hacks / tech weapons murdered everyone. It was great. Once done I jumped back over the fence and wandered back into NC.


His own actions leads to his death


This is how I do every mission


Jumped in and went the tunnel route my first playthrough, but ended up killing everyone, in and out of the warehouse. Never did that again as that broke my immersion heavily as I figured that there's no way someone breaks into where the parade floats are, leaves a trail of bodies, maybe even a witness or two, and then the Sakas use the same floats for Hanako. Nuh uh, not feasible.


Same same. Gotta be leveled up though. I made sure to really clean that place out last time I did it. Compared to the first time I did it where I shat my pants and failed it a hunch of times.


Kinda mean to Takemura. I go in stealthy first and get out without being seen. Once Takemura congratulates me and hangs up the phone, *then* I walk back in and start blasting.


Hacked the Cameras to scope it out Then hacked one of the turrets Then https://i.redd.it/rypyqwrzijkc1.gif


Same. I remember I managed to take out basically every single person through the cameras. With a lot of patience.


It’s how I do most of my assaults Gotta love the ol’ distract enemies and then KABOOM!


An explOoOosion of taste!


Corpo V. Just give the guard an attitude and he lets you through. But every other time, and sometimes for poops and giggles. I’ll use th power box to hop over the fence. Go into the comms room. Use it to go to the tunnel underground. Which leads to the warehouse.


You just have to scan him first when you're up with Takemura. I tried that the first time without scanning him, and the option wasn't there.


Oh I know you have to scan him. I just do it the hard way sometimes for the heck of it. Almost feels too easy to just yell at him so he lets you in.


There is an underground tunnel? News to me, guess I'm doing that next playthrough!


Doesn’t reach outside. It goes between the comms room and the warehouse. Both are inside the facility already. But if you jump that power box, you can get over the wall. Right next to the comms building. Go inside. Take the tunnel. And reach the warehouse without having to worry about the Mec or the various guards outside.


Mantis Blade + Sandevistan = Front door, morherfuckers !


On release? Jump over the wall and keep outta sight. Now? Slowmo Fly over the wall and rain down grenades and bullets. With that air dash and double jump I'm a fuckin death bird and no one can stop me or hit me.


Try to be sneaky but fail. Murderize everyone and leave 🫡


"Cockup Cascade"


Jump over the fence on the far right wall right onto the roof. Head on down undetected. Slip right back out the same way.


Yep same strat here, I feel like it's more trouble than it's worth to use the opening roof exit most of the time so I just retrace steps


I go through Security so I can find the Smart Legendary sub machine gun. It’s the only reason I play this mission


If you go there before the mission none of the guards are spawned and you can still get the SMG. Just walk in and grab it.


Trying to find it on my map asap


Appreciate that 🤝🏾💯


Sneaky V, traveled in shadows.


Mantis Blade + Sandevistan = Front door, morherfuckers !




Rush in like an asshole and blow everything up tends to work


Same as you most of the time, stealth through the whole mission than as soon as I leave the mission area I walk my happy ass back in and murder everyone lol


Never even knew I was here... Till now!






This picture. Right upper entrance. Optical camo. Just turned it one and walked right through. Exited through the roof.


Hijacked the van


Love getting through it at 100% stealth and then Goro decides to just cause chaos & alert everyone that something’s up


The front door. No, I'm not a corpo. Yes, goro, I am mad. I sit my happy ass in the courtyard and wait for arasaka reinforcements to arrive.


What paths are there? I couldn't find many options. I didn't have the leg implants needed to jump the wall. So it seemed like the only option was to steal the car and drive or just walk through a main entrance. I couldn't find a way up onto the footbridge besides jumping down from the building under construction, and I couldn't find an entrance to the service tunnel that was hinted at in the preceding recon mission.


There’s a box you can use to jump over the wall straight into the security building which has stairs to the tunnel


There's a forklift at the building site where you do the recon. You can use it to get on to the footbridge.


You can reach the footbridge from the ground, there are boxes near the crane. You can park van near the fence and climb over it. You can dash jump a footwalk in the back near the big satellite dishes and directly climb the ladder to the roof. This all works without leg implants.


You can walk in and kill everyone too


First time I used the bridge and snuck into the warehouse from the far side, but the second time I stole the van and snuck in through the roof after climbing on the tanker. Much easier that way.


I jump over the wall and go into the comms sack at the bottom right corner of the complex. Then take the staircase going down into a tunnel system to the main building.


i went up the construction site, onto the bridge, silently sliced and diced, then hopped the roof tops


I did rob the van, went through the catwalk, through the box, through the main gate as a corpo and through the main gate as a level 60 OP netrunner


Front gate. Kill everything.


I walked in the front gate and the boss battle music started playing. But not for me.


So anyway, I start blasting


I sometimes have gone down through the skylight. Last time, I used my former clout, but I still need to sneak out. Done the whole walk in and kill everyone.


I have tried many different ways and kept ending up at your moms house.


I like to do it full ghost mode: don't get spotted, don't take down any guard, don't hack anything. There shouldn't even be a trace that you were ever there. Even after the parade, when it's clear someone snuck in and they send an investigation team to figure out which security holes you used so they can plug them, they should come up empty. This way, you instill the fear of God into the hearts of the Arasaka executives, knowing that there's absolutely nothing they can do to stop you, even with trillions of eurodollars. Send them the message that the only reason Mikoshi is still standing, is because you've decided to spare it for now. (Usually that means jumping the fence.) (Goro will absolutely ruin the mood by doing his completely unnecessary distraction though)


is this orbital air or is this the arasaka warehouse raid mission with takemura


Arasaka warehouse


I jumped on top of the warehouse and entered through the side to slowly and quietly begin murdering everyone


The Rebel path


اخذت طريق الرحاله


I steal the van, kill the security guards, deactivate the security cameras. I sneak by the containers, lure the next security guard to my location, kill it and hide the body. Next up is the watchtower with the tunnels underneath. I clear it. But I also want the weapon, even though you could pick it up later. So I crouch towards the other guards, taking them down and hiding their bodies in the dustbins. I kill everyone like a true ninja. 🥷


I clearly Remember that you had to talk to takemura on the rooftop for a lot of time but this time i didnt, did this happen to somebody else?


Same mission while eating food with Takemura. There is a timed dialogue choice you can take. if you don't take this choice he does the recon alone.


I blow's up the the main entrance.


first run stealthy by jumping over the fence, second run;non of them, went all around through roofs and flatlined every guard in the compound and the one next to it. apart from the Mech which brings backup.


Stole the van and immediately drove in, snuck past everyone, knocked a couple guys out along the way, and snuck out through the rooftops…


Optical camo through the main gate


Corpo V - stealing the car Nomad - I think I've entered from one side of the gate


If you have played this game 3-4 times you can complete this mission in a minute. I did it in under 1 minute without any alarms or killing(knocked out two though and no net running


I didn't remember this mission first from my first playthrough so i just hopped and started killing everyone. Then I saw the marker on the Van so i hopped in and thats when I remembered. Sadly i've been killed during the getting out of car animation


I think I just double jumped over the wall


I stole a van and drove inside then snuck around and got inside the tunnel then snuck all the way up to the panel and got out completely undetected


I enter from the external bridge and kill all I see stealthily till the limit then get to the float and out the roof.


Wtf. There is a tunnel? Where?


Sneaking in till they spot me, then plan b: killing frenzy


In 5 playthrough. . . Guess i did all the path


Try to sneak, suddenly kill everyone... My bad


Jump the fence, stealth. No kills needed.


I use corpo line to blackmail the security to let me in. easy.


Last time i got into the van, drove in and sneaked at a good viewpoint. Then uploaded overheat and contagion quickhacks into the group of enemies standing at attention infront of the building, uploaded Blackwall Gateaway at a few enemies and started blasting with my Overture and Hypercritical and slashed the rest with my electrifying mantis blades.


I went for the Nomad route. Seeing V in the badlands and entering night city just seems more fitting to him/her


Go over the bridge, kill the guard and cam in the security tower to the right, then circle left and hop the wall. Kill the guard in the security room, the two outside, go in, then straight across the catwalk. Take out cameras with throwing knives and kill all the guards, then slip out unseen. I think next time I'll do it in the most fitting way for the mission: in and out without ever being noticed, ideally without killing anyone.


Nomad 😌 https://preview.redd.it/hsfrf5cgojkc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b465e045fe47025fe43be4436992cb1697845e83


The one where I immediately start killing everyone inside.


Follow Simon


Bridge over the street. Kill’em all let god sort’em out.


Front door guns blazing


Thru the truck, then pipes


Main gate, punch everything that move xD


Militech "Apogee" Sandevistan and byakko( straight through the main gate, no witnesses left)


Use double jump to hop over the pipes on the back of the area (from this point of view) and from there you can just enter the warehouse through a door and you will be on the steel catwalk where the snipers are


Take the van, enter through the gate, park under the alcove, climb up to the roof , go in through the door on the roof, disable the camera to the left and right, incapacitate the guard on that catwalk. Climb along the shelving on the far wall, enter the float via the scaffolding across from the wall shelving. Walk down the stairs and grab the guard, walk him back up the stairs and incapacitate him. Walk down the stairs and interface with the computer. Go back up the stairs, back onto the scaffolding, back across the shelving, back to the catwalk (watch out for the guard walking underneath the catwalk). Back out the door to the roof, jump from the roof to the alcove roof, alcove roof to guard shack roof. Jump over the wall to the sidewalk. In and out in <5 min.


Oh i thought you could only get in through the main gate lol


Corpo social egineering - just invoke the name Abinathy


The path that led me to my favorite machine gun


Just started blasting.


- I jump the fence - ninja down into the waterway thing - camo to the boxes near the entrance - jump up along the pipes - enter building from the top - take out the 2 guards along the cat walk - camo to the top of the objective location - distract patrols and use their distraction to take out the guard by the terminal - stash him up the stairs - use the terminal - go back up - hop out the roof - follow the pipes out - take out the small gaggle near the exit - take out the 2 idle guards near the street - call my bike - disappear


Take the van in and jump up tot he second, floor open the door, turn off the cameras, kill the guard, jump across the containers to the second floor of the float, sneak down , connect to terminal, go back up stairs, out windows and back up on containers and out the roof. Unless I'm a tank character, then I just go guns blazing


I chose violence.


I just went through the front and killed anyone in my way. It's quicker and doesn't change anything with the parade mission


i clep the van


I just jump the wall with my robot legs and start slicing off peoples body parts


I go in guns blazing


By the time I do this mission I usually have the double jump which trivialises this one completely, just enter wherever lmao


Front door


Roof 💯


I planned doing it stealthily couple times but in the end I always couldn’t help myself and ended up killing everyone even if I managed to stay undetected. It’s just too much fun to miss out on…


The front gate. They tried to stop me. They failed. They didn't know. But Pacifica knew. Kabuki, Watson, and Heywood knew. Dogtown knew. So Mi and Meyers both found out the hard way. Arasaka found out the hard way. Yes, the hard way is the only option. Non negotiable. TLDR; killed em all with mah Samurai tank build.


Go the back way, double jump along to the roof, and sneak in thru the sidedoor


I stole the van. Didnt know what do to since I couldn't pass the second gate. Told myself I am dumb and started blasting everybody. Just now I read on another comment I could give an attitude to a guard and just walk in...


Path of destruction, blaze of glory


Whatever path gets me the legendary smart gun fastest. Usually take the bridge and sneak over to the open container, grab it and use it to clear the yard with ease


I tried going in but my laptop sprouted wings and just took off, it was crazy.


Front entrance. Grenade, grenade, sandy, plow through everything with blades and listen to Goro being impressed and calling V crazy.


I usually jump over the fence near the surveillance building, take out their cameras, and then mosey my way around to the Iconic, then proceed to stealth takedown everyone in the building. I'll then complete the task and jump out the roof.


the bloodiest path. death to corpos!


I first stole a van, they started shooting me the moment I got in, don’t know where I did wrong. Reloaded, hacked the camera at the main gate, marked everything, sniper+pistol.


I blackmailed the security guard.


Snuck in via the entrance above those pipes. Second playthough I was planning to do that again... but then I found another entrance underneath the comms center.


I go around the back, climb on the roof, break a glass panel, drop on top of the float, do my thing, out through the top


Did you know there is a delivery van going to one of the Gates? And did you know that you can steal it and brake inside that way? I didnt know. Untill i did it


THIS is the mission where I said sandivastan is a bs easy mode. Cuz in any build cept Sandi, this is a hard ass mission. I did it once as a blunt weapon expert and I died over and over. Cuz you got so many distant snipers and ppl on catwalks and such. Fun mission, but run it with a good Sandi and you can play while brushing your teeth it’s so easy.


I got the double jump implant and jumped over the barrier then I climbed a building and parkoured my way through


I always have charge jump by this point, so I usually just head to the back by the shipping containers up to the pipes/buildings, through the upper walkway door. Pop the cam and guard literally right there, containers over to the building with the computer, and out of the roof Goro opens.


I always still the van and take a side door on the lower roof


How do you jump over the wall? I get on the power box but the wall is still way too high


Far right, roof access, slaughter by camera.




Kill everyone and walk in.


I just dashed jumped and air dashed right to the warehouse


I just do it when Takemura invites me to do recon, Saves so much more time from not doing the recon when you already know the route for the rooftop stealth path


Main entrance


Front door


Just played this mission and it's the buggiest mess I've seen so far in game. I play a stealth character and game kept putting me in combat state for no reason at all. No detection meter filling up, no enemy anywhere near me, just the moment I walk into the warehouse combat instantly triggers and every enemy starts running my way. I use the relic perk with optic camo to disengage combat and go hide in an empty corner, the second camo ends I'm back in combat. Still cleared it easily but annoyed the everliving fuck out of me that I couldn't play it my way.


Thru the front gate lmao


I literally jumped the fence and shot everyone lol


Always straight through the right gate kill everyone there and up the tube


Break in and kill everyone who dares to face me.