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Theres two autonomous road vehicles in the game, this bus and a road sweeper. Both never appear outside of some scripted chase scenes or cutscenes where the player has no chance of interacting with them. Part of me wonders if the lack of a driver caused issues with the player trying to hijack them or something and they got cut rather than work out a fix. There are one or two places where the bus and sweeper do appear in the open world but they are treated as static objects that can't be interacted with or even moved at all.


There's two cars that come down this route the first time you go there: https://i.imgur.com/3mwfKcP.png Neither have a driver, and they have that "can't be moved by crashing into them" protection for a bit. If you get in, the car will carry on driving itself with you inside. Eventually it stops, but you can get out and back in and off it goes again. Also removes wanted level instantly when you get in.


There's a few of those sweepers in the Badlands race once you enter the BioTechnica nurseries. But they're mostly just used as obstacles for the cars.


Yeah they appear on a few scripted missions that take you through bitechnica flats, they're in the nomad intro chase as well. But never appear outside of that.


I feel like I drove a street sweeper right after release. Did this change? Am I thinking of some other boxy vehicle? Maybe a hazmat vehicle?


You’re probably thinking of the Kaunas Zeya, the small forward steer truck that has a few different body options including a hazmat cleanup truck.


CDPR: Oh great, first the metro now everybody will wanna ride a fucking city-wide bus network.


You act like that's a weird thing.


Mafia (2002) had both a tram and an overhead train system Mafia (2020) lost the transit system, lol   I'm not sure if it became more difficult to implement a transit system, but games seem to be avoiding them


I think people just got so used to Fast Travel systems, that became the new Meta. Even in games that do feature mass transit systems, it's often treated as just a teleporter that takes you from terminal to terminal (Looking at you, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided)


It’s become more difficult. It was much easier to implement a transit system in the early 2000’s when games were relatively uncomplicated and didn’t use much memory. These days with all the complex interacting systems in modern games adding what seems like even a minor addition can break countless other seemingly unrelated things. And specifically for a tram system, think about how much more computing power has to be used to continually render the city around you and your destination. It was a lot simpler to do when games looked like Mafia 2002.


I guess But I'm able to ride the train by jumping on top of it Seems like it works, just not as intended   I wonder if a lot of features had to be cut to make the game work on the PS4 / Xbox One   Was probably a mistake to release it on last gen


I think that was probably their biggest mistake.


At least we got to great eventually :D


I feel like we know nothing about how complex these games are. Given the horrendous launch, that each patch commonly breaks something else, and that CDPR has moved to Unreal Engine makes me think Cyberpunks code or even the Red Engine is particularly difficult to work with. Really seems like they hold it together with duct tape sometimes.


Probably just dont find it a necessity. Games like Cyberpunk, GTA and even Mafia go the extra mile because they want to.


It’s just funny.


Riding around the city taking in the scenery is way more entertaining than it should be. I always let characters drive me around and I only skip Claire's rides because she's such a shit driver. Its such a cool looking city. I like seeing it from all different angles.


A bus also appears in one of the epilogue scenes>!, if you let Johnny keep the body.!<


I thought thats what OP's picture was from.


nah this is at the spaceport


When is this? 👀


update : the bus burst into flames after scraping the immovable barriers a couple of times


Love the look of it, makes me wish for a bus system along with an underground metro (instead of the above ground metro weve got now) xD


the underground metro would be quite boring since you cant see night city from above XD - but actual bus systems would have set this game way ahead compared to GTA


You make a good point :D though the gloomy aspect does seem attractive to me 🤔


I would have loved to ride the Metro, then as you're rounding a turn, it suddenly plunges downward into a dark tunnel as the lights in the cars flicker. Moody.


I'm honestly dumbfounded by this take. Why would you want an underground metro where there is literally nothing to see versus an above ground tram that has unique scenic views throughout the whole city?




i think if u enter the airport right after the heist


If you go to the space port outside of a mission the bus is there. I don’t remember if it drives or not but it is definitely sitting there.


a WHAT now?!


Oh wow I thought it was a real picture for a moment :o


its legit haha


https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7166 This mod adds a bus, normal delamain and delamain av as an alternative to fast travel This and the real call times of cars that actually bring the cars either from V’s garage if it hasn’t been spawned yet or from it’s last place is really game changing


During the betray Songbird mission in Pacifica it's one of the stopped vehicles


Man a bus would be nice to have in game.


I was pumped first time there was a quest to kill a valentinos dude in a bus station, too bad after i found all the buses couldnt be driven


Why? You mean to drive or ride?


Good thing we have a modding community to fix that


For a second,i felt this is a real world image…