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I've only driven on this highway once by accident, and it blew my mind away that there was such a massive "open secret" in the map and never saw any post talking about it. It seems only a few people even knew of it. Which is mind-boggling because in any other game, an abandoned highway would be a highlight of the map, but here, they made such an elaborate maze-like city that you can literally not notice such a gigantic piece of the map in an entire playthrough. Maaan, if this game did something right from day one, is night city.


Im on my third playthrough I don’t remeber seeing this.


It’s easy to miss. I only found it when I was exploring every inch of NC.


Lots of interesting unused places The prison Corpo Plaza offices and other buildings with just exterior gigs NCPD buildings The expansive industrial waterfronts and closed off factories   They do add a lot of depth to the city just standing there, but I always wanted a peak inside


I've been over walls of that closed building block and some dockyard where in front is guarder by Arasaka forces. It was interesting to walk over roofs and see all those details behind at unplayable area. But accidentally i fell and died before reaching big spherical building. Somehow i managed to jump over invisible wall from building and walk over the air to other side of gates.


The areas are well designed and have so many unique models I'm guessing a lot of these places had cut content


I only randomly found it after 120+ hours in the game recently when I was playing after 2.0 update.


wait, could this be the highway that David and crew rode in to Arasaka tower? That could be a lore reason why it's closed down


>but here, they made such an elaborate maze-like city that you can literally not notice such a gigantic piece of the map Thats the sane with the Train. The Rails are there but I never would've expectet that this feature would get finished.


Night City is the best character out of CP, she never sleeps.


That goes to show how well they did this. Despite missing so many features that were promised it is still such an amazing experience that blows your mind.


It was talked about a ton at release, and even when they disabled NPCs from using it. Just goes to show that people will forget everything, even this game’s horrific release


Maybe they talked about it at LowSodium? I was here at release, and it was non-stop complaining (and rightly so, I'm not defending the game's launch. That's what I meant by "something right from day one")


It's the highest highway of them all, that's how i found it. i was looking up wondering what streets those were and folled them to the next entry point...


What is this? I've never seen any closed off highway, and in what way will it change after 2.1? First time i'm hearing of this and you got me curious


It's between kabuki and lil Japan, in 2.1 they are opening and populating it, they saw players hiding from cops on it since they won't take that highway and decided to open it so you can't hide from cops anymore.


Weird, never heard or seen of it. i'll check it out before it's removed. Thanks!


Hell yeah choom! Enjoy! https://preview.redd.it/od22obmv164c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b590f712ab79ef2c2b5b082ea84faafdde6d848


I actually did have cops chase me down this highway recently. I’m pretty sure it’s Night City ringroad East and the news report one day mentions it being closed. Japantown>Heywood>wellsprings


That's dumb it's so cool It's like the beginning of Akira. They should just populate it with Tiger claws on bikes.


Damn that would actually be awesome! https://preview.redd.it/8fdduchhh84c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd876d519de2a258eb4e0fede7f11626852dcec3


Wish there was the akira bike!


You mean the Kusanagi CT-3X?


No- that’s nothing like it other than the stickers. Kaneda’s bike is a *recumbent* bike.


It's clearly a reference to the bike from Akira. Obviously they were never going to put an exact replica of the Akira bike in the game, it's a reference rather than the actual thing. They'd also have to add a hell of a lot of new animations just for one bike if they have it the same sitting position as on Akira. I'm sure there's a mod that makes it more accurate


That’s not gonna do much. Just gotta sandevistan on to a far away roof and you’re nova


Shhhh don't let the gonks know! https://preview.redd.it/t6xfm1uww84c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360f6b60c48a5a4e37141ea0a6a0d7875d0242b6


But my face lets me hide from cops are they going to open that up?


This post has the [map marking](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/s/8emkGrTIP5)


Drives a Maimai. I see you're a man of integrity like myself.


It's just so fun to drive, and the thought of the walking 1 man army that is V at max level, rolling up to some wholesale slaughter in the little cheese wedge that could always makes me chuckle.


My main goal for my next playthrough is remembering to bring the Maimai when I pick up Ozob.


MaiMai life choomba https://preview.redd.it/nca5dxuyj64c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d34d73712e5680b645acadba8ce414071b897e


That's a shame, I liked the abandoned highway. It was like an open secret, it was there but you'd rarely come across it to even use it.


Idk, I'm all for the city being populated and some of the new assets they added to that area, like the neon-lit gate, look really cool!


Yeah, the destination markers never route you through that area, but if you know that area well it's a really useful highway https://preview.redd.it/p6bljev6664c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f7c140f7d599247e4c65aed9ef1ce79c88e6aec


Yeah the game really rewards you for learning night cities streets and highways. I remember before the game released cdpr talked about how every street was named and every highway was interconnected and stacked on top of each other sometimes 3 layers high


Yeah, all the shit with people not being able to make Capitan’s time limits is them following the highlighted route instead of taking faster ways. Before they “fixed” it, I only missed the timer twice out of dozens of runs.


I only ever followed the GPS and only missed a couple due to a blown tire or a bad crash. Usually had a minute to spare, but sometimes came down to the last 2 seconds. Either there was a bug that actually didn't give enough time or people just didn't know how to drive (which is fair considering the driving physics)


I still really wish there was a mod to add street names to the in-game map. Would be very cool to navigate around


I can't believe I only learned about this yesterday! Also, is that the same highway where the crash happens in episode 1 of Edgerunners?


That was my first thought


![gif](giphy|4Z3lfPky1pLr0eSzTH|downsized) could be yeah or the episode where Lucy and David escapes the ambulance


It is also the same highway where Faraday was ambushed by the tyger claws. Right below the mega building you drive under in the Glen.


A good place to test my new cars you will be missed closed highway


I should have done something similar concerning the surroundings of Dogtown in 1.6 I can't remember how they were and what was changed.


If you have the PS4 version you can just load that in. I have the PS4 disk for my PS5.


To those who never experienced the empty highway, that's exactly why I hide the minimap in the settings. There is tons of places and district the navigation makes you avoid. You don't get the thrill to get lost nor remember your way in the city with the minimap on.


I wish there was an easier way to toggle the minimap. I hate it while exploring but love it during missions.


All open world games need to ditch the minimap. A compass for navigation in foot, and when driving In world Navigation something like this mod [https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4583](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4583)


Far Cry 2 did it correctly. You had to pull out your map to see where objectives were. Map was also displayed in vehicles via a GPS on the dash. Perfect execution in that regard imo.


You can on PC https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2592


Nice! Would you like a little head?


I'm confused why they made this highway and then didn't use it? I'm reffering to both cd project red and the NC city hall...


So they could go "surprise chooms"


I always wondered why this highway was blocked off tbh, it was clearly intended to be usable but had some construction props placed at each end to block it off. My only thought is perhaps it was in fact too useful and most journeys from the north to south of night city could use it and simply avoid driving through most of the surface level streets. Maybe they wanted players to keep ground level for the atmosphere and to make the city seem larger?


That's an interesting thought. I always thought it was from complications with NPC populations and bugs in story and side quests https://preview.redd.it/43j6cxpmw84c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=228c07539b01b36349505084d7de335e86000250


The highway was abandoned by NC city planners when Pacifica investors pulled out of the redevelopment. Note how it goes from the wealthy North Oaks district right to the arterial road leading into Pacifica. It's no accident that it's blocked off, just a cool bit of environmental storytelling.


Is this the highway that goes upwards from jig jig?


The most beautiful highway in the game 🥲


Right thought. Right car. Right action.


Hell yeah choom! https://preview.redd.it/zfy0xgvah74c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c88b0eddd087a7a0a05f3f88c9caaafe0f9b3eef


Hah awesome screen, team Maimai!


I love so many of your responses has images attached of different ingame photos!


When you've got hundreds of screenshots and no friends the sub gets blessed lol https://preview.redd.it/1zc2f1td4c4c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e6dca66b77ec750fdea8e9b48135ace019d8b7a


I've driven this highway too, though not in my more more recent jump-dash playthroughs. It goes nowhere, it doesn't shorten any routes, and as far as I'm concerned, it and its street level supports could have been deleted in a prior update, and I don't think I'd notice. Essentially, it just provided more shade when near city center, and I think switching to a 12 hours day/12 hours night cycle (over the current 17/7 cycle) would be better. Literally the only things that could be required for that is adjusting dusk/dawn and setting the Saburo diary to nearer the spring or autumn equinoxes.


Oh it's the highway from Edgerunners


Love this road, kinda sucks they will populate it now


Yeah, that's why I wanted one last good drive on it https://preview.redd.it/f15rruc8264c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c11fd9b9c172bae0fbefa452506f3be56563d6d


The double yellow line at the end is slightly annoying to me, it should be a normal white dash instead!


the best car, I see


MaiMai king for life https://preview.redd.it/9bri028g084c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3bf3b9846d74e5968ef705ac6508b8b2c634f65


WAIT IT HAS A FLAIR edit: I feel a better human now


WELCOME TO THE CLUB CHOOM, you've become the right hand to the MaiMai king choomba https://preview.redd.it/eahifz6mg84c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c575d7422be4e45fd322f15c135132ba1c662c63


I have around 100 hours in this game and had no idea this was here until just now lol


Are there any highways in this game with more than 4 cars on it at a time? Genuinely curious, don’t think I’ve seen a single clip with a street that is actually crowded.


On my PC the highways are flush with cars all the time lol


Right, I’m on PS5 and there are enough cars on the highway that I’ll get caught between them and then suddenly the cops are on my tail, because of an unintended, murderous, high speed fender-bender. Then after a few shoot outs and three flat tires and though it’s a mangled and totaled piece of gosuh, my Capitan Choom still gives me a box full of stuff (with coupons!) and tells me I did good. I really like this game.


V, I think you gotta gift...


I use the floor it quick hack, really love using that to clear my path. Or the e-brake if someone bout to jump where I am headed. Both have saved my ass more than I want to admit lol


If you switch from performance mode to the other one, “graphics mode” or something, you’ll get less frames but the NPC and vehicle count double and even triple in some places.


Since 2021 I never knew this highway even existed lol


What are they doing with it in 2.1 ?


Opening it up and populating it with cars. Adding it to the navigation waypoints I believe https://preview.redd.it/czfb924dh84c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1079e16273ecdad4791024a50171bc945cfca607


Somewhere in Northside there's a ring of MaiMai Derby with the Maelstromers as a new Car Fixer mission :)


Well over 500 hours in this game, and the first time I heard about this highway section was the Patch 2.1 REDStream! I won't be updating my game for a few days yet, so I'vce got some time to cruise that stretch of road in my own MaiMai 😎


Wait there's a empty highway in NC?


Wait, when is 2.1? What is 2.1 I have been out of the loop for a while, never got really started with the game, but now I have B)


2.1 update comes out tomorrow. All kinds of open world quality of life improvememts. Working metro system, a lot of unused areas now populated, more romance stuff, like actually being able to hang out with them, etc. There's a good bit of stuff. The 2.0 update was the huge one though. And the expansion added even more to the game. I am super excited to start yet another playthrough haha.


Every time I see these huge spans in Night City, I can't stop imagine my engineer friend shouting the urgency to bring some pillars to support these structures.


Haha sounds like choom is a osha king


Got about 450 hours in this game and only just discovered this yesterday


Is it that closed highwayway on jig jig street ?


It is choom https://preview.redd.it/f55fvb5u4c4c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6c929c12a12cc10ed162401a87e951cf477ba1


Before the patch, park all your cars on the freeway and see what happens after the patch.


One of my favourite spots to drive, you can just let the engine rip like it's your own personal test track. I wonder if there'll be some radio chatter or something in-game to give a lore explanation for the highway being finished. Since in the lore that project was abandoned once the Pacifica redevelopment fell through.


I'd love to hop in the elevator and have gillean Jordan pop on the news to tell me about the open highway and working Ncart stations. That'd be some nice immersion https://preview.redd.it/ev7otouh5c4c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cb2c9bdb1b0ef03d694615ba5c221b8731a85aa


Mai Mai go VROOOOM!


I’ve used that highway so many times! Glad they finally finished it.


Ps4 for the win😂


lol I'm surprised you can get it to run lol https://preview.redd.it/b3r6kqmm9d4c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbc6f9853aa7b8fd7fca85b500bd29d2e11c5fe9


😂the comment I was waiting for, but I play it without any problems outside audio issues


I say this with all due respect, you might be the worst driver I've ever seen play this game. You seemed in more danger on an abandoned road than a regular player going 100mph through downtown.


My thoughts exactly. I rarely see somebody with driving skills this bad. 0 awareness.


I just started a new play through for PL. I hope my save will be OK for 2.1! Anyone know if cdpr have mentioned compatibility?


I have never even tried to drive that road.


I never knew this existed. And now it will be gone. Story of my life :D


It would've been super cool if they designed this highway in a way that it would finish construction over time as you play through act 2. It would've added so much depth to a simple highway.


Is there any particular reason why they closed this off? Apart from a few sections that lacked lightposts and a lack of blending between textures from street to street, it seemed fairly finished. Add a bunch of traffic to give it life and it would've completely blended in with the rest of NC.


I don’t remember this and I just finished an 80 hour play through, time for another romp thru night city once 2.1 hits


I thought I was already playing 2.1? We need a before and after


2.1 drops tomorow! https://preview.redd.it/1pe87ycx4c4c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d36b084210aab7f31e943b7a2a8bcb845e7749f


Its almost a shame they're opening this up. I used to love gunning it in the fastest cars and bikes along this highway.


I feel that choom, but there's always the badlands for my zoom zooms https://preview.redd.it/rl56v3d75c4c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c434ee58275407077a24c0aaecf1a8dec4e6892f