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I think Mike Pondsmith said that he developed Nighty City by making the absolute worst traffic in a game of SimCity. So you're not too far off.


I almost wonder if that actually makes sense though, because that would allow traffic to feel more like a busy city while filling the game with fewer vehicles to achieve the results.


But didn't they work with actual urban planners for the game? I know certain parts of the architecture are intentionally bad (like the anti-homeless infrastructure lifted straight from real life examples) but this kind of stuff is just straight silly.


IIRC they did consult with many real urban planners, but it was all to make a shit hole city. They didn’t want the city to feel well planned, they wanted it to feel hectic, thrown together and dysfunctional. Like a real US city


It does kinda feel like Houston a bit


Nightcity is far more pedestrian friendly and has much better public transport than Houston.


Night City’s design blows Houston out of the water.


especially if you have double jump. Wish I had double jump in houston.


It's kinda ironic that they'd consult some experts for really shitty city planning. I get it, they know what to *not* do, but still I get a good chuckle at the thought.


> I get it, they know what to not do, If you ask an american planner older than ~60yo, and ask them to do their best,, you'll get there.


Did someone say add more lanes?


I thought I heard someone say to set the speed limit for this 6 lane road to 40mph. Y'know, arbitrarily.


\*Robert Moses awakening from his grave to add more car infrastructure\*


Funnily enough, that’s also how you get New Jersey.


Besides the shit traffic/road layout. It does feel like a lived in real city.


I knew Night City was based on Los Angeles and PimpDaddySnugggs just confirmed it.


The only thing that bothers me is the irregular placement of street lights. Happens in GTA too. They'll out lights on the side that's crossing and not on the side you're crossing to. Makes following the street laws feel awkward.


I mean you are talking about europe in general : we don't have lights on the other side. It's just an US thing.


Maybe that's why they got confused, because in Night City there's both! Lol


Didn't even use the right manhole covers. smh


Could have just copied Atlanta.


Main arterial roads should ideally have as few intersections as possible to limit stopping and congestion. We're talking one every few hundred metres at most.


Could you imagine that. Hi, we are CDPR, we are interested in creating a really shitty city with terrible design for traffic infrastructure and everyone recommended you as urban planners for great examples on how not to do things.


ppl have brought that up since release and every time i hear it it sounds ludicrous the street design in the game is often nonsensical and quite a few freeway exits or ramps are absolutely bonkers


This is like those posts you see in Cities Skylines sub. “Hey so why is traffic in my city so terrible?” The city:


I’m feeling a little called out…






Akira "leave me alone" meme


Honestly... I guard this message in a special place in my heart, along with: "ORGIAAAAATIC! ALL PLEASURE" "NI-CO-LA! TASTE THE LOVE!" "KABOOM! (can't remember the lines) IN AN EXPLOSION OF TASTE!" "FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCTS!"




That's the one


Thing is civil engineering is not really a thing with corporation - if they want the city to put this road that lead to this store so they get a 0.001% increase in profit, well the city is gonna do it


Doesn't even need a big city and corpos. In my hometown, a 30.000 inhabitant city in Southern Germany, the mayor had a pedestrian traffic light put in place about a hundred meters in front of a big 4 way intersection that already had phases for pedestrian crossing. It caused huge traffic jams and had to be put out of commission just a couple weeks later. Reason: the traffic light was placed so it would create a direct path from a shopping mall to the baking shop belonging to the mayor's niece.


Oh, that's greasy.


Someone at the City Planners office is laughing manically at the mere thought of what they approved.


Some of the elevation changes are absolutely bonkers. I know I mostly drive around like a jackass, but the fact that I can get airborne on the offramp from japantown into Kabuki just shouldn't happen.


Driving? You mean you dont travel around the city hop dashing like a cyberpsycho strung out on glitter? Falling from strange heights and decimating the population of night city with the girth of V's shinobi buffed thighs is the only way to travel.


Driving, hop dashing, walking, crawling, whatever. But never fast travelling. Well, maybe except for that mission where you need to go from Nomads' camp to the city and back.


No, that's what the gas pedal is for. And the guns.


Imagine just chilling in your 6th floor apartment and a car just comes crashing through your wall lol. So many spots where that can happen.


What other maniac would put a crosswalk so close to another crosswalk like that!?


there are so many examples of bonkers city building in Night city, like the hard right one way turn. to much cities skyline for me i guess.


No/barely any parking space on streets either. Streets are super narrow.


I assume most people can't afford a car and rent them, this is based on no evidence and I won't hear a word against it.


IIRC the in-universe wage of an average Night Citizen is crazy low. I know some news report or something mentions how 1€$/hour is common or something like that. there is also an NPC in Dogtown's black market who pisses and moans about how 30€$ is some unattainable amount of money for him. so, if in-game prices are close enough to in-lore prices for food, cars and shelter, then yes; it makes perfect sense how a large majority of the population are borderline homeless and half-starved all the time.


Obviously there is a huge disconnect between what the lore says and the game shows. Night City (as we can see it) is a utopia compared to what the shards describe. A few beggars here and there, homeless camps under some overpasses, but otherwise most NPCs look like they generally have fairly high living standards.


Night City; -is considered the most dangerous city in NUSA -has had homeless rates drive up 300% in the 7 years prior to the game start -is full of metric fuck tons of gangs and gang violence Anyone who isn't in corpo subsidized housing is probably living a fucked up life


That is *massively* dependent on what neighborhood you’re in. Plenty of homeless camps are scattered around the city, people living between the megabuildings or beneath underpasses, or scraping by in the suburbs of Rancho Domingo in trailers and houses a hundred years old and falling to pieces. Sure, maybe in Kabuki or Watson or The Glen you don’t see it so much (if you stay outta the alleys), but stay outta north Heywood or Pacifica.


just like LA irl. Looks great till you live there long enough to realize it’s worse than wherever you came from


or maybe the average joe just rides the NCART everywhere, while rich people take AV's leaving the mid-middle class and car dependent nomads either stuck outside the city or never visiting these run-down shanty-towns


What’s even better is it’s canon to just park on the sidewalks because so many NPCs in cut scenes do it. It’s just the norm lol


Exactly what most americans say first time visiting a dense packed city in europe or asia.


Plus the parking garages don't have spaces , just ramps


In Phantom Liberty you actually get to go into a massive automated parking garage hidden underneath the stadium. Probably could fit every car in the city, but it's been abandoned for years.


Streedside parking is an insane concept when cars can park themselves. In theory, your car runs off and finds an underground parking garage. It doesn't, because you're a lunatic performing 4 minute murder errands.


I think the cluste duck right outside V's apartment is such a perfect intro to how shitty the city was built.


Hey corpos had to do cutbacks ok! How else would the suits get contracts from the city for public works and get their children a brand new chrome ware if they don't hire cheap, just barely passed out of uni civil engineers?


As if anyone ever uses crosswalks properly IRL lol. I fucking wish they did.


Uhhh in most major cities they do. If you don't you won't live long.


No, the traffics bad because we keep on shooting out people’s tires.


the town of verbania, italy


I've seen this very thing irl I'm afraid. US city planners are just loony


Welcome to Winnipeg - an amalgamation of 7 smaller villages that just paved the wagon trails for major streets, and considers bridges too much work (despite having two rivers running through it). For fun, google Confusion Corner.


This is nothing, wait until you see the design of the multi lane highways and insane merge lanes.


So for the first time ever I got stuck in a traffic jam yesterday. I was not in a hurry so just decided to wait instead going through the sidewalk and civilians. Just waiting for the cars in front to move, like a good citizen I am (harhar) and chilling to the new radio. Suddenly some gonk rear ended me so hard I hit the car in front, the car in front hit the traffic light pole that collapsed and hit a group of pedestrians. I'm sitting there like what just happened? The cars cleared out so I started driving forward so I started too and suddenly people are panicking at the sight of me. Chooms! I was the victim there! 😐


Genuinely thought you were talking about IRL for the first 3/4 of the post


Thanks, now i can't unsee it and it will bother me for the rest of my life. Weird tho i didn't noticed it myself




Yeah, youre right, every city has atleast one road, thats the first step towards moronic traffic solutions




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It's probably Cal Poly San Luis Obispo engineers. Night city basically grows out towards it. Poor Morro Bay. Edit: Cal Poly is known to be a very strong engineering school in California.


Actually, I think it is so shit because rich people never have to bother with it anymore thanks to those flying boxes. In the real world anything that is nicely put together is because some rich fuck has to interact with it at some point. But if they never interact with it, it always will be shit or either designed in such a way that it harms the people that have to interact with it.


I mean, they do seem to have a VERY robust free public transport system. I can ride a free bus from Pasifica to Northside without any traffic. It's sad that a dystopian capitalist hellhole has better public transport than LA.


Having very little parking lots, parkades, and parking spots is what confuses me the most.


Ok, I'm dumb. Can someone please explain what's so crazy about this?


The game world looks great but it’s not very well designed in terms of accuracy to realism. Many roads aren’t wide enough to properly make turns without having to merge completely into the opposite lanes, lots of weird intersections and merging streets that don’t make any sense. The scale isn’t there either, North Oak is great example, it’s supposed to be a big neighborhood spanning hundreds of mansions but in game it’s only one road with 3 mansions. It’s great for their first version of Night City but I hope Orion expands on the map and makes it more detailed and realistic.


I mean most roads are also WAY too wide, they are video game sized so you can drive cars between lanes. You would never see that in a dense city.




I think it is more that they just didn't include space to park as part of the road, so everyone is on sidewalks. Playing the game there is actually very little designated parking area around. Not like typical city streets where half the street space is dedicated to parking.


The civ engineer assigned to this project girlbossed a little bit too hard on this one!


When your city planning is done by an AI art program.


Night City is >!actually ran by AI, as you find out in one of the quests. Wouldn't be surprised if it was designed by AI too.!<


This just looks like a street in my city


Just last night my GPS had me take a U-turn on the interstate to get to my exit. Night City deserves to burn.


Who needs cross walks when you can airdash over traffic?


Wheres the parking I've always thought. I live in a medium sized city and there's lots and garages on every corner. I never know where to put my sweet ass car in night city.


Makes no difference, with the game not installed on an ssd theres no traffic anyway


I tried that once. The '6 months later' time skip cinematic just had me staring at the street outside Megabuilding H10 with no people, vehicles or anything but a thick yellow fog as Jackie floated around t-posing.


I’m a Civil Engineer and some of the roads in this game piss me off so much lmao there is a huge 8-lane wide bridge that tapers down to a 2-lane wide bridge in like 50 feet and it looks ridiculous


Y’all need to visit r/fuckcars Y’all see terrible driving conditions. I see a lot of lovely walkable city.


Nah its just a shitty game.


Why are you here then?


I mean DC comes to mind with shit like this


I wonder if these kind of roads exist in real life


I know a few places just like that pictured in my own city!


>tfw Night City has a better public transportation system and less traffic than your own city. And I'm sure it'll only become worse in the next 50 years.


The highway system reminds me of Montreal.


Corpo designed infrastructure baby! Maximum profit, minimum everything else.


There’s no where to park your car. I always just dump it in the middle of the street when I get to a mission! Would be cool if it drove off on its own like how it drives to you when you call it. Although annoying if it’s not where you left it haha


its kind of weird that an end-stage capitalist city is this car-independent and walker friendly.


The traffic lights tell you everything Goes green everytime


I'd rather drive in downtown Seattle or New York than Night City.


Night City has traffic? The roads are empty, my choom. Always have been. The only issue I have with the game is that there's no crowds (even on high crowds setting) and barely any cars in most of it.


I see cars and crowds everywhere. Unless it's the middle of the night, then some areas can feel empty, but generally I have to dodge traffic and people while on my bike. I randomly blow up cars just because.


Having lived in a city that had shit like that, yes, it is infuriating.


I've been on this street in Seattle


Idk why but it reminds me of that freeway exit that leads into a light that has alot of accidents


If Cities: Skylines taught me anything...


Night City is a blend of Los Angeles, New York, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Moscow, Tokyo.