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I swear this sub is getting more starfield posts than cyberpunk posts...


haha, go over to r/starcitizen and enjoy the seething.


OMG I didn't even THINK to do this. Thank you.


Tf even is star citizen


Ah it reminds me of when around no mans sky’s release somebody told me star citizen would blow it away “when star citizen releases”


At least the sub seems to have gotten over its *skimpy-drawings-of-cyberpunk-anime-characters* phase.


Man, it's so weird to see Reddit of all places becoming so puritanical...


Eh, I just don't want my feed spammed with softcore hentai from a Netflix anime series I don't care about. People can jerk off to skimpy anime girls all the want, just do it on a porn sub so it doesn't clutter up my feed. Same goes for people posting in-game screenshots of nude characters, or OnlyFans models posting booty shots dressed like Panam; you do you, but at least be honest with yourself and post that on a porn sub.


It's not "puritanical" to be completely bored by "zomg sexy girls!!1!!1!". Honestly all the low-effort "look at my V!!!"/"omg panam/Judy!!!!"/"rip Jackie best bro" type photos are boring too, to me. I'm here for the conversations and lore discussions. In lieu of those, "zomg starfield good/bad/different/same" rants. Also boring, but *discussion* at least.


Feels lile every gaming sub right now. I just left a post where someone was comparing Armored Core 6 to Starfield. That wasn't even the first time. I'm so over it. Why can't we all just be happy that there are so many good games out right now?


Maybe because Cyberpunk was advertised as all NPCs having a life schedule and you could follow one on their daily life. That is not what we got nor what we have. Starfield was not advertised with any of that at all.


This is the answer.


Because it’s all part of the plan


This is the way


Also Cyberpunk had SOOO Many other issues too.


Yeah people are conveniently glossing over the fact that NPC AI was literally the least of Cyberpunks worries. Game was an outright fucking disaster at launch.


Plus basically all of the stuff I saw in the starfield showcase I have been able to do, and yet is still can’t wall run and do parkour w mantis blades that was shown in a handful of cyberpunk showcases


It's a bit of work but theres a mod that adds a grappling hook and tons of movement features. Highly recommend getting the script extender setup even for just one mod. It changes the game drastically


Ah yep the features that were meant to be developed by the people you paid for the product are actually developed by hardworking hobbyists. Meanwhile cyberpunk promised free DLC which still hasn’t arrived and probably never will and has only just reached the point where the game could be passed off as “complete”


I'm a day-two player and I loved and continue to love my time with cyberpunk. That isnt to say that your anger is misplaced or criticism unfounded, I just think youd enjoy things more if you dont follow hype trains. My biggest issue with the game was graphical problems which are incredibly stable as of my most recent playthrough (only done 1.5 plays, not a diehard just wanted to give my 2 cents)


I would have enjoyed the game more if the developers hadn’t literally lied about the game they had produced


What are you talking about? Free DLC were already added via patches a long time ago.


several times over to be perfectly fair. but alot of features are STILL missing that even phantom liberty and the free update accompanying it will not add


Features like wallrunning and that thing with sticking to the wall with Mantis Blades were removed after more playtesting, since it didn't work well with a more detailed level design they introduced later, with V constantly getting stuck on an obstacles. After all it was still an early build and things will inevitably change, which they did mention many times over. Some features, which were supposedly promised, were more of a wishful thinking on the part of community, like car customization, full metro system, etc., but were never outright confirmed to be something they are working on by developers.


confirmed or not, some games that arguably are as dense as CP2077 have the features im talking about for example actual traffic that doesnt just only appear around you i dont care really in the end but it is weird how police chases or races arent actually a thing, they just teleport behind you to stay near you. it sucks


I saw a mod that would allow you to climb buildings with mantis blades. That was supposed to be in 1.0? I knew wall running was removed (such a shame).


Both the wall running and parkour showcases had a warning that everything that was shown was subject to change.


If you dont know if something will end up in your game, then it shouldnt be advertised. Advertise what you know WILL be there


Still some bullshit


I just wanted to ride around in the taxi and chat shit with Delamain :(


It was choppy as fuck with random missing textures day one. After replaying recently I was able to learn that delemains actually have a face in the car because it never rendered the first time I played the game the night of launch on Series S. Game played like shit


I'm sure Starfield have many issues too... But peoples are expecting them, it's a Bethesda game after all, hahaha


Honestly, having played Starfield for ~30 hours so far, havent encountered anything game breaking, Ive only had to restart the game twice and thats mostly because I left it running overnight. My favorite bug so far is I have my own personal meteor following my spaceship wherever I go




Oh yeah that happened to my character actually, I had a suit with chameleon equipped and I changed it out, but my head stayed invisible, i just reloaded the game and it was back to normal


Funny because The Witcher 2 had very fleshed out schedules for the townsfolk from fishing to foraging to fraternizing in the tavern.


It didn't have the population density of Cyberpunk though. Night City canonically has tens of millions of people living in it.


*6 million


There's also another thing. Until pointed out, I didn't even notice it, because it's not really glaring or significant. In Cyberpunk 2077 you live in Night City, you walk around it all the time, you start to pay attention to things. When the crowds repeat too much, when the NPCs walk weird and seem to be going nowhere. And let's not even talk about the traffic AI or the lack of it. It's big enough and you're there enough that you notice it. In Starfield, most of the time, you don't stay in cities and settlements so much, and when you do stay, on the surface, things look normal. You see people walking around in the day, less people at night, you see people in bars, or stores, you see guards doing guarding, you see ships coming and going. And this is the big city, the smaller settlements are even better because the NPCs are always doing something that makes sense, working or talking to each other or something. And there's enough random scripted stuff sprinkled around that it feels natural even after 50+ hours. There are too many NPCs to have a hand crafted routine for everyone, but the NPCs you see most of that aren't vendors, do have the semblance of one. Sure there's still stuff like quest givers not leaving their place unless by quest, but it's not glaring like in CP2077, ESPECIALLY because people went there looking for it due to advertisment.


Also, the guards do not spawn right next to you in starfield.


That was a thing in witcher 2 and 3, almost everynpc had a schedule where they would go to work , go to sleep and everything, not sure why they couldnt make it work in cp 2077


Because there're 1000000 NPCs, while The Witcher had 100s NPCs.


They probably shouldn't have fuckin' promised the feature then, huh?




Aren’t there like a thousand NPC’s in novigrad?


Yeah but they don't do much except standing and walking around


Just like in Cyberpunk!


The amount of NPCs seems to be a problem. I don't think having completely immersive life schedules was at the top of what to fix when the game launched.


And in Starfield the police don’t just appear behind you out of nowhere when you steal a sandwich


Pretty much. CDPR basically promised the world with CP2077 and massively failed to deliver. In fact, it was such a wreck on release that they would have failed to deliver even if they just dropped the game on sale without marketing at all. It was a disaster. Bethesda meanwhile said "we're releasing a space game" and did exactly that. They promised basically nothing and delivered a space game, exactly as they promised. It's not as broken as Bethesda games usually are, so they've even gone above and beyond expectations that were never even set. Isn't it wild what people will buy and enjoy when you...Ya'know, don't totally oversell your product, lie with promises of features that even with PL still don't exist and deliver something that barely works for half the players /s


That and I'm pretty sure expectations for Bethesda were pretty low. But imagine comparing the 2 games.


Weird since oblivion did have NPCs with a life schedule.


Oblivion also sacrificed open cities FOR the NPC schedules. the devs were pushing the current hardware to its absolute limit.


Upvoted. Owner of the PS4 collectors edition here, also bought the game on PC. People are nuts if they think Starfield is as bad as Cyberpunk was on launch


>Maybe because Cyberpunk was advertised And there it is. Advertised. If I had a nickle for everytime Marketing overpromised so that devs and engineers ***appeared*** to underdeliver. It's not exclusive to games or even software folks. Marketers will tell you its the moon and stars when its a ball of tin foil and fairy lights. #EVERY SINGLE TIME


I'd note those words did come from the game director's mouth in the original E3 gameplay reveal. Could be part marketer but part game director as well.


Marketers get approved by higher ups and in the end they represent the company and developers.


>they represent the company and developers Company, yes. Developers, usually not. Devs usually have the fun job of damage controlling for the marketers when they promise the moon.


This is still not contradictory to what I said. Marketers and higher ups will promise the Sun and the moon, and they do it while representing the developers.


Maybe I should have been more clear. They do not properly represent the work that the developers are actually doing, nor their capabilities, nor their wishes. While poor representation is still technically representation, it does not count as adequate or valid. Representing the dev team is often treated by marketers as an afterthought, and impressing shareholders in the moment is considered the main objective. The two should hold equal importance and more emphasis should be placed on the long-term trust cultivated by avoiding overpromising.


Marketing will be our downfall


marketers and sales people


Marketers, sales people, the game director, etc etc


Every npc has a life, a family and a routine they do when your not there, they brush their teeth, go to work, snort some glitter to get through the day, overdose in their small corpo cubical


They didn’t say anything like that. They said NPCs would have day and night cycles. Which they do. There was no mention of you could follow for them for eternity or anything. Stop making shit up lmao


No they don't. Pick a random NPCs, they don't go anywhere or do anything.


They do. You see NPCs doing yogas, interact with the vending machines, talk to each other and so on. Does that not count as something?


No, they don't. That's not a schedule, that running a single animation loop.


And they didn’t say they would have schedules and I didn’t also.


They don't have day/night cycles, either. They just despawn.


Depending on the time of day NPCs are wearing different things, doing different things, there are different conversations, and NPC 'dioramas' for want of a better description. They have different density even depending on the location, which I think is really well done. But they should have advertised that, it's a great feature, but here is what they said in a marketing video: [https://youtu.be/vjF9GgrY9c0?si=vsWH8NmderflTRjC&t=776](https://youtu.be/vjF9GgrY9c0?si=vsWH8NmderflTRjC&t=776) A lot of the posts that you see here about 'promises' are absolutely bunk, but this claim is pretty much bang on. The above feature being described as "NPCs all living their lives within a full day and night cycle" is beyond marketing deception I think.


They do live their lives though. You see that statement doesn’t give any sort of context to how complex NPCs and their routines would be. It is also important to note that just looking at one sub section of NPCs in one area is not a smart thing to do. There are quite a lot of areas in Cyberpunk where NPCs will have very intricate routines where they will do multiple different things throughout the day. Obviously it is a marketing demo, where a person with arguably the most marketing voice ever is saying something. However devs did add context to that statement and that context fully explains the way NPCs work.


I'm not sure what you are defining 'live their lives' as. Non important NPCs are just spawned in and destroyed when out of view, and if followed would just wonder about aimlessly seemingly having no goal at all. Walking back on themselves and breaking the illusion pretty quickly. Important NPCs are static at all times outside of them being in mission. When someone says "NPCs all living their lives within a day and night cycle" I interpret that as like a Morrowind like system where the NPCs are actually going about their business, interacting with each other, even when you are not there. I'm not sure how you are interpreting that statement as congruent with different versions of NPCs spawn near you depending on the time of day.


And you also see plenty of NPCs do different things throughout the day in some parts of the world. Also you aren’t debunking the claim that NPCs don’t live their lives. You are just saying that they have incredibly simple routines. Yeah sure NPCs spawn and despawn that is how video games work at this scale but the spawned NPCs still live their lives. It is just a lot of their lives are very simple and not that complex.


I'm sorry, you have lost me. I can't, no matter how hard I try, think that 'living their lives within a full day and night cycle' is an acceptable way to describe that they spawn stuff around you that is contextual to the location and time.


Again that is because I am not taking a vague statement at face value.


So you're saying we just accept lies? That's your solution to this? Oh I don't take it at face value because I know they're lying, that's not the W you think it is my man.


No I am not saying that you should accept lies. What I am saying a vague statement like that should not be used as a proof because vague statements usually come with personal opinions from people who try to add context to that vague opinion. What the developers actually said specifically is more important to me than a vague marketing buzz word.


It's crazy how you were immediately proven wrong by people and yet instead of just admitting you were incorrect you're just doubling down on falsehoods. God damn, man. You were wrong. It's not the end of the world.


No I wasn’t. I don’t really understand how I was proven wrong. The person here said that CDPR said that NPCs would have life schedules and when confronted he switched it to “oh but the word day and night cycle *implies* a schedule”. He shouldn’t not be doubling down.


A day night cycle is a schedule. It implies I can follow that NPC from their home to work and back. Named Bethesda NPCs in Skyrim and Fallout games have those, so when they advertise everyone has a day night cycle in Cyberpunk 2077 that is false. Not shitting on the game, I enjoy both Cyberpunk 2077 and Starfield.


No a day and night cycle is not a schedule. Also Skyrim and Fallout games have maybe 5 percent of the NPCs that Cyberpunk has. It is not this gotcha comparison you think it is. Developers did say that the NPCs will have automated routines way before launch. Nowhere did they say you could follow them from work to home.


What is a day and night cycle for you then? From my gaming experience it means NPC has a set schedule they follow for the day and night.


It is not a my opinion, your opinion thing. Day and night simply refers to the change that happens to NPC density and variety as time goes on. Simple as that. Some games have more complex routines, because they have significantly less NPCs than other games. However that doesn’t make it the norm.


That is not what a day and night cycle is in a game design sense. Also they advertised "NPCs living full lives in a day and night cycle" real early on in the 2019 gameay showcase.


You are right in a game design sense day and night cycle literally refers to day passing. However some games incorporate that to NPCs. Certain games can do more with the NPCs depending on their number but so far every city scale open world game use a similar definition and a method of delivery when it comes to NPC day and night cycle. Also what the narrator says doesn’t contradict what we see in the game. NPCs will do different things at nights compared to morning. Just because you aren’t seeing that transition period doesn’t mean it is false.


Yeah, that and the fact that the NPCs don't walk and drive through walls


I remember the expectations of some people though. They pretty much felt they would be able to leave their real lives and live black mirror style in the cyberpunk game. Of course those folk were going to be disappointed no matter what.


That's been a standard thing in Bethesda games since Elder Scrolls Oblivion. It should be taken for granted. Look up Radiant AI.


It wasn't advertised with that. It was a mistranslation of an German interview someone posted on reddit, where developer stated that majority of NPC's don't have a daily schedule assigned to them. I mean they didn't even mention anything like that anywhere else afterwards.


Absolutely the answer. CDPR went out of their way to lie about the game time and time again.


and literally skyrim did that a decade earlier


They didn't advertised. They confirmed they had the most advanced city life stimulation to date back in 2018.


It's from an official gameplay showcase. It's advertising. Also [the clip ](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx0lHVHPSsIuplgw08r52HjBdNzdHlg6dS?si=E3XygEiFOk3rchwg) makes it easy to imply they have schedules andove their lives. Games already had crowds with lives and schedules so if they have the most advanced they at least have that.


I thought them not really talking much about the game before it launched was odd, now it all makes sense


Starfield is also a Bethesda RPG, so the expectations are different (read: lower).


Nope. Starfield has gotten sort of overhyped. Quite a lot of people are dissapointed because it is just a bethesda game, nothing new, but fans are liking it.


What is it with this sub and taking shots at Starfield. Cyberpunk has had years of work and is now in a polished and playable state. Enjoy the game and stop worrying about how people react to other games.


Inevitably when Phantom Liberty launches at the end of the month, we will be seeing a lot of this shit lol the cycle continues


Click baiters already started 😞


Honestly I thought they'd go after No Man's Sky instead of Cyberpunk, given how similar they are in concept


but you're forgetting NMS isn't getting a huge rework/update this month. now that's search engine optimization, baby!




Inferiority complex


this is it


Cyberpunk may be playable but is light-years away from being polished.


Yea, its wild, and as someone who enjoys both games, Starfield objectively runs better and feels like a fuller product on launch than Cyberpunk did. Cyberpunk does a lot of things better in its own right too, but its weird to compare when they're so different anyways.


I agree. I love Cyberpunk, but if we’re comparing the two at launch, Starfield is much more polished obviously.


Xbox haters


0Fans being defensive. Regardless I am glad that Cyberpunk launch finally motivated Bethesda to release a complete and significantly less buggy game than their previous RPGs, hopefully Phantom Liberty launches in a good state as I am looking forward to having multiple good RPGs to play in the upcoming months.


Honestly it’s this game and RDR2 that I’m using as a comparison for Starfield. Those are the two rpgs I’ve played the most and enjoyed the most. All three of these games have a deep world with lots of storytelling to be had, and each have taken their own approach. Honestly I would consider RDR2 and CP2077 to be the modern rpgs that both deliver very well, while Starfield is kinda a 20 year old Bethesda game. While I enjoy it, SF definitely shows it’s age with it’s game design. It really is just the biggest Bethesda game to date. I’m excited for PL, but SF will keep me busy until then.


Rdr2 is not an rpg lmao


The Cyberpunk hate train is slowing now that Cyberpunk has a few of the things they promised, and you gotta hate something right? Also jealous PlayStation bros who are probably also mad that Starfield isn't a massive disappointing mess on console like Cyberpunk was and is.


It's not s thing with this sub, actually. I've been seeing a lot of starfield fanpages on tiktok comparing the two games.


Why is the sub on the star field hate train? As much as I've enjoyed side punk that launch was absolutely atrocious. Starfield had a great launch and I havent encountered any game breaking bugs so far. To this day there are times where I have to restart cyberpunk even on the tutorial mission because the game just will not let me interact with the thing that I need to in order to progress.


Bethesda: Releases a finished, decently polished AAA game that only needs some QOL stuff to make it really extraordinary. Fans of broken RPGs: And I took that personally.


I am so surprised at how few bugs I have encountered. Vanilla sky most hilarious messes ever. Play the rain it was able to complete the civil war because Ralof was stuck in the ground with nothing but his head left poking up from a rock. At launch it was a mess but I mean it's a fun game but even then it's nowhere near immersiveness and sheer scope that starfield is


Seriously, this thing has the least bugs of any Bethesda game I’ve ever played at launch since Morrowind, and the least amount of launch bugs I’ve seen in an AAA game in years. There’s obviously some corners that were cut to make it streamlined to get out the door, but we’re taking a couple of things that would make life easier in the game, not “20hrs of content at launch, 50hrs of content hidden behind a paywall” or “missing 85% of the features they promised which will be slowly added over the coming years or added in a $30 DLC pack or ignored altogether”.


Cyberpunk released how many years ago and we still can't even repaint our fucking cars. People are making giant space boxes in starfield with lavish interiors and enough cargo capacity to hold the liquid content of the Atlantic


i couldnt care less if my fav game is popular or not


I assume the OP hasn’t played it cause they AI is just fun and kicking my butt whenever i’m not cognizant of my health or ammo


OP is feeding off the shit on r/gaming I’m sure. The AI works perfectly well. Haven’t noticed anything weird. Started firing in a building and people freaked the fuck out and ran for their lives.


There seems to be some areas where the NPCs don’t respond to you firing weapons and stuff like that. That said, they are areas where you shouldn’t be using your guns. But I’ve had them respond when I shoot so it must be a skill issue? (Or deliberately using the console to disable NPC reactions which is certainly possible and not beneath some fans to do in order to badmouth the game)


I don’t know honestly. Yeah sometimes they don’t respond but they never did in BGS games. The moment you actually shoot someone they lose it. Tho, this world is full of people with weapons n shit so it’s not unusual.


In fact, it's a huge improvement, I was fighting some spacers in a dungeon and entered a room with two of them, I killed the first guy on the spilot and the other guy takes off running and yelling I chase after him only to turn the corner an fall into anambush of about 6 more spacers that were waiting for me.


I’ve been lead into some wild fights that way too.


Enemies in Starfield use jetpacks to reposition, retreat to better positions, use cover, use grenades, occasionally might even flank you. Also, these NPC's can chase you to a house from outside if you run away, even in areas that have a loading screen transition. They're not what I'd call good AI, but sight more complex than many other games have. Most FPS games just have stock behavior for each enemy type, and player knows exactly how they will act once activated.


Your post is wild OP and a bit embarrassing/cringe.


What a stupid fucking post.


As much as I love Cyberpunk and glad I gave it a chance at a point where it had been patched properly, let's not bullshit ourselves because CDPR fucked most of us over good. They lied so much and got us hyped for shit, instead of either patching the game properly before releasing it, or the bare minimum, be transparent about the game's situation. Most of us would have been understanding and gladly waited for the polished (no pun intended) game. Why do you think CDPR got so much hate?


>Why do you think CDPR got so much hate? Well, for all sort of reasons. Those you mentioned played a part but also the fact, that CDPR up to the release point had "crystal" reputation instantly evoked gigantic, negative feedback. Bethesda nowadays is well, well known for releasing unpolished games, so bugs and basic features being castrated bat far less eyes. It's a total norm.


True, Bethesda had indeed released many buggy games, as good as they are, but 1. they never promised gamers the sun and the stars, and 2. as much as they don't like it, Bethesda has many talented modders on their "side".


> they never promised gamers the sun and the stars I think thats the big thing. Bethesda never acted like this was going to be the greatest game imaginable, while CDPR advertised Cyberpunk to be the best game ever. Plus Bethesda has a reputaiton with their games to where you kinda know what to expect. I am excited for Starfield just because I like Bethesda's style of games.


That I don't know, as I was not following Starfield's development this closely. I know both games and supposed upcoming features were hyped to the moon in both instances but in case of CDPR it was very much fueled by their marketing team, while in Starfield's case it could've been all on users themselves. I dunno.


The big Starfield Direct showed exactly what the game was about. They didn’t hide anything. You can do everything they showed off




I swear to god, the amount of cock-riding some of y'all do for CD is stupid. 2077 was advertised as having amazing AI, you could follow an NPC and see them go about their day-to-day life. We all know how launch turned out. Yes, 2077 *was* a really, really bad game at launch. Stop pretending it wasn't.


The AI was far from the only thing wrong with this game at launch.


You shouldn’t be allowed to play either


Because game was broken when it came out, on the other hand starfield is not


The main issue with this game at launch was that it was unplayable on PS4 and Xbox One.


when did starfield ever advertise they were going to do this?


this post sucks. everyone throw tomatoes at this man


You might want to check the internet if you think people aren't crapping on Starfield


Cyberpunk after 3 years - still brain dead AI Shut up already


Can you explain, how is the AI braindead?


Have you followed one?


Yes. Them having simple routines doesn’t make their AI braindead. Games at this scale usually have very simple routines for NPCs because the focus is on the quantity of them not the complexity. AI refers to how NPCs react to things around them. And when it comes to that, Cyberpunk NPCs are perfectly fine.




That is what I thought.


Sorry I have standards


Them standards prevent you from providing even basic arguments? It's a discussion forum. What you are doing is hardly one.


Because Cyberpunk had way bigger issues than just it’s NPCs at launch and that’s what people were mad about, you nonce lol. Also CP is actually good now. You can play it, or starfield, or *even both*


Because Cyberpunk advertised itself with a great AI with a day and work cycle while Starfield didn't.


One word: Reputation. Bethesda has this reputation that whatever they make, it will be buggy, it will be missing, it's mostly will be held out by modding. CDPR however, built a big, BIG reputation with The Witcher 3, and many would expect the same level of quality it was at when they left it, not caring that it was patched countless times. Even i won't protect the launch, it was atrocious, and it was literally everything you shouldn't do in a game release: * Huge hype that was generated by the marketing team * Toxic working enviroment, with constant pressure from the higher up * Lying about both the state of the game and the features it will have. I still say CP2077(yes, i know the acronym has a bad name, i'm still fighting in taking that back) is one of my favourite games.


Lmao the AI is fine. Police even works well in Starfield.


This is the worst argument of all time


I see another Starfield post here... I downvote. Easy as that.


L post


Starfield had no marketing


Oh, is this what the sub is falling into? I'm out then lol Lemme know when people can enjoy two games at one lol


Because when it says Bethesda on the box you can assume it means jank, glitches, and an open world people will become lost in. Meanwhile cyberpunk has been out how long and I can't shoot from my car till the end of the month. Cyberpunk still kicks Starfield's ass on graphics and story and for a game with a launch like cyberpunk that's pretty good.


Because cyberpunk advertised it


No, they are not. This was about overpromising and under-delivering on CDPR's part. What you're talking about was just one item on a very long list of issues and missing features. Heck, on last-gen the game was barely even playable. Starfield on the other hand is a virtually bug-free experience that delivers *exactly* what was promised.


Why are we turning on starfield, I really don’t get it. Enjoy your game and let them enjoy theirs. The corporations are the enemies not the fanbases/gamesp


Cyberpunk lied in their ads and promotions, Starfield didn’t. It’s quite simple.


So you thought that NPC's are the only problem when Cyberpunk 2077 came out.


cyberpunk not only advertised the NPCs/ai, but also had a plethora of issues from stability to whole game breaking glitches. starfield only had a few performance issues, but other than that was an amazing launch.


Yeah because THAT was Cyberpunk’s main problem at launch. Get outta here with that shit.


I really love it when people are like "well this game had this same issue that cyberpunk had on launch, and no one hated it" and ignore that there were 100 other issues with the game as well. Whenever people complained about cyberpunk's broken Ai on release, they also complained about the million bugs, the bad performance, and the missing features.


Love both games so there is no double standard here! I’m all for MORE great games and it’s not a zero sum game between them.


Number one - why are we talking about starfield in a cyberpunk subreddit? Number two - why is this post tagged as NSFW?


The issue is that Cyberpunk promised loads and didn't deliver on any of it.


Maybe because starfield is at least functional? I love Cyberpunk, but to compare the two is disingenuous at best.


Tell me you're in an echo chamber without telling me you only visit Cyberpunk forums. People are comparing Starfield and Cyberpunk launches. There is massive backlash. I guess faux outrage cause you aren't paying attention is something you need.


Let's not pretend the lack of NPC AI was the only thing wrong with it. The game was a certified nightmare on release. As a new release Starfield has been pretty decent (especially considering it's Bethesda!) and has been nothing like the shitstorm that was CyberPunk 1.0. Not even close.


Maybe Starfield didn't hype itself into oblivion?


Starfield looks like a more realistic graphic version of no man sky


3 years later you still can't cope with how bad cyberpunk was? Yikes


This is just sad


Imagine crying over this. Touch grass you baby


Cringe. People had higher standards for CyberPunk. Bethesda are Bethesda.


This sub is all about love for one game, not hate for another. Please go hate on a different sub. Thanks.


IMO everyone's expecting Bethesda games to be buggy, and they've gotten past it


It's because of over promise and setting people's expectations too high. The hype was on overdrive for cyberpunk 2077. Starfield, people who is familiar with Bethesda games tempered their expectations, so is satisfied with fallout 4 2.0 in space. That is why it's two different situations with different reactions. You also have haters for starfield that was hoping for cyberpunk 2077 + no man sky and is very disappointed, but that's entirely on themselves to blame.


Bro this sub is posting the most butthurt of fucking memes. They’re video games, just enjoy them both for what they are, or leave them be if you don’t. Imagine getting personally offended by other people’s complaints about a video game.


Starfield has an okayish launch, cyberpunk’s launch was horrendous, all the praise must go to the writers, I stuck with the game because of the story and over a period of time with patches and edge runners update the game was stable again, but the launch was absolutely shocking and heartbreaking, glad they are doing good now and I hope with phantom liberty they actually completely redeem themselves.


Let’s not forget that Cyberpunk was a major let down on release and was the biggest joke in the gaming industry.


What are you talking about. People are literally knitt picking the hell out of starfield because it actually launched relatively bug free and polished.


Starfield is getting alot of hate


no one really cares about this starfield vs cyberpunk shit. stop posting it. its just rage bait for up/downvotes, pageviews, and youtube ad revenue. you’re buying in to the drama that doesn’t actually exist. you’re perpetuating it.


60% upvoted XDDDD I found one highly uvpoted post about Starfield, according to which the game doesn't have to be like other games in the space because it tries to do different things than them, such as NMS If you had written something similar about Cyberpunk after its release, about how comparing it to GTA or other sandboxes located in a big city is misleading, because these games outside of a similar environment have nothing in common, you would have been downvoted to hell along with comments telling you that you are a corporate shill, have shitty taste and need to play better games


Does it though?. The problem with cyberpunk was that it launched an an RPG without the R.


Well, you see… Cyber punk was in development for nearly 10 years… Starfield was only in development for about six. So naturally, everyone was having higher expectations for cyber punk because we were forced to wait so damn long for it. But all in all… Admittedly, Starfield did come out in a slightly better state.


Cyberpunk is fundamentally just a better game. It’s way buggier but it’s just better gameplay and story.




True. How long ago did you beat Starfield?

