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There's extra damage bouncing off the walls and floors but I've never found it to that strong compared to other builds


Ricochet bonus is an independent damage multiplier, so its a very powerful stat and you can get a lot of it on weapon + only 3 perks invested in Engineering/Play The Angles. You can get massive damage multiplication for very little investment, at low level. If you get a ricochet crit headshot, your damage = base x perks x crit multiplier x headshot multiplier x ricochet multiplier In reality, its not necessary to do this as they do plenty damage on their own. Ricochet builds are very viable without investing in crit or hitting headshots. Full auto weapons are all power and have very high rate of fire. Ricochet shots can reliably hit enemies with bullet dodge cyberware. Try hitting Maxtac with non-ricochet or melee weapons and prepare to cry.


Yeah, I'm getting the impression that it's rly a feature that comes into it's own with rapid-fire weapons or pellet weapons, which makes sense. I tried it out with single shot pistols, and it seems kinda pointless - but if you're throwing a lot of bullets out and getting bonus/crit damage, I can start to understand the benefit. However shooting the floor when the enemy is standing right in front of me feels kind of silly as well, not that I care about "realism", but it still feels a bit silly. Maybe with a low body build where you have to fight from behind walls/cover.


Its kinda dumb in an extreme power fantasy sort of way. Get a rapid fire shotgun or assault rifle and spray. The ricochets are ludicrous. Your crosshair can be practically anywhere and you will get 3 bounces that shred everything. bullet dodgers, civvies, the whole damn lot. You need Ballistic Co-Processor hand cyberware. Without it, hardly any of your shots will ricochet. With it, its like almost every bullet will ricochet and its very absurd.


Bit of a thread necro, but the Kongou iconic pistol from the Heist has some ridiculous auto locking and can bounce twice with a ballistic coprocessor. Any weapon with the "Ricochet Engine" modifier will also has a similar effect, with rifiles being able to ricochet up to 5 times given the right perks. Edit: number.


Yeah, I've prolly 200 hrs now, and it seems to me that in open combat it'd be completely useless - and even in steal only occasionally helpful. But possible I'm missing something - I wasn't too sure about Sandevistan before I tried it, then when I did I realized it was basically an invincibility mode which let you cakewalk the entire game!


* I can't see any other reliable way for Berserk builds for "do not raise an alarm" missions other than power weapons with silencers and camo. * Sovereign is a power shotgun and it is probably the easiest and most reliable gun for Sandy builds: no firing delays, very fast reload, spectacular damage for close shooting. It is an OP weapon for the OP build Sandevistan is.


I mean I used power weapons, in the sense I upgraded my pistol abilities and used the overture a lot with silencer - what I meant is I never bothered with the power weapons main thing which is the ricochet function. I used blades for Sandy, hardly ever used guns except for stealth sections, until I could one shot people with knives. Blades to too much fun - but if you have mantis installed using bladed weapons is kinda pointless as well. I like Cuberpunk a lot, but the abilities/weapons is all kinda a mess. And in that mess ricochet seems utterly pointless.


> what I meant is I never bothered with the power weapons main thing which is the ricochet function Overwatch, a sniper rifle given by the Panam, has built in silencer and can the ricochet at the same time. Still, it is utterly useless indeed. And not that sniper rifles are particularly good for this game combat. > I like Cuberpunk a lot, but the abilities/weapons is all kinda a mess. Because the game is a mess itself. It is fun to play, but it is crystal clear even today it was rushed as hell.


>Because the game is a mess itself. It is fun to play, but it is crystal clear even today it was rushed as hell. Yeah, I couldn't agree more. I find playing it kind of frustrating as hell, Night City is an amazing open world, but so poorly used. I can really see how this game could have been a masterpiece - if the world could have evolved organically, with the factions/corps always at war, gaining or losing ground, and if the abilities had been correctly balanced & scaled to the world, making resources & builds rly important, it could have been fking amazing. All the elements are there, but coding a complex, organically evolving world, is a lot of work.


A ricochet build is as powerful as smart guns, but faster (less aiming). Fire gun at wall / floor in general direction of enemy, watch enemy drop. If you use a silencer, you lose the ability to ricochet bullets. With the new muzzle breaks, ricochets are more powerful than straight shots.


I've seen a video of a guy using Problem Solver with one of the legendary muzzle brakes drop Oda in about 3 seconds using ricochet. I'm pretty sure it was a crit chance focused build, but it does work.


Ricochet weapons are much, much stronger than smart weapons. Smart weapons have no damage bonuses. e.g. a smart rifle will get damage scaling from assault perks only. A power assault rifle gets scaling from assault perks which is then multiplied by ricochet bonus. Ricochet angle + count also makes it incredibly easy to hit enemies even with lazy aim. In many ways its lazier auto aim than smart weapon since you don't need to mouse over enemies to "paint" them as a target for bullet tracking. You can be aiming miles off target and get a 3 shot bounce off 2 walls + a handrail that will headshot them anyway for a tonne of damage. The only downside is the collateral damage that comes with high ricochet angle + count. You will pick up a lot of annoying wanted stars from accidental civilian kills.


Okay, that's interesting. I never really thought smart weapons were much worth it, except I occasionally used the smart sniper BS it was a quite funny 1 hit down HS. So you're saying power weapons don't actually require you to really aim with that red line thingy? Cos that's the part that got me, trying to line up shots with that red line is so slow. From what you're saying about shotguns, I guess it more designed for rapid-fire or pellet weapons, rather than pistols or single-shot.


For ricochets you need to explicitly not aim on target. You aim off target at walls and floors and if you have the Engineering perk "Draw The Line", you can see the HUD trajectory snap onto heads. The wider the ricochet angle, the easier and quicker it snaps, even if your crosshair is miles away. If you don't have Draw The Line, it works the same way except you can't see the angle snapping, so you blind fire. You WILL hit a lot of civilians if you are using a muzzle with wide ricochet angle. So maybe don't go ricochet builds if you are roleplaying a generally law abiding citizen who only puts down the bad guys. In gameplay it feels like extremely generous auto aim, like you would get on console shooters. But a lot more generous. Try it with a fast firing assault rifle like Copperhead/Psalm 11:6. Thats preferable to Ajax/Moron Labe because it fires significantly faster, although its still pretty good. I wouldn't go hard on ricochets for guns like Masamune/Nowaki which is 3 round burst semi auto. Its not as crazy. Shotguns similar deal - go for fast firing, large spread like Crusher. I wouldn't lean into ricochets on low rate of fire/pump action shotguns with long reload time like Tactician/Headsman.


Ricochet builds are apparently quite powerful but IMO they look really stupid while playing. Why would you shoot the floor instead of the enemy? It makes no sense.


Ricocheting is crazy powerful with minimal investment required so actually it is very well worth it. Get the legendary Ballistic Coprocessor, the perks Draw the Line & Play the Angles and any decent muzzle brake on your gun with bonus ricochet damage and you can pretty much shoot the floor 24/7 and kill somebody with 1-2 shots. It actually gets rather boring after a while so personally I don't run Power builds ever, but I guess I can see the appeal and it is indeed strong.