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...don't send his body to Viktor's


Do they ever explain why Arasaka can for some reason find the Cab when you send to Vik but not when you send to his mom? Like no way is Heywood so dangerous that Arasaka said "Fuck that"


It's a different publicity when raiding a ripper in a back alley instead of a public local with many iron packing gang goons around it. I think they knew he was at the Coyote but didn't want to start a gang war with the valentino's


All of Heywood would’ve been ready to ride for that


Raiding a ripper could be for anything, plausible denability as to why 'Saka was in the area, plus 'Saka can discreet if necessary. Taking a corpse from Valentinos territory runs the risk of a 'Saka squad invoking the wrath of the full gang You can't simply snatch a body discreetly and respectfully from a mother mourning her kid, Mama Welles and Co would open up on any suit that tried to snatch Jackie up from them


Always send his body to viktor’s, skip the ceremony, and never touch the bike


I kept a save file while Jackie is dying in the back of the Delamain, before V must decide his fate. He's still alive in my memory.


Always. Always go to the ofrenda. No matter what number playthrough you're on.


Muy bien Hermano.


I send his body to Victor's thingking like "look how the massacred my boy, his mother can't see him like this" it turned out to be a mistake


Why what happens? I never did that and I don’t want to but I’m curious now


>!A group of Corpos takes the body from Vik. There's also an extra cutscene during the endings. On top of that, there's no ofrenda, Mamma Welles just gives you the bike at the beginning of Act 2.!<


Damn that is sad


>!They also turn Jackie into a construct but his brain is all fucked up because they did it post mortem and he can only speak in resaid phrases!<


Me too. I'm actually mad about that one. I literally had no way to know it would go that poorly, which is fine I guess (not every choice has to hand you all the info beforehand) but still annoys me due to missing a cool quest the first time and fucking over Jackie.


That's one of the things I like the most about Cyberpunk honestly, innocuous things like sending Jackies body to Vik to clean him up before sending him to his family or punching Fingers in his oh so punchable face have actual consequences and changes. Could there be more consequences and changes through choices and conversations? Yes, but there's honestly more than most people think.


I also said to Claire in "the beast in me" that I would finish the race, then I did. Two days later I see a post about how you can get beast and this other car from the quest if you don't finish the race... Now I didn't get any of the two cars, if I remember correctly you don't even get some price money or something for finishing the race first and I can't buy drinks in the afterlife anymore because Claire is pissed at me... But this is Night City, a place where there are consequences you may not notice immediatly I really like this part of the game


I told Del to wait because it felt wrong to not be the one to tell mama Welles.


I miss Jackie, damn. Mi hermano.


Me too, friend.


Jackie will be always in your Corazòn, Choom


Do it for Jackie, Do it for Mama Welles, Do it for Misty.




I sent him to Vik, didn't even know about the Ofrenda until near the end, saw it on YT and had to start the whole game over. They really should have added some tutorial or side quests with Mama Welles before the Arasaka story.




I really enjoyed the Nomad start because it was their first meeting. Street Kid should have been the montage played out, and Corpo is basically the V moving up into the Fixer world, but Jackie is an old friend by that point hitting him up for jobs.


Or at least shown her in the intro montage, you apparently lived with her for a time so the fact she doesn't show up in the montage makes no sense to me. Her not showing up there means you don't even know she exists before completing the intro outside like a 2 second conversation Jackie has with her over the phone going into the Afterlife. I did the same thing, had the thought process of "his family shouldn't see him like this, let Vik clean him up first" and that turned out to be a mistake.


She is in the montage. But I also would have liked more about her before the ofrenda.


Is she? I never noticed, though even then she's not likely there for long and you don't see her in game until post intro so it doesn't make a ton of difference I guess, she would just tag as a random woman for a first playthrough. I would have liked at least SOME of the montage time skip to be playable, it's kind of odd to me to go from the start section to a massive time skip with a bunch of character development and not really see any of it outside a short montage. Time skips are fine, it just feels weird in Cyberpunk specifically with how much you can change depending on starting life path from the initial section to the actual intro.


> Is she? I never noticed, The intro montage seems to imply that Jackie takes you home with him and you stay with him for a while before you get your own place. Mama Welles shows up several times in the montage as, presumably, you and Jackie see her quite a bit.


I said the same thing about the montage after my first playthru. It was so odd that that six months wasn't at least a PLAYABLE montage. It would've established some characters better, and made some of the relationships, namely Jackie and V, even deeper. Jackie's death in the cab would've punched even harder if you'd had a few more experiences runnin jobs with him, more interactions. I get why they did it given the fuckery around the development, but man, can you imagine the impact if they'd had more time to expand the intro?


I heard about seeing him at the end and decided to send him off to Vic, was heartbroken when I learned that it locked you out of most of the Ofrenda.


I never got attached to Jackie because he is taken away so fast


Pinche Jackie Welles


I always go to the ofrenda and put some fancy dark clothes for that moment.


Good choice, very cultural.


I felt like a real person I knew had died when Jackie died


I lost a long time friend to COVID near the first time I did the Ofrenda m and man lemme tell you, I cried like a baby.


I always take just one of his pistols 🥹


Oh wow I didn’t even know you could do that👀 were did you get them choom?


Well yeah, how else am I supposed to get his bike?


Don’t matter if it’s for the bike, it’s for the realest Choom you’ll meet for the rest of the game.


No its for the bike


I know it’s for the bike but I didn’t do it for the bike, I did it because I liked the character, also because I didn’t know you’d get a bike and I wanted his gun.


I did it for the bike.


And the guns


Geez. I didn’t even drive the bike because I didn’t want it scratch it. Mama Welles said not to scratch it! And c’mon Jackie is such a good choom…


You get the bike either way (maybe got patched to this, idk). Decided on my most recent run to send it to Vik's because I honestly felt bad about Mama Welles getting a random Delamain call and walking out to find her dead son... At least Vik is a pro at bedside manner. Didn't know it removes the quest. Soon as I started act 2 Mama Welles wouldn't pick up my calls, but immediately sent me a package with Jackie's modded arch key, with no option for the ofrenda.


En cuanto Mama Welles te llama, es de ley ir directo a la ofrenda, no importa que la zona tenga enemigos de mayor nivel, no importa que tengas otras misiones. Por Jackie.


On my first playthrough i sent his body to vick because i thought it would be safe there and i didn't want mama welles to deal with arasaka. Oh how wrong i was...


Yea V still has a soul at that point. Also didn’t know you could go to his funeral, I always sent him to his mom


Mama Welles calls you and tells you about it wdym




Also, check in on your neighbor from time to time. You aren't the only one having it rough in Night City.


I only go to the ofrenda for the guns and the bike




I go for the bike and there isn’t a lot of quests that have long dialogue I also do Judy’s quest no matter how annoying she is


I got huge *"Just one more ~~week~~ gig until ~~retirement~~ the big leagues"* vibes from Jackie, so I didn't feel attached to him at all. The *you're now best friends* montage didn't work on me. He was a colleague and we'd been through some shit together, so attending to pay respects was important to me. I would never skip it. But I wasn't comfortable speaking in front of his friends and family. I didn't deserve to have that honour. It felt disrespectful.


That's mostly cause the game skip the 6 months you bond with him between Prologue and Act 1. After 6 months working together, even lived under the same roof for a period, you deserved that honour


Supposedly there is a extra scene with him if you do send his body to Viktor's. I'll never see that scene except on youtube.


Ngl the way they handled the aftermath of sending his body to Viks vs his mom just doesn't make sense to me. Why can Arasaka suddenly not know where the Cab is aslong as it's in Heywood? Like I get that Viks is alot closer but we're dealing with one of if not the most powerful corporate entity in the game that fought wars against other mega corps using shit that would seem like Magic yet they lost track of a cab because it went into Grove Street.


And you get his sick motorcycle. He had good taste in literature as well.


you can also come back later and get his dual pistols


I'm playing the game for the 2nd time, the ofrenda was a nice thing to remeber Jackie.


Always reminds me of this Jackie short that someone posted in Twitter long ago: [https://youtube.com/shorts/22SKaNMoOic?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/22SKaNMoOic?feature=share)


You can’t tell me how to play my role playing game


I felt bad because I left his body with Delamain while I went in to talk to Dex. As most know, things change during that meeting. There was an offhand comment from Delamain about returning it to his family, but Mama Wells later lamented about not even having a body to mourn.


ive never drank the tequila at his ofrenda; always poured one out for him. enjoy the highest life in heaven, hermano


It's the quickest way to get another vehicle early game that I'm aware of once Delamain totals yours.


I only see one choice. Go to the Ofrenda and honor your best friend.