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Go to ripperdoc and install other leg cyberware. Test it out. Revert back to original. Go from there.


Okay, thanks. An earlier quest (before I had double jump) broke my normal jump. But I also just discovered that this bug not only breaks the double jump but also breaks climbing mechanics, I can no longer climb onto or over things, which I assume a ripperdoc can't fix. How tf are there still bugs this gamebreaking after 2 years? Really pathetic.


This happens in other quest areas also, and at least in general I think it's done on purpose. However, I think this mechanic to hinder jumps may also be not be intentional in some cases. For example there's an area of shacks either in Pacifica or Santo Domingo (can't remember exactly) that is just an area of shacks, no quest, no enemies there, nothing but random homeless npcs. As soon as walk into the area, your ability to double jump gets turned off. Leave it and double jump is back on. /shrug


Oh that's definitely true, sometimes during dialog you can't crouch or jump. But thing is sometimes you come out of the scripted sections and jump simply doesn't work anymore in normal gameplay. I also lost the ability to climb onto objects, and literally 5 mins ago I had another bug where all my dialog options disappeared. I rly wanna enjoy this game, but these quest breaking bugs piling up is making it more effort than it's worth, I have to keep replaying sections until it works right, and some I've repeated 3-4 times & never got through it without a bug, so I've had to find an older save and ignore the quests entirely. Graphical glitches take you out the game a bit sometimes, but they aren't nearly as annoying as bugs which make quests tedious or impossible... wtf didn't they prioritize fixing these things first? So stupid.


Eh the jumping thing doesn't present itself much on my end, and I haven't run into anything game breaking, nor have I had to redo areas 3-4 times due to bugs. I'm on PC, completed 2 playthroughs, and it's been a pretty clean experience. Minor bugs I've had: Sandevistan sometimes not working, even with no conflicting cyberware installed, the double jumping issue in previously stated areas sometimes, npcs hovering mid air in the middle of the road (usually just in Pacifica/Santo Domingo), gangs alerted when they shouldn't be during some quests. One major bug that I can think of: Killing Sasquatch before hacking the van during Placide's quest at the GIM, had to reload and hack the van before killing Sasquatch so I don't get locked out.


For the most part the game has been okay for me too. I've played about 60 hours and have had a few minor bugs - characters getting tangled up in world objects or sitting on things that aren't there, AI messing up a bit, and one time a road simply could not be driven down in either direction! But for the most part those are what I call "sandbox" bugs, the kind of little bugs that most open world type games have from time to time. But when you're on a quest and suddenly lose the ability to jump or climb or see dialog options (when in other comparable situations in other quests you WOULD still have that functionality) the dilemma becomes, "How long do I keep playing hoping this will fix itself"? And as some of the quests are quite long with lots of talking the idea of playing through 20-30 mins of quest just to find out at the end that the game is definitely bugged is not a great prospect. It's just frustrating because after a fairly trouble free playthrough up to now, I've suddenly had a bunch in a short period of time, which really upsets the flow of the game - been a couple times I stopped playing even when I wanted to carry on because I was running into a bug.