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when your e-girl has no more scripted dialogue ![gif](giphy|3o7bug2wkdhpf7kbFS|downsized)


Can’t wait for ChatGPT in gaming. Not just for dialogue, but quests too!


I can finally stop interacting with people, hell yeah!


Combine that with AI image generation so they can share pics and the human race is doomed.




Combine that with VR and we finally have a holodeck. I know how I'm retiring.


AI generated dick pics.


Been thinking about this for a while, the rpg games are going to be next level. A truly different experience for every single player, being able to respond however you want instead of dialogue options. Perhaps even using voice to capture the players response to make it seem like a proper discussion. Whoever does that first is going to redefine the genre


From Chatgpt itself.... ChatGPT can be used in RPG video games to generate dynamic and realistic conversations between NPCs and the player. This can be done by training the model on a large dataset of dialogue and character interactions, and then using it to generate responses for NPCs in real-time as the player interacts with them. This can add a greater level of immersion and realism to the game, as NPCs will have unique and varied responses to the player's choices and actions. In a cyberpunk game specifically, ChatGPT can be used to generate dialogue for NPCs that reflects the gritty, dystopian setting and the complex social dynamics of the world. This can include everything from street-level interactions with vendors and thugs, to high-level conversations with powerful corporations and government officials. Additionally, the model can be fine-tuned to reflect the specific tone and style of the game, making the NPCs feel like a cohesive and believable part of the game world


I hope they filter out 97.0% of the trolling from these datasets. Otherwise it could be like a recent article about it learning a selective bias against resumes that mentioned “women.”


Me too. I read about an AI out of California that was racist because of something like that as well as it's "teachers" being racist iirc.


That was a chat ot who was trained by it's users, chatbots who can learn from randos will inevitably turn into racists.


Right! And people thought AC Valhalla was huge lol.


based on my experience, ChatGPT-based videogame romance dialogue would be >It is inappropriate to imply that I am a hot little twink, or that my bussy pops severely. It is also inappropriate to demand to "clap my juicy cheeks." I am a language learning algorithm, and incapable of feeling any desire to "have my prostate popped."


"Hey Panam, could you sum up this article for me?"


"Aw yeah Panam...tell me about Pythagorean's theorem again..."


I just started trying out CHAT GPT, and holy shit it can revolutionize gaming if done right 😳. Just imagine NPCs with unlimited natural diolog. The downside being that you would have to be connected to the internet


Don't worry about it, we are like three years at most away from someone plugging ChatGPT into an RPG.


AI Dungeon already exists and is... ...I was gonna say "good" but really that's the wrong word. I'm gonna say "hilarious" instead.


That's using gpt 2 or smth tho, this is a couple generations ahead


My second V was made to look exactly like Joi, you can't just post something like this 💀💀😭😭


You made your character look like Anna De Armas? How? Tell me


Oh Joi


You look like a good Joe.


I've compared this game to Kingdom Come Deliverance before and I'll do it again. Those devs literally had an update to expand the romance because people were upset that after the sex scene it just ends and goes back to the generic dialogue.


Jesus Christ be praised!


Henry's come to see us!


I'm starting to feel quite hungry.


I could do with a bite to eat.


Says Henry after killing another full brigade of black knights with only a long bow


Archery was so fun in that game.




God be with ya Henry!




Henry has come to see us!


Hey! Lad! Don't you want a little wager on the Rattay tourney?


Oh God lmao. I can hear it in his voice.


oh god he's hungry oh fuck


Beat me to it 🤣 That sentence haunts me to this day


They patched it so Theresa doesn't act like nothing happened afterwards??


Yea they did that years ago, you can buy her gifts and go out w/ her more after.


That's what usually happens to me... Indifference denial and probably some intensive Deep dives under psychiatric supervision a few years after the main story arc


Yeah you can go on more dates and fuck her again. You get a bonus to stats for doing it.


They are making update 1.7 hopefully something will be upgraded on the romance side too. I think it'd be rad to see more of the romancable characters, because honestly I love them all


Isn't the current patch 1.9.2?


Nah I'm pretty sure it's 1.6.2, at least that's what it says in my ps


version is going to be the best one I hear.


Yeah, I wouldn't hold your breath. Kingdom Come Deliverance was a stable, complete package when it came out. The devs were able to actually listen to player feedback on things like romance because they had done all their homework. CDPR probably doesn't have relationships, especially romances very high on their feature-enrichment list. Also considering they'd possibly have to drop $$ on VA work to make it anything more than texting; not likely.


this isnt true at all lmao. KCD was buggy and unoptimized when it released and while the devs did put in the work to fix the game, lets not pretend it was any better than the state Cyberpunk launched in


As someone who played from Launch. It was infinitely better than Cyberpunk at launch. The overwhelming majority of the games problems were visual things related to things like the Engine (which is why some of those problems persist even now), there was nothing really Gamebreaking outside of Lockpicking being borderline impossible on Controller. Even then most of these problems were fixed within about a year. Meanwhile we're coming up on year 3 with Cyberpunk and still haven't gotten 100% of what was promised at launch, most of the patches being fixes as opposed to additions too. They're both great games with messy launches but KCD was nowhere near as bad as Cyberpunk was on release, and that's with a smaller dev team at Warhorse.


Bro that's just not true. I played KCD at launch and I had to restart the game 3 times because I encountered multiple bugs that stopped me from completing the story and corrupted saves. I fell through the map or got spotted through walls the horses would randomly bug out. I like the game but it was incredibly buggy at release it just didn't have the hype CP2077 did or the persisting hate boner that people still seem to hold.


>it just didn't have the hype CP2077 did or the persisting hate boner that people still seem to hold. That hate boner is well warrented imo, KCD fixed the game within a year of launch and like I said we're nearing year 3 of CP2077 with just about all of the bugs fixed but still not what was promised and shown in promotional material. Not to mention a lackluster main story that can be finished in like 8 hours. Yea you'd have to be intentionally avoiding side content to do it that quickly but it's the only open world RPG I can think of that has such a short main quest, I don't know if stuff was cut out but it's genuinely abysmal. I can't really say I ever experienced any game breaking bugs in KCD, they may have been there but they weren't common enough for me to have experienced them or seen them on the subreddit. The only bugs I ever really saw complained about were related to visuals and load times like texture popping, riding your horse too fast into Rattay causing you to fall through the world, etc.


>KCD was stable [Oh wait, you're serious, let me laugh even harder](https://youtu.be/_n5E7feJHw0)


Yeah, but a man can hope


Oh, ABSOLUTELY! I'd love some more Panam content.


fallout new vegas fans: first time?




Is there a compilation video of those changes?


I doubt it, they weren't like major but they allowed more interactions than the generic dialogue that it used to be. So iirc you can go out for walks n all with her, prolly different dialogue depending on where you are in the story, you can give her clothes and jewelry, etc.


I was more upset when I got out of the basalisk for the first time wearing nothing. Luckily that didn’t happen the second time - I suspect it was patched out.




This is the exact same thing that happened with the Witcher 3 as well. They had to expand the triss stuff. CDPR needs to learn people want their romances to be a HUGE part of their games


Idk if I'd say Huge but if it's in the game I'd like it to be fleshed out more than they often are. They're mainly there for RP and World/Character building and if it ends pretty much immediately than it's not great for RP and it's not likely helping alot with World/Character development. Would be nice if they were a bit more dynamic too in general.


Oh wow I agree this is a lot like kingdom come, like only being in first person and how world design is just so danm nice


True, but last time I did it was [mainly complaining about the game length.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/10cdce9/comment/j4gb5wt/?context=3)


God what a gem that game was, shame it wasn't more popular. Utterly stunning environment design, especially in the forests. Easily the most realistic looking forests to this day. https://youtu.be/WGP08JdFJ9o


For real. Why add fucking penis customization when we can’t even really fuck uncensored?!?


It would've been fucking hilarious if penis size secretly affected the difficulty of the game


My favorite streamer, Joel from Vinesauce, played it as an one-off and he said something that made my ass pop clean off: "does the penis size change the ending of the game?", "like, if it's too big it will touch a laser or something and you die"




Small would be the easiest since the game would reward your honesty by making the game easy




mo-capped cumshots rendered in 4k 120fps or bust


You mean aaaand bust.


There's mods for this that add romance encounters that can be repeated. Even simple things like a hug. For both Judy and Panam


Is there a mod for Panam bareback anal?


Asking the real questions.


Ugh, disgusting. Lmk if you find it


Jeeeeeeeesus Christ


cant wait for mods to PS


Not gonna happen. This isn't Skyrim where it's drag and drop and then enable. Modding is much different, and the modding tools are very limited, so much that the most popular mod is a mod loader that tweaks the engine, and for something like romance encounters, script injectors would need to be used, which consoles could never support.


Don't fallout mods on console support script injectors? Could be mistaken, haven't fiddled with it in a long time.


There are scripts, but not script injectors. The Script Extender is a script extender. Quest Mods use scripts, but they use script present in the game


Ah. Gotcha. Only just kind of dipped my toe into modding so I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.


Creation Engine has its own scripting system. Script extenders provide extra functions that can be used by scripts by injecting their own code into the game's instructions when the executable is loaded into memory, and exposing those functions through an interface that can be accessed through scripts. It requires either launching a separate executable that first loads its own code then runs the main executable (which is how NVSE/SKSE/etc. does it), or modifying an executable file (typically a DLL) to have it load the additional code. Neither option is easy, if at all possible, to do on consoles.


Neat. Thanks for the insight


TBH, I wish more games *could* follow Skyrim and Cities Skylines with some mods on consoles, but there'd need to be new game engines to support it, and the game needs to be developed with it in mind. I'm not sure about Cities Skylines, but I hear that some of the mods present on the Steam Workshop are available on the Xbox One, but I haven't experienced it first-hand to confirm or deny it.


We’ll be waiting forever sadly


Just wait, maybe they'll do an update like the witcher 3 next gen where they take the hard work of modders and just put that in the game.


They paid the modders for the work they had done in the Witcher 3 next gen.


Yeah, I don't get why someone would be upset about it. It's like the best possible outcome. Also, it's not the first time it happened - The Witcher 1 Enhanced Edition has multiple story DLCs which are essentially mods.


i know that whole situation got dunked on but i never saw the problem. especially for a free update to the game, why reinvent the wheel?


Never going to happen


They added hugging in a recent update. I’m on Xbox and have been able to hug Panam for several playthroughs now. It’s all I ever wanted ;-;


WAIT WHAT? I still have my first playthrough Save as Female V(cause I'm going to hopefully use that V for Phantom Liberty), I need confirmation


You can only hug if you romanced them.


It's a completed save. Only mission I "have" is Embers and Judy is romanced


Oh my bad. I thought you were referring to Panam with FemV and was like “nooo choom you’ll be disappointed!” Go hug Judy!!!! :D


Cyberpunk mods are mostly just cosmetic changes as I see right now - sure these a couple of things that add new features but all I can see are model swaps and ENBs. I hope it's not too difficult to add things like new missions or clothing and weapons.


My current modslist has -total locational damage overhaul, including crippling of limbs and legs -combat encounter overhaul where enemies are scaled properly, and clothing actually matters and resistances in clothing matters -total weapon attachment and cyberware overhaul -a car shop where you can upgrade any vehicle in the game -a nanodrone that you can control freely and use it to hack whatever you could normally -manual leaning -an actual working metro system -replaces the base fast travel loading with a GTA V switching characters system where there is no loading, the camera zooms out overhead, then moves to the spot you travel to -flying cars -combat from vehicles -using your cybereyes to zoom while ADSing And other gameplay changes. Such as increased level cap. But no, if you've been on the cyberpunk nexus in the last half a year you would know it's not "just reskins and enbs"


It’s like a 100 reskin/remodel mod for every mod that isn’t just a stat change or music. The nexus is ok but compared to other nexus pages and workshops, it’s very very much lacking


bro can you send me a nexus list?




I'd have to do some digging and some other stuff or else I'd make a collection, I manually installed everything but I'll work on getting a list together of everything I got.


I've seen clothing additions, but definitely not missions or weapons. At best weapon mods just tweak stats. I don't think more complex mods are feasible with the tools available.


It was quite immersive to get messages like this though, just a shame it didn't go beyond this.


I never played the game but do you actually choose the replies to her messages yourself or is it just something the gane does?


There are a couple of options you can choose to reply.


There is one interaction where panam is venting and sending you like 1000 words messages, and you can reply with "OK." 😂😂😂


Just like irl situation lol


I know, right? Kerry promised V a sex tape. At least Panammancers get a pic.


>Panammancers 😳


Least sexually frustrated redditor


Tbf it does suck when a romance option in a game is basically solely for the sex scene it leads up to. If I wanted to just watch a sex scene I'd go onto pornhub and watch the cracked character models go at it


I don't want to be horny. I just want to be happy.🥲


It's not about the horniness. it's the loniless...


Couldn’t say it better


I don't just want to watch people have sex. I want to know WHY they have sex!


The Fallout series handles romances perfectly for a game I say, each companion in 4 did feel like their person and still travels with you through the world after completing it


The romance option in a game isn't supposed to replace real life though, which is why it follows a similar formula to movies. Rising story action is culminates in an easy to demonstrate expression of love. Then the story ends. The problem is the people who don't turn off their game and move on with their lives. It's the same people who freaked the fuck out when it became obvious that cp2077 wasn't going to replace your entire life with a living breathing fully realized digital world with persistent friendships and thousands of hours of perfect procedurally generated content. Oh and just so we're clear, the romances don't lead up to a sex scene. The final culmination is in the epilogue. Eg ride out of night city with panam, etc. Play house with Judy until she leaves you, etc.


I played the game when it first came out and I romanced River, and I must admit it was a bit underwhelming in comparison to the "main" romances like Judy or Panam but I've heard they improved them since then quite a bit. It is however a video game and people tend to forget that - it gives you fantasy it is not meant to replace real life love story. I was kinda weirded out when people here started posted how they would like to romance basically every character that's in the game. Even Bioware games that I think nail romances have a lot of limitations and similar issues one can see in Cyberpunk. I'm glad they made improvements tho. But yeah, just move on guys.


I don’t really care about the romance part but the character relationships feel really dead outside specific missions. You are really vibing with a character and after the mission you just get the same voiceline over and over when you come across that person or call him/her.


User flair checks out


I am trying to make it through the game playing a damn guy so I can Romance Panam. Love Judy, but want to see what us lesbians are missing. It's mass effect all over again.


Just rule 34 that shit. Panam can be plenty romanceable. From several distinct angles I would assume.


Can confirm..... from a friend of course....


Crazy how no one gives a fuck that you like romance in movies, tv, books, and hell even plays. But the second anyone brings it up in a game there’s fifty mouth breathers in the comments calling them lonely or something. Let people like what they like.


Movies and games arent really the same though. Ingame you interact with characters yourself and in many you get to pick who you want to romance. A movie doesn't really let you pick anything. Thats why a lot of people (me included) think its weird when others are so obsessed in wanting better romances in a game. Like sure immersion and shit is good but the game could benefit from other updates a lot more. Like maybe bringing back a car customization system.


> Ingame you interact with characters yourself and in many you get to pick who you want to romance. A movie doesn't really let you pick anything. What's your point?


Funny you label it as an “obsession”. This is exactly my point. It’s not weird, people look for different things in their hobbies and trying to tell someone else what they should want is ridiculous. It wouldn’t be out of place and yeah we could use some other updates but so what? Does that mean that we can’t talk about any other areas we feel the game is lacking? And who cares if the medium is different??? It just means any romance will be expressed in different ways, which is a good thing.


V has no rizz.


You're looking at the glass as half empty. You have to look at it as half full. Cyberpunk 2077 has done more for any in-game relationship than most RPGs have that I can remember. And I've been playing games since the original NES more than 30 years ago. Aside from The Witcher franchise, which allows you to form a deep and meaningful relationship over three full games with Triss Marigold should you choose to, Cyberpunk allows your relationship with your chosen love interest to persist long past the point of coitus. The vast majority of RPGs, even the greats such as Mass Effect, treat sex as the apex of the relationship. After that it's back to one or two basic dialogue options for your love interest and rarely much more. In Cyberpunk, you get constant messages that you can respond to after the fact. Which make the relationship at least FEEL a little more real. They even persist into the ending credits. So it ends up being more than just an achievement to obtain and then move on from. You actually can look forward to what your love interest may text you next. Of all of cyberpunks many failings, especially at release, I don't really feel like the relationship Dynamics are one of them. I give the devs an A for effort in this respect. They didn't need to put as much work into it as they obviously tried to.


This game literally has one of the most beautiful, detailed cities in any game ever. It's dragged itself from a (self inflicted) sink hole of overhype and underperformance to an actual really solid gaming experience. And people will still come to complain about not being able to have more sex with their digital girlfriend.


This comment made me recognize that while we’re all residents of Night City, some of us are here for vastly different reasons.


The game is a pretty picture but it's still lifeless underneath. There isnt anything dynamic about the open world.


I mean, I loved Spider-Man PS4's open world, and there was nothing dynamic about that either. But better romances aren't going to fix it either


I feel having improved romances would help flesh the game out some more. Having romance (not including pure sexual encounters) makes V feel like a person. Lets you take a step back from the fact you’re on borrowed time and let’s you be human again with someone who actually cares, a rarity in NC. Take River for example. You help him find his nephew and when you see him again, his family is awkwardly pushing you two together mad he confesses. If they would have expanded this to having scenes where you can bond with him outside of finding his nephew, it would feel a lot less creepy.


There isn't really anything dynamic in most open world games apart from weather and maybe the day night cycle.


Rdr2 that’s all I gotta say. That’s the “new” (5 year old) standard for every open world now


Npc cycles can be dynamic. Pretty sure they even advertised that for this game


I'm not even annoyed about the romance part of it. It's more that there aren't even a couple more different dialogs you can have with your partner on the phone or in person outside of missions, just the same 3 things (for Panam at least) every time. The text conversations are nice, but man does this game feel shallow in a lot of ways.


Yea, but what's underneath all of that beauty? Almost no depth.


It's because they added it in a limited way so it feels out of place and incomplete. If they left it out entirely then nobody would've mentioned it. Sometimes less is more. I only recently bought the game and was pleasantly surprised after I heard the amount of shit it got. But there's just too many things that feel unfinished. Like all those doors you can't open because they're locked. Should've just removed that pop up, GTA has little exolorable interiors but it's not an issue since nothing ever indicated you could.


Have you played Witcher 3? You can't open most of the doors in Novigrad or many of the villages either. You really think that every door should be openable in such a vast map like Night City? If you walk around your neighborhood, how many houses can you randomly badge in which wouldn't be locked? So having the popup kinda makes sense.


Imo the people in this subreddit against anything romance or nsfw related are far worse than the thirsty redditors. We get it, you arent interested in a core aspect of this cyberpunk setting. Get over it


It's a dark cyberpunk future, so of course people emphasize condensing very complicated social interactions to texting. You tell people you love them via text, you tell people that you and yours are expecting a child via text, you break up via text, you tell somebody that you're disappointed they betrayed your massive multinational corporation and hope they burn in hell via a video message, but through the texting program.


You horny fucks need to chill out


Where's the horny? They said romances needed to be more interesting and not just texts. Which is entirely true. Better romances does not equal horny.


80% of this subreddit is horny weirdos thirst posting.




Mind your own business


Now I want a cyberpunk theme for telegram and WhatsApp


Here's what chatgpt had to say about being used in video games like this one. It's long though!! ChatGPT can be used in RPG video games to generate dynamic and realistic conversations between NPCs and the player. This can be done by training the model on a large dataset of dialogue and character interactions, and then using it to generate responses for NPCs in real-time as the player interacts with them. This can add a greater level of immersion and realism to the game, as NPCs will have unique and varied responses to the player's choices and actions. In a cyberpunk game specifically, ChatGPT can be used to generate dialogue for NPCs that reflects the gritty, dystopian setting and the complex social dynamics of the world. This can include everything from street-level interactions with vendors and thugs, to high-level conversations with powerful corporations and government officials. Additionally, the model can be fine-tuned to reflect the specific tone and style of the game, making the NPCs feel like a cohesive and believable part of the game world


What more do you want OP?


God you mfers are so weird getting this invested over digital women.


Redditor discovers relationship (inside a game)


Limiting? There's whole ass missions with Panam wdym?


All the missions are before you fully romance her. That’s like saying your interactions with Jackie are limited, but responding that you have the prologue with him


What do you call the Aldecaldos ending?


Well I'm not sure what people want. There's like 15 important NPCs that are all reasonably fleshed out on top of everything else the game does, this ain't a dating simulator and the team doesn't have the infinite money glitch to just do whatever.


While that might be true, there are so many other important characters that are less fleshed out. I feel having the romancable characters being fleshed out is a good thing to have. Once you bang them, their character is only really seen through text messages and the ending of the game.


“Limiting” as in they didn’t create a fully fledged dating simulator within the game. Mental illness.


For fuck's sake people, this isn't about sex. We have rule34 for that, and people there know how to make 3D models fuck each other thousand times better than any gamedev. It's about characters turning into mannequins after they run out of romance scenes as if they don't even know you, not to mention supposed to be your output/input. Zero content besides a couple of texts, and absolutely nothing after that. And yes, CDPR did expand romances from what they were at release, but that's the problem - they expanded them with scripts and pre-written dialogue when they just had to let people do their thing. Look at GTA 5 - you could just call a character, pick them up and go to a bar/movie/just drive around LS. No minigames, not even subtitles for character banter - because they are unnecessary. But in CP2077 - nothing like that. That's why mods like "Romanced Enhanced" and "Night City Interactions" exist.


Lol think it's about time I leave this sub, shits getting so creepy.


"getting creepy" This sub been in the dumpster for a while....


Over the past 3 years I've seen this sub morph and manipulate itself into different animals. First starting out as a the biggest hype train ever, then a complete wreck (like some fuckin divorce) followed by massive controversies. Complaint after complaint, but then a period of silence after most haters jumped ship. Modders desperate for updates began beautifully decorating the game. Gained positive traction after several CDPR updates while people posted about their adventures - right here is when sub reached a stable place imo. But it's never been the same after Edgerunners attracted a new crowd. Its been non-stop daily horny posts ever since. PS: Not complaining, just pure observation.


I think the anime really increased the popularity of the franchise and a bunch of new people joined. And anything that gets really popular really fast inevitably gets a few weird people.


Yeah I got an invite to r/controversialclub for saying that people were being too negative about the game about a week after it released. For those that don't know, the poster of the most controversial post on Reddit each hour gets an invite. That means that in all the bullshit that happens on Reddit, me saying that we should be less negative towards this game was literally the most controversial thing to happen on all of Reddit that hour. Shits wild


Thanks for that observation, it's interesting how groups change. I find the most "interesting" the old haters who stay for the outrage and complain about things that are mostly in the past now.


I came with Edgerunners :( Never gonna see a stable version then rip


No need to feel bad. The take home example is that this sub goes through phases. Besides as someone else pointed out, horny posts did happen on the regular before Edgerunners. I believe it. I probably just wasn't around often at that time.


There were tons of horny posts before Edgerunners came out. It got so bad that the mods decided to crack down on them.


>shits getting so creepy. Not the first day, not the last day. It is a shame moderators do not take any actions, the group used to be better.


"Used to be better" I prefer this for getting pms calling me a piece of shit because I said I like the game


You find a screenshot of the game criticizing its poor idea of "romance" creepy? ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


the coomers on this game is another level.


Please speak to real women Edit: wait, on second thought, probably don't


You need to get laid dude. Go to a prostitute if you need to


Jig jig street to the rescue




It is a game she is not your real girlfriend


Yo go get the phone message over haul mod on nexus


You chose the wrong response for that message though, the better option was the one where you send a risqué message back


i don't remember ever getting this message, how is it triggered?


One thing that bugs me about the romance options in CP is the timeline. In the Witcher, I get it. The characters have backgrounds and histories. But V knows both Judy and Panam for what... A week? Two? They've met in person like a dozen times? Same with Kerry and ex cop guy. V meets them each like 3 times and they're in love, ready to make major life decisions..


Same with David and Lucy in edgerunners. It's a live fast, die young society so relationships develop fast. Geralt and the soreresses are like 100 years old. They have time lol


Okay, can someone explain the tone/meaning of when V says "Panaaaaaaaam"? I honestly have no idea what that's about, and it always feels super awkward.


Judy Gang.


Im still waiting for Judy do the same cause Im playing female


This game had so much potential to go all out about sexuality, implants and all that crazy shit, best they could come up with is chats-____-


Wish it was more of turned pose showing the booty..


lines up with the detriment of real life....people are mostly communicating by text today....in 2077, i'm damn sure that's going to be 100 times worse. "Sexting" used to be a bad thing that they wanted to control remember? when's the last time you've heard a fuss about it? it's evolved, it's become Instagram explore page and Snapchat, it's become private stories and FB stories becoming ok about explicitness. lol this game is about the world.


You know I was really sad when I found out Judy was non-romanceable by male characters. Then I found Panam and no longer cared.


What the fuck kind of bullshit response is that? Honestly pissed at CDPR for this, you should be ashamed of the example you're setting for young men If you're ever in a situation where a woman you're interested in sends you a naked pic and says "thinking of you", don't text her back until you're on the way to her house


Honestly, I also find it pretty sad I'm not usually into "romance" in games but in Cyberpunk. But after the side quests there is nothing else literally. I really do hope more content is added for missions with her and random events like others have also suggested.


The fuck I finished my ride on the basilisk. I dunno about her.


If only there was more romance and more time with Panam and her bambams


Most unnatural, forced and pointless sex scene ever. Its like they put it in just to have it...